Interesting Words/Words That You Like


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For me it’s “wan.” I first came across reading a review of Wuthering Heights that described the author as a “wan, retiring, and at last consumptive girl”

I like it. Evokes skin stretched over bone, for me.

>scur (made up by Ezra Pound to make. Translation of The Seafarer fit better)
>quotidian (a not so everyday way of saying everyday)
>monosyllabic (a polysyllabic way of saying short)
>petrichor (a one word poem: stone, blood of the gods, smell of rain)
>host/guest (cognates with an inverse meaning)



good post

I looked up the seafarer and read it aloud because I'm drunk. Fantastic time; absolutely recommend.

your reason for monosyllabic is clever and satisfying

petrichor was one of my words from the OP. really satisfying spelling. There must be a reason that I associate 'chor' with blood, but I can't figure it right now. rancor? ochre? ichor. that's it.

Hell, "grok" threw me for a loop. And, I was going to post "senescence" up until you already did.

He was a very good reader of poems. You can find a recording of him reading Seafarer on YouTube. Then you can have another drink and try to roll your Rs like him. Enjoy!

>user I love you...

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I absolutely will

I see it a lot on programming forums. the definition is pretty intense. Threw me for a loop too.

Grok means "to understand," of course, but Dr. Mahmoud, who might be termed the leading Terran expert on Martians, explains that it also means, "to drink" and "a hundred other English words, words which we think of as antithetical concepts. 'Grok' means all of these. It means 'fear,' it means 'love,' it means 'hate'—proper hate, for by the Martian 'map' you cannot hate anything unless you grok it, understand it so thoroughly that you merge with it and it merges with you—then you can hate it. By hating yourself. But this implies that you love it, too, and cherish it and would not have it otherwise. Then you can hate—and (I think) Martian hate is an emotion so black that the nearest human equivalent could only be called mild distaste.


I couldn't roll Rs like him no matter how much I drink. I've tried to roll the R in "brothers" a dozen times. It's not happening.

In the theme of this thread, I'm going to list the words from Ezra Pound's "The Seafarer" that I don't quite have a handle on, with their definitions.

a large seabird with mainly white plumage, known for catching fish by plunge-diving

an enclosure for trained hawks — usually used in plural

a member of the middle class : a prosperous solid citizen


a secure refuge, especially a place well protected by natural features

a type of gallery forest habitat found along the riparian flood plains of stream and river banks

a thing that stimulates appetite or desire

brave and persistent

>that he on dry land loveliest liveth,
>List how I, care-wretched, on ice-cold sea,

what does 'List' mean here? as in a boat listing to one side?

what is about purify that you find satisfying?

I think List is short for "Listen."

This was the first poem I tried memorizing, got the first 20 or 30 lines down before giving up. Not bad.


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All top-tier words.


This is how I picture OP in real life

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>i like soulless recently madeup fake greek-/latin-based english words artificially used because im conditioned to think it makes me smart


>replying to a tripfag
i'd rather kill myself desu

Good taste.



forgot to add this but "acrid" is the word I get the strongest physical sensation from reading


I made this list from words that I came across in articles or books that I didn't recognize or know the meaning of. I do like them though. I think they're good and interesting words.

I don't use these words at all. I think they'd be pretty useless in conversation, and I'm not a writer.

You are extremely insecure

All words are made up and fake, retard.

5/5 post. Can't even add that many off the top of my head. Maybe.. hyperbole, hemisphere, luminosity? But the ones you posted were really good. Glad to see I'm not the only one who finds words like deluge and parallax very pleasant.

A favourite of mine is ‘flindrikin’ - a Scots term for light snow


Great job brain


