Memes aside what is this shit lmao

memes aside what is this shit lmao

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Furry trash.

Amerilard furry NRA propaganda

Unchecked mental illness.

fascinating, would you happen to have some pages?

A really hamfisted attempt at explaining something potentially complicated and nuanced in an oversimplified and biased manner to indoctrinate children into a particular side of an issue without actually understanding it.

>indoctrinate children into a particular side of an issue
Yeah only the state should have guns and if you don't like it they're going to shoot you with guns. Also the police are racist and abusive.

What the fuck are you talking about?

Tuttle twins belong in this thread. I unironically cannot wait to read my children their book about the federal reserve.

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based and kidpilled

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Same question pal

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it's either one or the other but it can't be both.

Propaganda can be based on truth and still be propaganda, you know. I'm not going to suddenly fail to recognize childhood indoctrination just because they're being indoctrinated to my side.

>people shouldn't raise their kids
>I'm not saying we should ban guns but lets cool it with the guns
Blow it out your ass

>be me, professional gunsmith
>have donated shitloads of money to NRA and GOA
>built my own shooting range
>write gov't representatives and sign petitions every time another gun ban pops up
>used to teach child firearm safety courses
>some faggot on Yea Forums still calls me antigun because I don't tow the line and pretend propaganda isn't propaganda

Quit assuming shit you fucking moron.

Its insane how people assume they know your beliefs based of a couple of things you say. Thank you for all you have done.

I appreciate it, friend.

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How small is your penis that you built your own gun range?

I have to test fire and zero in weapons regularly, and I also just enjoy shooting. Why wouldn't I set up a gun range if I could?

The worst part is that as much as I would like to think your dad works at nintendo, the firearm community is filled with enough brainded lolsperg idiots that this is probably true. Its important we respect the human rights and dignity of people who explicitly have the goal and are taking steps to disarm and destroy your way of life right? If you actually own a gun go and pick your favorite safe queen and blow your fucking brains out before you continue shooting us in the collective foot with your "common sense" idiocy. SHALL.

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its disturbing that you use the word indoctrinate to talk about weapons and parents and a child's relationship and understanding of them.

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We must destroy the family unit, comrade

>I also just enjoy shooting

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Let me guess, you think buying 300 bullets is "a lot", and not "an hour on saturday".

guns are dumb

This is incomprehensible, please try harder.
>Its important we respect the human rights and dignity of people who explicitly have the goal and are taking steps to disarm and destroy your way of life right?
You are actually pulling this out of your ass.

The title has "why" in it, which implies it teaches on why guns may be necessary. In order to explain why guns may be necessary, you need to explain concepts like violent crime, civil disobedience, tyrannical governments, and so on. Children aren't capable of critical thinking, which means they can't ask the questions necessary to making up their own mind. Telling a child something when you know they have no choice but to take your word for it is indoctrination.

>its disturbing that you use the word indoctrinate to talk about weapons and parents and a child's relationship and understanding of them.
If the book was only technical knowledge, then opinion wouldn't be relevant and it would be education instead of indoctrination. However, it's not exclusively technical knowledge, which you would know if you even googled the book.


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>I support the second amendmant BUT parents shouldn't be allowed to educate their children on firearms or pass them on after death
Look everyone, it's Mister Obama himself!

>So now that you're retired, what do you do in your free time?
>Oh I just make shit up anonymously on the internet.

>implies it teaches on why guns may be necessary
Even the implication of the question is propaganda. That 'may' is carrying a lot of weight in the sentence, suggesting there is some possibility that gun ownership is necessary

people have been armed since forever,those who did not have weapons expressly made for war are slaves but even they would use kitchen knife,hammer,axe and rocks to kill,even in iliad many people are killed by rocks,the very earth itself becomes weaponized.

Like I said, propaganda doesn't have to be untrue, or based in untruth. I'm a constitutional absolutist, and I think everyone, children included, should be educated on firearms, how they work, what they're capable of, how to handle one safely, etc. Propaganda appeals to one's emotions in the same way the facts the propaganda is based on appeal to one's logic, meaning propagandizing is often necessary to convince people who are failing to employ their logical faculties.

