Anti-Fascism Book Club

Knowing the mods let the fascist threads up
Give me your best books against fascism. Also lets discuss anti-fascism. Is not like fascism isn't discussed here
"Yadda yadda freedom of speech" bullshit, historically CENSORSHIP has been applied to leftistm and anyone talking against fascism or conservatism AND personally been victim of the censorship. And also I've seen a thread on autosage here, the buddhism thread, until I notice and posted about it and then the mod or whoever it was change that shit back.

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Other urls found in this thread:

its a meme bro

>Book club instead of recommendations

>Give me your best books against fascism.
What about reading about fascism and make your own arguments instead of being a parrot.
>Origins and Doctrine of Fascism, Giovanni Gentile
>Codex Fascismo book series, H.R. Morgan

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>implying I didn't
And this is why fascism ruins your brain


lots of literature going on in this thread.
why don't you choose books based on their merit instead of where they fall on a political spectrum you've contrived.

Is weird how fast you get comments complaining about the quality without adding to the quality. Is like you want to dismiss this as fast as you can.

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Any books about sucker punching people in the streets and running away?

The Abu Ghraib Effect :^)

The entire oeuvre of Deleuze, but especially Anti-Oedepus. One of the core questions of it is "why did the masses desire fascism, which is THE question that an ""anti-fascist"" (extremely cringe and unhelpful formula for defeating ze fash BTW) ought to ask.

There's no rational arguments against fascism.

it's almost as if your thread is fucking retarded trash

Stones From the River by Ursula Hegi

Isn't that covered in The Mass Psychology of Fascism by Wilhelm Reich?


I don't know, I haven't read it. I'm just sharing my thoughts on the matter

i'm not politically savvy. where does philosopher kings fall under the spectrum? is it divine monarchy? and where does that fit?

i dont want anybody to be hurt. it makes me so sad our world today. i just want a divine empire that rules the whole world and every culture is under its divine benevolence

>historically CENSORSHIP has been applied to leftistm
Good, we can all see how destructive it is.

Almost all anti-fascist books are unable to even define fascism properly because they never bothered to read fascist books. Umberto Eco's Ur-fascism is probably the worst culprit but he's far from the only one. Ultimately those books are more about the movements their authors belong to than about fascism proper. On the other side, right-winger are just as unable to define socialism properly. People on both sides are unwilling to engage the ideas of the other side so they create an illusion of what they want their rival to be like.

t. never read real books

Bullshit, fascism is defined but the fascists don't like the answer.

Same thing happens with socialism/comunism

read a book lol

Fascism is the visceral response of a decent man against decay and degeneracy. Beeing against fascism is beeing against, order, honour and self respect, all the while siding with the subversive and decadent.

The time for tolerance and empathy is over for the commun man now understands that these are devilish notions only used in order to weaken him and his kind. He is expected to accept and embrace exterior aggression and transgression on his customs, traditions and way of life, yet when he feels like doing the same to the other the is suppressed by the most formidable forces.

A fascistic wave can only be delayed, not stoped, reversed or weakened as it runs on the anger of the oppressed against injustices created by a conspiracy against their core interests.

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More or less thanks to the USSR entering into despotism instead of democracy. But even I can't defend communism, and I will not, socialism on the other hand is not what the right says and some idiots think is totalitarism or some shit.

Romanticizing bullshit.

Strawmanning those ideologies for ideological reasons results in a poor understanding of said ideology. If you reduce any 20th century loser to "well, it doesn't work because fascists are wrong and here's how" you can see how people might not be satisfied. I think one needs to go beyond "it's just moon logic" and critically examine and to a degree sympathize with fascism.

The only order fascism promotes is the one of the retrograde morals and mass nihilism. The only degeneracy fascism dislikes is the one not done by the super rich or themselves.

t. Weak minded woke intelectual

The notion of man must and will be dissolved into aether, like a bad dream. Like it or not, 20th century crippled us, it destroyed the last remnants of the Romantic-Christian man. It's time to look for a new becoming, a new modus operandi.

I agree, still not a reason to defend fascists whining when they get called.

fascism is defnied by fascists themselves as it's merely a system of governance.

Yes, it fucking is. You're letting people lower the level of discourse

Ok, so socialism and communism is defined by socialists and communists themselves. Then why is the right quick to put tags?

Fascism is fundamentally opposed to nihilism, at the core of each fascistic movement there is a sense of commun destiny.

Also if progressive morals promotes unsustainable mass hedonism, self hatred, and subjectivity then only rational choice would be a more retrograde aproach

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So anyone not sharing your ideology can't say something about it? Then why do you dare of speaking about the left at all?

>ad hominem
Ok, so you call names to people not sharing your opinion. Way to go Mr. fascist.

>Fascism is fundamentally opposed to nihilism
Yet you support establishments and your "order" is depending on a status quo.

>Then why is the right quick to put tags?
Not nearly as quick as the left.

Atlas Shrugged is the most anti-fascist book in existence. It destroy both left and right wing fascism.

the share fascism offers its boundes community to partake in is their collective suicide
this is explicit in the italian case (the vainglorious struggle), repressed in the german.

>50 pages long discourse
>yet no clear social morals

>Way to go Mr. fascist.
What a childish way to approach debate.

It has plenty of social morals.

how fucking embarrassing

Buddhist here.
What's wrong with a Buddhism thread? So long as it is about Buddhist literature?

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Anti-social messages, yes. It could have been better but is just ramblings about being selfish.

Do not mistake sacrifice and collective death wish.

Distant Star by Roberto Bolano is how art can be used by fascists to co-op culture.

Fascism is just a sort of authoritarian Civic Nationalism, not really very strange or controversial when you examine it. Worked for Italy until they chose the wrong side in ww2, then the victors rewrote the history books, as they always do.

