Does her diary hold any literary merit or is it simply appreciated because of its historical relevancy?

Does her diary hold any literary merit or is it simply appreciated because of its historical relevancy?

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Other urls found in this thread:–33,

"It’s difficult in times like these: ideals, dreams and cherished hopes rise within us, only to be crushed by grim reality. It’s a wonder I haven’t abandoned all my ideals, they seem so absurd and impractical. Yet I cling to them because I still believe, in spite of everything, that people are truly good at heart."

it's a meme

>implying she was the one who wrote it

it holds no literary merit and is not historically relevant.

The main historical interest is her use of the ball-point pen before it was available... She must have had a time machine! kek

I wish i could save her in some sort of time machine desu

Read it, it's very short.
I enjoyed the part where she describes her vagoo.

solzhenitsyn BTFO

She is literally a better writer than anyone on this board. Her diary is an immortal display of a how stunningly profound a young girl can be.

Do you guys not feel awkward reading a teenage girls diary?


ay, s'good. Give it a read

epic counter argument

>go to bookshop
>move all the copies of Diary of a Young Girl to fiction section

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You're so retarded that putting effort into a response would be counter-productive.

Unbelievable DSL.



What does that have to do with anything?

why is the holocaust such an integral part of American education when it's not even American history? It's an atrocity perpetrated on and committed by groups of people that are wholly disconnected from America as an entity. The whole way the Holocaust is handled in the US is gross. "Remember the 6 million!" Ok, but 11 million people died in the holocaust. I guess it's ok that black people, gypsies and disable people were persecuted and we don't have to remember that.

>Diary of Anne Frank truther

/Pol/tards are dead weight.

Because it was the largest conflict in human history and the single most ambitious and systematized extermination program to ever be concocted. The US was involved in the war and it was the conflict that made America the global superpower of contemporary times.

WW2 and the holocaust are extremely relevant to American history.


The state of 'thinking' of Americucks.

>the single most ambitious and systematized extermination program to ever be concocted
it's not even the most ambitious extermination program of the century

What extermination plan was more ambitious?

inb4 this man actually says "white genocide" or some shit
3 m soviet prisoners of war also died in german occupied Europe
why don't we learn about all of these?

>and the single most ambitious and systematized extermination program to ever be concocted
*laughs in mongolian*

How were they more ambitious than the plans to wipe out Slavs in the eurasian steppe in order to secure their future living space of Germans? The 3rd Reich's plans would involve the extermination of tens of millions of people more than they had successfully killed already.

The Mongolians didn't plan to exterminate people. They viciously razed many people but that was a terror tactic.

must you really ask

how much does the JIDF pay you?

I'm not JIDF, you're just a fucking tard.

>The Mongolians didn't plan to exterminate people
neither did the nazis but they did anyway

Aktion Reinhard and General Plan Ost became formal goals for extermination.

Largely for it's historical relevancy; but there are some parts of the book that have some literary skill; I would imagine someone who writes a lot to have some.

Most of our families were affected by it you tryhard contrarian loser.

>autistically spamming a thread in an attempt to btfo /pol/tards
>i do it for free >:(
pathetic either way


How is the autistic obsessed nazi any better?

As in upon their creation they became the realization of the extermination plans for the 3rd Reich. My post doesn't imply they were anything else.

Do you really not know?
Maybe look at the Jewish population in America and then look at who runs the lobby groups (including for education), the media, Hollywood etc. etc.
This idiot probably thinks that Trump talked about the Holocaust for 15 minutes straight at the State of the Union address and had TWO Holocaust survivors because he just cares so much about it and a genocide that happened 80 years ago in Europe is so important to American history.
I'm sure it has nothing to do with AIPAC and all the money Trump and other congressmen have taken from wealthy Jewish Zionists in America.

i see no such person

your post implies at one point they weren't planning on it, which is correct

That is really sad for you, jew.
But that doesn't mean that your tribe has to spend every waking hour shoving your propaganda down the throats of European children.
Imagine the sense of entitlement a jew has that they think the whole world should give a shit about their problems and should be forced to hear them kvetching about it all the time.

>This idiot probably thinks that Trump talked about the Holocaust for 15 minutes straight at the State of the Union address and had TWO Holocaust survivors because he just cares so much about it and a genocide that happened 80 years ago in Europe is so important to American history.
I'm sure it has nothing to do with AIPAC and all the money Trump and other congressmen have taken from wealthy Jewish Zionists in America.

This is some schizoid posting.

AIPAC is something I am fundamentally agaisnt because it represents a foreign influence in politics which is an inherent corruption of the democratic principals of a nation. A foreign power cannot be allowed leverage where it does not have a stake.

That has not bearing on holocaust history. Bringing modern actions by a PAC of Israeli Americans into a discussion about the relevance of the holocaust does what? Implies it us only taught out of nefarious intentions? Why don't you argue on the subject matter itself and tell me why the holocaust is so unimportant as one of the most important moral issues of modernity? It is particularly relevant because it was not some 3rd world backwater ethnic quabble, it was the cultural capital of the world, the most innovative and educated country on earth succumbing to total moral decay.

It is philosophically, ethically and politically relevant as a historical event in western and world history.

Yes. The holocaust was conceived of later on but the Reich had intentions of ethnically purifying Germany fron the beginning. Mein Kampf alludes to some of the actions to be taken and visions of an ethnically pure state.

The Nazis gradually accelerated and amplified their actions and it culminated in an extermination program.

you know this isn't reddit, right?

>Holocaust history being taught in America definitely has nothing to do with the extremely influential Jewish population in America or their extensive networks of lobby groups because that's just crazy goy!
>here's a bunch of irrelevant information which proves nothing
Lol no one is buying this pilpul m8

just lurk moar you retard or fuck off to reddit

How is discussion reddit tier posting?


