Howard Lovecraft was a failed pulp writer and incel racist shithead who deservedly died in pain, poverty and obscurity...

Howard Lovecraft was a failed pulp writer and incel racist shithead who deservedly died in pain, poverty and obscurity. By all rights he should be forgotten. So how come he is not? Did he somehow gain ironic meme popularity that spiralled out of control like Stirner and DFW or what is going on here?

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stfu incel

You're just mad you can't get a mommy milkie Jewess gf

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He had his fairly own take on horror and what it constitutes that inspired many, kinda hard to ignore

>this thread will get dozens of (You)s

he had good friends who wanted him to succeed

Some "friends" they were, considering how miserably he died. They just used his work for their own success and profit since it was up for grabs.

He invented tentacles

Incels are the only people that create anything good

no the japs did

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>but he's wayyyycis!!

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All racist authors should be precluded from the Canon. There is zero reason we should still be paying heed to dead people with utterly outdated values and ideas who thought they were better people than others because of their skin color.

Based and incelpilled

t. Actual nigger.

>Lovecraft was racist reeeee
People remember Lovecraft because his writing is excellent, albeit unbelievably verbose. Next silly question, please.

Your values and ideas are bullshit.
The concept of "racism" is retarded, why should you be allowed to discriminate on the basis of what ever criteria you want?
Beside, race isn't just skin color.
>bones structure
>hormonal profile
>brain size and structure
All of this leads to different behavioural tendencies.


If his writing was so excellent, why couldn't he support himself with it?

Are all excellent artists able to finance themselves by selling their art?

Most of the values in the canon are outdated. You read it to know the tradition you're supposedly inheriting and all the baggage that entails. You can disagree with great authors, but ignore them at your peril

This is obvious bait but, great geniuses don't necessarily get noticed by their contemporaries.

Good point; I guess that means that "A Confederacy of Dunces" was a bad book as well.

ladies and gentlemen, thank you for you attention.
I'm now going to say the name of Lovecraft's cat:

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>incel racist shithead who deservedly died in pain, poverty and obscurity.
He was also a generous gentleman who never hurt a fly. He never turned away a fan from his doorstep, cordially responded to practically every letter that was sent to him, and edited/revised his friends' work for free. He also had an admirably anti-commercial view of writing. He never cared about money, and Herbert West-Reanimator is the only time he cynically pumped out a story for profit. But you chapocel faggots don't care about any of that. The harmless weirdo who brought joy to so many people deserved pain and poverty just because he was a racist. Go fuck yourself, you heartless little shit.

Yes. If art is both truly excellent and publicly available, it will eventually draw the attention of high class people who accept nothing less than the best art for their enjoyment. If an artist fails to gain even a single wealthy patron, it strongly implies that his art must be lacking.

>Most of the values in the canon are outdated
But if their values are outdated, wouldn't this mean that your values will be outdated one day.
So what value do your values have?
Or do you think we reach the ultimate truth.

The short and simple answer is he was a damn good horror writer. If he was an unoriginal hack then he would've remained in obscurity.

Am I the only one who both thinks he’s racist (even for his time) and that he’s often pretty bad at writing, but still thinks there is some fundamental enjoyable core within his work?

I half agree with you. Obviously Lovecraft was racist by any reasonable measure, and his writing is extremely ornate (which can be a plus or a minus, depending) but I really do love his work. I don't even like horror, generally.

I realize you're just baiting, but, authors who got their big break after death include Melville, Kafka, Dickinson, etc. Even Mozart died in poverty, although that had as much to do with his profligate habits as it did with the fact that he'd alienated many of his patrons.

This is a fair (and common) opinion on the man.

It's worth noting that Herbert West is actually pretty good too, it has a pretty interesting mix of silliness and horror.

Ultimate truth is balderdash. The utility of values lies in the process that binds them, and the immediacy of their historical contexts. It's dancing or music or whatever. To ignore your predecessors is to dance poorly.

>It's worth noting that Herbert West is actually pretty good too, it has a pretty interesting mix of silliness and horror.
Agreed. It's a very effective satire/embrace of pulp writing.