The OP is not well written but is not against the buddhist thread, at the contrary is defending it because it got take down unfairly while pro-fascist threads were permitted.

I am verhermently AGAINST fascism in all its forms, I think effective and useful critique of ideology must not get tangled up in the fundamental contradictions of the ideology, but examine what and how those contradictions produce what they produce and what they are there for. Most anti-fascist literature is just critique of the outer shell, a taxonomy and comparable to protestants calling catholics sunworshippers.

Actually no, It's about being an independant human and not a economic parasite.

yeah, wrong answer, man.

I think we read different books.

The fascistic order is based upon a culture of individual struggle and the understanding of the fundamental inter individual inequality present inside the human condition.

Eugenics, and a culture for personal achievement are all measures aimed at using this understanding to transform society and achieve the promised destiny.

Both of these are addressing something here. If we are to put harsh critics aside, some sort of fascism in Italy was all about an authoritarian civic state with a totalitarian art expression taken from Russia. In fact it was more similar to the stalinist soviet union than other communist countries were.

I believe Emilio Gentile is the best author to support what you say. The Struggle for Modernity is on my reading list.

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Liberal progressivism causes the same. If not worse.

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>implying the left isn't protesting against neo-liberalism since at least Seattle 1999

Anti-fascism is going to be a lot about recovering lost youth in the future.

Check this Elliot Rodger is the consequence of a failing system that spreads corruption of values and put the blame on those who try to fix the system. Of course the false promises of fascism are going to attract weak minds by pulling from the strings of non-conformity while protecting the same problems and avoiding change.

These kids have problems they need to solve and the system instead feeds them hatred and fear of change.

These anons put it right

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>Elliot Rodger is the consequence of a failing system that spreads corruption of values and put the blame on those who try to fix the system.

Imagine writing this and calling others weak minded.

Imagine defending the system like this.

stop making screenshots of your own posts bro, your narcissism is crippling you.

So women in general are trying to fix the system?

>implying is the same guy and everybody loves /pol/
Oh look, is another ad hominem from a fascist

Implying you re not

i'm not a fascist, bro and you sound like a fucking child. here's your ad hominem.

What is you reasoning for making this comment?

Here’s a pretty good one

>implying is not about the picture
I am making one post in a while, what about you?

They certainly aren't poisoning the system. They're victims of it like everyone else, but of course the system tries to place a rift between men and women by trying to convince both sides that the other is the cause of the problem.

What does that even mean?

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>The system in the ruth of all evil in human soviety
>I m a man of higher intellect and wisdom

The eternal evocation of a esotherical and forever evil system, as a universal answer such is the product of minds too weak to grasp reality or too coward to look it in the eyes for it is only the dull and queer that need to disolve the individual into arbitrary groups and only the coward and dishonest that hide from the forever evident unequal nature of the man race.

And dressing up a fairly simple statement in flowery prose to make it seem more sophisticated like you did is also the product of the weak mind. At what point was equalness even mentioned? All that was said is that men and women are both being manipulated into fighting each other.

Secondly, while it's true that society has a great deal of competing interests, many of these interests share the common goal of profit. Follow the money and you'll find that most major political movements, even the "radical" ones, receive financial backing from capitalist entrepreneurs. By investing in such interests, they can ultimately turn a profit by encouraging brand loyalty through association with a particular movement.

that screenshot is such a massive cope it's not even funny.

>Worked for Italy until they chose the wrong side in ww2
This, if Italy has been on the Allied side in WW2 we'd be talking about the relative sanity of Fascism, the confused discourse surrounding Italian Fascism is due to Anglo-American/Jewish (same thing spiritually) reaction to it.

>At what point was equalness even mentioned?
You cannot innocent a whole group of people in the way you did without the premise of equality/equivalence between its members

>All that was said is that men and women are both being manipulated into fighting each other.
By whom? and for which reasons? Certainly not by the right.
>Secondly, while it's true that society has a great deal of competing interests, many of these interests share the common goal of profit
Profit is obtained through triumph either if its through collaboration or adversity.

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Maybe we shouldn't take fascism as an unified block and see is not all the same. Like totalitarianism, there are several regimes who were totalitarian but diverge in details.

>last post didn't bump the thread
Autosage already mods?

Best thing I've read on fascism.

>last post didn't bump the thread, again

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Because it's not really being analyzed in good faith, but from the viewpoint of Jewish and Anglo-American intellectuals deeply distressed about the Holocaust and trying to understand Nazism with their own warped worldviews and then lumping everyone on the Axis side into "Mustache man bad. Racism!"

There are good books detailing fascism like the Wilhelm Reich book mentioned above and also Gentile book. Also taking it with the totalitarianism as an art expression can help knowing you got accessible examples. Much is still discussed and is good to talk seriously about the sides in this, for example I was knowing about the movement in Italy but just now I get a deeper view and the relation with authoritarian monarchism like the illuminism even if is a long shot related.

>fascism happened because Germany was sexually repressed
kek, see:

>it's not really being analyzed in good faith, but from the viewpoint of Jewish and Anglo-American intellectuals deeply distressed about the Holocaust and trying to understand Nazism
"Sexual repression" is the poster child for bad-faith analysis.

>>fascism happened because Germany was sexually repressed
That is not what the post said you fucking troll.

The post in question referred to Wilhelm Reich's book as being "good", when Reich argues that sexual repression led to Germany's adoption of Fascism over Communism. This is an example of what I am talking about when I say "delusional Anglo-American/Jewish thinkers".

Wait wait wait wait, did Wilhelm Reich predicted Elliot Rodger? That's fucking amazing!