I want to get into philosophy. Should I:
A. Read a history book describing the anthology of Western philosophy
Or should I just dive straight into the real thing and start with the Greeks where I can:
B. Read the complete works of Plato
C. Read the most essential of his dialogues, move on to someone else and come back to him later
D. Start somewhere else
I want to get into philosophy. Should I:
you people really want everything served, not even a fucking search.
But here you are:
read a history book and read Plato's more straightforward dialogues like Euthyphro and The Apology
What a detailed, in depth guide. I didn't even know it existed. Thank you for the reference.
It's a shame I don't have the money or the space to buy the majority of them. I read on a Kindle. Do you think I'd able to retain the information all the same? Any recommendations?
You don't really need to read the complete works of Plato to 'get into' anything, the works regarding the Trial and Death of Socrates & the Republic are perfectly fine to get started and you can read the rest later
I think people here sperg out a lot about having to read every essential primary work in sequential order when you're just going to burn out like that. Start with what interests you (a good overview of phil is a decent start) and get started there and make use of secondary texts to explain the context and assist your understanding.
Any recommendations for a history/overview?
Start of by reading a textbook about logic.
What's going on in that picture?
Start by thinking about the big questions yourself SERIOUSLY for a while
If you go into my History folder there are some alright basic books right at the front. Also most of what you'd want to read through the ages if you focus on a particular figure.
>D. Start somewhere else
"Start with the greeks" is a meme. Just start with any author you want and then work your way back and forward. Ask yourself a philosophical question and search an answer in a philosopher that wrote about that
Dumb as fuck.
Why would you read Birth of Tragedy if you've never actually read the Greek works it is centered around? You don't, unless you're an illiterate fucktard.
C is good, and are good too.
Plato: Last Days of Socrates is the best place to start.
Then read whatever looks interesting to you user; it’s best to always keep one foot in the Greeks though even if you do jump around.
The real question is why would you read Birth of Tragedy when you could read something more accessible and closer to your daily life. If you want to be an expert and a scholar of western philosophy fine, start with the greeks, but if you want philosophy to help you understand the world you live in fuck the greeks, go read Baudrillard or something
Pick a topic that interests you such as epistemology, ethics, politics, logic, the mind or language and then read influential thinkers old and new. After learning some stuff from a particular topic, fan out and learn other stuff.
Cherry pick. Most of philosophy is trash and not worth reading. Be eclectic and have depth.
The process of reading anything substantial will necessitate asking questions and reading other thinkers. If you think that you need to understand everything to read something makes you a pseud.
Here's a question: What do you really want to get from philosophy? Do you want to learn about the big, basic issues in Western philosophy (free will, the mind-body problem, the possibility of knowing the truth, morality, God's existence, the meaning of life), or do you just want to post on Yea Forums about Kant, Deleuze, and whoever the meme of the month is right now? Do you want to know about philosophers, or do you want to know about philosophy? Do you want philosophy because you think it can be useful for you? Or because you earnestly want to learn about different topics, the way you would about anything else, like Calculus or Physics?
If you want to read about philosophers, there's plenty of books and articles out there that'll teach you about some prominent ideas handled by famous philosophers (like Plato's virtue, Kant's transcendental ideas, or Heidegger's Being-in-the-world).
If you just want self-improvement, you could read Epicurus and Epictetus, and get done with it.
If you want an answer to everything, you could read Plato's Republic, Aquinas' Summa Theologiae, or Wittgenstein's Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus.
Alternatively, if you want to learn about the big issues in philosophy through great works, you could read Descartes' Meditations on First Principles for the mind-body problem, the possibility of knowing the truth, and God's existence, Plato's Crito, Meno, and Gorgias, or Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics or Mill's Utilitarianism for different views on ethics, Hume's Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion for a few opposing views on whether or not God might exist, and either Camus' Myth of Sisyphus or Frankl's Man's Search for Meaning for the meaning of life.
Mom drove her to the cosplay convention. Sober at the time I hope.
>tfw no gf
Thank you. I saw your post before about this collection. It's a great resource
This makes sense. It'd be too difficult and time consuming to go through the entire fuckton of philosophical writings
There's different things I'm interested in. I'd like answers, or at least something close to an answer, to questions I have and have been thinking of (the nature of existence, the meaning of life, what defines morality, etc); things I'm curious about but don't possess the intellectual faculty to answer. I want to develop and continue to form my perception of my existence.
Also, I'd like to at least know what people are talking about in threads about this stuff. Not for shitposting or memes but because sometimes you actually find interesting discussions in these threads and it's interesting to hear someone else's opinion on something
Sorry if it sounds silly or naive