>muh incel
>muh racist
Shut the fuck up and go back to plebbit.

He was a good guy. He deserved to died in pain and poverty because he disliked niggers? lmao

Because nobody cares about who he was. What he wrote was worth remembering, and that's all that matters.

You can't judge a work by the person that made it.

>he was a good guy
>he disliked people of color
Choose one and only one

This. Most of the great artists we revere are/were inconsiderate people with some type of mental illness or another, and he wasn't even a mean guy, just extremely paranoid.

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But those two things go hand in hand

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Did he hurt them, though? He never did anything wrong. He was a generous man and he loved literature. The good far outweighs the bad.

lol, every person in human history before the 60s would be considered a “evil racist uncle /pol/fag” by you people.

>beliefs matter more than actions!
Pure ideology. You've been completely and utterly brainwashed.

Eat a cactus

Nah, don't bring "muh people of color". He hated niggers, period. All the other races were at least bearable to him.

I'm on his side in this argument but I'm pretty sure he was suspicious of anyone who wasn't an anglo saxon

Imagine just enjoying the product of someone's work instead of nit picking their personal tastes. What a great time that would be.

Anyway I'm just here to see if someone can post that picture of a hot goth girl on a bed holding a lovecraft book I lost mine.

We should judge their work, not their personal views. Fucking brainwashed Burger.


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Yea but he didn't hate Mexicans, Irish and Asians the same way he hated niggers. Niggers were the worst of the worse to him. Pretty undestandable view from those times.

Are you kidding?

>Some people may like the idea of a mongrel America like the late Roman Empire, but I for one prefer to die in the same America that I was born in. Therefore, I’m against any candidate who talks of letting down the bars to stunted brachycephalic South-Italians & rat-faced half-Mongoloid Russian & Polish Jews, & all that cursed scum! You in the Middle West can’t conceive of the extent of the menace. You ought to see a typical Eastern city crowd—swart, aberrant physiognomies, & gestures & jabbering born of alien instincts.

Unironically based

Can't say I blame the guy. And his nigger poem is simply hilarious. Still, he didn't hurt anyone, did he? You're acting like he's Hitler lmao overreacting burgerbois

Imagine if Hitler was the writer of Lovecraft’s stories. Imagine if he wrote them, in the exact same way, while running the Third Reich. How would society treat them differently?

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Hitler did nothing wrong, exept losing the war

I'm not acting like Lovecraft was Hitler – Lovecraft is virtually the only horror writer I actually like. I'm just pointing out that he was revolted and terrified of almost everyone who wasn't heterosexual and Anglo (or his wife).

By the way, if you want to read my brilliant thoughts on the connection between Lovecraft's racial phobias and his horror, I have an article coming out in Areo in a few days.

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that kind of literature would make the alt-right a hellova lot more entertaining ngl

That quote is from 1928. By 1937, the year he died, he had calmed down. He always preferred Anglos over everyone else, but niggers are the only race he absolutely refused to interact with.

>niggers are the only race he absolutely refused to interact with.

I'm not disputing that Lovecraft was probably more anti-black than anti-whatever-else; I'm just disputing that Lovecraft found other races "bearable."

not even racist but lovecraft is legit at his best when he's going on these racially charged autism tantrums.

there was text I read by him where he said exacty this, that he could bear pretty much every other race but niggers. I can't remember the source, though.

Did they fuck? They're in a bedroom and they "just had thai food"

You are foolish to think belief and action can be neatly seperated. A man who believes people of color to be lesser will treat them lesser and that is objective hurt he inflicts on them. A man who would inflict hurt on people of color for nothing but the color of their skin cannot be a good man.

>people of color
Burger tier spook. There are no transparent human beings.

The color of their skin would be a lot more insignificant if they would stop acting like niggers. I know it's important for you to believe that's all it's ever about, but you're wrong.

Niggers are lesser, though. It's not me saying it, it's history.