>It is philosophically, ethically and politically relevant as a historical event in western and world history.
But why is it held up as an event equally to, if not more important than the entire WW2 conflict? Why does it share the same portion of our education that the entire conflicts in Vietnam, Korea and the Middle East do? Even within the study of WW2, the actual part that the US was involved in (the pacific theater) doesn't get anywhere near the same kind of attention.

>"Go to reddit" = I have no way to answer this because I'm an assblasted podunk hill nigger at my wit's end.

>obvious reddit spacing
>muh serious discussion while posting retarded jew drivel
no one cares, you autistic kike

>Assblasted, waterbrained /pol/ closet faggot loses his cool

There is no extermination program, the Jews were slave labor, which was to be deported after the war was over. When the Reich’s economy collapsed, and they could no longer care for them, millions ended up dying because of starvation, lack of medicine, and the occasional camp rebellion. No gas chambers, no ovens, no mass graves set on fire, no rollercoasters of death, masterbation machines, or human lampshades.

>Yes. The destruction of the khwarezmids was conceived of later on but the mongols had intentions of ethnically purifying eurasia fron the beginning. The Mongol-Jin War alludes to some of the actions to be taken and visions of an ethnically pure state.
>The mongols gradually accelerated and amplified their actions and it culminated in an extermination program.

>Yet I cling to them because I still believe, in spite of everything, that people are truly good at heart.
>The time for war has not yet come, but it will come, and that soon; and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard!

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Well, there's

…wait a sec.

> This list of genocides by death toll includes death toll estimates of all deaths that are either directly or indirectly caused by genocide. It does not include non strictly-genocidal mass killing (variously called mass murder, crimes against humanity, politicide, policide, classicide, war crimes) such as the Thirty Years War (7.5 million deaths), Japanese war crimes (3 to 14 million deaths), the Red Terror (100,000 to 1.3 million deaths), the Atrocities in the Congo Free State (1 to 15 million deaths), the Great Purge (0.6 to 1.75 million death), or the Great Leap Forward (15 to 55 million deaths).

So when Nazi pull out of their ass that Jews are second rate humans that need to be eradicated, it's in the list, and when Chinese pull out of their ass that anyone who has a different opinion from Mao is a second rate human that needs to be eradicated, it's not? But then Nazi killings in Eastern Europe are there?

Also, Holodomor is part of–33, there is no evidence that grain-producing areas were singled out based on nationality. In fact, that Bolshevik way of treating peasants (despite the abundance of slogans about state of workers and peasants, etc.) has started right after the revolution, even when Lenin and company controlled small and agriculturally weak part of Russia. Effectively, it was stated that peasants had to give as much food as Red Army (fighting for the good of workers and peasant everywhere, etc.) needed, and what would happen to peasants after that was not anyone's business. This continued, more or less, through the next decades of industrialization and collectivization, and it was the discovery of oil reserves that saved what's left of rural citizens.

So that's quite a politically motivated list.

> There is no extermination program, the Jews were slave labor, which was to be deported after the war was over.

Meine kleine /pol/ster, the point that Nazi largely ignored the economical effects of camp labor, and just killed for the sake of killing, is quite well known. Overturn of the war just made the system increase its useless productivity.

"A government that fears arms in the hands of its' people should also fear ROPE!"

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> In 2010, the Culpeper County, Virginia school system banned the 50th Anniversary "Definitive Edition" of Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl, due to "complaints about its sexual content and homosexual themes."[49] This version "includes passages previously excluded from the widely read original edition.... Some of the extra passages detail her emerging sexual desires; others include unflattering descriptions of her mother and other people living together."[50] After consideration, it was decided a copy of the newer version would remain in the library and classes would revert to using the older version.

> In 2013, a similar controversy arose in a 7th grade setting in Northville, Michigan, focusing on explicit passages about sexuality.[51] The mother behind the formal complaint referred to portions of the book as "pretty pornographic."[52]

> The American Library Association stated that there have been six challenges to the book in the United States since it started keeping records on bans and challenges in 1990, and "Most of the concerns were about sexually explicit material".[50]

Does Memri TV offer cable channel subscriptions in these areas? I think they can grab quite a lot of money with their content.


>masturbation machines
go on

fucking retard lol

>a nine month pregnant Anne Frank and Peter van Pels find themselves lost in a land of deepest shade, comforting each other in the dark, reliant only on each other's light to lead the other into a world of insidious evil that threatens to swallow them whole, caught between a familiar tormenter and a new unknown almost demonic terror that leaves their hearts trembling with unimaginable fear

Would you like to know more?

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Stop enticing me with pregnant women, this is not fair.

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Wasn't it written by her father? Or is it just a /pol/ meme?

It's pretty well established that the diary is at least embellished by her father.

I've read of some lefties who thought of it as the most important book ever. I guess if your entire mission in life is about oppression then she is your Apollo.

It is authentic according to the analyses of the Netherlands State Institute for War Documentation. The handwriting fits Anne's and the materials used were available at the time of supposed writing.

This terror was unknown, but had been stalking the couple for a few days now. It moved with superhuman speed, never allowing the couple to get a good look at it before it fled further into the darkness.
The Jewish couple did nothing but run, further and further into the abyss. Desperate to escape the persuing Germans, and now whatever else was hunting them. They were exausted from days of non stop running, and decided to rest under the comforting embrace of a great birch tree. Hoping it would give them at least some cover. They both wanted to keep going, but their bodies desperately needed rest.

Peter looked at his sleeping partner, and couldn’t help but smile. Even in this seemingly eternal darkness, he could still make out her features. Anne was just as beautiful as ever. Peter wanted with all his being to keep her safe, alongside their unborn child. He remembered when they had first consummated their love, in the attic of a friendly communist spy in Salzgitter, a couple weeks after they had escaped from Bergen-Belsen. Peter was still drained of semen from the cruel Nazi masterbation machines of Bergen at the time, so he couldn’t even climax! He still remembered how embarrassed he had felt after that!

