Read a page

>read a page
>gets bored
>spends the next 30 minutes arguing on Yea Forums
>read 2 more pages
>opens steam, then friends list, realize you actually have no friends and you don't really talk to anyone on your massive "friends" list
>read 3 pages
>don't even remembers what the previous 6 pages were about
>read 1 page
>f5's on Yea Forums again
>read 2 pages
>time for a snack
>brain feels heavy, mouth starts yawning
>just... one more.... almost there...
>reads half a page
>clicks away and shitposts on Yea Forums again
>reads the latter half
>don't really understand what it's all about
>reread the page again
>finally completes the 10 pages a day reading challenge
Another day of reading literature. I'm one of the few who actually reads on this board... How does your reading routine looks like?

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read somewhere else than your home, or atleast the room where your computers in

Change your life then idiot

I read 140 pages yesterday. About 50 today.


average doomer related

y the fck u lyin

Every time you get bored or distracted, continue reading. You'd be shocked how quickly thoughts and emotions evaporate.

Be less compulsive and you'll gain more focus

Are you in the habit of turning your computer on immediately in the morning? If so, break it. Understanding that there is usually no urgent need to use the computer and actively refusing to even turn it on is, I think, a pretty good first step at breaking this sort of lethargy.

nigga be flexin sayin he be reading 140 pages a day but every nigga knows how at that speed at best he be reading genre fiction like stephen king but none of that real shit like joyce or proust there's no way nigga's going to maintain 140 pages readin joyce there's no way nigga, stop lyin

Also, the same thing applies to e.g. getting home from work or school.

I have a secret method.

No lie. Twice this year I've read a ~300 page book in a day.

One can easily read 140 pages in a day, you just have to read pretty much all day to do it.

I read zero genre fiction. Been mostly literary theory and history this year.

I can pretty easily knock out 20-30 pages in a sitting but I have less and less motivation these days. I started Fear and Trembling 5 or 6 days ago and I'm almost finished but it's not a very long book.

You should only stop reading when the chapter ends because the chapter breaks are when the author intended for you to take a break. If you stop reading mid-chapter you are not reading the way the book was intended to read.
>but the author probably doesn't care how you read!!!
This is just what casuals and pseuds cry out when they strike you for revealing their failure to understand literature as a medium.

>I have a secret method

No takers? It's a little embarrassing and autistic, not recommended with fiction, and kind of cheating, something I do for work more than for fun, but what if I told you you too could breeze through 100 pages in a a few hours tomorrow or finish an entire book in a day using my method?

>he doesn't read every book in one sitting

Been wondering if I should buy fear and trembling, I'll trust your decision

>he hasn't read the Bible with the footnotes in one sitting and then Summa Theologica plus Saint Augustine works in less than 3 sittings

>tries to read in the span of 3 hours
>starts to fall asleep after the first hour
Any suggestions beyond caffeine?

i believe you because I like to read too and 140 pages isn't that crazy if you enjoy reading. the fact people actually think you're lying is telling about the people on this board if they think 140 pages in a day is unrealistic

140 pages absolutely is a lot (although easily manageable) if you're actually reading and not merely murmuring the words in front of you in order but not taking any of it in.
It's shocking how many people I've met who are more well read than me and are in many cases more intelligent than me, as I've always been aware that I'm not that clever, yet who are barely capable of keeping up in a discussion on books I know they've """read""" before.
How To Read should be given out in middle school

It's really not a lot. 140 pages in a day is 6 pages an hour. Just because you're not good at reading and can't comprehend dense literature at more than a snail's pace doesn't mean there aren't people who can. It takes you an hour to read 6 pages? Even 12 pages an hour isn't insane if you like what you're reading. It's pompous and immature to assume you're the gold standard of how fast someone can read books.

100 pages is easy, even if you work full time. Just put the phone in another room and sit

The trick is to read 140 pages a days (or more for that matter), then when someone who read it better than wants to talk about it, you use his knowledge to refresh your memories of the book.
There solved it for you.

>6 pages an hour

which is a completely meaningless statement because there are not 24 hours in a day where reading is feasible. An average person has maybe 2 hours they can dedicate, unless they happen to be a neet or a single mother.

or just don't be a brainlet and retain the information you read?
reading is a skill like anything else. the more you do it the better you get at it. nobody here reads so 100 pages in a day seems impossible relative to how capable they are of reading. but if they were to do it more and often they'd notice they're beginning to retain information better and read more quickly over time. it's almost like humans get better at things the more we do them

You're being completely disingenuous, no one is staying awake 24/7, even having three solid hours of free time to set aside for reading is a lot for many people.
About 50 pages an hour, of a difficult book, is about the norm. I should just disregard any post that comes in as fast as yours is, it's always a fucking sperg out

Everyone works 8 hour shifts every day of every week of every month and never has a day off or any leisure time. Yes. Truly.

>About 50 pages an hour, of a difficult book, is about the norm
Okay. I work for 8 hours and sleep for 8. I maintain my home and myself in, say, 3 hours. That leaves me with 5 hours of free time. That's only 28 pages an hour to reach 140. Sorry you don't actually spend any of your leisure time reading but some of us do. Not to mention days off or vacation time, which you don't know if OP had or not. Again, just because you can't doesn't mean others can't lol

Most people have friends, girlfriends, grocery shopping to do and other hobbies
Imagine being proud to be an incel loser

Imagine thinking you can't dedicate a day to yourself. Imagine being so much of an incel that you think every day all of a normal person's free time is taken up by other people. Imagine being so much of a retard you come up with every excuse you can think of to justify not reading on a literature board.
The fact of the matter is 140 pages is entirely doable in a day for anybody. Maybe not every day, but nobody said he read 140 pages every single day. Just admit you were wrong and move on, it's an anonymous website and nobody can really make fun of you for being wrong so why do you care?

I only have problem with starting and after that stopping. Too many times I start to read and then realize that it is already night time.

Everyone is laughing at you
I only made one post itt, so I don't think I am who you think I am.
Also no one said 140 pages a day isn't possible, not in this specific exchange anyway. You're manufacturing an argument when you could be, ironically, reading a book

Same. Biggest hurdle is actually getting motivated to start. Once you start it's easy to stay interested. This goes away the more you read. It's just building the habit that's hard at first

What a pathetic post. Lmao

the IP count didn't go up when you posted that "first" reply so you're lying. not him just letting you know we can tell if you're lying about that so that doesn't really look good on you. it was at 19 until this guy posted

I find it highly unlikely you were actually monitoring the poster count, but if you don't want to believe me that's cool. I know what my first post was

Please leave

What if I'm reading on my phone

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>leave the computer
>easily read 10 pages
>return to computer, argue on Yea Forums, eat snacks, waste time, post frogs, etc

>10 pages a day
jesus, how can this even be a struggle?

if i cant make progress on a book i usually drop it at the third time i fail to get engaged. Dropping a book that you dont resonate with is not a shame, there are billions of books and reading them all is impossible, so why waste time with one you dont feel any connection with?

tai lopez method

Stop reading if the book doesn't interest you

It literally takes 15 minutes.

140 pages is like 2 hours of reading

We’d tell you to take your method, render a visual representation of it. After having done that, render a 3D representation of that and shove it right up your ass


t. sloterdijk

It depends on what you’re reading. Not everything is just continuous sentences. Sometimes they are hard mathematical or analytical proofs. Anything to do with synthetically geometry usually takes me considerably longer to complete.

We’re talking 2 pages per 30 minutes sometimes here.


unironically kill yourself
