what are some books that BTFO western society and spit on it in disgust? disgust with cacapitalism, christianity, and their its sense of with egalitarianism, individualism, and "freedom" in the neo-liberal sense
What are some books that BTFO western society and spit on it in disgust? disgust with cacapitalism, christianity...
nietzsche, deleuze
That's Anti-Oedipus for you
>egalitarianism, individualism
Brainlets please leave
The Saudi Constitution my brother in Islam.
In Atomised Houellebecq makes a lot of points about neo liberalism and the 68 left
isnt delooze a neo-lib?
bitch looks like gosh darn dachshund
Hmm, I wonder what her body was made for?
not even close
Everything by the Kyoto School
Disgust with Christianity?
can you give me some names plz
Some kind of furniture
Nietzsche and MacIntyre might be what you're looking for.
Some Kind of Monster
maybe for disgust with capitalism and contemporary economics/politics but certainly not christianity and more traditional western civ
How about the inverse of this? What OP just described is status quo normie-shit. I want to learn why what my forefathers fought for is great.
Are there any that don't? Or does Yea Forums only read boy's adventure stories?
The constitution of liberty
12 Rules for Life
The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck
How To Debate Leftists and Destroy Them
Atlas Shrugged
hint: what your forefathers fought for was garbage they were morons western civilization is extremely flawed and was a mistake
collectivism is slavery designed to 1) create individuals who lack individuality and thus have lives worth throwing away to government service and 2) prevent people who are too weak for the truth of reality to have something to lean on. collectivism is only worthy of existence because it will inevitably turn into individualism.
imagine not wanting to be free, wanting yourself and/or others to be enslaved
Mindysittinpretty on instagram
cant wait for the chinese overlords to take over lads going to snatch myself a chinese waifu
made for bbc
The book of Ecclesiastes
The book of Job
The Gospel according to John
Obviously not anti-Christian, but true Christianity is anti-world
they won't take over culturally even if they take over economically. the west already won the culture game, it's just a matter of waiting now. i don't think that the chinese government is even remotely interested in taking over culturally or has any delusions that it is even remotely possible for them to do so.
every. fucking. time.
Not really. It is kind of rare.
cope desu
>inb4 chart about marriage
There’s no way you aren’t black.
And no post saying you aren’t.
Do you see how hateful you are? Obviously this doesn’t get you anywhere.
Yes, interracial relationships are very rare, with white women even. Actually these days, with a conservative resurgence in women, you see it less and less. For me, I don’t mind black women and I don’t even mind seeing the picture quoted.
But I do mind mentalities like yours, that set us backward.
Try some Amis
mirin' veins desu
Fair enough. But as you can see from my post, I don’t really care either.
You’re just being a troll.
Books to cope with the fact she'll never be my gf?
OP is probably a second-generation immigrant butthurt because social democracy isn't an egalitarian utopia
Milestones by Sayyid Qutb
Nice birthing hips
>How To Debate Leftists and Destroy Them
>The problem, as Ben Shapiro puts it in this must-read, is that “because conservatives don’t think about how to win that they constantly lose” in confrontations with leftists.
>Nietzsche, Deleuze
These really are the only two philosophers Yea Forums knows about (plus the monumentally unimportant Stirner).
It's not one or the other. I think the more appropriate answer is that people value too many aspects of "individuality" that shouldn't be held to such a high degree of praise. Creative thinking, understanding the "logic" behind things, actualizing yourself via ideology/political rhetoric, etc. etc. etc.
Collectivism has its own fair share of problems, but the West has largely ignored its positive aspects because, as history would dictate, much of its elements are associated with Cold War/Stalinist sentiments.
Read Goethe. Individualism is bad.
then what was he?
does he offer any substantial arguments, and if so, which ones?
if you don't want to be "slave" of the government move into the wilderness
This is a sad, sad post.
>western society
How do you BTFO society? What would you rather have, atomism? Barbarism?
Explain to me how business and commerce are supposed to function if owners don't have the right to own and manage their own capital?
You want to get rid of a doctrine that says suffering is holiness? You would rather have will to power?
This is retarded. Goethe was one of the most autonomous individuals who ever walked the earth. Naturally, such a headstrong personality felt obliged to think of how he could humble himself before others.
Wouldn't a Christian polemic be the first to give you a harsh critique of the modern West?!
