Are you jealous of them, Yea Forums?

Are you jealous of them, Yea Forums?

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I mean their lives are more interesting than anyone on here.


>guy on the left
don't know who that is so no
>eric weinstein
>heather heying
>bret weinstein
not really

really corny pic but i want to say that i used to think joe rogan was a controlled opposition puppet but yesterday saw him talk about space being fake and now i think he's legit and in a terrific position in our culture to redpill the mainstream crowd


How many are jews?

all of them. jews are the master race

All except Rogan, afaik.

Master races aren't short and physically repulsive and don't suffer from bizarre genetic diseases and increased mental disorders due to inbreeding. They also must be capable of residing in one place for more than a couple hundred years without getting expelled.

>Guys lets literally stand in the garden beds and take pictures.
Are these niggers serious?

a man of taste i see

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> intellectual dark web
So here's how Yea Forums posters look like…

Big difference between a few families being inbred and literally your entire race being third cousins.

Imagine being the slimy kike puppet conscripted to take spooky "dark" pictures of a bunch of old internet faggots. Imagine how embarrassed some of these people felt when some balding faggot hipster with a beard told them to pose dramatically for their "intellectual dark web" DARK and MYSTERIOUS portrait. Fucking kike stink society.

Untermenschenal kike web


>Imagine how embarrassed some of these people felt
>feeling embarrassed about running cover for the tribe to keep more whites from realizing jews are the problem

Nick the knife already BTFO these fools:

Nick the Spic is as bad as any of them these days

>space being fake

I wish I could do a twirling kick like Josh Rogan.

Why would someone be jealous of Joe Rogan? For meeting famous people, you mean?
The guy is a bald 50yo average intelligence average interests (fighting, hunting, smoking week, comedy). Basically your average old American guy who got in early on podcasts.

They're pop icons who love to feed the population pseudo intellectualism so no.

this whole thing is the latest incarnation of what the edgy dawkins/hitchens/etc. crowd used to be and it's just as cringe-inducing.

The kid is a literal brainlet, all catholic reactionaries are.

>wahh atheism is cool and I want to be counterculture, gee I know i'll go back to le epic based catholics

catholicism is epic and based.

>atheism is the counter culture
Its not the 2000s anymore Granddad.

> literally your entire race being third cousins

You realize there are black jews and jews who are literally arabs right ?

You should really get out of Jew York one day.

have they ever answered what exactly is dark web about them?

Joe Rogan is a manlet

Joe Rogan is married to a Jew

In a way.
I envy the income, but I would have a very hard time doing what they do, it would be pretty miserable

>atheism is cool
Does anyone actually think this?
Atheism is fucking cringey, nihilistic and stupid.
>I'm an atheist!!!!!!11!!
How's being 12 going?

>why yes... ALL catholic reactionaries are literal brainlets... me? I think for myself. I am euphoric.

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Yes he is aware there are Arab and Ethiopian jews you brainiet. The fact you thought you were chiming with some profound fact about Jews shows you are a 110 IQ subhuman in the grip of Dunning-Kruger effect.

Ashkenazi's are the only remarkable group of jews IQ wise.

>telling the truth

I would FUCK the milf on the left.

>Space being fake

Time to be institutionalized, user. You've lost your grip.

No. The only one I somewhat respect is maybe Paglia, but that’s about it.

Nick has so little dignity it's hilarious, he expects to be a leader of some kind?

Rich, hot wife, healthy. Job is talking to cool people, watch mma and play quake.

Prove that space is real

I don't actually use TOR and never did, are there actually places on the deep web to discuss literature? Anyone participate in any deep web lit forums? I bet the barrier of entry alone makes them better than Yea Forums. You don't have to tell me the address if you do, just curious if anyone does

You don't trust science textbooks so there's no way for me to do that over the internet. I don't particularly care if you believe in space or not anyways, I just want to comment on the fact that you're not healthy mentally

Wouldn't mind having Rogen's job.

sounds comfy desu

I'm not jealous of Rogan. I doubt anyone here is. We're just envious of the fact he gets to live off a podcast and talk to any intellectual he can get his hands on. You're a lying faggot if you say that isn't cool, regardless of what you think about the meathead.