Alt righters dont belong on Yea Forums. Back to your containment board:

>Burger tier spook. There are no transparent human beings.
I'm right, though. And I'm what you faggots would call a "person of color." It's just a retarded euphemism for "non-white". But you retards forget white is also a fucking color. You're doing exactly what the Nazis did with their color coding. Get fucked.

You say alt-righters don’t belong on Yea Forums
My theory is that you are nothing but a butthurt spic
The negro is nothing but a waste of space
Your post is nothing but a disgrace
You’re a faggot who belongs on reddit
So get on your way and head it

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>arguing with a nigger tier rap

You need to reach a new level in irony

>I'm just disputing that Lovecraft found other races "bearable."
“the Negro is fundamentally the biological inferior of all White and even Mongolian races.” - H. P. Basedcraft

This would absolutely obliterate the canon. You have no idea how many people were ridiculously racist by today's standards, including celebrated women and fags. Societies post-Darwin were especially bad for this because eugenics was then what progressivism is now - a crazy fad in academia and broader society that has a utopian and puritan vision.

Eugenics actually has some merit though.

That doesn't contradict what I've asserted.

The organic things—Italo-Semitico-Mongoloid—inhabiting that awful cesspool could not by any stretch of the imagination be call’d human. They were monstrous and nebulous adumbrations of the pithecanthropoid and amoebal; vaguley moulded from some stinking viscous slime of earth’s corruption, and slithering and oozing in and on the filthy streets or in and out of windows and doorways in a fashion suggestive of nothing but infesting worms or deep-sea unnameabilities.

Why would he like black people? They make up 12% of the population and commit 56% of all violent crime.

You're an idiot if you like "colored" people

>he was revolted and "terrified"

s 0 y buzzwords. He disliked the immigrants because they were disgusting hordes of retards, kind of like how they are now.

>read my journal!
Shut the fuck up you dumb faggot nobody wants to read your quirky little summary of Lovecraft's logical disdain for hordes of shitskins

He was an autist who didn't know how to sell his writing

Your gay

People with statistically high IQ are generally very racist. Should all their accomplishments across all fields be suppressed as well?

Or are you just an untalented nigger/nigger lover that wants to bury the work of more talented men? I wonder.

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Don’t you dare.

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fuck niggers.
me out.

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Because plebs love genre fiction.


Holy based

That graphic has never made any sense to me. I can point out that you’re being hypocritical regardless of whether or not I disagree with any of your beliefs.

>I can point out that you’re being hypocritical regardless of whether or not I disagree with any of your beliefs.
That graphic was essentially made for you then.



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Despite the name he actually loved his cat dearly.

it's even plebbier to hate on genre litarature only because of its label

No don't do it Lovecraft, that's not good

In his defense, genre fiction connotes a really low quality of writing. There are works that have transcended the barrier and those works are just called literature.

>So how come he is not?
He wrote shit that interested people and inspired them to write their own stuff.

also, he had little to no copyrights on his intellectual property so people had field days with it.

Why shouldn't people be allowed to disallow you to discriminate on the basis of what ever criteria you want?

>A man who believes people of color to be lesser will treat them lesser and that is objective hurt he inflicts on them.
In the 1920s, Lovecraft lived for a couple of years in New York City. So for a short period of his life, he was forced to interact with blacks. Did he inflict any sort of hurt on them? No. He tried his hardest to avoid them, and when he was in their presence he kept his mouth shut. Was he repulsed by them? Yes. However, he kept his bile bottled up. If he really wanted to, he could've hurled all sorts of insults at them, and he wouldn't have suffered any repercussions since 1920s America was extremely racist. But Lovecraft was a quiet gentleman. Now fuck off, you insufferable chapocel.

It's also worth mentioning that Lovecraft's mother once had a black servant and there isn't any record of Lovecraft mistreating the servant. I reiterate, Lovecraft was a quiet gentleman.

t. never read Celine

so THIS is the power of a brainlet

How so? It addresses an argument I've never made and would never make – I'm not in favor of increasing migration to the West.

His essay on cats is really good.

Honestly his cats name really puzzles me. He liked cats, why would he name his cat after blacks who he didn't like?

