Yea Forums related memes
Yea Forums related memes
Saved. Thanks, fren.
More accurate version
Me on the left
>not Feyerabend
gay image. if you want to contrast wittgenstein, you could do ferege or early Wittgenstein
hey, I know these memes so I instantly upvote!
>virulent anti-semite
Someone needs to make a Chad Incel Don Quixote and Sancho
Anyone have the comic with the skeleton who asks a kid in bed why he hasn't read classic book X, Y, Z etc?
this is scary
Yea Forums absolutely demolished, disembowled, taken apart, choked out, and torn to shreds
>only thing he ever discovered
Can that be falsified?
>actually reading instead of just looking up the plot summary on wikpedia
>being gay
wow so based. free Anatolia
fuck you popper is great
thats me
where is the version of this with the titles crossed out and replaced with "shit" or whatever
A classic
Hardy kek
Another hardy kek from me
thats the real shit
I know this is bait but
Can someone tell me who the fuck is Quentin?
This chart is unreadable and probably just troll
There's two, the new one is a manlet faggot who shills his videos here. Some of them are kino. Operates "the Book Club" youtube channel. It's unknown whether he is actually literate or not.
The other, the Quentin we all know and love, made anti-weed and anti-3DS comics with his gang "the Diamond Dogs" until he was b& and v& for sch00l sh00ting threats.
I was thinking of the youtuber
Thanks user
>books = story
I know this is a meme but there are people who actually think this
>god and the state
>"satan, the first freethinker and great emancipator of man"
bakunin ur really making it hard to convince people anarchism isnt edgy
>But no; in the paradise promised by Christ, as we know, such being the formal announcement, the elect will number very few. The rest, the immense majority of the generations present and to come, will burn eternally in hell. In the meantime, to console us, God, ever just, ever good, hands over the earth to the government of the Napoleon Thirds, of the William Firsts, of the Ferdinands of Austria, and of the Alexanders of all the Russias.
It's only edgy when you're not being ironic bruh, Bakunin was the original shitposter
Read Nechayev if you want serious 16edgy32me.
I suddenly became very, very angry.
Never fails to put a dumb smirk on my face
why should socrates be hated?
Danish trap?
ugojesse watermark spotted
foj for helvede
is norm the least funny person to ever exist?
This but swap the Wittgensteins
What's the point? The guy standing on the books can see everything already lol
because he diddled the youth
lol i thought that was winnie the pooh in the bottom left corner in the thumbnail
>The other, the Quentin we all know and love, made anti-weed and anti-3DS comics with his gang "the Diamond Dogs" until he was b& and v& for sch00l sh00ting threats.
I've always wondered, is the original Virgin Walk his work too? It's very similar to his style and subject matter
All his accomplishments boil down to being good at playing the devil's advocate and not being insecure about being insecure, at this point you can find these even on reddit. Compare this to a philosopher like Nietzsche, of whom there was only one.
This is one of my favorite memes, the original video is great
>believe it or not, eraser head is on of my most spiritual films
>oh, I, uh, can you elaborate on that?
If I ever got this BTFO’d I’d have no recourse but murder
>birth video leaked to porn website
no u
Wrong, the real culmination of all those three is visual novels.
>darklord footnote
Yeah you can find lightbulbs everywhere too, the first one that was invented was still a big fucking deal.
Can someone explain this shit for me
I'm a '97 Zoomer, where's my meme?
Under appreciated medium
>calling image macros memes
we've really come full circle on this shithole of a site goddamn
I still unironically listen to Linkin Park sometimes when I want a comfortable feeling from earlier times.
Lost inbetween two worlds fren.
Actually we can ebcome masters of either and both though, so I guess that's pretty cool though.
Doesn't vidya actually combine all three and makes you part of it as well.
Seems really weird though to consider Yea Forums the paramount board.
>Doesn't vidya actually combine all three and makes you part of it as well.
In theory yes but it somehow turns people into degenerates.
Just take a look at
>books = story
>t. fantasyfag
Young medium with a lot of potential, it's going through its formative years. There are some good games that I'd consider art, but they're a minority
I would add as someone who basically gave up on vidya a year ago, most “art games” are terrible art and terrible games. As a rule, the more the developer tries to paint his game as art, the shittier it is. The biggest challenge that video games have right now is bridging the gulf between gameplay and story. Some games are mechanically perfect or close to perfect (like Tetris) but have no story. Some have intriguing story but the gameplay is lackluster (early Fallouts). Some have both but can’t integrate them so you just play, watch a movie, play again, watch more movie (like Metal Gear Solid). So far the only game I played that truly bridged the gap was Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons.
Are you one of those faggy systems formalists who austistically screech "not a game" a'la Chris Wagar. Dear Esther is a more historically significant/important video game than SFIII.
Are you literally fucking retarded or is this supposed to be a bait? Go away.
That logic applies to people like Freud and the results of their studies, from which later generations learned. Not to Socrates whose teachings you can come to realize yourself nowadays with no influence of his.
