is he right? are the 'big' classics severely overrated and the untranslated works of the middle ages much better and informative or is he just memeing?
how important is latin for understanding literature?
Is he right...
Other urls found in this thread:
when has a YouTube video by an uneducated nobody who says that literary critics from the last few hundreds of years are all wrong and he's right ever been wrong? didn't you hear him? he said he's right in a YouTube video, of course he's right. definitely don't bother reading material on the subject, this dude has clearly done all the work for you. just take his word for it. or ours. whichever. just don't think for yourself, whatever you do.
I cringe every single time i see some faggot who overuses Yea Forums "memes" outside of 4chin. Look at this guy's thumbnails. Look at this channel. he is trying so hard to transform his youtube channel into a Yea Forums thread. haha le boomer and zoomer and doomer! lole look at pepe and grug! This is pathetic. Kill yourself retard
> uneducated nobody
he has a Ph.D. in linguistics
> literary critics from the last few hundreds of years are all wrong
when did he say this? what? also nowadays literary criticism is a joke
> this dude has clearly done all the work for you. just take his word for it. or ours. whichever. just don't think for yourself, whatever you do.
wow. that's deep.
That's kids and manchildren for you. I see this shit everywhere on the internet these days. Yea Forums is cool now. If you browse Yea Forums you're "in the club" and everyone else is a normie, and you have to signal to everyone that you're in the club so other club members circlejerk with you and people don't think you're an NPC normie. Faggots, the lot of them.
nobody cares about your YouTube video. go read a book
didn't ask.
you did in the OP, and judging by the state of your thread, nobody cares. i implore you go read a book
He isn't entirely wrong I guess, many very important Latin texts haven't been translated into English.
i didn't make the thread.
>website full of memes
Dude is going a little overboard on the Yea Forums lingo to get hits and almost certainly is the OP of this thread, but still provides interesting content and convinced me to pick up a Latin book, so I support.
However, he says that the enlightenment was bullshit and that medieval Europeans were saying the same stuff, and I want this qualified and backed up with sources that aren't in obscure, untranslated Latin texts.
So post some sources, Luke Smith. We know you're in here.
>However, he says that the enlightenment was bullshit and that medieval Europeans were saying the same stuff, and I want this qualified and backed up with sources that aren't in obscure, untranslated Latin texts.
This is actually a extremely common belief in ancient philosophy scholars, philosophy being mostly reiterative is not a uncommon belief.
Okay. So who are some of these people? And is the general argument that secular enlightenment philosophy wasn't new, it was rooted in classicism so it was always there, just mired in the notion of divinely ordained knowledge of ass-backward Christianity? I've been reading books about the enlightenment lately and most scholars view it as a pretty radical change in consciousness. Perhaps the medieval versions of this were expressed or understood by too few to matter?
you're saying nothing of substance.
not him but these seem to be the books he read
What? Substance is what I'm looking for, homo.
Thanks. Though I didn't see anything on there about medieval philosophy being aligned with enlightenment thought, or if its marginalization was due to the reasons I mentioned. And my curiosity stems not from me doubting it, but from it not being mentioned much in books about the French Revolution and its enlightenment origins.
B L I M E Y - what a supreme pseud.
Luke, stop
>he has a Ph.D. in linguistics
why'd he say classes are useless just drop out then?