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as a joke like how americans ironically elected obama

Are you a good person? Please define what constitutes "good".

I cant wait for people like you to perish in the great deluge

Lovecraftian horror is aesthetic tho. Who cares if he was some shitty imbred racist incel?

Racist, yes. Misogynistic, maybe (although "gynophobic" might be closer to the truth). An incel? No.

>We shouldnt read dead people
Dafuq you read then? Pamphlets and brochures and YA? Xenu claims to be alive and immortal; read him.

>We shouldnt read racists
Why? Having one bad idea doesnt make all your other ideas worthless. Forexample, you thought it might be a good day to brows Yea Forums today.

>I do not regard the rise of woman as a bad sign. Rather do I fancy that her traditional subordination was itself an artificial and undesirable condition based on Oriental influences. Our virile Teutonic ancestors did not think their wives unworthy to follow them into battle, or scorn to dream of winged Valkyries bearing them to Valhalla. The feminine mind does not cover the same territory as the masculine, but is probably little if any inferior in total quality. To expect it to remain perpetually in the background in a realistic state of society is futile—despite the most feverish efforts of Nazis and Fascisti. However—it will be some time before women are sufficiently freed from past influences to form an active factor in national life. By the time they do gain influence, they will have lost many of the emotional characteristics which now impair their powers of judgment. Many qualities commonly regarded as innate—in races, classes, and sexes alike—are in reality results of habitual and imperceptible conditioning.
He wasn't a misogynist nor an incel.

>High class people will notice good art
Agree, the 1% are simply notorious for having good taste.

You are very uninformed. Da Vinci, Van Gogh, Wilde, all died poor; Machiavelli, Blake were not recognized enough in their own lifetimes, lowmiddleclass; author of Gawain and the Green Knight is entirely unknown.

Kill your i

Cosmic Nihilism has kept his name in the mouths of those in high culture. Everything else is just his prose and memes

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It's not known who named the cat

i believe there's a difference between a writer who happened to also be racist and a writer who continually professed racist thoughts in their works. like, i'm not sure how many people in this topic have actually read much of Lovecraft. i don't know of many other writers who dropped racial epithets so casually. characters mentioned for a single sentence were often some minority, and he denigrated them in that very same sentence. the racist shit was never relevant to the story, which is why it stands out.

>incel racist shithead
>all this anger in one post
>unhappy that Lovecraft is acclaimed

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Give it a few decades, your own values and ideas will be outdated. The only difference is that you will be forgotten because you produce nothing and live in the golden age of brainlets.


This makes me angry.

Incels are worthless losers with inferiority complex’s. sometimes that works for them, but most of the time it doesn’t.










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>terrified of almost everyone who wasn't heterosexual
I'm so tired of this meme. Do some research before you condemn a man. Lovecraft had an openly homosexual friend (Robert H. Barlow), who he spent time with and even trusted his writings after his death. This all happened on fucking 30s. Homosexuality was still classified as mental illness, even for years after that. Also if you hanged out with homosexual or had one as a friend at those times, you could be classified as homosexual too, which could lead to you losing your job, family, friends and having as bad reputation such as child molester. Considering the views of the time, Lovecraft was actually turboprogressive in his view of homosexuality and accepted homosexuals in better way than more than 90% of the people of the time.

Oh, Lovecraft had some love towards my race after all.

t. a finn

No one cares, you vice-filled nigger.

there's literally nothing wrong with pulp, all horror books are garbage either way, not that hard to be at the top of the garbage

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incels and manlets create everything new, you need an inferiority complex, to be really salty and a lot of coping to be able to create anthing new of worth

>outdated values and ideas
there's no such thing as outdated values, values are either eternal or they aren't values at all, just preferences

Lovecraft wasn't even the most racist pulp author, he was basic as fuck.

Yet more proof that copyright is cancer stifling creative work rather than promote it

Imagine being born a black person taught to read only to discover every author of note, along with all the brightest minds from thousands of years back all hold your kind in contempt.

