Why is the average Western man so out of touch with art now?

Why is the average Western man so out of touch with art now?

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Because of the art that they encounter on a daily basis

phones r bad

I really dont know that "the average Western man" refers to anything, or that, if it does refer to something, he is indeed more "out of touch with art."

Why do you think so and who exactly is the average western man?


because the 'average western man' has never been a polyglot artist and your need to project ideals onto the past does not change that, compounded with the fact that you do not recognize that in many cases art has changed from how you recognize it

Because the west is gay and dumb and smells like coleslaw

not literature

Dumbfuck proles were always dumbfuck proles, it's just that now we have to pretend to care about their opinions for the sake of inclusivity and democratization of culture or w/e

>not being for the poor
good luck


Amerimutts were allowed cultural and financial hegemony of the West after WWII

This is standard nostalgic I was born in the wrong time whining. Read any novel and read the descriptions of the avg person in the town or city where it takes place.

The average man is always portrayed as a bunch of unwashed retards and the author was often rebelling against his society the way you are yours.

You're just nostalgic for a place you can never be so you can't be disappointed. Oh wow women dressed differently and music was different and no phones - everyone was smarter and more in touch with their inner artist.

No they weren't they were getting their hands jammed in giant gears in factories and dying of typhus. The only difference is you're actually alive now and then is just some ethereal concept you're jacking off to.

I am for the extermination of humanity, fuck you, fuck the rich, and fuck the poor.


We aren't allowed to talk about it without a book mentioned in the OP


Attached: Glederloos - The Failure of Nonviolence.jpg (196x320, 15K)

My father was an artist, I live in Florida.
Commercialization is king, no getting around that, really snuffs out the real artist in favor of profit for art dealers. IDK of starving artist could happen nowadays m8

thats honestly better

You first. We'll follow. Promise.





Easy answer is art is out of touch with western man (why not woman?). That's partially true but mainly because they do not care to look beyond "le classical painting of landscapes and portraits is good" point of view. They simply reject anything that is not that.

-access to it: art galleries aren't in vogue, seen as places of silliness and rubbish partly because it is but also partly because of:
-use of it: what use is art? Unless it is a hobby or people need it they might not look.
-understanding/education: To understand some of the movements beyond the naturalistic one you have to have an appreciation of art history and prior movements. Some work requires knowledge of specific theories and frameworks to 'get it' that laypeople simply do not have and have never been taught to understand nor the desire to learn for little gain
-time: ^ see above
-inability to question the current stuff for fear of appearing stupid/foolish: I talked with an art gallery worker and asked him about a piece and they were clueless.
-overwhelming top down approach- "experts"/"gatekeepers" say what is good or bad and may lead art into a different inaccessible direction. Sure there is amateur scenes but you have to be an artist to appreciate them and most are doing naturalistic, classical pieces and not any modern stuff
-nonsense art: some of it is ironic or doesn't have a point or any aesthetic. The art people will deny this exists but it must surely do.

They all help to create this effect.

If I missed anything or you disagree, tell me.

Okay OP, this is how it's gonna go down.
Art died hundred years ago, what we're seing is our recognition of your crusty ass idea of what art is finally crumbling into dried jizz crumbs.
Art, I think the one you're refering to, is visual, Right? Art can be music, and I think music is undergoing a similar sorta cuckconcept as visual arts did.
Once they started selling art supplies to people without needing them to empty their pockets or come from nobility, once it stopped being special to nobility, it stopped meaning anything unless the lizards wanted it to be.
The question isn't, "Why don't normies have appreciation for art" it's, why the fuck do you still give a shit about my dead dude, visual art? Can you calm down for a second and recognize how idiotic you sound? I not only didn't major in art, I got a B in elementary school art. Jealous?
It's like how literature isn't special anymore, you've got so many dudes with keyboards, we killed literature by making people literate.
W killed art by letting the masses enjoy it, if you're selling prints of van gogh in a dollar tree, you're killing it. The appreciation comes from scarcity, stop spreading the love, keep it in your inbred graduncles basement so us rich folk can look at pretty colors on a stretched out dead cow hide.

Okay m8, your gatekeeper concept only exists for k pop fandoms imho.
Art's value came in the shiftiness of the patrons, you've got to keep the riffraff out, yk?
So like, when the great depression sprang out of the art patron's asses and made them kms themselves, them museos had to get some money from that disgusting lowerclass population. They didn't need to put that sweet sweet old master art out cause those hoodlums wouldn't've appreciated it anyhow.
Modern art became popart for a reason mi amigo.
There's a clear point I'm trying to get to,
Art bad cause it not rich no more
If I can put it on a kleenex
duda was fucking right

woah, what a hilarious reply, did you come up with this beaut by yourself, had never seen anything remotely like it


>Why is the average Western man so out of touch with art now?
What does that even mean? Are niggers or abos more in touch with art? I don't understand.

Daily reminder the mission of the Church is to identify itself with the poor.

