Name one single french philosopher who isn't shit.
Protip: You can't.
Name one single french philosopher who isn't shit.
Protip: You can't.
Name one single german poet who isn't shit.
Protip: You can't.
Rilke, Heine, Schiller, the list goes on . . .
All of them?
Unironically Heidegger
>God exists because I say so, I say so therefore God exists
>Pineal gland is where the body and the soul meet
Are you for FUCKING real? Descartes was a brainlet.
He was unironically a nazi.
Qualifies for being shit.
that looks like my mexican grandpa in his mexican farm
You've never read Heidegger. You're a brainlet and your opinion has been discarded.
i already love the guy, i don't need more convincing
This desu
Does he make tasty food?
>he hasn't read descartes past wikipedia excerpts
Stay assblasted, smoothbrain.
I've read being and time, tho.
Provide an in depth criticism of it then.
The point is excessively edgy without much of any great thesis, but the intrinsic dramatism of his writing is extremely impressive to me. I could never do that. Very jelly.
and yet you likely understood nothing
Is this comment intentionally ironic?
yea, the state he lives in is known for its culinary capabilities :)
The comment is meant to mock you for samefagging.
Rilke you fuck up
big yikes from me, brochacho
That is all.
Andre the Giant, who was also literally larger than Hegel and therefore more correct. your theory is objectively wrong
Agree for Rousseau, partially agree for Descartes, while he got some things wrong he also takes a lot of undeserved shit and isn't as bad as people say he is. Most of the time when he seems awful it's because of people who caricatured his ideas to refute him. Not a great philosopher but way more nuanced than what some people let thing he is.
Rousseau's idea of Human nature is bonkers.
All of the discord trannys/le-reddit/unironic ZOGed out boomers need to leave. You and your political ideology are not relevant and you are not in on anything by posting here. You don't belong, contribute nothing of value, and need to leave.
What? The only philosopher of any value from that entire period was Pascal.
Unironically Sartre. Fight me.
You stormfags are going to need to cope harder for this one.
>he wuz da nazi!!
>he suck
not all truth is powerful and nazism is fucking dumb and evil
>Liking Heidegger makes you a skinhead
Come on, user, you're better than this.
*copes harder*
>muh race
Make an argument against something Heidegger actually said or stop talking about him.
He didn't mention race. You're either baiting or retarded. Either way I advise all other anons to not engage.
Did someone say R H I Z O M E
You must be really ignorant to think being a nazi doesn't qualify for being stupid, sincerely. I say this in a unironical sense, I despise liberals and fucking tankies just as much.
>stop talking about muh favorite nazi
>h-he was really smart i promise
whether or not these are satire is irrelevant, there are actually people out there who think like this and it's incredibly depressing
Believe whatever the fuck you want, this is more of a historical-political debate than his literature anyways so don't derail the thread.
whether or not this is satire is irrelevant, there are actually people out there who think like this and it's incredibly depressing
You're the one derailing the thread.
You're the one arguing nazis aren't vile and imbecile.
I half-way believe that all the bait posters that shit up Heidegger threads are just /pol/yps trying to make /leftypol/ look bad. I believe the same about people who make shitty Fash themed threads on Yea Forums being /leftypol/ just trying to make /pol/ looks bad.
In this vicious cycle of pretending to be retarded, the apoltical posters are the only real victims. . . why?
you say that like it's a bad thing
>nazi defender
Novalis lol
This poster has been corrupted by a cancer - a cancer known as MEME. Back! Back into the foul aether - back into the concave tubing of the concave mind, away for 1000 more years - return, foul spirit, to whence thou camst! Filter your bits at googolspeed into the subterranean anti-4channel!
God tier :
Montaigne (actually you have to pronounce it montAgne with a french A, like the mountain in French because of the old French pronounciation rules)
comfy tier :
Litteral pee tier :
Meh :
Shit tier :
Epic tier :
Need to read Deleuze heard only praises about him but jeez the guy is obscure. Currently reading Labruyere...meh will see
Pic'd wrote in French
Rene Girard.
Réne Guénon
Was looking for this
You mean descarted.
De Maistre is a very good writer like most pre-1960 French thinkers.
>journalists and philosophers agree
>epic tier
I hope you don't mean epic in the literal sense and that you deliberately put that tier below shit tier.