Peter laughed to himself, which startled Anne out of her peaceful sleep. Peter rested his hand on her cheek and lovingly stroked it “It’s ok Anne, everything is fine. Get some sleep.”

Anne turned at him, her beautiful blue eyes shinning through the darkness. “Peter i’m scarred, the Germans are hunting us, but i’m even more scarred of the thing stalking us! God Peter, i’m so scarred. I can’t go back!”

Peter moved his hand to her curly black hair, and began stroking that too. “It’s ok, i’m keeping watch. If anything happens i’ll wake you up, and we’ll run. I love you Anne, I won’t let anything happen to you.”

Anne seemed to warm up to that, she took Peter’s hand out of her hair, and held it, their fingers interlocking. “I love you too Peter”

And with that a object of incredible speed crashed into Peter, and their whole world came crashing down.

I don't care about nazishit but supposedly ballpoint pens weren't real or some shit. Whatever.

Why is she regarded as a victim of the holocaust when she died of fucking Typhus?


Anne was shocked, just a moment ago she had been holding hands with Peter, the love of her life. And then a object of indescribable speed and mass had smashed into him, dragging Peter off to Yahweh knows where. Her first instinct was to scream, but her survival instinct quickly kicked in and she stabilized herself. She got up and she ran towards the direction that she thought she saw Peter go, her fear not stopping her. Peter was all that mattered to Anne, and she would rather die than leave him.

After running for what seemed like hours Anne finally reached what she assumed to be Peter and their stalker. But she couldn’t be sure, the darkness making the two figures infront of her indistinguishable. One was huge, easily 8 feet tall, while the other was small, frail, just like Anne. The huge person stood over the much smaller one, his back facing Anne. As Anne approached them she got a better look at the huge figure, she noticed a certain armband at his side, glowing with malevolence in the darkness. It held the dread symbol of the most powerful and terrifying foe her people had ever faced, the Nazi Swastika. It’s Black silhouette still somehow seen in the eternal darkness.

Looking over the Nazi and getting a better look at his captive. She saw that the smaller one was indeed Peter, his handsome eyes bleeding through the darkness. His eyes were starring at her in desperation, they told her one thing, run!

But Anne would not run, she had lost enough of her loved ones to the German savages. She could not bare the thought of losing another. Picking up a large stone with both hands, Anne quickly rushed towards the Nazi, screaming at the top of her lungs. She swinged the stone straight towards the Nazi’s head with all her might, aiming to splatter his brain matter onto the ground.

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>literary merit

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What I want to know is how she invented the ball point pen in a concentration camp

Aren't you always going on about how wonderful it was there? Maybe all that luxury inspired her latent inventiveness to bloom.

>Because it was the largest conflict in human history and the single most ambitious and systematized extermination program to ever be concocted
Ah so Generalplan Ost only exists when it suits you.... nice to know

Just thought I’d get it out of the way.

Hitler was not in a good mood, the war was going poorly for the Reich. The Judeo-Bolsheviks had broken into Germany proper, comrade Mussolini had been tortured to death by hordes of Marxist savages, and the treacherous British and their American pets were getting ever closer to the fatherland. Hitler was incredibly stressed out, his world was crumbling around him, and he needed to relieve some of that stress. The two Juden untermenschen he had stumbled upon were the perfect candidates to help him with this prospect.

He had been stalking them for days now, enjoying the torment that he brought to the creatures. He listened to every conversation that they had, he starred at them as they slept, he consumed their dropping, he could taste their fear. The foreplay was always Hitler’s favorite part. To make his prey paranoid, filled with fear, and anxiety before he had his way with them always made the actual rape so much better.

Adolf had already violated the Juden boy, inserting his superior Aryan penis into every orifice of the little Jew boy’s body. Adolf had also ripped the kike’s penis off with his razor sharp Atlantian teeth, symbolizing Juden circumcison, and then devouring the penis whole, symbolizing the depravity of the Jewish Rabbi. Hitler had then inserted his massive Aryan cock into the penis while, symbolizing just how god damn horny Hitler was.

Hitler was just finishing up withthe little Juden, blowing his superior Aryan load all over his immobilized body, when something hit Adolf hard in the back of the head. The stone rushed towards the Ubermensch’s cranium, and the cranium prevailed, pulverizing the stone into dust. “That would have killed a lesser man, but I am Hyperborean Ubermensch, and no little Juden’s trick can kill me!” Adolf spoke to his would be assassin.

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“Penis hole”

so many of them here these days

imagine being this fucking dumb

I thought the only parts of her diary written with a ball point pen were added a posteriori by her father, but those sections are a minimum part of the document, a couple of pages only. I had never heard of the "ball point pen" conspiracy until now and I had to look it up, so correct me if I've been deceived.

Peter’s attacker turned to face Anne, the Nazi’s head destroying the stone that had collided with it just moments ago. What Anne saw was the most terrifying thing she had ever seen in her entire life. The rollercoasters of death, gas chambers, masterbation machines, and ovens that she saw at Aushwitz being easily far less scary than the being standing before her. It was Satan in human form, the leader of the great enemy, the most terrifying monster in all of human history, the origin of all evil in the universe, Adolf Hitler.

Anne Frank froze in absolute terror, pissing and shitting herself in the process. She wanted to run, she had to escape, nothing mattered more to the little jewess more than getting the HELL OUT OF THERE! But her legs wouldn’t move, she was a deer in headlights, completly at the mercy to the Aryan sexual predator.

Hitler licked his lips seductively, and then get on all fours infront of Anne, he then began to lick up the puddle of piss, that bled through Anne’s panties,off the ground. After the Fuhrer was done consuming her iron, he stood up, and looked her right in the eyes.

