We MUST stick together
We MUST stick together
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>the least fun and most pretentious boards
great match desu
why are /fa/ggots with the most expensive wardrobe always asian manlets?
Sorry I'm /x/ Yea Forums /k/ Yea Forums and I hate jews and all shitskins and bugs though nu-/pol/ is unusable
Asian girls look pretty good desu
Even below average ones go up two points because of how well they they care of themselves
Im pretty sure that /pol/ and /r9k/ are the real friends.
true elite is /fitlit/ and Yea Forums
Yea Forums and /fa/ are just for annoying teens
>Yea Forums
>Yea Forums
the true patrician trio
Desperate and constant status signalling is baked into their DNA
The most recent wave of intelligent and hardworking immigrants come from India and Asian countries (also a good amount from countries like Ethiopia). Tricked by the illusion of America being a place where hard work. culture, and critical thinking are valued, they outpace the largely lazy and retarded populace amassing a reasonable wealth. They have children who after a generation or so fall victim to the vapid consumerist culture, no longer engaging the values of their predecessors. All wealthy countries benefit from importing educated immigrants by producing an apparition of opportunity while their own communities are destroyed by an insidious culture of ignorance.
So yeah a lot of young Asians have rich parents
haha lol xd
nah, we can have /fa/ but please not Yea Forums
you all need some /an/
/pol/ and /lgbt/ you mean
Informed post.
If you watch sports you are an unironic cuckold
kys tranny freak people are visibly repulsed and recoil from you daily
Yea Forums
I love blacked.com
>Yea Forums
We are the harbingers of the end times for modernity. Neoliberals beware!
Any self repsecting man should restrict his use of Yea Forums to /sci/ and Yea Forums
/fit/ is the gayest board on Yea Forums
you have to go back
woke on mu and fa but mistaken on sp im afraid mister
if you're so much better than us then why do you hang out with "losers"
homosensualism is not gay
those were my first three boards
no idea why I'd go on /fa/ when I've never been interested in fashion
I remember a few people there memed an uncreative joke I made for like a day and me being smug about that
"""good""" times
replace /fa/ with Yea Forums
Yea Forums /sci/ /ck/ is the true trilogy
looks like it's about time you fucked off back there diddle brains
/ck/ is a fast food shilling circle jerk
>he doesn't make a woman cook 99%+ of all meals
/ck/ is the thinking man's Yea Forums
my mom cooks for me too user ^-^
for me it's /g/, Yea Forums and Yea Forums
Yea Forums is too pleb. They have shit taste.
if you filter capeshitters and starshitters, Yea Forums has great taste in movies.
Actually it's Yea Forums and /jp/
No really user, if you don't have a live-in gf who cooks the vast majority of your meals you're a retard and a loser
The hipster trifecta.
why do i need that when my mum cooks for me?
>thinking the point of Yea Forums is "taste in television and movies"
It's Yea Forums3.0 since /pol/ shit the bed with a tv THEME you reddit faggots. If you actually watch tv or the silverberg screen you are the king of retards.
I really inly browse lit and trv for travel tips sorry
Yea Forums is unironically 21 year olds.
And when i say unironically, I mean that that's actually the mean age of the board. It's not good in any way, as far as I can tell?
Seems way younger desu
/fa/ and Yea Forums are all faggy teens that should be executed
21 is def being generous. most post like theyre 16. sickening.
Reminder if you have ever used Yea Forums or share any noticeable percentage of taste with the trends of that board you are insufferable and everyone who knows you wishes you were dead
21 is being extremely generous user.
/fit/, Yea Forums, Yea Forums is the approved trifecta
Actually I honestly prefer /g/ more than Yea Forums nowadays though I probably like music more than technology
fuck Yea Forums and fuck /fa/
they are pseud boards, and anyone here from those boards should go back and stay there.
it's for entertainment considering it's by far the funniest board
>When you have a tigermom you are not allowed to do fun stuff like partying and drugs, but she still allows you money - so you use a lot of energy on /fa/ to avoid coming across totally autistic.
This is what i imagine - but I'm not asian...
Yea Forums is complete trash besides a few generals like /classical/ and /metal/.
I cannot stress this enough
fucking teenagers are polluting this board with their shitty 'is X lit' and 'i want to fuck art hoes. books for this feel?' threads
/fa/ and Yea Forums containment boards for stupid kids
>he actually goes to Yea Forums
>he plays electric guitar
>he starts debates with people about how metal is the spiritual successor to classical
please, please shoot yourself in the head
underage /fa/ggots and sch/mu/cks should leave and never return to his board or Yea Forums
you are not welcome
/bleep/ too if you like bong shitposting
>Yea Forums is unironically 12 year olds.
fixed that for you
Yea Forums + /o/ + /wsg/
what does that say about me?
>meaningful posting
Yea Forums, /fit/
Yea Forums
>occasional none-of-the-above
/fa/, /g/