This fat fuck is going to die before finishing the books, isn't he???

This fat fuck is going to die before finishing the books, isn't he???

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books number two and three came out two years after each other, then five years, six, and now we have been waiting 8 years.
If he continues like this we'll get book six, but not seven.

If I don't get dubs: yes.

I remember reading that he has a lot of material written and it would released in case he dies.

Fuck this guy, fuck him hard. He dropped the ball so hard, I'm mad as fuck just thinking about him and his stupid ass series that will never be properly finished

Take a wild guess.

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Growing up is realizing that his series was shit anyway

Note to self, never buy a used trampoline

ya and you fags have been crying about it since 2004

I hope so

is this canon?

Don't you fags realize that he wants to die before he finishes the series. He created too many story lines and now he doesn't know how to tie it together. If he passes away before he finishes the final book there will be obituaries praising him as an equal to Tolkien. He will prevent exposing himself as a hack that he truly is.

He has the ending written down already.

Guy probably burned himself out trying to figure out how he's going to wrap up the series after killing off so many important characters.

this guy gets it. in addition to that he made his money selling the series to HBO- he doesn't give a damn anymore.

>He created too many story lines and now he doesn't know how to tie it together.

No, he literally has the ending finished already. He's just trying to push the story out for all it's worth by adding a lot of other trash no one cares about and making it go on forever.

Is it even possible natty?

Lol just like Harry potter

only if we're lucky

Just because he has an ending in mind doesn’t mean that he knows how to get there u imbecile

virgin fat fuck grrm

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I second this

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