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These are all shit examples. The very first one is just downright wrong. Da Vinci was recognized by his contemporaries and died in a chateau which the King of France had provided for him personally. Van Gogh was mentally ill and would've made it if he hadn't been. Wilde only died poor because of his court case, he would have stayed a successful artist if he hadn't been a literal faggot. Machiavelli's art was highly regarded and successful during his lifetime as well. And so on and so on.

>So how come he is not?

His books are great.

>i don't know

Yes - you don't know.

>pulp horror trash
I bet you swoon over Stephen King's work too

>"change things so that way MY beliefs remain unquestioned because MY personal beliefs align with what's deemed acceptable"

basketball man?

yeah that's pretty brainwashed m8
>if you believe X then you must treat Y poorly
not to mention a slippery slope
I fucking hate niggers and spics, but I wouldn't do anything bad to them. It's kinda' like seeing a dog or a cat being harmed, I couldn't imagine them being hurt because they're just animals who don't really know what's going on in the world


how did he know?

because people love bait, even more so when it provides a good excuse to say the N-word

He had a Jewish wife and respected Hispanics, Asians for the most part and other groups, but hated Niggers, Germans, Irish, etc. He was an Anglo supremacist, not a white supremacist. He was also insecure because he was really ugly. His work is relevant due to its sheer posthumous influence. Simple as

>e he was really ugly.
He wasn't that bad, he just wasn't attractive. He was average if we're being honest, his supposed ugliness is overstated, probably becaus of his legend.

die mad xaxa

It would be fitting for him as a horror author

When I studied Lovecraft more and discovered his racist views and belief in WASP supremacy I didn't even care. (I'm Hispanic). Besides, he hated niggers the most anyways. And he also knew women were inferior. It's not being an incel, it's a fact. I have a huge poster of Cthulhu in my room and I'm trying to collect all the writings on him by S.T Joshi. He was ahead of his time.


He wasn't an incel.

Based trips. Sad that you can make a shitty thread but add "incel" and mention racism and it instantly sparks the same discussion that is happening on basically every single thread on this entire board, meanwhile actual quality threads get ignored and die. This is what's killing Yea Forums. Not even going to sage this thread, so it can hit bump limit sooner.

every single thread on every board*

Imagine taking this bait

yeah imagine replying to it who would even do that am i right haha

Fuck off /pol/tard. Stop false flagging.

>rat-faced half-Mongoloid Russian & Polish Jews,
>has ratkike nose and ears

what did he meem by zis

>values are either eternal or they aren't values at all, just preferences

>whites are better than coons
>personal preference

mf lived with his aunt for a good minute. lazy bastard who made a few good copypastas which he floated on for the rest of his shitposting career

an incel

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The post implied that the rich will support genius on its own account. This is not true. The rich supports
genius insofar as it is already recognized by society as genius. Vasari bears this out. And Michaelangelo's diaries; exploited to the end, too.

>Da Vinci
Partly my mistake. Thought Salai ruined him, reading his complaints. Nevertheless, most of his projects (architechture i'm thinking) were not realized, which they would have been if Le King France really did appreciate him for his genius and was not just famewhoring himself. Lifetime journals, take note, were distributed between friends, not collected by King France at first opportunity.

Poetry not recognized; had to lecture tour, having no patronage. A great many friends, but it seems not many great friends.
>His own faggotry ended him
Wilde's legal opponent, Bosie's father, was big money. No punches were pulled in spite of Wilde's Yea Forums popularity ATT; no offer of out of court settlement, or reduced charges, or anything of the kind. The large part of the whole disgraceful episode is Bosie's fault, i am sure. Even so, it is clear: Wilde's obvious genius did not bring him powerful allies or stop his powerful enemies from purposing his ruin. They might "recognize" him by fame, but not one volunteered help or mercy. Such recognition is useless.

The Prince, which he wrote to gain Medici patronage, failed in that regard. I am not saying he did not have any other success or career, but here, where the rich has a prime opportunity to recognize genius without other influence, and to token such recognition with prize or stipend, it does not. This is my point.


