Evocation sounds cool, care to explain it more to me? Or should I just google it? I've never heard of that.
I'm not claiming to be wise, I merely have the experiences and philosophies/perspectives that I do, which I am desire to, and am trying to, compile together into a single written work. I also don't understand why the desire to elevate others is considered "wise", and the mention of Jesus and Plato? Are we not, all of us, by working in a society, necessarily helping eachother by doing so? And all I'm describing here, then, is doing that specifically in the spiritual realm instead of all the other occupations we otherwise work as. Why do you consider Plato wise for writing his dialogues? The dialogues themselves are very wise, but why is it wise on his part to have written them? Isn't it merely another occupation? Sorry, I'm just struggling here, in this whole thread, with grasping why it's considered hopelessly idealistic to want to spread enlightening teachings (presuming I have any amount of such) onto others. Everyone tells me what you guys do - that most people can't or won't grasp it, save it for the few who will, and I just can't tell whether you guys are the ones being pessimistic, or me being optimistic. I don't even know what I'm saying here, anymore, really. I don't have any real talents in life, spirituality kind of came into it only recently but it's been fruitful thus far, and I see it as normal to want to apply myself toward it, and towards helping others at the end of it, in the same way that anything a person does goes towards the world's benefit, for that specific occupation. The businessman, the baker, the musician, the journalist, the mystic. I don't see any of these as different, beyond the field in question. I just perceive this life as worthless if not to better as much of the world around me as possible, and, given my lack of talents and interests in life, see no other realm in which I could but the spiritual one. There's so many places of worship in our world, for all the different religions. But I am not in favor of these tribal institutions, preferring instead to simply speak of universal spiritual conceptions that any of any background could read and benefit from, such as the nature of "identification" and how it creates the illusion of personhood, for example.
tl;dr I don't see my quest as anything noble, but really quite normal. Spirituality already fills our world, though it's divided into religious factions, which I include "New Age" stuff under. There's already so many spiritual resources out there, but as said earlier there don't seem to be any which are as comprehensive and complete as they could be, or as objective and rationally-explained as they could. They also possibly divide themselves into tribal divisions, which taint their teachings and somewhat remove them of the universality that is really their nature.