So, now that le dust has settled... why was he such a fucking asshole?! Couldn't get laid? Got cucked by a superior black stud?
So, now that le dust has settled... why was he such a fucking asshole?! Couldn't get laid...
It's always about sex or niggers with you, isn't it, burgers?
he saw the world for what it truly was
Americans are a stupidly aggressive and abrasive race, completely ruled by their emotions and negro blooded propensity for brutishness, violence, carnality and moral turpitude.
bluepilled take for implying elections aren't always predetermined
>implying Trump wasn't an accident
Some of us were fooled (like some were fooled by Q) but certainly now we know. No accident. Reading Celine.
What a stupidly aggressive and abrasive post.
Bit rich saying that in a thread about a frog author
>Born in 1894 at Courbevoie, just outside Paris, Céline was the fifth and last child of Jewish parents, diamond merchant Levie Céline from the Netherlands and Masza Amelia Kleinman from Warsaw, Poland.
Kys mutt
Or sex *and* niggers. Amerimutts are very limited in thematic scope.
Céline is not even his real family name, you pretentious /pol/tard.
at least you tried
If he was really a jew his works would actually be good
>you pretentious /pol/tard.
Nice false flagging, trannypol
t. butthurt /pol/fag
Céline is one of /pol/'s favorites you dumb kike
>tranny so upset by based jew identifier user that he attempts to undermine his importance and legitimacy
If only! It would be hilarious
Then why pretend he's a Jew, you numbnuts? Just misguided and chaotic nonsense à la /pol/?
/pol/ is a tranny Nazbol board
what do you have against the people who enjoy his books?
lmao this pic
the man was a doctor who helped poor people for free. fuck you and your silly middle-class morals,
summer came early