Somebody’s jealous.

He’s not wrong. Have you seen what American cities are like these days?

>By all rights he should be forgotten.
imagine being so petty that you're upset if someone is fucking remembered

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How does one obtain the Khazar milkers? If even a shy weirdo like Lovecraft could do it, there has to be a way.

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Living during the time when the chickens are coming home to roost in a declining empire is such a drag. How do we keep making the same mistakes again and again?

based tripchad

Which of these options should I get:

Three paperback Penguins Classics of Lovecraft
Annotations by S T Joshi, thicker paper than below editions.
Not as complete as the editions below (this may not be a con if the omissions are shit), not sturdy.

Barnes and Nobles 2011
Complete with the exception of poetry and collaborations, introductions by S T Joshi
No annotations by Joshi, not as sturdy as Knickerbocker.

Sturdy with sewn bindings and a box.
No annotations and/or introductions to each story.
Not sure if the stories are based on Joshi's restored original Lovecraft texts, or the false pulp edits.

All options where I live will be similar price range. I know Joshi's restorations of texts are extremely important, but are his introductions and/or annotations helpful?


what did i just watch?

A kike trying to imitate a human

Lovecraftian... the spirit of the Congo awoken

That's merely anecdotal evidence.

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He inspired a lot of horror tropes. Read Herbert West Reanimator and pay attention to how Lovecraft describes the workspace. It's how any laboratory from any c-list horror movie looks. It's trite, by now, but Lovecraft delivered it fresh.

Are you finished with MM?

Knickerbocker and Chartwell are indeed based on Joshi's edition. As is B&N. Get the Chartwell one if you're on a budget, or th Knickerbocker one if you have the money.

He had a mate who published some of his works after he died.

Because he is 50 IQ points above you and your whole family put together and has accomplished more in writing in one lifetime than you will ever if you were given all eternity

Get the first one

This doesn’t refute what I’ve said – some people who are xenophobic toward a group still develop positive relationships with individual members of that group. Lovecraft was an antisemite, but married a Jew.

At any rate, I’m not “condemning” Lovecraft, just noting an unappealing fact about him. Lovecraft remains one of the only horror writers about whom I can be bothered to give a shit.

Dude personified cosmic horror; Brought forth a new horror genre!
You can only understand his value into the literary world if you read his works!

You're a fag

I'd say "I hope he gets aids", but...

He's certainly racist, but I disagree that he's bad at writing. I think he's prose is good and his stories are very engaging. I'm reading the Necronomicon right now and I'm enjoying at a lot more than I thought I would.

spooky gay niggers from outta space

>dude created a whole now variant of shit within the shitfest of genre fiction man!

Let's face the facts here: Lovecraft is remembered because he had a Jewish wife. Any other author as racist as Lovecraft would have had his legacy destroyed by the jews who control virtually all American media. But because he married into their tribe, they allowed him to get posthumous recognition. Moreover since most of Lovecraft's work entered public domain after his death, this allowed the jews to make bank from it without the need to pay any royalties to his estate. Thus it was in the jews' immediate financial interest to prop up Lovecraft's popularity. Lovecraft likely would be forgotten if it wasn't for jewish machinations.

Did Poe also have a Jewish wife? lmao stick to /pol/, retard.

Poe is remembered for his merit and enormous influence of course regardless of Jewish meddling.

>oh noes its da (((((((((jews)))))))))))))) ;((!

This post convinced me to marry and fuck a Jewish woman, and then raise kids with her, just to get you angry

>incel talking about marrying anyone
kek good one

>tfw lovecraft was right

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So is Lovecraft, though? He literally invented his own genre.

Fuck niggers.

The canon speaks of things timeless. I do not know how you could reach the conclusion that it is outdated (and necessarily make the claim that it belongs to a distant time) while it still shapes the character of peoples to this very day.

I don't think lovecraft invented pulp horror

>following a sustained outcry, the World Fantasy Awards stopped handing out busts of Lovecraft to winners, substituting instead a statuette of a gnarled tree backlit by the full moon. Fantasy author Daniel José Older, who spearheaded the campaign to change the design, described the decision as a victory for writers of color over a “hateful human and a crappy wordsmith.”

