>live in a third world
>no translations to native
>no English books in libraries
>shipping from used books websites is twice the price of the book itself
>already poor eye-sight from reading on screen
Why has god forsaken me.
Live in a third world
>implying ereader isn't a meme like healthy cigarettes
>implying I have the money to buy solid ereader
>implying I can give money for every new e-book
I also live in a third world country and its fine here.
We don't even have a name...
bookdepository doesnt ship to macedonia?
I've been to Skopje. Isn't that bad, certainly not third world, just small.
Weird, I live in Brazil and getting books here is no problem. Had no idea Macedonia was so shitty.
It ships but there are no used books.
The standards are low in my country. For example the avarage price of a 500 pages book from English publisher is 20 dollars, and the price for the same book from Macedonian publisher would be 8 dollars.
It's alternative third world.
It's the most polluted city in Europe.
>no English library, no book club, shipping is twice the price of the product
>isn't that bad
Yeah no one outside of Macedonia knows, that's why no one tries to help.
Use Book Depository and Blackwells. Search for good offers on ebay uk.
Ja sam odustao od ***naseg*** jezika i citam, gotovo, iskljucivo na eng.
It's North Macedonia.
Had a "Territory that is north of the Greek region of Macedonia"ian friend once.Would have thought he was latino initially.He was obsessed with football and trucks,and from what he described his homeland was pretty shitty overall.
I don't like cooking books and bestsellers, user.
>Ja sam odustao od ***naseg*** jezika i citam, gotovo, iskljucivo na eng.
You have all Murakami books translated to Serbian directly from Japanese. Macedonia has none. Be happy about it.
I don't care what it is, I just want access to books.
Also, I hope your mother dies in sleep tonight while you shitpost on /pol/.
Yeah the avarage Macedonian is mentally crippled because he was occupied by the Turks for 5 centuries, thus obsessed with football, thus there're betting shops on every corner but no libraries, books shops or book clubs.
are you the espirito santo guy?
I'm the guy who said he's been to Macedonia, and for that matter every other country in the region, and I just want to add that this self-loathing you see occasionally pop up among high IQ eastern Europeans around here and generally is pathetic. They hate their country and their people like this Slavic doofus because they have been indoctrinated with propaganda about the greatness of nations 50x their size and want to leave and integrate themselves in those nations and ditch their own heritage but can't so instead of making the change they want to see they just get bitter if they're too poor to jump ship.
Also, Turks aren't the reason you have betting shops on every corner and you should brush up on your Russian instead of larping as an Anglo. You're in the Russosphere mother fucker, accept it.
>implying I can give money for every new e-book
The goal is not to buy the ebooks, doofus.
Maybe god wants you to move somewhere else?
Why dont you move? Slavic countries are shitholes usually
What do you mean, Tesla?
I don't care whether I'm Anglo or Russian. Both Anglos and Russians have decent access to books, as well as other necesseties and entertaining services.
What do you mean by "jump ship".
Also, I know nations 50x my size are not great at all, they mostly have incest ancestry and high suicide rate, but still, there's a limit to every misery.
I'm already trying to move somewhere else, but most of the people I know who moved are either females who married a foreign husband, or have close friends or families abroad already.
Also, I'm obviously a poorfag so moving would be even harder.
No, this faggot has to stay and improve his own society instead of larping as an Anglo. Western countries have already drained much of the talent in Eastern Europe and now there's a low IQ arab and african problem so these slavs need to stay put.
Maybe just buy the books that are on sale? Why are YOu even buying books? Just pirate them and if You especially liked the read, buy it or just print it??
Hello my friend, I am a rich Nigerian prince and owner of many fine books. Unfortunately a shipment of books from Penguin Publishing has been held up in customs in Greece. I would like for you to accept it on my behalf and I will wire you 15,000 euros to your bank account. I just need you to transfer a nominal fee via Western Union to my solicitor in order to facilitate the transaction.
What the other guy meant is that if you buy an ereader you can then illegal download books onto it. Would this be a viable solution if you had the money to buy an e-reader, or would it still not work anyway with your eyes
Printing is even worse than buying it. You can even sell it as used book later.
I'm thinking about it, but I don't want to fall to the le healthy electronic device meme just because I'm poor.
This comment is deeply delusional.
*Russosphere* is the biggest stupidity. Most people there despise Russians or they are to them as Australians are, which is nothing. Russia is totally irrelevant both culturally and economically and nothing of any values has been written in Russian since Nabokov went Anglo.
Also, it's 2019 nobody with mind gives a fuck about heritage, people want social security and education. All memes about Slavic, Russian or Anglo are field of knuckledraggers.
Gorrila mindset right here.
>Most people there despise Russians or they are to them as Australians are, which is nothing. Russia is totally irrelevant both culturally and economically
You are the delusional one here. The above is obviously not true whatsoever.
not helping just telling OP hes wrong
Out of the blue,mad. Throwing obcenities and insult at OP who is just genuinely looking for help.
user you sound like a brain washed 3rd world country cunt who is insecure about his own shit hole of a country.So you decided to help OP here sense you can relate but then you soon realise your in a shit country aswell so you project all this brain washed racist shit so you can push everything away just so you dont realise your a shit slavic cunt aswell.
Don't buy that shit of You can't afford lt. Just read on Your pc or phone.