That's the thing though, children have next to no logical faculties. They lack the cognitive ability to know what to question and when to do so. It's not a matter of opinion to shoot at a bear charging at you, but it is a matter of opinion that it's still okay to shoot a mugger after they've started running away (just as an example), and children can't tell the difference between the two. Maybe I've communicated poorly, but I think it's incredibly important to teach your children things in ways that require critical thinking, not only because it means their opinion is actually their own, but it will actually be thought out. When your child becomes an adult and is asked why they're pro-gun, they can give an articulate argument instead of just saying "well my parents read me this book when I was younger..." or lashing out like an NPC.

Have a conversation with your kids and encourage them to think on their own and consider what you're saying. This book just seems like the equivalent of dragging and dropping imrightdontquestionit.txt into their head.

It's kind of necessary for his profession dude. Are you rarted?

Shut the fuck up you idiot. Democrat gun grabbers don't respect you and I sure as fuck don't either. The world is binary. Pick a side or get run over. All of your nuanced rhetoric means jack shit.

This. The issue is pretty simple desu.

lol imagine actually writing this out and posting it on 4channel

>there are actual muh guns lunatics of Yea Forums
Dont you know the government monitors this website? They've traced your ip by now and know where you are when they need to take your guns to the fema camp for confiscation

"Only the church possesses the charisma of truth." -St. Ignatius

I don't care if teaching people to think critically is bad for your team. I want generations of the future to ruthlessly pursue truth, even if it's truth I would rather not be true, because it will always ultimately lead to what's best in the end. If you are really worried that teaching children to think for themselves will lead to them being anti-gun, then clearly you don't have much confidence in your beliefs to begin with.

If your boogieman comes to take our guns, I will stand right next to you and shoot at them. I will not, however, contribute to damning the future because it's convenient or expedient for solving our current problems.

You're a retard and a faggot and I bet you unironically would fly a gadsden flag next to a thin blue line flag. Again, you need to understand nobody respects you for acting like this. There is no need to act like a wishy washy pussy and whine about parents indoctrinating their kids into muh gun culture. If you really own a range I hope someone shoots steel core through your shit and a bunch of chink tourists destroy your target runners and you die of lead inhalation. And the democrats still want your guns. Hey at least you're out here winning hearts and minds right?

>If your boogieman comes to take our guns, I will stand right next to you and shoot at them
Why? If guns did get banned, you'd literally fight to the death rather than give yours up? For what purpose?

What are you denying the holocaust right now?

Bro, this is an anonymous website, I don't care about earning your respect, or what you think of me at all for that manner. In a few minutes we're both going to move on with our lives and forget this ever happened. I just enjoy taking opportunities like this to refine my views, it makes me a more articulate person and shows me where I may have flaws in my thinking. I'm a more radical gun advocate than any person I've ever actually met, and I think it's nonsensical that you'd disregard my potential support because I'm not strong-arming toddlers into sharing my views.

>Why? If guns did get banned, you'd literally fight to the death rather than give yours up? For what purpose?
Because sacrificing ones ability to exert force on others means making one a subject of others who are still capable of such. When you lose the ability to manifest your will, you are no longer your own person, merely an extension of someone else, like a limb that thinks it's its own person. I'd hesitate to call that living. In this way, participating in the fighting guarantees myself a longer life as an autonomous person, even if it means a shorter life as a human organism.

>I'm a more radical gun advocate than any person I've ever actually met, and I think it's nonsensical that you'd disregard my potential support because I'm not strong-arming toddlers into sharing my views.
>my support
What are you going to do vote for bernie? Again, nobody cares pal. You're advocating against people teaching their kids things so you can seem like a nuanced and well learned individual, while advocating for the censorship of certain literature on a board for books. But I'm supposed to believe you when you say the things you say about guns. Just keep your dumb mouth shut. If you're being genuine you're a genuine retard.

>while advocating for the censorship of certain literature on a board for books
...where did I do that?