What's with the anti-lovecraft spam lately?

Based niggerman.

Schubert was destitute all his life, survived only on the patronage of his friends.
Now he's ranked up there with Mozart, Beethoven, Bach.

He will be purged. Mark my words. As people learn about his racism, his failure as a person, reading Lovecraft's work will become socially unacceptable, nevermind enjoying it. His fame will return to nothing. Another idol of reactonary white dudes dethroned, shamed, buried and finally forgotten.

I know this is bait, but I've been thinking about this lately. What makes something canon in the first place? There's no real definition, it's just a vaguely accepted grouping we apply to works that have been highly regarded for a while. It's useful in the way that a patriciancore meme chart is useful, because it essentially acts as recommendations or shortcuts to the upper crust of literature instead or wading through everything ever printed.

Obviously we can't just dismiss every book that sits poorly with modern values or else there would be nothing in it. On the other hand, I can see why in some contexts people might be given alternatives for things like school projects. If I was a black student I wouldn't be too fond of reading a classic where every African is a big lipped pickanninny caricature, that'd be pretty fucking demeaning. You might say having that reaction is sensitive and people should get over it, but I think most white people would complain in an equivalent situation. If I was born in some foreign country and had to read some literature about white people dying from skin cancer and having small dicks I'd be pretty offended too, even if it was part of the local canon.

He was racist even by the standard of his day. But I'm mixed on the bad writer part. While he was certainly pulpy, we must remember that purple prose was much more "in vogue" during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Just like the Greeks tolerated deus ex machina as a plot device, some literary conventions that are seen poorly today were normal for their time.

I see Lovecraft in the same tier as Tolkein. He's a genre writer, but he has a bit more research and style behind his works than the legion of derivatives he inspired - there's even a bit of philosophy you can feel shine through in his worldview. He was deeply moved by fear and disgust mixed with curiosity and I think he captured it well.

in the case this isn't bait, a work is considered a classic exactly because it didn't get outdated. It has and still does hold value through many generations

Abigail "Bigtits" Shapiro trying out how to act as an opera singer.

>So how come he is not?
Because your opinions don't matter.

>a work is considered a classic exactly because it didn't get outdated
Not really. Classics are simply what some privileged crusty white men defined as classics. Now that more and more people of color and women conquer positions of power and privilege in society, you will see that white male "classics" will get increasingly phased out to make room for new brown and female and queer classics.

user no, you will become mad!

>le epic necromeme XD
Reddit is right over there

That's not the genre he invented user

Doubt it. They have nothing of worth to justify their inclusion in the canon.

He's already famous enough and still not unacceptable because of his racism. All the people who get into him havr enough brains to separte the art from the individual.

Oh really? How does it feel knowing that a queer woman of color was the first person to ever win three consecutive Hugo Awards while at the same time the World Fantasy Award disowned Lovecraft? Say hello to the future.

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lmao at anybody that calls Lovecraft a pulp writer. Cosmic horror is so out there and difficult to do that he gets some amount of distinction just for attempting to do what he did. He continues to be read today. Anybody picking up his stories will feel unsure about the nature of life itself. That's a unique way to make people feel uneasy.

A fair point.

small brained reply, nice straw man at the end though (here’s a hint we’re not talking about old racist cartoons from the 50s). things are in the canon because they’ve stood the test of time. they’re jam packed with wisdom, as well as often being beautiful. no small feat for a spring to bubbleforth eternally fresh (especially considering some of the works are thousands of years old).

the canon is deeply useful to both an individual and society at large. morally, ethically, spiritually. in the end people and institutes who refuse to engage with this well of knowledge, or worse attempt to discredit and erase it, will instead find that is they who are harmed and discredited. superseded by people and new institutions who understand not just the importance but the power contained there.

not sure if you're slow or what. there is no 'global cannon', each region and specific country typically teaches it's own history. america is an anglo nation so it teaches the anglo-cannon.

if you're a nigger, go read nigger books. nobody is stopping you.

back to demoralised nigger lover

that usually happens when you befriend jews

Had me till then. 7/10.