Anne had the full picture of the demon now, he was well muscled, handsome even, with a massive two foot cock. The Ubermensch’s penis was huge, bulging with power, it was covered in swastika tattoos, with a couple of SS runes as well. Hitler’s penis also smelled of Zyklon B, just like the gas chambers, Anne also noticed that Hitler had only one shriveled up ball at the end of his massive shaft. Hitler’s penis was also covered in genital warts.

Hitler wanted to make this even more fun, so he called up the Pagan Gods Odin and Wotan to increase his sexual virility. Anne watched as Hitler’s two foot cock grew to 20 feet before her very eyes, and she nearly fainted. Finally working up the courage to run, Anne booked it, Hitler crushing Peter’s windpipe with his his massive Nazi cock as she ran.

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imagine being a fucking kike

>jewish girl who actually reads and writes
>memelords with Internet access

Of course she's a better writer than anyone on Yea Forums, talk about low hanging fruit!

If she's soo smart how come she's dead then idiot?

Anne ran as fast as her legs could take her, but Adolf was faster. Hitler’s firm Aryan hands grabbing hold of her hair, ripping most of it from her scalp in one pull. Anne fell in shock, her asshole facing skyward, still filled with chocolate sludge. Hitler took his penis, and pushed it into the crevice of Anne’s ass, it easily destroying the pants she was wearing to get at the soft flesh bellow.

Hitler’s penis travelled through Anne’s body, eventually finding its final destination coming through the back end of Anne’s throat. The Ubermensch’s cock came out of her mouth covered in shit, digestive fluids, and blood “both Anne’s and Peter’s” the Aryan penis knocking out all of Anne’s teeth in the process. And at the very end of Hitler’s penis was Anne’s unborn baby, impaled the same way Anne was.

Anne was in a indescribable amount of pain throughout her being, every fiber of her existence hurt, and every nerve in her body was burning with the heat of a thousand sons. She cried, internally praying for a death that would not come, only one thing would cum, and that was Hitler.

Hitler then lifted Anne up with his penis, almost looking like old Vlad the Impaler lifting up one of his many impaled victims. Hitler spun Anne around and around with his penis, then he pulled his penis out of her as she was mid spin, sending her flying.

Anne crashed into the violated corpse of Peter, the corpse of her unborn baby shortly following her. She cried, and cried, she was in as much emotional and physical pain as possible. Hitler slowly walked over to her, and then started to finger her asshole, while licking the tears off her face.

“I love Juden tears! So yummy to Aryan Predators!” Hitler laughed “This will be the fate of all your, kind for running the banking system!” Hitler then started to twirl his mustache.

Anne wanted to scream, she wanted to scream that the Jews did not in fact run the banking system, and that was just a neo Nazi conspiracy theory. But as she was longer capable of speech, she couldn’t voice her logical and nuanced point of view.

It was time to finish up, Hitler cummed all Anne, her boyfriend, and her babies corpse. He cummed so much that a new lake was created “Lake Hitler” and Anne spent her last moments drowning in Hitler’s cum.

“Das Juden good fuck” Hitler said to himself “But the Aryan predetor is never satisfied, I must have more.” And with that Hitler set off to find more victims.



Slavboi “nazi” spotted. Walking contradiction, shame of his people.

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>/his/ is leaking into Yea Forums

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Nearly a million Russians fought for Hitler

The editions released shortly after the war are heavily edited and altered by her father. Sometime later, after Otto Franks death, her cousin published in 1997 a more accurate translation into English that included all the entries her father omitted or altered. This edition is known as the Definitive edition. It includes diary entries from Diary a and Diary b.

The most shitty 'book' one can read.

>I still believe, in spite of everything, that people are truly good at heart.

Well, she got proven dead wrong (in the most literal sense of that phrase).



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We just "discovered" these hidden pages, goyim. Trust us. We didn't block them out so this diary could be used to propagandize 12 and 13 year old school children. Oy vey!

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Plan, not real deaths, idiot. God this board is infested with cro-magnon fucking /pol/nigs.

The fanfic based on it that has dbz characters has more literary value.

>not a single Confederate making an appearance

I demand a rewrite

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Absolutely brilliant user, well done.

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>blocks your path

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tfw semen stains the mountaintops

>Because it was the largest conflict in human history and the single most ambitious and systematized extermination program to ever be concocted.

Intentionalism needs to be wiped out. It's pure Jewish propaganda. How can someone have so little of critical thinking is beyond me.

Typhus might have something to do with it.

Jew pedo cultists shill it

Where can I learn more about intentionalism vs. functionalism?

>Something wonderful has happened. Peter... I'm pregnant.

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The ballpoint pen writing was her father's. He wrotes some notes on the diary to help organize it for publication.

>Holocaust didn't happen because jewish conspiracy
>Stalin caused a famine that even affected crops in russia

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It proves the Holocaaust was real

No, but I mean they did have a pool and all kinds of crafts. As far as internment camps go, it was better than Americas, at least until Germany was too war ravaged to maintain it.

The famines were a result of poor land management as a result of the displacement of the people who actually worked it.

The idea that Germany wanted to find every Jew on planet Earth and exterminate them is childishly naive.

>The idea that Germany wanted to find every Jew on planet Earth and exterminate them is childishly naive.

Maybe the nazi were childishly naive. They went full LARP mode.

It's 6 million including the gypsies, blacks, homos and disabled, and 5 millions if you only count the jews.

Everybody was naive.
Britain and France thought they'd handle Germany better than they did, and essentially got steamrolled.
Germany was naive thinking Britain would hesitate to pull the world into war over Poland, which they didn't defend anyway.
You're the most naive thinking a country that sent most of its Jewish population across the globe had a systematic plan to remove them from the planet.
You're the most naive thinking that because a country invaded places it had historical cassus belli for "wanted to dominate the world"
While quite literally having war declared on it by a country that dominated the world
I don't blame you, because its what you've been conditioned to believe, but reality just isn't so black and white, nigger.

