How to have the content of your outer voice as organised as your inner voice in the head?

How to have the content of your outer voice as organised as your inner voice in the head?
Has any of you anons figured it out?

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i have this problem, i don't think it can be solved desu, there's wires crossed or something

Have you considered that your inner thoughts are just not that organized?

I wouldn't have felt the difference and made this post if they weren't.


Wow it's almost like you need to learn to communicate something to really understand it. Someone should write a book on this new and yet to be investigated phenomenon!

'...inability to recognize deficits despite potentially making error after error'
Key point: despite potentially making error after error.

Thinking is easy compared to speaking. It's playing a different instrument, the (you) instrument. The better a voice, the harder to believe it. Stutter with a lisp, babble between sentences, and have your mouth full. Might not sound great but it makes for a memorable speech. If you want people to listen, use less words. Say words like they're in bold text. Italics is for the bedroom.

Me too. My mind is broken.

By 'better voice', do you mean flowing, non-jittery type of talk?
That's a positive, why would that be non memorable?

This desu

Is the premise of the thread that thoughts are organized? If so, I'd argue to the extreme opposite. Thoughts stream in and go on tangents continuously.

>write play at uni
>one of the best things I've ever written
>give it to people to read, they praise it highly
>go to pitch it to the theatre society
> it's quite zeitgeisty so they should be all over it
> I make a detailed plan about what I want to do with the production
>spent a few months writing the play, I know it inside out
>feeling super confident
>sit in pitch meeting
>"so user, what's your play about?"
>"well it's er... it's about these two.. It's set at a university and there's two students, jack and err................ she, er, Laura and they're both, well see there are these protests going on and Jack he's like he's, you know, well they are both like not sort into it, well not not into it, sort of detached from the err but something happens and things, laura is not, doesn't... you know"
>this goes on for five minutes
>most of them stop looking at me after two minutes
>one of them looks on the verge of sympathetic tears
>my time is up, I don't even finish explaining the plot
>I walk out into the cold December night, swearing loudly like a schizo
>get to the train station, realize that in my hurry to get out I left my coat and bag in the room
>walk half a mile back and have to go back into the room where another much more successful pitch is happening
>"s-sorry just left my bag haha"
>they ignore me
That was the night I realized I was beyond help. Recall is everything.

So you went to pitch your play without practicing *what* are you gonna say to pitch your play?

I've been typing for years, even as a young teen I'd write paragraphs and paragraphs and paragraphs. Now, in my late 20s, I've got over a third of a million words self-published, possibly over 400,000. Well, if we include all pseudonyms, yeah I feel confident it's over 400,000. My writing speed a couple years back was about 2000 words per hour, but now I fairly consistently manage a bit more than that, even at times reaching 2500+ words per hour. I've got an expansive vocabulary, and an expansive cock. When I type, I can just think freely and let my fingers do the talking. It's not as fast as my actual imagination of course, since I've sometimes found interesting or funny visuals and contexts in my head that just appear seemingly instantaneously but then if I type it out for someone, it takes several minutes.

Still, I do believe that by mastering the ability to type quickly, accurately, and with plenty of vocabulary-based detail so that your words are representing your thoughts as accurately as possible... then you can accurately transfer and translate your inner voice that way.

If you're a woman, though, you're fucked.

Don't mind that; I enjoy edgy politically incorrect humour.

A word of advice. Don't include the fact that you made a joke after you made a joke.

Everyone knows the best jokes are ones you have to point out and/or explain. You clearly don't have an expansive cock.

I made a plan, I just couldn't recall it. Bear in mind, they only asked one question which was about the plot which I should have been able to recall coherently without extensive rehearsal.

the best jokes are self explanatory

talented at writing greentexts dezu

I don't know how far that talent is going to take me

Your inner voice just isn't that organized. It's full of holes that you fill with images, references to memories and unspoken implications. Your outer voice can never be that expressive unless you invent telepathy.

But you can train to make it more coherent and expressive. The simplest way is just putting some effort into making arguments in your head that are entirely composed of words and then try to interpret them from an outside perspective. Adapt them until they express what you actually want to say. Another good exercise is writing down your thoughts. Writing quite literally forces you to express everything in words.

>It's full of holes that you fill with images, references to memories and unspoken implications
Didn't think it like that. Interesting.
But here's the thing, even when you think in terms of sentences, better expressions with better vocabulary forms in your head than at your mouth.

Well nervousness also has an effect. If you are fully concentrated on your thoughts then you can put all of your mental capacity towards your expression.

On the other hand if you are talking to someone in real life and you are nervous, you get distracted by your facial expressions, your pronunciation, your gestures and maybe also the facial expressions and reactions of the people around you. Then you are obviously not going to be as expressive as you could be in your head because your brain is preoccupied with other unnecessary computation.

If that is the problem, then the solution is simply to give less of a fuck. Put everything except your speech on auto-pilot.

Who is this Jizzom Jezebel ?

> the solution is simply to give less of a fuck. Put everything except your speech on auto-pilot.
To clarify on the last part. Obviously pay attention to the person you are talking to or you are just holding a monologue. But only talk to one person at a time and don't over-analyze.

>Put everything except your speech on auto-pilot

Most people does leave their speech on auto-pilot and it turns to be disastrous for most.

Just a wallpaper I found.


My thought process is much like a web diagram, concepts that relate to each other. When I try to express these concepts, I have to figure out the words that go between. It appears as this:

[My] [thought process] is much like a [web diagram]. [concepts (abstract thoughts, the idea of something not itself real)] that [relate] [to "each other"]. When I try to [express] these [concepts (to others)], I have to "figure out" the [words] that go [between (to fill the gap that creates lack of clarity)]

I've learned to accept that I will never be able to speak as I write, and that any eloquence that might appear in my writing will never be properly translated verbally.
How can I get over the problem of "hurr you didn't really write this, it's too complicated for you to have written this?"

I'll pay you .005 neetbux per shitpost

the fuck you tryna ex[ress gime one abstract thought lil nigga maybe your too stuck in the mind imagining imagining

basedest post ITT

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Is it a problem that my inner monologue is a confused mess most of the time, but I can communicate and socialize articulately through habit?

>do you have mega autism

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this is the same shtick every time you post. find a new niche you fucking nigger

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you have god awful taste in thots, please fuck off already

>inner monologue is schizophrenic not even sure my own inner monologue is generated by myself sometimes
>no one knows im secretly insane because i can just ignore it now

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dont tell me what to fucking do you fucking retard ill kick your FAT FUCKING ASS



If this is the response I get, maybe I should go to a therapist lmaooo.

bill burr, is that you mate?


you sound like you've got a fat stomach


your favorite writer probably didn't know how to properly speak either,

Not much of a comfort. How do I overcome this?

tried, i just sound like a navelgazing spaz

Oscar Wilde was a good auditor, maybe start by sucking some penises

very good, now do alex jones doing ralph northam

ha ha ha ha ha ha xd ha ha ha ha


Take your time when speaking.