Tfw you could potentially be the most profound writer of all time but your thoughts are too complex to properly...

>tfw you could potentially be the most profound writer of all time but your thoughts are too complex to properly transcribe

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I’m gay btw

Give us a stream of consciousness monologue of your profound thoughts and see if anything becomes clear

Gay Niggers from Outer Space

Properly transcribing complex thoughts is literally what bring a great writer is.

That is an embarrassing thought to possess. Check yourself homey.

Of course many (most?) of us know what it feels like to possess unrealized potential, which you seem to have an acute case of. Stop pretending and start working. NO WRITER AVOIDED THE STRUGGLE OF DEVELOPING CRAFT AND ULTRA EXTENSIVE READING.

why is there a tripfag trying to communicate with me? does he have any idea who he's dealing with?

Live a long miserable life.

hmmm channels Death Grips. Go on.

stop using shit wojaks for a start

>I'm potentially the most profound writer of all time but my thoughts are too complex to properly transcribe
t. everyone on the planet

>tfw you could be a writer but you don’t write even though you think about writing daily
Woe is me

Transcribing complex thoughts is what makes entertaining literature. Hemingway’s minimalist style, reflective of societal disconnection. Raging against death in Gilgamesh’s legend. Purity of self in Refutation of All Heresies. These are conflicted, complicated writers yet they expressed important aspects of human experience in an organized matter with unpreceded, unpopular styles. Maybe what you think, OP, requires a new style, or you need to research into more ways of written expression. Either way, your path to being a profound writer is not impossible and so you should stop despairing. Opt instead to keep drafting.

The ability to structurize and clarify your own thinking is a major part of intelligence. If you can't make it lucid, you don't understand it. You mistake the murky nature of your own ideas for profundity, when in reality they're half-baked and juvenile. In short, you fell victim to the Dunning-Kruger effect

>tfw you could potentially be the most profound writer of all time but writing makes your mind so active it causes life-wrecking insomnia, turning life into inescapable hell.

Its pretty good though

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DUNGing kreuger effect has captured your soul, mein nigger. DUNGing kreuger effect is basically the dunning kruger effect but instead you have literal SHIT in your brains (this is not a metaphor.) controlling your thoughts and making out SHIT (You) to be superior and have some profound transcended ENLIGHTMENT. when in REALITY. you are FAT. gay and stupid and most likely DONT KNOW HOW A FEMALE'S TOUCH FEELS LIKE!. (:???) You want a perfect DEBUNK of your """"great"""??? M I N D? how about the fact that your 811010 IQ is unable to court a human being of the opposite SEX ;) ???! fuck off NIGGEr. you are F
c KING STUPID and you will DIE aLone fagGOD.

Answer him faggot

>tfw your thoughts are too complex for journalists

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Everyone has complex thoughts. Being able to properly transcribe them is what makes you a profound writer. You're just stupid.

glubvubhf niggers aaaauaahahghghh

Even literal whores? I know i'm sounding like /r9k/ but i've always felt like (MOIST) women dont really think about abstract and metaphysical concepts like a lot of guys do

hey, anti-lit, I like you. but you should only use this trip when youre making good, quality writing shitposts.
Otherwise I will be forced to hate you.
Tripfags ruin boards. They only work if they are contained or memes.

Womanhood aside, abstract and metaphysical both do not mean the same thing as complex. You don't have to have lots of abstract, metaphysical thoughts to be a great writer. This is just moving the goalposts.