Started browsing lurking Yea Forums a week ago and picked these up by random recommendations on threads...

Started browsing lurking Yea Forums a week ago and picked these up by random recommendations on threads. Really enjoyd both of them, especially No Longer Human.
What should I read next?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Started browsing Yea Forums a week ago
>Actually picked up books
>Didn't take him half a year to finish one of them

This thread is probably bait, but I'll bite. Is there anything in particular you're looking for OP, something similar to Camus or Dazai? Or something else.

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Take a look at the r9k charts on the wiki. And also the depressing literature chart.

They're short, the English isn't too difficult and the stories are gripping so I pretty much 'binged' them. Yes, I'd like something similar to both of them, especially No Longer Human.

Will check it out, thank you user.

Anything else by Dazai and Mishima. I know it's technically memecore, but these two guys I think you'll really enjoy.

If you're really into feeling like crap all the time, Stoner, The Book of Disquiet, and just because I want to I suggest reading Crime and Punishment.

Why is it memecore?
Also thanks for the recs user

It's only memecore because it's always recommended and it's always considered the "entry" points etc.,

Noted. Well I am a Yea Forums noob and english isn't my native language so this is right up my alley.

In case you didn't check the sticky before posting, check out the Yea Forums wiki. It has recommendation charts for beginners and all sorts of different topics. The longer you lurk the more likely you'll stumble on a chart that hasn't been archived on a wiki yet, there's tons floating around.

Good luck and comfy reading, Allah bless you and keep you warm. (Also, pic are the books Yea Forums wrote, they're mostly retarded but you'll come across some really good stuff in them)

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yo, the book you wanna read is --

tartar steppe dino buzzati
suicide - edouard leve

Setting Sun (also by Dazai) if you want more loneliness. For another spin on it, try Jill by Philip Larkin.

The Sailor Who Fell From Grace With the Sea by Yukio MIshima. If you like it move onto Temple of the Golden Pavilion, which has very similar themes.

Norwegian Wood by Murakami or The Reader by Bernhard Schlink if you want more romance.

Maybe Great Gatsby or Of Mice and Men.

Well that's fucking splendid, can't believe I skipped the sticky.
Wrote those down, I'll check all of them out.
Thanks anons.

>some newfag can't believe he skipped the sticky
You don't say

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please no bully

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>English isn’t my native language
I’m going to laugh if your native language is Japanese or French

I'm kind of a linguistic mutt, so it's Russian and Hebrew. Parents are russian but I grew up in jewland.

Not at all the one you're replying to, but perhaps you can help. I was wondering if Lyudmila Ulitskaya is jewish (cos obviously she knows judaism quite well but oddly enough I never saw any mention of her being jewish) - and then that's what I read on wikipedia: "Ulitskaya herself belongs to a group of people formed by the realities of the former Soviet Union, who see themselves ethnically and culturally as Jews, while having adopted Christianity as their religion."
- How does it make sense? Would you regard such people as Jews? Are they 'culturally jewish' atheists?

If you liked stranger and no longer human, I definitely recommend notes from underground. Easy prose and the mc is similarly autistic or antisocial. Also I really enjoyed celine's death on credit and journey to the end of the night. Simple prose and the dark humor is seriously hilarious at times. Actually any book from the doomer lit chart will do i think.

That's weird, because according to Judaism being jewish is 'genetic', as in if your mother is jewish you're jewish too(doesn't work from the fathers side). Also if you're jewish, whether by birth or by conversion, you can't convert to any other religion. So I'd say such people are larping hard or cherry picking aspects of Judaism they want to embrace.
Hope you found that helpful.

>I’m an exiled Soviet-era Russian who is ethnically Jewish but I’m also a Christian which is hard considering I’m Jewish. Did I mention I’m Jewish and an exile from the Stalin-era genocides?
It sounds like these people are trying to maximize their oppression to get their full amount of gibsmedat money/benefits.

I can't find any reviews for Behead All Satans. Is it just some piece of incel garbage?

I think Dostoevsky would be a safe bet if you like Camus, a lot of his work is inspired by Dostoevsky.

Not op but thanks for the link.

pic rel is the true Dazai experience.

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Read Nausea by Sartre

amazon banned both of my books. planning to put it up on Lulu soonish.
i've been busy: sold a horror screenplay, 3 million USD budget, the production is going to shoot this summer.
plans for a 3rd book, but i've been concentrating on screenplays...there's a window to shill my wares.

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Oh shit it's the author

A couple things: first, I do admire the fact that you actually published something and admire that. I haven't read your book but want to, and have been writing (or fighting with writer's block) myself most of my life.

Two: does your conscience bother you? I suppose a better term for it might be your inner censor. Is there anything you do to turn it off while you write?

Sticky needs to be updated most of it goes only up until 2011

Nice quads.

Most newfags don't even know what a sticky is nomore, so nobody even checks it or the wiki in the first place. The mods should probably get around to changing things up a bit again.

thank you for the kind words, fren.

keep moving forward, continue to write every day, and make double sure that you never throw any substantial thing in the actual or digital trash. you will use it one day. believe me.
on self-publishing: we're still in the early stages, there are platforms that don't currently exist that will exist in the near future. there will be a place for shit tons of there will be a place for us.
you know it's funny, because i thought i had all my safeties off while writing BAS..but if you compare it to my 2nd book, BAS is actually quite focused and tempered. The Tainted Turd is the result of me writing without the "inner censor," which is why it's not as good as BAS.

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If you have the endurance and absolutely hate yourself get through Nausea during this phase

Sweet thread, fellow book enthusiasts.

What movie, also how did you sell it and where can I buy BAS?

Melancholy of Resistance is also very bleak and depressing and similar to those books but it's really long so it might not be for someone new to literature.

I want to read behead the satans so bad please tell me how to get it