The pages are stuck together. She made half an English trifle and half a Shepard’s Pie

>The pages are stuck together. She made half an English trifle and half a Shepard’s Pie

How is this even remotely plausible?

Attached: 74C3EE63-EC10-4900-89EE-19CBE6EF60C3.jpg (600x450, 55K)

>a man goes down the toilet to recover his harmonica

How is this even remotely plausible?

What the absolute fuck are we talking about?

Is this bait or something? The recipes run over multiple pages.

>The boards are stuck together. user makes a Yea Forums post on Yea Forums
How is this even remotely plausible?

What is the Friends of literature?

It’s not. It’s just a dumb joke for a shitty TV show

Harry Potter


Rachel was experimenting with culinary existentialism.

Rachel was a slut who didn’t care.

best thread on Yea Forums atm

Star Wars books.

They should have just eaten the cream.

jonathan frnazen

>pot made of glass


excuse me, but WHERE did she read the recipe FROM hm?

John Grisham

What was Joey’s opinion of Wittgenstein.

What kind of shit third world country do you live in where you don’t have glass bowls?

Spinoza’s Ethics

Bowls yes, but it looks like a fucking pot, and culinary instruments typically aren’t made of glass for obvious reasons.

It’s a trifle bowl and it’s aleays made of glass you fucking third worlder.

>SS joey tribbiani is breaking into homes and searching for jews
>hears a creak in the floorboards up above
>"what was that?"
>pops open the attic to find ann frank writing in her journal
>she turns around, scared
>joey smirks, tilts back his head
>"how you doin?"

None of this is funny.

Would watch.


Of she had trouble with that I would love to see her tackle House of Leaves.

I’d also love her to shit In my mouth.

>22 replies omitted
Not a single picture of her nipples poking through her top. When did being straight make me a minority on this board?

what is implausible about that

Some of us are here on Yea Forums to discuss television shows, thank you very much.

Because it’s obviously retarded

I realize that you get all of your cookware from the village potter pajeet, but the use of glass containers is a part of culinary tradition in many advanced countries.

The Iliad

with a handle???????

i aint ever seen one of these bad boys in bongland

Rachel canonically has autism

the handle is obviously pertaining to some other instrument behind the glass bowl that gets blocked from the shot

Everyone in Friends is a Jew. It’s just like Seinfeld.

They have their token Italian guy who acts like a dumbass I guess. But Matt Leblanc also looks Jewish, not Italian.

So you know... all Jews

Now you’re grasping for straws. I raised a legitimate error in the scene with the glass pot. Those don’t exist.

I'd marry Phoebe, fuck Monica, and kill Rachel

the handle in her hand?? the glass bowls i see never have a horizontal handle like that

u insane boy. kill pheobe, marry rach and fuck moneeco

>marrying the retarded spoiled bitch
no thx

dont care, i wanna make sweet, sweet love to that nipply goddess for a solid 3-6 months before the honey moon period wears off and she no longer wants to fug

Big Bowls.

This is the postmodernism you think of when your thinking is about postmodernism isn't it?

Monica is much hotter than that donkey

Attached: 1551651426496.gif (367x219, 523K)

she's CLEARLY holding a knife, not a handle. there's no connection with the bowl

MOREOVER, assuming that what she's holding actually is the bowl's handle (it is not), she's evidently holding it towards the camera, so the bowl logically should be in the forefront, but it is clearly behind her.
checkmate, handlefags.

they have shepherds pie in america?