Categorical imperative sounds like some commie shit t b h...

Categorical imperative sounds like some commie shit t b h. Every philosophical ideology that puts the collective values above the individual values should be put to fire and swiftly forgotten.

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Categorical Imperative is literal autistic behavior.

Sick misunderstanding bro, you really got kant

>individual values

Retarded Randians shouldn't be allowed to post on Yea Forums.

autism is the next evolutionary step of mankind

Quints confirm

Kant was literally autistic. One time he tried to hold his pee for as long as possible to see if he could get rid of the desire to pee.

>One time he tried to hold his pee for as long as possible to see if he could get rid of the desire to pee.
Source? I tried to do this once myself, I have a constant urge to pee now

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The gods have spoken!



Okay bud. Go to bed.

Kant's a bourgeois liberal fuck, go read his essay on perpetual peace. There's no collectivism in his ontology

I fucking hate Americans.

>collective values above the individual values
You haven't read Kant. The categorical imperative affirms an individual moral agency that doesn't rely on the dogmas of collectivism. Even if you disagree with it, the framework of the imperative is a means towards a philosophy of self-governance, not submission to a cause.

The categorical imperative has nothing to do with collective values or individual values. It's metaphysical.

How long did you last?

not even a day, I drink a lot of tea so it was hard

>Baptized Emanuel, he later changed his name to Immanuel after learning Hebrew.

>reason isn't the most individual thing of all
EGO cogito ergo EGO sum, pleb

Nothing could be further from the truth. Utilitarianism, now THAT is commie ethics. The virgin utilitarian will harvest you for organs because muh greatest good for greatest number. Meanwhile the Chad Kantian will reject the notion because he recognizes how horrific it would be if you made that sort of behaviour into universal law.

all deontologists need to be hanged, lol muh universal law, what is this facebook? virtue ethics is where it's at. take care of your own house nigger

Except that's what Kant meant with the imperative.

Philosophy is fucking gay. i can't believe I wasted 3 years studying the thoughts of literal autists.

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[citation needed]

The secret is reading Stirner first and then reaching the categorical imperative on your own.


j'invoque Deleuze pour l'exorcisme

>and so it was, that after millennia of philosophical thought, speculation and intense inquiry into what the absolute moral framework might be, it turns out that a bunch of dudes from thousands of years ago got it right and everything since then was wrong
Virtue ethics is the most retarded tautology and I can’t believe the extent to which Yea Forums still circlejerks this shit. We get it, you started with the Greeks and never found the courage to move into anything else

Give ONE (1) argument against the cat. imperative that isn’t just ‘it would be annoying to live by’.

>It came after so it must be correct
>let's reify moral principles instead of just learning how to embody them spontaneously in ever-shifting social contexts


Americans really are the trash pile of human society

the individual is a meme

Quints of truth right there

Why must I give a fuck about my moral principles being applicable on a massive scale? What exactly dictates that morality should be ubiquitous? I don't believe in the equality among all men, I don't believe in the inherent worth of all men, so why should my morality reflect these values?

>Now in such a way a world of rational beings (mundus intelligibilis) is possible as a realm of ends, and specifically for all persons through their own legislation as members. Accordingly, every rational being must act as if it were through its maxims always a legislative member in a universal realm of ends. The formal principle of these maxims is: ‘Act as though your maxim should serve at the same time as a universal law (for all rational beings)’.

Kant assumes that all people are logical and in some way intelligent, which is his biggest mistake, considering people like you exist

Just because people have spent a lot of time on something doesn't make it more true than other things

By that logic Catholicism is the truth since people have been defending its whacky theology for 1700 years

So, I'm right and Kant is wrong? Glad we agree.


Kant literally said that after killing the Elector of Brandenburg with a headbutt tho, context matters here. They had been drinking but he knew what he did was wrong, so he made it a teaching moment. You gotta read more bro