Books that will help me stop being Atheist?

I have been Atheist from an early age, mostly as a consequence of growing up in an abusive household. Even as an adult, I find it hard not to hate God for all the suffering and loss I have endured due to the above mentioned abuse as well as difficulties with alcohol and gambling, to say nothing of the suffering I have seen other people fall prey to. Deep down, I want to leave Atheism and accept Jesus in my life, but it's so hard to forgive God for the unfair nature of the world.

Are there any books that could help me resolve these challenges?

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Tbh the most spirituality you will ever get into is mostly symbolic Paganism. Most Atheists are never going to believe the literal stories of the Bible, or Quran. You can lie to yourself, and you can try, but you will probably never believe in it. I’m speaking from personal experience.

>I find it hard not to hate God
You're not an atheist

Brothers Karamazov

The Resurrection of the Son of God - NT Wright
The Case for Christ - Lee Strobel
The Case for Faith - Lee Strobel
Reasonable Faith - William Lane Craig
Mere Christianity - CS Lewis
A Grief Observed - CS Lewis
The Problem of Pain - CS Lewis

Never mind I only read the title, you sound like a Christian larping as a atheist.

Shit in one hand, pray in the other, then see which one fills up faster. Go read The blade itself by Joe Abercrombie.

If you already know the conclusion you want to reach then the investigation is dishonest and the results will always feel fraudulent and you risk becoming a LARPer

Stop assuming you can know.
Accept the gift of life and thank him.
Books are from us and will never be true.

something on the history of the 20th century

Theres no book that can make you not to be athiest

"He went on to say, "This is why I told you that no one can come to me unless the Father has enabled them"
John 6.55

What does this mean? I've never grasped this, in Abrahamic scriptures. How can a person be blamed for the lack of God in their lives, when they are themselves only so because God has made it so? God has willingly not intervened in their lives or nature. It just doesn't even make sense to me in the first place. How does it not contradict Free Will simultaneously?

Atheism is pretending an abuser does not exist.

>blaming God for the sins of man

read romans

need an explanation too, always wondered about this

It touches a lot on christian teachings

You have to understand that true christianity isint a set of ideoligys but something resembling a total change in perspective not based on something you are taught or learned

During trhe fall of man when man gained the knowledge of good and evil he was spiritually dead, the body as a lot of needs this took over man ie he became carnal and sodoing is contrary to God who is spirit

Now if you are by nature carnal with a dead spirit how can you come to God who is spirit? only God an bring the shift of what I can best describe as perspective.


That’s because bible stories aren’t literal, they’re symbolic you brainlet.

The Bible, DUH

3:2.8 ...Therefore, to you the creature, many of the acts of the all-powerful Creator seem to be arbitrary, detached, and not infrequently heartless and cruel. But again I assure you that this is not true. God's doings are all purposeful, intelligent, wise, kind, and eternally considerate of the best good, not always of an individual being, an individual race, an individual planet, or even an individual universe; but they are for the welfare and best good of all concerned, from the lowest to the highest. In the epochs of time the welfare of the part may sometimes appear to differ from the welfare of the whole; in the circle of eternity such apparent differences are nonexistent.

3:2.10 Thus it is that your detached, sectional, finite, gross, and highly materialistic viewpoint and the limitations inherent in the nature of your being constitute such a handicap that you are unable to see, comprehend, or know the wisdom and kindness of many of the divine acts which to you seem fraught with such crushing cruelty, and which seem to be characterized by such utter indifference to the comfort and welfare, to the planetary happiness and personal prosperity, of your fellow creatures. It is because of the limits of human vision, it is because of your circumscribed understanding and finite comprehension, that you misunderstand the motives, and pervert the purposes, of God. But many things occur on the evolutionary worlds which are not the personal doings of the Universal Father.

Christcucks, ladies and gentlemen of Yea Forums

God and the State - Bakunin

You wont feel this challenge after you're done.

Start with eating some psilocybin mushrooms to open your perspective on reality. You will experience what you can call a religious experience.
Then go talk with actual believer of the religion you're interested in. Ask then your questions, your doubts and fears.
There is no books that will resolve your grudge against God, its only with time, effort and dedication, just like literally anything else in life.