How about cosmic horror.

I'd like to destroy her with facts and logic if you get my drift

Stirner really is nothing but a meme though

Listened to some successful music lately?
You're posting out of your ass here.

>gets shit wrong
>has this pointed out to him
>ummm, well, ackshually
Not to mention shilling your fucking blog post.
It's time for you to return to Reddit.

Being popular doesn't necessarily entail high art.
But being unpopular indicates low art.

Calm down; responding to criticism with anger just diminishes your credibility.

I enjoy lovecrafts racism desu. caricatures and stereotypes are good fun.

His friends pushed his work because they thought it was good.

His schizoid personality, combined with an ability to actually write, allowed the average joe to encounter broad deep vistas of horror not previously put before them. To have an athiestic cosmos sprinkled with catastrophic monsters untouchable and unendurable, as well as the remnants of their worshippers, was a brand new thing. After the collapse of religion the universe seemed a bit dull. Instead of ferocious beasts or mythical animals on the mountain threatening the village, Lovecraft put hyperdimensional malignancies above and beyond us in the new vast empty tundras revealed by physics and maths.

If I criticize and am distrustful of a group but still treat people I know based on individual merit that isn't phobia, it's more or less sound discrimination. If I were a landlord I would think twice before giving housing to a trans-meme over a normal person, just based on the statistics, unless I got adequate compensation for the additional risk I'd be taking.

Anyone with a Classical education had time for homosexualists. The laws in America were made by corrupt scum for angry plebs. Same as in the UK at the time actually. Upper class faggotry revealed as scandal when it was going on all the time was still a maymay in the 1970s.

His expression of disgust and horror always skated along the edge of possibility. An experience you can't comprehend isn't an experience. Vomiting so hard you shit yourself and bust a blood vessel in your eye is a real reaction to something disgusting, but Lovecraft managed to keep it just this side of histrionic.

I think, to him, anyone not white and finely made was like a sick or deformed person, graded lower and lower until you reach the bug-eyed, slimy critters that agitated his disgust.

Szukalski would have died in obscurity but for being found by a local comic book fan.

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Also a turbo racist.

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>The first online community to use the term "incel" was started in 1993 when a Canadian college student known only by her first name, Alana, created a website in order to discuss her sexual inactivity with others.
>Alana or Elana or “Ilana” can also be the female name in an English translation of Elan or “Ilan” which in Hebrew means "oak tree".

>people and institutes who refuse to engage with this well of knowledge, or worse attempt to discredit and erase it, will instead find that is they who are harmed and discredited. superseded by people and new institutions who understand not just the importance but the power contained there.
not that guy but i totally disagree, the powerful decide what is good and popular has nothing to do with quality. There is no cost to power for destroying quality. If you think 90% of human genius hasn't been wasted in mines and ditches you haven't read history very well.

Not a good description. In fact it makes you look like a fool.
Their values have lived and died, like ours will.

People look backwards too much these days, it seemed to start with all this bogus Latin thanks to Harry Potter. Using Latin at all was purely and only for Scottish Protestant old age pensioners up until the 90s. They had it tattoo'd on their arms and used little chunks in conversation.

But around them everyone was looking forward, to a bright or dystopian future but a future either way. Now every fuckhead is looking back to Nazis, Vikings, mediaeval knights, samurai, roman legionaries, the fucken paleolithic for rice cakes it's retarded.

We need history in its entirety, not to learn from it, but to escape from it. This new idea that there's nothing left to do but run our hands through the past as a trove of shinies while pirates eat everything out from under us is decadent horseshit.

His ideas were original, impactful and are hugely influential on the entire genre of Horror and wider culture in general all the way up to this day. Your resentful ideologically driven rants full of milquetoast 21st century sensibilities can't change that.

he wasnt an incel, he had a jewish mommy gf who cooked and cleaned for him, later in life she would comment on how good he fucked her