3 million of those dead were ethnic Poles.
They suffered the most from the war, and continued to suffer after.

You're gonna laugh but honestly I htink it has a lot to do with how it allows white American to guilt trip without doing much concretely (because as you said it was relatively unrelated to the US), and it is also easily sensationalized (think of how we're obsessed by serial killers).

It's an event that is hard to ignore, event harder to talk about with a level head, it's more or less synonymous with a license to wax poetical or indulge in exgageration or generalities about the darkness of the human soul or whatever and feel like an ethical person confronted with Evil even when you're just a nondescript burger watching a netflix series about the event.

It's also tied with le epic war in which the Americans got to save the day (the eastern front was more about self defence and revenge and it's also were the Americans dropped the bomb so it's a guilt that hits a bit too close to home). So you can do at the same time self-congratulation and pretend self-introspection, which is pretty great for narcissistic purposes.

It's basically a huge magnet for sensational, political, ideological discourse as well as armchair-philosophy and well-meaning platitudes: everyone is concerned, nobody is exactly guilty (in the US at least), it's less boring and less morally ambiguous than the specifics of war-waging (for americans at least), it makes for great cinematography, etc. All I said apply as much to tthe /pol/tard who can't shut up about how hitler dindu nuting as it does to the liberals always bringing the holocaust into everything.

There are of courses others reasons, and in Europe the situation is different (they have to talk about it mostly because they're responsible for it), but I think it's an aspect that's easily overlooked and yet very important. Jewish overlords or not modern media loves narcissistic feedback loop with unsolvable ideological questions that make you feel smart just by debating them and without having to bring anything substantial to the table.

On a similar line of thought it might be also a moral justification for why America took over Europe as the world superpower int the West. It's more important than you imagine. I'm reminded of Virgil's Aeneid, one of my latin teachers had us notice that it provided a mythological justification for why the romans tool over the greeks, which was importants for the romans since they revered the greeks so much.

>The US was involved in the war and it was the conflict that made America the global superpower of contemporary times.
This is the reason. It's part of the founding myth of the superpower US. Therefore Nazi Germany must be the superlative America overcame.

Did the Mongol even explicitly talk about state making ? Did they hold conferences and meeting and left written traces of their concern with ethnical purity ?

Also there was nothing gradual about it, it was brutal for the beginning and standard procedure for the mongols.


I know you put them there as nice touches to be noticed, so I post to tell you I noticed them.
Also loving the description of Hitler as a 9 feet tall predator.

>Ok, but 11 million people died in the holocaust
not even the jews want to go with you on that one

Are you talking about the Holocaust or the entire war ?

And yes, everyone in Europe knows the Poles are always the first to get hit, it's almost as if no war is fun until you start bullying Poland. Americans don't know because they can't tell Poland from Austria.

The "holocaust."
Over half of the people to die in the total casualties counted for the holocaust were ethnic Poles. The fact nobody knows this yet we are constantly brow beaten about how horrible the "holocaust" was is a sure tell we got duped

People being stupid and misinformed doesn't mean suddenly make widely-known history a farce. Yes, history is constantly revised in face of new evidence, we get it, that doesn't mean the general outline immediately goes away.

And everyone in Western Europe has heard of Einsatzgruppen. It's only Americans who are ignorant about this.

>widely-known history
Oh shut the fuck up, idiot.
Most people only think of Jewish victims because of the Holocaust and don't give a shit about the Polish, for a reason. It's a fucking disrespect to the Polish.

wow, i can't believe i never heard it was actually 11 million who died. crazy how 12 million can just die like that, without you ever knowing. 13 million, gone like that. all jews too, imagine that, 14 million jews gone. i shall light 15 candles to commemorate them.

>Oh shut the fuck up, idiot.

Nice self-control you got there m8. I'm used to getting insulted but in most cases it's by people I'm seriously disagreeing with. You're getting worked up over nothing.

>Most people only think of Jewish victims because of the Holocaust and don't give a shit about the Polish, for a reason.

And that reason is le jewish propaganda meme I suppose ? But here you're wrong precisely because

>disrespect to the Polish

is everywhere in WWII pop history and not limited to civilian extermination.

Almost nobody remember that Polish intelligence paved the way for Turing's cracking of the Enigma machine (they barely get a mention in the feature film about him that made him mainstream), that the Polish resistance kept fighting fiercely years after their country was conquered, and that the Polish pilots were universally recognized as the best Allied pilots and second only to the German veteran aces of the Spanish Civil War.

This is because people don"t care that much about precise history, and also because most of popular American history of WWII is about le epic American saving poor Europe for le ebil Nazis. It has little to do with the Holocaust specifically. Same reason people don't realize how terrible the bombings of Dresden and Hamburg were.

Careful with that strawman, it burns.


I guess that's what was intended when the soviets sent food to those afflicted as fast as they could. Wait a minute gommunism no food xdd

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Browning, The Path to Genocide: Essays on Launching the Final Solution, 1992

Moses, "Structure and agency in the Holocaust: Daniel J. Goldhagen and his critics" 1998.

>is le ((("""""HOLOCAUST""""")))
>is le grande kike conpiracione
>77 gerbillion poles were killed by my physical cum tributaries and i suddenly feel so sowwy for them ...

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>ywn save her

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the holocaust happened

I thought it was quite good, especially given her age. I read it when I was about 17 so a bit older that she was and I could identify with her developing emotional feelings for the boy that was also in hiding with them. Because of that it's a good way to introduce teenagers to how individuals live through, and are in many ways helpless in the face of massive historical forces. It gives context for the conflict.

Now that I'm older I personally find that I can identify more with accounts from people on the front, since that's far more likely what I would be doing if WWIII started. Either that or evaporating in a nuclear blast.

According to standard historical sources approximately 60 million people died in WWII; so about 10% of the people that died in the largest ever global conflict were killed for largely ideological reasons. I'm not for the States so I cannot say anything about American education.

