Do you use a typewriter to write?
Do you use a typewriter to write?
One day I will.
I will live in the country on a gravel road in New Hampshire or upstate New York. I will live in an old stone house with ancient hardwood floors and a yard with a very old and large tree, with a swing. Out back there will be a meadow. I will have a dog (or two) and some barn cats, and a wife and children. There will be no internet and no WiFi or cell phones. My children can read or watch movies, but I will push them to play outside. I will write my work longhand and eventually type it up on a typewriter. We will go to a church with a small congregation every Sunday. Once a week I will ride a bicycle into town to have a late breakfast, do some reading, and say hello to my fellow citizens. I will learn to cook a few small but delicious things, like the perfect breakfast. I’ll have a small garden on my property that we will grow our own vegetables in. There will be lots of plants in the house and in the warm months the curtains will always be open, to let the sunlight in.
Cunny linguist
nice thought but the jews will never allow it, sorry!
The Jews? Why?
Work it out, goy.
your value does not exceed your usefulness as a cog in the capitalist machine, which is only fully actualized through demoralization; therefore, your illusion of freedom and pleasure must be appropriately governed
>forcing kids to participate in the larp
>not giving kids iPads is abuse now
for recreational novelty. there is a joy in the tactile clack of the keys, each letter sounds like a gunshot and it forces methodicism.
it's a comfy feel
No one called it abuse, nice reading comprehension. Also, hate to burst your bubble, but your kids will become corrupted from whatever public/private school you put them in.
>inb4 “I’ll just homeschool”
Yeah, good luck
What does it mean to be corrupted? And why do you feel the need to so strongly discourage him? Sounds comfy to me.
Most people who have these kinds of fantasies are pathetic and your usual “da West is dying” type. I 100% garuntee that he’s a crossposter from /pol/ and I want these people gone. There’s nothing inherently wrong with wanting a good life for your kids, but most of these kinds of people are actual retards or idiots who shit up quality threads around here.
I honesty just hate /pol/posters
hello tranny
I want to. All that clickity clackity tippity tappity seems fun.
Nothing I write is good so I might as well enjoy writing it more.
>typing up this fantasy
>doesn't already know how to cook fucking breakfast
I tried one of those old-fashioned typewriters and hated it, there's a stupid amount of travel on the keys and it feels so slow; I'd rather just write with a pen.
There used to be this insufferable 'writer' in these parts, he would haul an old portable manual type writer out to coffee shops/library/etc and everyone would have to listen to little bursts of typing between social media posts on his laptop. Fucking asshole to caught up in his own image to realize how ridiculous he was.
He brought a typewriter and laptop around at the same time? Why?
Why yes, I do use a writing method that is inferior in every way to a computer for vanity purposes because I'm a total fucking poser.
Because he could not facebook on his typewriter. As I said, he was insufferable.
I use a phone.
you mean because Paul Auster bought out all the remaining ink cartridges for those bad boys?
What will you do for work? For upstate new york or new hampshire this is pretty expensive if you’re wanting land or anything.
I use a fountain pen.
don't bust his fantasy, bro.
Do you know calligraphy?
basic italic calligraphy, yes, and the foundational hand.
my handwriting is quite good, but not "fancy" though. I only occasionally do calligraphy for practice or for cards, that kind of thing.
why do some people love the old way of doing stuff? I have fountain pens and try to use CDs when i can. I would use vinyl if i could afford it and have a DE razor on the way. Is this type of behaviour a form of loneliness?
eh, because I'm old?
I grew up in a country that uses fountain pens in school, and just enjoy them.
I use a safety razor that was my grandfather's: I enjoy the shave. Both of those preferences I think are more economical in the long run. I don't overdo things, or out of pretention. I have loads of CDs, and some vinyl, as my father had a big vinyl collection, and not everything is available in flac, mp3 or on youtube...
but you may have a point.
A good fountain pen is a great investment, if you take care of it you will never buy another pen again. They are very enjoyable to use as well.
I'm not a hipster so no
I use a minimal Linux machine that only has LibreOffice on it - no Internet or anything other than the Office suite
Linux is a kernel
Yes it is, and it is the kernel that the machine uses
I think the correct nomenclature is "GNU/Linux", for Linux is not the full system that runs Libreoffice on, but it's mostly made by GNU tools
If you want to get technical, Richard, I agree with you.
>not using a quill
>not having a scribe take dictation
Yes, as a matter of fact. Computers include too many distractions.
nice art
Heh, Pinterest, believe it or not.