Magical Realism must die

Tired of frivolizing the magical aspects of life when life is more fucking truthful and mysterious than fucking plebshit about hispanics that nobody cares about. We can't still talking about 50 members family's at this hights of the XXI century.

Common lit is time to evolve. I need something more trascendental.

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Literature needs to evolve to something more refined and patrician...

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What you don't understand, filthy anglo, is that in SA people actually live like this. They believe in magic, fairies, supernatural events occurred in their own generation. Old women will tell you about demons cursing their family 100% srs and shit like huge crabs invading their homes. Marquez just wrote down what he heard at home. Also family history is orally transmitted. Go down to rural colombia for a while. (Mind it this shit was written in the sixties, when most people had no electric light).

Well and what? Are you aware about life in subdeveloped countries looks similar and that doesn't implies we have to focus specially on them? Santería in Cuba, Voodoo in Haiti, everyone's has his own mystical tradition coming from ages. Focusing on these cultures you people have lost your owns.

Magical Realism is the window trough alienated urban Anglos and Europeans observe with fascination what have been negated to them. For that and more, must be destroyed.

I'm not Anglo you fool.

He isn’t an Anglo, OP can barely write English lmao

What's the alternative? Boring realism? People's daily lives are too boring and depressing to be interesting.

Magical realism peaked with (and was also saved by) Borges

Don't care about realism. Reality has destroyed our mystical concept of life. Everything now looks dumb and prosaic.

We should summon a new ethos from the abysses in order to restore the Beauty and the Sublime.

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este post fue creado por el americANO

>than fucking plebshit about hispanics that nobody cares about
Except people do care about it, that's why's it's popular. Don't force your taste in the world.
>We can't still talking about 50 members family's at this hights of the XXI century.
Now in English, please.
>Common lit is time to evolve. I need something more trascendental.
You're saying this as if you're being forced to read these works. You can kill yourself in the meantime and nobody would mind. Do whatever you want, faggot.

In English doc?

FUCK brown people and FUCK discord trannies

I have family who lives in SA and I can confirm

Witchcraft is normal there. Witches cast spells and people leave cursed dead animals in each other's yards to curse them. This stuff works and is real too.

The spiritual world exists. The West worships secular materialism though

>this thread
SA lit confirmed for Africa tier

>people leave cursed dead animals in each other's yards to curse them
That's interesting. I remember once my mother found a plastic bag stuffed with the remains of a dead animal in our yard. She told me that it was left there by our neighbour, a middle-aged woman that wanted to put a curse on our family. Mother would then pray to Jesus, asking him to punish that woman in some way, haha.

and I'm not from SA btw

>This stuff works and is real too.
How do you know?

How would one deconstruct magic realism?

Inhad the same experience visiting family in central mexico during christmas. Dark rooms full of old women with incense bobbing their heada and chanting. Eerie but interesting.

Borges already did it

Anyone on lit actually practice magic?

he changed "peasant stories" for "european literary references", he is an elitist of magic realism

i do, i practice patterning reality

Ironically this thread an its replies have made me really want to read magic realism, whats the best magic realism anons?

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hundred years of solitude is IMHO the best
borges short stories are also great, but different
pedro paramo is darker and "ghostlier"

What does that mean? What do you get from practicing magic?
Do you ever develop an intution or is it all just jacking off to sigils and putting salts on vegetables for good luck.

>pedro paramo is about ghosts

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Basically i take a desire and charge it with feeling, in my case its "faith" or "awe" and then send it to my unconscious mind, in there it changes the filters that make the infinity of information that reaches me comprehensible by the tiny conscious mind (you). So you basically metaprogram your awareness.
And yes you can call it developing "intuition"

it is though

i never said that you mong videogame poster

>changes the filters that make the infinity of information that reaches me comprehensible by the tiny conscious mind (you).
How does that help fulfilling the desire? Or is that irrelevant? In that case why make the desire?

My theory is that from the nearly.infinite fan of possibilities that open up in front of us only a handful steps are consciously taken, the rest are unconsciously collapsed into what actually happens. If we have implanted in our whole.mind the strong desire for a certain outcome then these unconscious steps will bring us closer to it or at least closer to the areas where the conscious decisions will be most relevant.
There are millions of elements that could be brought to our attention from the periphery of our senses and even.more, correlated with mental metaphors and old concepts buried deep within our mind. I believe this process to be moslty unconscious, but not completely out of our control, the method here called "magic" is one of such ways to prune the infinitely branching possibilities tree in a way that would take us closer to our goal before it even reaches our conscious awareness.

adding cortazar to the consideration pile. read cronopios y famas

If you hate magic realism, you need to see the dry realism Brazilian writers created.
Imagine an elitist depressed faggot who couldn't write for shit, but he wrote a book 100 years ago and now everyone pretends to like it. This is Machado de Assis, Aluísio Azevedo and many others. There is more heart in a page from Cyro dos Anjos and Manuel Antônio de Almeida than on all the work of those I talked before. Fuck Clarice Lispector too.

One Hundred Years of Solitude is the most popular work of magical realism.

It is very enjoyable. It is also maddening.

it really baffles my mind that a peoples like brazil would go with the dry realism shit

The vast majority of the writers in our history are journalists, lawyers and politicians from rich families with free time and no talent or creativity.

Are you brazilian? What part are you from?

Espírito Santo.

Im from argentina, what would you say to the idea of a 2 months long br 101 road trip?

I would say it's a bad idea since food is too expensive, but it's fine if you're rich or high middle class.

Its a roadtrip dude, the idea is to spend as little as possible, sleep in car, cook myself as cheaply as i can etc

I wouldn't go. Good luck anyway.

Why dont they use their magic to be less poor hahahaha

Because demons feed off of misery/poverty/destruction eventually

And Africans are just not that bright

The only Brazilian work I've ever read was Machado de Assis' Bras Cubas, and I thought it was a masterpiece of humorous, highly experimental fiction, somewhere between Tristram Shandy and Ulysses in terms of innovativeness.

Is that supposed to be an insult? Because if it was you confirm every thread claiming over half of this board only reads meme books. Anglos wish they could write half as well as Africans and SAs.


Master and Margarita.

You realise that aside from Scandinavia, the British Isles is where belief in faeries and the like is most prevalent in Europe? It comes from paganism, or rather, the natural beliefs everyone had prior to the enlightenment (even while they were Christians). I'm not sure how they're depicted in fiction but in the case of Europe they believed in many hidden things, note 'hidden', they didn't delude themselves into seeing what they obviously couldn't see, yet they still believed.

That shit comes from the beliefs of European peasants, you retard. 'cursed dead animals' originally comes from sacrificing towards some end, it morphed into an cursing practice.

Muh Saggitarius