Why doesn't Yea Forums publish their own version of this?
1,000 Books to Read Before You Die
/li/ is full of idiot manchild sperging out about women and the Jews
already done
Because it would just be the same book read over and over 1000x: 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos
1001 twitter screenshots to rage about before you die (an incel's story)
We've already done it many times.
I have not read that many books.
we do and it's always rigged, memed on, and generally ends up just being a derivative 19-to-24 year old version of bloom's canon. or in other words a waste of everybody's time or an exercise in sewing red flags depending on how you use the chart
May I supply some memes for illustrations?
Even the top 100 list starts becoming "books more than 5 people on Yea Forums actually read" rather than an actual quality list, top 1000 would be pointless
I've read 30 of that 100
Am I a brainlet/pleb?
Most people here haven't read more than 10. Also, people who have actually read more than half of these know that this list is kinda shit.
>The Iliad
>The Odyssey
I got exactly 30 too but see alot of good ones missing
Culture of Critique a thousand times.
This chart has already been BTFO, please stop posting it.
>excuse a list that included Plato but has no Aristotle on it
Guy is more of a pseud than Yea Forums. Aristotle did not write literature like Plato did. Not one of his surviving books is what we might call literary in nature. Generally its understood that they were mostly lecture notes.
Calm down, you know this kind of posts (including this one) are fuel for those guys? Stop sperging and fight back like a true Yea Forumsizen
>Stop sperging and fight back like a true Yea Forumsizen
Yes call them incels and nazis, like a true redditor.
Prep my wife’s bull you illiterate anti-Semite
Makes me chuckle everytime. So much resentment for a jpg uploaded on the internet
At the time they made their top 100, some bands of roaming artists were continually making Moby Dick threads.
I honestly think it was memed into the number one spot
Nice one
It's not that bad in the principle it clearly has good guiding criteria, it just becomes arbitrary and too meme filled. Who woulda tought a public open poll on a subject as esoteric as lit would come out shit
I'm sure a group of non-German speakers would totally get a whole lot out of reading Goethe's poetry. I've never been fond of these lists, but this just looks like someone who's moved onto adult hipster's first reading list.
>tfw read djuna barnes because a guy here suggested it to me
>literally a plebbit opinion with lots of suppositions and pre-judgments
plebbitfag BTFO
ahahahahahahaha oh god
>The Iliad by Homer
>The Odyssey by Fagles
what did they mean by this
I kind of see his point but at the same time the list is only for 100 books. It's going to be missing a lot
reminder that this is the bookshelf of that redditor
Speaks the truth but then acts like a hipster showoff faggot himself
look at the rest of his comments on the thread. the guy obviously has some person vendetta against Yea Forums.
unironically uses the word 'hipster' to denounce others' tastes
because modern Yea Forums (and to some degree old Yea Forums) doesn't actually read
The onion rage