What does kafkaesque even mean

What does kafkaesque even mean

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it's used to describe situations where people go "dude, like wtf bro?"

Pseud word.
Disregard the entirety of what anyone says who unironically employs said word.

subversive juden-freakery.

As far as I can tell, something kind of aimless and meaningless, absurd and prone to abruptly ending without a satisfying conclusion in a fashion that doesn't seem inappropriate to the situation.

Something reminiscent of the literary works of Franz Kafka.

It's a pleb word for Lovecraftian

>like dude bureaucracy , social bureoucracy and like... people behaving inhumanely but not in an animal way more like in a bureaucratic way y'know like, a kafkaesque boss who hates you might not fire you immediately when you fuck up, instead, y'know, he sends you into a mission to deliver a message to an old German king, and when you come there, your entrance gets denied and you are told that messengers have to perform a ritual before entering the castle: they must first assimilate into the village and marry one of the available girls, but when you try to assimilate and find a girl, you won't believe it! they dislike strangers so they lie about where you could find a woman! then you go around searching for a woman for you to marry, y'know, attending parties, doing favors for dads who supposedly have a daughter willing to marry you, and never finding the girl that you're supposed to marry! "stupid tradition" you think to yourself. but wait, here comes more from this mastermind man, this kafka! you then find a woman who actually proposes to marry you. big happy time! so you marry her! and then you enter the castle and realize that actually, for you to go face to face with the king and send your precious message, your wife must be between the ages of 18-21 (the woman you married was 22, bad luck), and you must have a son with her, and you must be ethnically german. breaking the tradition means death. so you die LOLE! now that's kafkaesque huh its like borges, full of labyrinths, logic negations and the list goes on...

not funny and tldr. Kys.

pretty much how i feel when reading kafka. boring aha! moments. i'll never understand why faggots love this jew so much

it's when your ex had a lot of mental issues, inluding daddy issues, and you would never understand what she means and what she wants
she's a kafka ex

absurd and pointless, especially in an oppressive or systematic manner

You know the dreams you get when you need to piss while you're asleep?

It’s mostly just me peeing at a urinal for 5 minutes. Sometimes I’m holding a conversation with someone in the bathroom.


My favorite pee dream is the one where I found an open coffin with a body inside, desperate I decided to piss in it only for the funeral to start while I was mid flow.

bureaucratic nightmare


It means you saw that one episode of Breaking Bad and nothing else.

I'm always in enormous public bathrooms full of people, even women, and I'm naked but so is everyone else and every urinal is occupied so I keep walking trying to find one till I wake up.


You might as well say shakespearesque or hemingwayesque for all it would mean.

I always take it to refer to

>people carrying on extremely normal and everyday tasks in the face of an obvious invasion of reality by the impossible, supernatural or outrageous

(The way Gregor's family attempts to cope with his transformation)

But it seems to be deployed more frequently as a synonym for bizarre.

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What does Verfremdungseffekt even mean

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hope you catch rabies and then pass it to your mother through intercourse

it means kafkian

Just when you think it’s bad, it gets even worse and doesn’t stop.

When you become a stranger in a place we're you weren't. Say, coming back to your old childhood neighborhood and finding that no one you knew still loved there and the places you remembered are all gone and changed.

The film Brazil is Kafkaesque, if you want a good example.

Then why don't we say that Kafka's works are brazilian?

Chronological order.

Those dreams usually lead to bed wetting user senpai

This is unironically Kafkaesque.

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These. All readily apparent for anyone that has actually read his work.

Why do labels like this, that are just a shorthand description rather than an actual objective quality bother people you so much?

This is so kafkaesque

it means similiar to the themes expressed in the works of a german author named franz kafka

What is the most kafkaesque board?

Situations and diffuse experiences of fear, insecurity and alienation as well as being at the mercy of anonymous and bureaucratic powers, absurdity, hopelessness and futility as well as guilt and inner despair.

it was just a meme some time ago because it was overused and misused by pseuds I think

>a german author
actually a Jew living in Prague, he did write in german though

Also, weird physical spaces. Kafka's works are filled with things like low ceilings and narrow corriders.

What the media did to the kid in pic related was kafkaesque

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my mom recently had to get a medical exam for work, which involved driving for two hours to get to a specific clinic
thanks to the exam she learned that she is, in fact, not deaf or hard of hearing, and that she is apparently no longer astigmatic (which is both medically impossible and just clearly not the case)

pretty kafkaesque, in a Process kind of way

It means 110 IQ

This but Cthulhu is bureaucracy.