>implying you can live without being influenced by him
Just don't
Got you covered
Top tier thread, good work folks
I would call Katamari Damacy art in the sense that it provides an experience only possible through the medium of video games
Notes from the Underground wasn't supposed to be an instruction manual!
gesamtkunstwerk = romanticism
medium specificity = modernism
i rest my case
I like this
In NGE, Rei was actually always one of her clones, of which there was couple hundred. 'Lalka' means 'doll', so something inanimate and non-human.
Vincent was absolutely /oneofus/
Who is the 'underrated' guy, I swear I know that face
Neo-Kantianism FTW
Me desu's so me
based sartre
Allahu uqbar?
he's got funny content tbqh
I wish this was real
Come back when philosophy is a real field of study.
>Asks where Verkhovensky is and that he is needed
>Supports the tsar and complains about westernization
I don’t understand the person who made this
yikes what a shit pic
ale śmieszne
Mr Men being patrician should be a meme
go back
>metaphysical aikido
Why did her hair become more blonde?
Fucking stereotypes in my Yea Forums
You would save a picture with terrible res.
I see the same thing!
You get the drift of the meme
descartes made me laugh
>seething so hard you have to change the meme
All that obsession and he didn't understand Descartes at all.
underrated post
The chart is chinese propaganda for the first two columns, but ok for the last one.
Desensitizing tank=Eliminating outside and anatomical interference (/diy/ salt pool)
I like how she's varying shades of white bimbo in 1,3,4, but Latina in 2.
I remember talking to Quentin once. He was actually pretty okay. I think he's pretty funny, honestly.
me on the left UwU
Can someone make a version of this with the virgin's metamorphosis into Chad?
This is great
>only known human being besides stirner to make marx butthurt
literally everyone made marx butthurt tho. he never responded well to criticism
>The number of pages Marx and Engels devote to attacking Stirner in the unexpurgated text of The German Ideology in which they derided him as Sankt Max (Saint Max) exceeds the total of Stirner's written works
nevermind i take it back thats next level butthurt
I made this and it's a reference to Verkhovensky's penchant for ruining parties.
when the hell was this done. i don't remember seeing it before.
Someone post the Milton version of this please
this is amazing
come back with less jews
That's genuinely hilarious
>mfw I'm literally reading capitalist realism right now
top kek
What the fuck? I made this meme and thought it'd be buried a long time ago but apparently you saved it and posted lmao.
>shit post
like pottery
Why is aquinqs so bad?
i always wondered about this one, will it create a pretty poisonous crystal in my belly?
>I-I was only pretending!
Never gonna make it.
I fucking hate this picture and the profound ignorance of the history of science and positivism it implies.
10/10 flawless victory
a million years in ms paint
fuck, it's missing just a cigarette to be me
Give this a read.
Can someone run Lovecraft through one of those filters that put a smile on him?
pirate photoshop, it's super easy
Is there any difference between the money guy and the money and books guy? I mean they can both see.
the money guy has money, the book guy doesn't
The book guy can gaze into the heavens; the money guy's vision is limited to the lowly earth.
Oh, thanks. That's actually pretty cool and subtle.
Fuck you.
>Hot Ziggety!
what the fuck
the majority of posts on this board are made by five posters identical to this one by proxy
how fucking massive is this guy?
I don't post in bookshelf threads because Im worried I'll get the virtual version of that
This made me laugh, ty
>no there isn’t
Fucking retarded atheists
mr. Sadler just radiates chad-ness
>tfw no living emily to admire from afar like a work of art
My favourite one
Oooh okay I get it now lol
>chose the rope
what did he mean by this?
Does anyone have the Yea Forums edit of this comic, where he's asking which books the kid has read?
cringe and dumb
Should've added that Popper was too much of a pussy to have proper autistic fits of rage like daddy Wittgenstein.
How is this in any way a Yea Forums meme?
Where can I buy it?
women cannot read books
Ratboy Genius is so fucking interesting. A while ago I listened to an interview with the composer behind it and he's a surprisingly normal person
holy shit
>most genre fiction being that deep
>C.S Lewis being deeper than Tolkien
>Charles Dickens being anything other than Level 1
CBoyardee still makes music sometimes
Sadly I think a girl like that in the modern day would just post verse to tumblr and work at Starbucks, addlepated by an ever changing regime of psychoactive prescription drugs.
You can read movies??
according to theoryfags, yes
read as in interpret, sure
The funniest thing about this is that Eric Carle isn’t even dead
I have the same dildo.
Yeah, we are a schizo mix fren
Based, sounds like Gaddis
classicsofgame is great shut your whore mouth
Nice comeback
I am legitimately angry that Lord of the Rings is that high on the list. Most plebs absolutely cannot into those books based on its prose alone.
Still our finest hour
Yea Forums was never and will never be better than this.
Who's the one on the right again?
Emily Brontë.
what else would you call them?? fucking don't get cocky boy.