>Creative thinking, understanding the "logic" behind things, actualizing yourself
>shouldn't be held to such a high degree of praise
Are you kidding me or are you genuinely retarded? They should be held to an even higher degree of praise. And actually fucking enforced for once rather than hand out pity trophies to retards or shame people into following the sheep herd of mindless retards.
>positive aspects
Sheeps should get fucking culled.
And let the government steal what's mine? Nah. I'd rather change the government.
>interracial relationships are very rare, with white women even
Obviously, you have never been to a walmart or macdonalds in the deep south.
White boys on the losing side down here.
Revolt Against The Modern World by Julius Evola
There are various degrees of collectivism just as they are of individualism negro.
>create individuals who lack individuality and thus have lives worth throwing away to government service and 2) prevent people who are too weak for the truth of reality to have something to lean on.
What you described isnt much diferent from a advanced capitalistic society really.
By far the most retarded post.
if you are such an individualist and you see nothing good in collectivism why do you live in a state and interact with the society around you? go become a hermit or something in the wilderness if you dont want to be a ""slave"" of the state. what's "yours" in the state is only yours because you got it from interacting with your society and the society around you recognizes it as "yours."
why do yilou abide the laws of the state if you dont want to be a ""slave?""
>every animal on earth lives in some form of community
>individualism is superior though
I hate this hellish void of retardation that is 4channel.
>"Nature" does it so its good
>I hate this hellish void of retardation that is 4channel.
>if you are such an individualist and you see nothing good in collectivism why do you live in a state and interact with the society around you
The state I currently live in, the one you hate and call individualist, wisely accepts my desired degree of individualism for me.
You hate this, so you want to force much more collectivism than is acceptable for me on me, and I don't want that. I don't want more interaction with society than I currently have.
>what's "yours" in the state is only yours because you got it from interacting with your society and the society around you recognizes it as "yours."
As they should. If society around me is going to try to change the terms of these social pact, it's no longer a society I can accept, and I'm going to do everything in my power to change it and destroy it as it deserves.
Western society is a form of community too, where people have their desired level of interaction with others and aren't forced to have undesired people butt in into their lives more than they themselves agree to. I.e. I fucking hate my father and want him out of my life, I can block him for good and keep him out of my life peacefully, I don't have to fucking kill him to kick him out for good.
Anyone that whines against this just wants to impose himself on the life of other people against their will because he hates being ignored and wants to make others miserable in a petty attempt to validate his existence.
Imagine being this bluepilled lmao
He's right though
You're just mad you can't impose yourself on strangers
You should get killed for good for that
Being a Christcuck is the ultimate normie-ism.
>neoliberalism and capitalism are related to Christianity
They are already overly praised already. Western Society overemphasis individuality to much not everyone is meant for creative thinking or fpr philosophizing 99.9999% of people should accept that they will never be a good writer or talented at whatever and should just become a janitor or something or do something that helps their society which is far more important than most people think philosophizing is an unimportant endeavor for the most part. the writing industry is already filled with heaping piles of shit with too many talentless people that think they have something meaningful to say the majority of people should not be artists or philosophers and should just stick with trying to help their community. Not saying that individualism is inherintly bad but it is overemphasized in the west which is why the west is pretty shit today everyone is prioritizing the wrong things. Anyway dont reply to me I know im talking to a 15 year old.
They are related in that they are all shit
This is the only serious recommendation in the thread.
Monsieur Rene
Neoliberalism is optimal to come hand in hand with capitalism.
Christianity is whole diferent kind of animal imo, but i think whats more relevant to blame are the pseudo-buddhists and wannabe stoics.
>screen on night shift mode
>has both safari and chrome downloaded
>posts on Yea Forums
>has disgustingly weird hands
>has a mark on his knuckle from where he tried to punch a wall after his girlfriend brought back another black guy
>is gay
yep, as I expected
If you can read French you need to Read Carnet de Guerre by Papacito. But he is Catholique and hate communism but he clearly spit on modern and degenerate western society. I just finish realy a good book
My Twisted World
One of Marie Kondo's books
A post-structuralist.
i remember when this board wasn't an even more insufferable r9k/pol
what was his political position?
Why is she so perfect, user?
Not easy to figure that out, but he was clearly very critical of neoliberalism.
Definitely an anti-capitalist of sorts.
didnt he say in an interview that he was a marxist?