I'd say that they were more ambitious in that the plans for starvation of the populations of Central and Eastern Europe were somewhat more passive in nature; 'invade, steal supplies during the invasion, don't worry about the needs of the local population, anyone left after that war becomes a slave class drone' versus 'round them up, send them to Madagascar. Actually, that's not practical let's spend huge amounts of time and resources shipping them across Europe to their deaths.'

Can you provide a source for that. I read quite a lot of history books and I have never heard that 1/2 of the 6 million people killed were Polish.

Don't take this the wrong way, but I've lived in Poland for several years, I'm originally from the UK, and I've done quite a bit of research about what happened here, including how terribly ethnic Poles suffered; and from what you're writing you sound to me a lot like a certain type of Polish person. One that simply won't allow it when someone suggests that the Polish people didn't get first place in the 'Nazi's victim Olympics'.

Have I got the wrong end of the stick?

Is it true that it was written by ball point pen which was not yet invented during her life?

ha i get that reference! well meme'd fren

Nah, that was only two pages total that were added after the fact. Other additions include the numeration of the pages. At least, according to that I've researched; I might be wrong.

Well, how dofferent are you from her, hidden away in your mom's basement?

I've got something better in mind...

>somewhere in the German-occupied Netherlands
>one early September morning, 1944
>a pair of lone men, sharpshooters are watching what appears to be an abandoned church in the Dutch countryside through the telescopic sight of a rifle before dawn, the only sound being crickets and occasional rush of wind
>C-47 transports begin to rumble overhead, right on time
>they spot several trucks speeding down the road and radio in to headquarters, reporting their presence
>the trucks abruptly veer off the road and stop in the front of the Church, several dozen Gestapo men dismount and begin stacking up the door
>just then, the sound of gunfire and screaming rings out from the direction the trucks came from
>the radio abruptly lit up
>"Hitman to Hitman-2, is that you engaging targets?"
>"Negative. That's the Germans."
>"Are you being engaged?"
>"Negative. Contact Raptor, that's coming from their sector, over."
>"Pappy, Reyes. Get the M1941 and punch out to that berm."
>"2-2. Roger"
>"Raptor, this is Godfather, what's your status, over?"
>"Godfather, this is Raptor, we're taking small arms fire in the vicinity of the Mumma Farm. Break."
>"Correction, they're not shooting at us. They're shooting AT the farm. Could be Dutch Resistance maybe? Do you want us to break cover and engage anyway, over?"
>"Godfather to Raptor, that is affirm, go get 'em. How copy?"
>"Raptor, solid copy. Moving to engage."

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>unknown to them, a nine month pregnant, nearly ready to pop Anne Frank and Peter van Pels are fast asleep inside after a night of steamy hot sex in the nearby tulip field
>Peter, a light sleeper is awakened by the sound of gunfire and rumbling engines, although previously accustomed to the sound of weapons fire from a life in hiding, he realizes that it’s out of place since Allied aircraft rarely attack targets in the countryside
>he shakes Anne, enjoying her first beauty sleep in days, awake, telling her they need to leave
>as Anne is struggling to keep her eyes open, the door is kicked open and several Gestapo immediately begin flooding into their improvised bedroom, barking commands in German
>acting on instinct, Peter attempts to punch the closest Gestapo officer and is rewarded with a rifle butt to the face, breaking his nose and spraying blood all over Anne
>the German prepares to shoot Peter but is stopped by SD officer Karl Silberbauer, who had slipped into the room in the initial commotion
>when the Gestapo man begins to protest that a Jew dared to strike a German soldier, Silberbauer tells his subordinate that they’ve already killed enough people tonight and he simply doesn’t want to fill out anymore paperwork
>the German asks if he’s at least allowed to hit Peter, Silberbauer responds yes, and Peter is immediately struck in the face again
>Silberbauer then turns to the pair of lovers, still naked and disheveled that he’s been looking for them for some time
>he sniffs the air and his face contorts with mild disgust as he recognizes the scent, he looks down at Anne's stomach
>he audibly mutters under his breath "been making more of the Chosen People, have we?"

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>Anne suspects that the rest of her family has been caught and immediately becomes hysterical, demanding to know what happened to them
>Silberbauer coldly ignores her tremulous cries and tells her she has two minutes to get dressed or else he’ll have his men drag her outside by her hair, naked
>Anne struggles alone to pull on her vastly too small dress, the Gestapo ransack her few belongings (finding nothing of value) and take turns kicking and punching Peter as he dresses himself
>after managing to get their clothes on, Anne and Peter are grabbed by the Gestapo and dragged outside, pushing and shoving her along without the slightest hint of concern for her heavily pregnant state
>upon seeing the Germans coming out of the Church with two prisoners, the sharpshooters immediately radio in an update to headquarters, requesting permission to take the shot, they are simply told by their commanding officer to “stand by”
>Anne looks out at the still-darkened sky but can see the outline of a smoke plume in the distance
>the sound of gunfire and scream confirms what she suspected, the pastor who had been hiding them had been caught
>as she is dragged closer to the truck waiting to take her and Peter away, Anne feels the baby kick, playing happily, completely oblivious to the torrent of agony its mother feels
>she becomes filled with a sense of maternal desire to protect her baby from a terrible fate, and begins kicking and screaming for someone to help them to no avail
>before being restrained Anne manages to turn around and catch a glimpse of the rising sun and is immediately filled with a sense of despair, realizing that this is the last sunrise she’ll ever witness as a free person and she’ll have to birth her child in a prison camp in god-knows-where, or worse
>as tears begin to well up, she begins to softly tell the baby she’s sorry for having failed him