Who came up with "Intellectual Dark Web?"

Is that Kevin Spacey on the left

Are the /his/ children taking a field trip to Yea Forums?

Can we post about anti-fascism on Yea Forums now or is it still CENSORED?

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no, that's just how "discourse" goes on Yea Forums because it's made up of nothing but kids. why explain my reasoning behind my thoughts when i can just say it's edgy or cringe and circlejerk with the bros who agree? i don't want to discuss anything i just need a replacement for friends

I don't interest myself in American e-celebs.

Why wouldn't someone be jealous of him? Even if he isn't a genius, he's an unironic chad, a cool and likeable guy, in great shape, and he has great conversations with people all the time. Literally what else do you want.

Laughing my ass off at religious reactionaries who think their wacky ideologies are relevant outside fringe internet subcultures and the Christian Fox News cultural ghetto they've all been relegated to.

Not them, but the fact that something is in a textbook doesn't make it real, anymore than you likely don't believe in the majirity of Postmodern theories presently filling the textbooks of academia. I don't trust NASA, I can't see space with my naked eye, all narratives involving space seem to inevitably embody notions of:

-dude we're so insignificant and small (there's like a bajillion other planets dude!!)
-the universe is chaos (random asteroids could kill us any moment!!)
-nothing matters, man (the black vacuum of space doesn't care about you bro, in space none can hear you scream)

Plus, not a single decent, realistic-looking photo of any of it, be it of planets, satellites, or anything else. Seems quite suspicious to a non-dualist like me. I will withhold my belief until I have better reason to.

If the world around you isn't enough to trust science then I don't want to bother having this discussion with you. I can't build a rocket and fly to space myself, but NASA can and they're right about the things I can observe myself so why would they be wrong about space? What do they benefit from making me believe in outerspace? Besides that, you can make a telescope yourself, really, and check if you want to. Or are lenses just tricks by science too? At which point do you draw the line between possible lies and scientific truth? Idk, just seems like you're being skeptical for the sake of itself rather than being logical.

I loathe this stupid spic. Why is he popular anyways?

>intellectual dark web
Isn't this just "Progressivism from 20 years ago informed by liberal-Jewish concerns"

I'm kind of jealous of Harris. I really wish I could bs my through degrees at the elite school he attended.

There are things to envy, but the title is definitely cringe for sure.

where is alex jones?

This. Nobody has ever had a reason to lie about the nature of reality.

This fucking guy...
Flat eaaaarth am i right?!
Kill yourself.


Look into it

>Here's a curated list of "intellectual authorities" just socially acceptable enough to make it into the mainstream
No thanks. You can keep 'em.

It's ironic that you feel anything towards someone thinking differently, whether or not anyone has a specific thought or lack of a thought regarding something that is "real" has no effect on it being "real". I personally am indifferent to anything I have yet to experience for myself, because that's the only honest position I can take, if I believe in others using their senses to interpret the world then I set myself up for believing in potential falsehoods, had you taken the same stance you have now in any point in time your statements would differ from current science just as current science will change again in the future because it is constantly changing (some, not all), this includes the possibility that space isn't "real" in the sense that it may be different from current scientific literature, or completely different, or not different, or not different at all, but to make a statement and then add any sense of emotion to it because someone says something conflicting with the current trend of thought is something that should be analyzed, how much of your thoughts are your own? How much of it is made up of external statements? How can you be sure that your position won't be viewed (to use an example you might enjoy) equally as "invalid" as that of the clergy burning Galileo alive for stating that the geocentric view of the universe is - according to him - "false".

Good job not being able to read. Try going back and reading again and then see if I said atheism is the counterculture.

Lots of people think this, many popular public intellectuals are atheists and given how braindead christians are, its easy too see how hating on them is cool. Also, being your own master will always be cool.


>Ashkenazi's are the only remarkable group of jews IQ wise.
Because they bred with European elite for centuries.

no this is wrong you are bad