When am I supposed to use this symbol ";"?
When am I supposed to use this symbol ";"?
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when separating independent clauses sharing a subject or idea or something
Never. Thats a fancy symbol only queers and women use.
when neither a period, nor a comma, is sufficient
When you want to make a winky face
An test prep book will say you use it to: 1) separate two independent but related clauses in a single sentence 2) separate items in a list of clauses.
But use it however the fuck you want man; grammar always has gray areas where the writer's discretion can be used. On the other hand; over usage of the semicolon is really annoying; the key to a long sentence is the usage of adverb clauses.
For example a sentence might read better as demonstrated here, wherein the semicolon is not exploited as a substitute for good clausing, which clausing is perfectly readable and even delightfully smart assy, the delight of which consists precisely in its irritatingly incessant phrasing, however overly embellished they may in fact be, if only to make the point, perhaps risking even its overemphasis.
Feels funny to say but until now I'd always assumed McCarthy was some bespectacled bugman.
This nigga's beard gotta bald spot
;or one of them can be a dependent clause.
why would you use two commas when zero would have sufficed?
really makes u think
i mostly use punctuation as a means to break up the flow of writing rather than as a way of distinguishing grammatical units like clauses, sub-clauses, and so on.
semi-colons look pretentious on the page to me, but i employ them if i am trying to express a slight variation of the same idea in two sentences that don't have enough musculature to stand on their own.
that dude's kind of a dingbat sometimes, but he's smarter than like 95% of the people that post here so he gets a pass from me
Colons separate equals; semi-colons separate approximates.
stop posting here or at least take off your tripfag
Instead of using semicolons use em dashes
because a period, was not appropriate; if he didn't use a comma, he would have had to use a semicolon instead.
it's a symbol for a söy-powered gloryhole.
It doesn't matter, you aren't supposed to be creating an identity on Yea Forums.
Fucking boomer. I remember you in that orthodox wannabe's fucking thread. Kill yourself.
you can use it instead of a period when a clause or a sentence is closely related to the one before
This is some disgusting punctuatiuon.
I was taught that a semicolon marks a pause more impactful than a comma but less so than a period. Is our educational system retarded?
like this ;)
is the inclusion of pic related supposed to imply that Jesse "I love" Cox ought to have used the semi-colon between those clauses?
calm down, bud.
kill yourself you retarded nigger loving kike