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>she notices with the corner of her eye a series of strange glints coming from the treeline just past the tulip field
>some distance away, the two sharpshooters are quietly debating amongst each other whether or not they should disregard their orders and open fire on the Germans anyway
>impatient and realizing the prisoners are about to be loaded onto the trucks, one of them tersely calls out over the open airwave that they only have a few more seconds before they miss their window of opportunity
>they listen as their commanding officer replies and about to tell them to shut up and stay off the net when orders from higher up come in
>"Hitman-2, this is Hitman, you are approved to engage those targets. Pass the order to fix bayonets."
>"Solid copy."
>the officer wastes no time in passing on the order, “Hitman-2 to Echo-Five-Romeo, you are approved to engage.“
>"Roger that."
>"Radio check. Go to secure channel."
>"Lock and load!"
>the spotter heard as the bolt of his comrade's rifle fed a round into the chamber
>"Let's hope these beat-ass old Pattern Enfields do the trick."
>meanwhile in the treeline near the tulip field, dozens of shadowy figures in unison begin attaching bayonets to their rifles, the sound of the collective clicks being drowned out by the kicking and screaming at the Church

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>just as Anne finally reaches the truck, she manages to turn around again and holds onto the doors for dear life, looking Silberbauer directly in the eyes as he shouts for her to get inside
>"Range to target, niner, seven, niner. Wind, moving from West to East, quarter value."
>"On scope."
>the spotter quietly begins reciting the Lord's Prayer under his breath
>"Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heav-"
>"On target."
>before he can push her into the truck, Silberbauer’s head explodes, leaving Anne sopping from head to toe in blood, brain matter, bone, and part of his eyeball, the sound of the shot rings out a split second later
>Anne doesn't scream at first, as much as she wants to, the sheer amount of adrenaline pumping through her veins leaves her unable to so much as open her mouth
>"Standby for second target, truck driver. East, five yards, you got him?"
>"I tally."
>immediately afterward, Anne hears he sound of breaking glass and the truck’s horn honking continuously as the driver slumps into the wheel, dead
>"Hit.">just as Anne finally reaches the truck, she manages to turn around again and holds onto the doors for dear life, looking Silberbauer directly in the eyes as he shouts for her to get inside
>"Range to target, niner, seven, niner. Wind, moving from West to East, quarter value."
>"On scope."
>the spotter quietly begins reciting the Lord's Prayer under his breath
>"Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heav-"
>"On target."
>before he can push her into the truck, Silberbauer’s head explodes, leaving Anne sopping from head to toe in blood, brain matter, bone, and part of his eyeball, the sound of the shot rings out a split second later
>Anne doesn't scream at first, as much as she wants to, the sheer amount of adrenaline pumping through her veins leaves her unable to so much as open her mouth
>"Standby for second target, truck driver. East, five yards, you got him?"
>"I tally."
>immediately afterward, Anne hears he sound of breaking glass and the truck’s horn honking continuously as the driver slumps into the wheel, dead

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>Peter manages to break free of his guards, grabs Anne’s arm, and yanks her down
>the world explodes around Anne, a deadly volley of gunfire rips through the tulip field, the front rank of Germans drop dead instantly
>just as the Gestapo finally recover enough to respond, firing wildly into the tulip field in a panic, a second volley tears through them, killing even more than the previous one
>Anne finds herself holding onto Silberbauer’s body, still involuntarily twitching despite half of his head missing, as Anne begins to scream in horror, Peter grabs her and pulls behind the wheel of the truck as bullets ping off the open door above them
>the third and final volley breaks the surviving Germans, they turn around and bolt down the road, firing in all directions in a panic
>as Peter protectively covers Anne's body to shield her from incoming rounds, Anne looks through out into the whirlpool of confusion in front of her
>in the smoke and haze, Anne suddenly sees a line of men, in perfect formation, emerge from the tulip field they stop at the edge of the road, some of them fire individually at the fleeing Germans until they are yelled by someone behind them
>a flag Anne can barely make out flutters defiantly in the wind above them

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>the smoke finally clears enough for Anne to catch a glimpse of the attackers, they’re wearing gray
>thinking them to be Germans, Anne immediately panics and begins screaming in her former native tongue for them to leave her alone but gets a hold of herself
>whoever these men are, they’re are most certainly not German
>their coats are too long, they’re not speaking German, they’re not wearing jackboots or helmets, but strange hats, like the fedoras her that father is so fond of, but all-black with longer brims, taller, and with a brass or gold bugle on the front
>for the first time since she awoke, Anne feels a sense of relief
>a gust of wind clears away the remaining smoke and allows her to get a good look at their newfound protectors
>they wear long gray coats with red cuffs on the forearms and collar, three sets of buttons, and a half-dozen red bars running down the length of the buttons
>Anne immediately finds herself wet in the vagina at the sight of them, how beautifully they are, oh how she wished she could see her Peter wearing one

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>another gust of wind blows away smoke of the remaining smoke
>Anne and Peter both look around in a mixture of terror and bewilderment
>the tulip field they had made love in not 12 hours earlier has been flattened by the boots of the soldiers
>dozens, hundreds of them, swarm the area like angry bees
>Anne can still hear their demonic screaming in the distance
>she hears human voices and turns her head to see three officers standing by a collapsed fence post
>she can barely understand what sounds like a poor imitation of English
>"Goddamnit, will you get your men the Hell back here? We don't need them running all the way to Berlin."
>"Roger that. First Sergeant! Run up there and bring 'em back."
>"Yes sir!"
>the man took off down the road, kicking up dust as he darted past Anne and Peter
>the other two soldiers started toward Anne and Peter
>Peter managed to stand up, but Anne remained stuck where she was, the baby kicked and punched in her womb relentlessly
>one of the officers, one with three solid gold bars on his collar turned to the other "Help her up!"
>but the one with two bars on his collar was already stretching out his hand to her, with Peter, they manage to pull Anne up
>Anne repeatedly says "thank you", despite being certain that the man can't understand her at all