That aside I agree except for Descartes who is more based than people credit him for, despite his many flaws.
Also Pascal, La Rochefoucauld, the Christian and phenomenologists of the early 20th century and the French scholastics of the Middle Age deserve a mention.
Pic related?
Merleau-Ponty, Canguilhem, Girard, Simondon and Descartes
Care to recommend me something by him, please? :3
protip: ferme ta jarre sale arriéré
yeah it was ironic, I only read his treaty on atheism in high school and from what I remember It was already very one dimensional. But from what I saw he became way way worst in his later books
I only quoted the authors I actually read.
For Descartes it's funny that you say that cause I posted this so I couldn't agree with you more.
B-b-but Onfray is rougepilulé!
Derrida and Baudrillard
je vais jouer à baldur's gate 2 parceque je deviens con à force de lire toute la journée.
I also agree with you on Onfray from the exercepts I've read of him and some interviews. It's not much to judge from but for some reason I feel some flaws shine through very clearly. One-dimensional as you say, the man is not dumb but he's a bit too convinced of the validity of his worldview, and perhaps even more critically of his method.
It's a flaw that seems to run in a lot of French speakers, a clingy dedication to a shallow understanding of logic, as if logic was something so natural and trivial that you can only abide by it effortlessly or be a complete retard. Here the natural clarity of our langage actually does us damage, as it make us underestimate the complexity behind logical arguments.
As Chesterton said "The French overturn the world not by the strength of paradox but by carrying out a truism to its utmost consequences". Imagine telling one of those shallow "logicians" that not all mathematical logic admit the law of excluded middle.
Based and Haer'Dalispilled
Haer'Dalis is my favorite character, by faaaaar. I was thinking of recruting Aerie and Haer'Dalis. Can't decide on charname. A druid? I love their spells.
Haer'Dalis and Minsk is best banter in the history of vidya.
Druids are boring tho. No surprise Jaheira is such a bitch.
Are you playing OG or (((enhanced)))?
I converted to (((enhanced))) on my last playthrough. It's definitely smoother
I wanted to give it a try to check the new classes and stuff, but I read there was zoomer shit like questarrows everywhere and you couldn't turn those off. Is that true?
Not really, read the black notebooks. The Jews were really only a part of the problem.
>a clingy dedication to a shallow understanding of logic
It sounds to me like a manifestation of the "demi-habile" as defined by Pascal.
>natural clarity of our langage actually does us damage
Could you give examples ? I know that French is way more clear than Asian languages but that's about it.
not a philosopher
I want to believe.
It is a political philosopher, come on user, L'Esprit Des Lois, that shoould tell you something.
>the Christian and phenomenologists of the early 20th century and the French scholastics of the Middle Age deserve a mention.
Could you name some for me look into please?
based desu senpai
does he drink till death and beat his wife from time to time?
Les Soirées de Saint-Pétersbourg
fuck frogs they even worse than anglos
lol no. Nothing is worse than the Anglo. Not even the rare deepwater Jew (know to modern ignorants as the Korean) are worse than the Anglo.
Simone Weil
Gilbert Simondon
Georges Canguilhem
Jacques Ellul
Donatien Alphonse François de Sade
Alexis de Tocqueville
René Girard
Bruno Latour (didn't read him)
Claude Lévi-Strauss
I rarely agree with that much posters on a thread.
>mfw this is genuine
based and greenpilled
Heidegger is unironically one of the greatest philosophers to ever live. To claim otherwise is unironically retarded.
This poster was very BTFO'd
It's nearly overwrought prose expressing incredibly simple ideas. Notice I said nearly, as it holds just enough back, and this gives power and meaning to that which is simple. It's incredibly effective, and I mourn its loss.
You can't meditate the AIDS away, I'm afraid
Wollstonecraft. sunk
All of them are good
>Kill joooz
>Soooo baaaad joooz are ours friendsss
Soap post
whether or not this is satire is irrelevant, there are actually people out there who think like this and it's incredibly depressing
Here are two perfectly acceptable boards for you.
Also, this. I don't particularly like Heidegger, but calling anyone defending him a stormfag is petty and dumb.
The fact that Camus is in god tier proves OPs point. French philosophy is largely shit when compared to German, Anglo, or even classical philosophy.
Strong arguments