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daily reminder that Church has failed with this spectacularly and its a force of unfettered capitalism and rapes children (not just catholic so dont front as a protestant or something)

Neck yourself

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OP, as a faggot, lays bare the easiest thoughts one can have about "art," mainly that its great, essential, and we've fallen by the wayside of not having nearly enough great artwork. Woe to us the artless peoples who inherit these grand civilizational experiments illuminating the entire Western hemisphere in glorious arts. I think a veneration for old masters is a long programmed instinct in people, so what OP feels is natural, but we must ask ourselves, is that really the question, why are we culturally disconnected or illiterate or ignorant of art of all things, art being so important and essential. I think the transubstantiation thinks of the austistic engineer dully computing at a drafting table who spots an excerpt from an Emerson poem in Readers Digest and he receives a Promethean spark and completes himself and ascends to great new heights because only art could fuel such a person. Its a bit silly and crude, thinking art is a vital substance that we must have around us like fiber. For clarification of terminology, I would rather OP to have asked "why do we not strive to create beauty?" or "why have we stopped studying beauty?" To the faggot OP, "art" is an entertainment service that could solve all our problems with sufficient epiphanies and appropriate programming, the model of the taste shock food documentary applied to all social ills, assimilation and citizenship itself becoming bingeworthy activities, affirming our responsibilities to the community through our steadfast viewership to "stay in touch" with all that good art out there. To the person gifted or rendered by God with creativity energies, these questions such as OP's do not matter. There is only the act of creating. The pedantic analysis of it is someone else's fate, someone else's toil. Ours is the act of creating, of revering those innumerable masters who made things far better, far grander, who lived lives that dwarf and pity ours. If there is one thing we suffer by not touching enough, in my opinion, it is the veneration of not only the Ancients, but all great masters of the past. We should be terribly preoccupied with the prospect of only getting to appreciate a few of these people in our limited time here. But I think in the act of creating, in being miserable and sour and loathing of oneself because of your awful, wretched attempts at creativity, in seeing brief glimmers of affirmation that channeling such energies is affirmed by the universe and God, in those many sensations that torture the artist there is much learned and much connected with in terms of the past masters. Besides reading a great deal, there may be no more important act for communing with deceased masters than mimicry, study, veneration.

For-Profit mindset dominates the west righ now.

What art do you want to see more of, OP? Why don't you create it? Why don't you make it so beautiful and compelling that people seek to be in touch with it? The potential energy barrier for such incredible artwork is high and we underestimate the steepness, given how fruitful forgettable things have become.

Because he is materialistic and competitive and his escapism consists of getting drunk on Friday and Sunday nights

the only based post on Yea Forums right now

How do I get into art? I'm scared of people.

For the USA, mainly because of independent living detachment from overall society and the reconstruction of art into money laundering facilities. Also americans are stupid (various expansions here). Also if you haven't seen, capitalism rules over creativity with materialistic needs and drive to outplay an insecurity from your fellow facebook neighbor.

The architects of our modern day foresaw the "long tail" (as in an asymptote) demand curve where smaller and smaller niches in infinite variety and number would replace the mass market economy. No more would there be shared experiences like watching the MASH series finale, for instance. Instead now many people have their own algorithm-driven playlists of music, video, games, porn, whatever content they are open to participating as a sort of patron-pawn purchased by capitalism to attend to and revere the artists also purchased by capitalism. I don't think these factors mean it is death for the artist or art, but the biggest problem facing all creative people right now is what do you say? What is happening now, really? There is a great amount of uncertainty and we're in the process of several Western curtains falling, or they may have already fallen and we're still resolving the images. But I think this has the effect of freezing or shouting "halt" to our psyches. It's unclear to know what to prescribe, how to give hope, how to say something new and powerful, when your potential audience has already been saturated and hypnotized by neurologic capitalist weaponry. Post-modernism's march through artistic traditions has brought us here, where I think many are still taking it all in. I think people find that those who cannot wait any longer and must speak out now are inevitably revealed to be out of touch. It is a tough thing to get something right in this day and age. Its the type of scenario you could imagine a powerful artistic element striking and causing something big, but we are far on the left of that event happening. It seems the most enlightened we can hope to become in our age is to gain an abiding horror at how we think, feel and behave.

Can you recommend some books about this?

I would say it has to do with the value of authentic emotions being stifled and buried underneath an ever growing societal obsession with material/social accomplishments. People don't even remember how to really feel emotions anymore. Society is psychopathic in this way; it tells you not to feel things, not to have a conscience - only achieve, only be well-liked, only acquire wealth, only acquire admiration. Admiration is not the same as real love - which is based in understanding, respect, and honesty. We've lost touch with what it really means to be human.

This, plus add many if not most have been spiritually deadened. Its like inducing spiritual autism in most of your neighbors. I think this is one of the consequences of delaying parenthood. Biology kicks in and overrides all the state's delicate programming. Suddenly the new parent sees much differently.

A nation of titsguys raised a generation of footfags as well as footfags masquerading as normatively aligned "ass-men," only the most tryhardly "How do you do, fellow lovers of women" phrase of the past two decades.

stop posting like you said you would thanks!