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>the three-barred officer asked "are you Dutch Resistance?"
>Anne simply starred at him, trying to process what he was saying, she was about to open her mouth when his comrade interrupted
>"Sir, I don't think she understands what we're saying."
>"Where's that damn translator, what's his face.. Harry?"
>"I think he's with Godfather."
>"Well call him up then."
>"Gotta find the radioman, where the Hell is he?"
>the officer turned to Anne, "just wait here a minute"
>just then, Anne saw some of the soldiers finally coming back, the first officer finally having caught up with them, one of them had three downward pointing arrows on his uniform and was carrying a flag
>without thinking, Anne waddled toward the soldier with the flag
>she caught a proper glimpse at the flag for the first time
>it was a red square with a blue X running across the center, twelve white stars adorned it
>she had never seen such a flag before, it looked… strange
>like it had come from another world.
>she suddenly realized the flag's peculiar choice of stars, they were all six-sided, the Star of David
>entranced, Anne’s raised her hand to touch it
>it was wool, up close the vibrant red background and blue cross was even more striking
>Anne's mind raced, part of her was utterly perplexed, what was this strange object that the color guard clutched tightly, as he were cherishing sacred relic? What did it mean?
>as she felt the fabric run through her fingertips, Anne felt herself overcome with emotion
>”You like it miss?” a jovial voice asked in English
>for so long, that star had been oppression, the yellow badges she had to wear day after day, branding her as a Jew, something less than human
>it felt almost alien to see that star on such a symbol of defiance
>without a second thought, Anne wrapped her arms around the soldier and planted a big, wet kiss on his cheek
>the man managed to utter out of surprise, "well... You're welcome."
>Anne kissed him more and more

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>Peter felt a pang of jealousy, this stranger was getting all of her attention
>the soldier saw the look in Peter's eyes, he knew that look
>he pushed Anne back gently, telling her that while he would love to stay and talk, he had a job to do and pointed her back toward Peter
>Anne rushed back to Peter and wrapped her arms around him, holding him tight
>Peter could feel the tears running down her and dripping onto him as her stomach kicked and punched into his own
>"Everything's gonna be alright", he tried to reassure her
>one off officers called to a man with a large radio with an antenna sticking out, he wore a headset with a metal tube sticking out that ran along the length of his cheek and mouth
>”Get on the line with Godfather and tell him we need Harry up here now.”
>”Yes sir”, he spoke into metal tube, “Godfather, this is Hitman, we need the translator up here now, over.”
>he paused for a few moments, “Yes, thank you sir. Godfather’s already on his way.”
>several explosions went off in another direction, everyone turned to see the smoke and dirt rise up into the air.”
>”Is that ours or theirs?”
>”Theirs. Our artillery doesn’t reach out this far. We’re just got air support until 0800 hours at the earliest.”
>”Well ain’t that just peachy.”
>”We’ve got Arc Light on stand by in case shit gets real hairy.”
>”That’s good to hear.”

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Stranger things have happened than a book like this coming out as a fake by the father. How naive does someone have to be? Grow up and just admit you aren't sure whether it's real or not.

>Anne heard a rustling sound and looked up to see two men in strange suits covered in leaves and pieces of fabric emerge from the tulips
>both of their faces were covered in black soot or paint
>one of them had a rifle with a telescope on it
>they both looked more like wooly bears than men
>one of the soldiers in a regular uniform raised his fist, one of the men in the suits raised a pair of binoculars and they pumped into one another
>”Y’all got some?! How’d it feel to kill?”
>the sniper non-chalantly replied as he pulled back the bolt on his rifle, looking into the chamber, “I don’t know dog… Felt fucking good I guess.”
>”I always try to live by my life the Good Book. But I can’t always stay in the Lord’s good graces.”
>the soldier spat into the dirt, ”I hate them filthy Kraut fucks.”
>”That’s what I love about you dog. You’re so fucking messed up…”
>”That’s how I roll!”
>they both broke out laughing
>one of the officers tried to hide his disgust, he pointed to Anne, “hey, that’s none of her blood, right?”
>”I doubt it, it was a perfect shot” the sniper replied, he turned, took one look at Anne and whipped out a handkerchief
>”Allow me”
>he wiped along Anne’s face and breast, cleaning away some of the blood that seemed stuck to her dress like glue
>”Sorry about the mess, didn’t have time to take a better shot.”
>at last Anne felt clean again, at least a little bit
>"Danke" she said softly

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>a gust of wind rushed by, Anne could hear Peter’s teeth chatter with discomfort, the soldiers didn’t budge
>Anne noticed one of the soldiers stood perched on the fence, staring at her most sorrowfully
>he had not said the word the entire time
>he abruptly stood up, "Sarge, could you hold my gear?"
>the soldier handed his rifle to another and undid is belt and vest
>pulling off his accoutrements, he began unbuttoning his beautiful coat
>A voice piped up, "what are you doing?"
>he pulled off the coat, revealing underneath a white undershirt, the end of a tattoo exposed under his cuffs
>folding the coat, he handed it to Anne
>"Here, you need this more than I do."
>"Danke", she replied again, feeling the grey wool in her hands
>"You sure you want to do that?"
>"Who cares? I just get another when we get back to England. Besides, it was getting hot in that damn thing anyway."
>"Whatever you say."
>the soldier put back on his vest and belt, taking his rifle from his comrade
>another soldier approached her, with a metal bottle in his hand
>Anne took the bottle and took a longest drink she ever had from it, letting the water swirl in her parched mouth
>handing it back to him, the soldier handed then handed it to Peter, who took an even longer drink, "Danke" he said, wiping the water away from his mouth
>yet another soldier strolled up handed her a heavy wrapped handkerchief, "you'll like it"
>another one handed Peter a brown bag and a rolled up blanket, Peter at first hesitated but the soldier was insistent, "take it"

You faggots like it so far?

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