>hey guys look at this guy aha

>athiest that by definition should believe that nothing matters and that he would scientifically be better off dead, hates God and christians

meh, by your own definition you are just looking for attention

what are you on about? I'm not an atheist

>insults someone by using the word "cuck"

lol ok then

They are meant to be literal, and all serious Christians take them literally. Just because there may be symbolism in a a bible story, dosen’t mean they aren’t supposed to be taken literally.

Try Raja Yoga, Christianity is a delusion.

Forget all your definitions of things like "God" or "faith" since they are probably not the same as a theologian's definitions, then get into Aristotle in such a way that you really understand him. Get the metaphysics down and then read Saint Thomas Aquinas. This is probably the best way.

I don’t think I’ll ever be a true believer but Kierkegaard really made me see Christianity in a different light. Fear and Trembling is a short read but well worth it for navigating the problem of suffering

Mere Christianity is a truly horrible book

Atheists, by definition, have to be nihilists too?

>doesnt know what atheism or nihilism is

>athiest that by definition should believe that nothing matters and that he would scientifically be better off dead
Christcucks, ladies and gentlemen of Yea Forums

Any reason why it needs to be Jesus, specifically? Atheists who come back to being theists might be more comfortable with a more cosmic and less specific form of God.

Doesn't have to specifically be Christianity. You can simply read other philosophers' different interpretations on what God could be; from a theist or deist perspective.

t. catholique

>notice me sempai, please validate my "joke"

ok bro, if feeling that your ideology mean anything in the end then you keep shilling your scientism or what you perceive as "philosophical enlightenment"

Atheism is so retarded

anyway im going to bed.

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>there's only one user
>strawmen all over the place

You’re not an atheist. No atheist ‘hates’ God, becuase to them, God doesn’t exist. You can’t hate something that doesn’t exist. In the same way you can’t hate unicorns or the tooth fairy, you can’t hate God if you’re an atheist.

So no, you’re just a fucking poser and pseud. A Christian probably pretending to be an atheist.

Most Christians don't actually believe in God, it's just a cultural institution and lifestyle bro. If you want to believe in baseless cosmological omnipotent powers you need to get into something more whack.

The gospels are pretty nice on their own, altho what really made me feel God was poetry and gratefulness. Then praying with your heart and contemplation.

Since you suffered a lot, it makes sense that you view a theoretical god as evil. I think a more healthy perspective would be a loving and caring God, one that is not even dogmatic.

t. catholique

He's become a big goofy meme by now, but Jordan Peterson did do a lecture series on what's useful and interesting about the Bible if you take a scientific view (Earth is 4.6 billion years old, anatomically modern humans emerged 250,000 years ago, etc.). It make makes a case for religion without expecting you to believe that God waved a magic wand 6000 years ago. Search for "the psychological significance of the biblical stories" on Youtube, or look into his book Maps of Meaning (not the recent self-help book that helped make him the meme).

If you were ever truly an atheist then there is no possibility of becoming a theist. And considering that you are an atheist due to external influences, then I would say you aren't even an atheist. Simply anti-theist, anti-christian, or more specifically anti-god. Of course, you make it clear that you believe in the existence of God. Perhaps you think atheism means a stance against God? If so you are a irredeemable cretin and should just genuflect yourself to God in a masochistic lust like all the other good theist.

Free will is a myth. Read John Calvin. Jesus died only for those who were elect from eternity to be saved.

Religion and spirituality are pretty stupid spooks. I don't understand why you want to delude yourself.

Lol everything is good, fair and beautifull to the great G.

What you really want is to be special, and all mankind to be some kind of special set of atoms that god has to spoil and protect.

Grow some fucking balls. Why would god love us more than a earthqueake, when both of us are equally his creations?

shut the fuck up cuck

>didint look at the posts before it

am i suppose to be offended?

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>If you were ever truly an atheist then there is no possibility of becoming a theist.
This is the same shit muslims say lmao.

The Qu'ran. Thats it. Nothing else. Listen to it and read it.

>have a gambling addiction
>blame god

I'm an Advaitist NeoPlatonist but I am entertaining the notions of Theism into that too. I really hope there's a Deity watching over us all.

>I'm an Advaitist NeoPlatonist

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