Books to help a person accept that they have wasted their youth/life?
Books to help a person accept that they have wasted their youth/life?
If you had done the thing you wish you had done, you would still feel that you wasted your life. Regret is the only sure thing.
Read Either/Or and The Sickness Unto Death
unironically One Day by Solzhenitsyn. godspeed user
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"The Remains of the Day."
"Stoner" for sure.
OP, thanks for the recs so far.
just have a kid and teach them not to fuck up like you
thats the only real solution. books are just cope
Drink copiously and watch tv
My Diary desu
Who cares, use the time you have now or you will say the same later
never surrender
Whether or not you allow the past to negatively affect your life is your choice, OP. It cannot affect you if you do not allow it to. The only thing you can control is the present, and you can do with it whatever you choose.
OP here, didn't expect this thread to still be up.
Thanks for the recs/advice.
The Tartar Steppe
There is always someone less fortunate than you, it could always be worse so be grateful for the good things you do have.
Unless you're literally the least fortunate person in the world, right?
but even if you get a grip, you'll never experience the past.
if you have access to internet you are most likely not the least fortunate person.
Well it's all relative and opinion based, there's no objective measure of "least fortunate" I don't think so at least.
>because access to 4channel is a positive
Dont want to create a new thread for this question but does book reading make you smarter or it's just glorified hobby?
depends what books
it also makes you educated, which if you were smart, you'd already know
>makes you educated
even if you only read non-fiction?