Why do postmodernists hate him?
Why do postmodernists hate him?
>postmodernists hate him
don't postmodernists just hate everything?
i dont even know what postmodernism is tbqh.
Foucault, Derrida, Marcuse
Sure he's kooky when it comes to his Catholic musings, but once you see him as he saw himself, that is a sucular stoic with a sense of rhyme, his poesy serves something similar to some essays I've skimmed by the above mentioned men.
The twentieth century proved Leibniz was right and Newton wrong.
>Foucault, Derrida, Marcuse
Bugs... easy on the S's
they HATE him cuz they AINT him
can't stand his translation of the Odyssey. It seems to have aged like milk. dunno why people hold it as the superior form today except maybe for the pseud cred.
He didn't write his Odyssey. People usually praise his Iliad. Try Chapman's Odyssey.
Deleuze was a big fan
Some say so... still, seeing this post spawned such assorted positions, can you supply some sort of source?
Do I really need to do all the work for you?
>dude just read through their oeuvres to find something I could have just made up
>dude just read through their oeuvres to find something I could just research myself
>dude greentext and wojak
Nice argument
>we were having an argument
I'm not him
KEK. At least give that user a book as your reference.
good for you
I have it on good authority (William Gass) that it's true
Thank you
you're welcome