Are we circling back around to my original braindead lolsperg accusation? So what, you think that indoctrinating children, as you put it, is morally wrong, and your solution to this atrocity is to... boldly advocate for nothing? What a disgrace you are.

>Because sacrificing ones ability to exert force on others means making one a subject of others who are still capable of such.

thanks for articulating my point

I said that if your views are valid, encouraging children to think critically is sufficient to get them to agree with you, and feeling the need to indoctrinate them shows you don't believe or understand your own views enough to withstand scrutiny. I also said that indoctrinating children is dangerous as it damages their ability to reason later in life.

You don't need to brainwash children into liking guns. Teach them how to think, show them what a gun is, they'll figure out the rest on their own and be much better off for it.

Oh, you're welcome.

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Dog mummy carries a gun so a cop doesn't shoot her.

Yeah but the problem is you're unloading all of your practiced bullshit no one cares about over a probably-not-even-real kids book and either people are going to talk to their kids about guns or not. You can whine like a literal woman with your (YOUR) retarded bullshit about muh critical thinking, but its not a complicated issue in the first place and with the claims your making about your life this is exceedingly fucking asinine. People shouldn't "indoctrinate their kids" into why their mom owns a fucking handgun but you're going to turn around and give a speech about dying on your feet than on your knees. I believe that you're maybe well intentioned, but I also maintain you're a fucking moron.

>probably-not-even-real kids book
It is real, I googled it so I would have a better idea of what I'm talking about before posting, isn't that what you're supposed to do?
>People shouldn't "indoctrinate their kids" into why their mom owns a fucking handgun but you're going to turn around and give a speech about dying on your feet than on your knees.
I said that to anonymous, who, if he's following the rules, isn't a kid, so I fail to see the problem? Also, putting some of my words in quotation marks doesn't actually counter the words in those quotation marks.
>I believe that you're maybe well intentioned
Thanks, but you still didn't tell me where I advocated for censorship of literature.
>but I also maintain you're a fucking moron.
What, specifically, do you disagree with me about? You seem to be arguing that critical thinking is bad, or that I'm foolish to assume the facts that make up my views are as self evident to other people as they were to me? What I'm advocating for is how my parents raised me, and I'm sure I'm more pro-gun than you, so what's your problem?

>and I'm sure I'm more pro-gun than you
That is quite obviously not the case
>so what's your problem?
The above
>Also, putting some of my words in quotation marks doesn't actually counter the words in those quotation marks
Saying certain words doesn't make them true. You're arguing against a book that is about why mommy owns a pistol because you have this mental block you have hyped up about INDOCTRINATING YOUR OWN KIDS INTO WHY YOU OWN A A GUN, you expect me to respect that assfucking retarded perspective, and in the same breathe start saying a disarmed man is a slave and you'll shoot back etc. This is ridiculous. You're retarded dude.

I don't know why you keep arguing when you're trying as hard as you are to be obtuse. I spelled out my views with the most simple language I could manage, and you still fail to understand. Do you enjoy being inflammatory or are you genuinely stupid? I believe in the unrestricted legalization of all firearms, and have many reasons for such, and am not against disposing of those in the way of that goal, but I guess that's somehow not enough for you. What about you, user, would you fight for your liberty? After all this talk, I'd hope so.

Have a good evening, user, I hope to see you in the proverbial, and maybe literal, trenches.

Right after we stop all of these pesky parents from telling their kids why concealed carrying is important we can die for our rights together fampai, really made me think

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Kind of like the Brandon's Moms Have Mullets or Lexus and Her Two Hairdresser Fathers shit I guess.


>holstering a gun with your belt
Jesus Christ, have fun shooting yourself in the leg.

>have donated shitloads of money to NRA
You’re a cuck, there’s nothing else to say.

i stopped after they caved on bumpstocks tho...

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I wish I could have your life. I moved from Kansas to Colorado and it's overall meh.

Moralizing faggot. I hope you get shot.

>the world is binary
fucking lmao, enjoy your willful ignorance

If you don't tell your kids what to think then someone else will.

You really can't afford to expect ideological purity dude.

>making up their own mind
>critical thinking
You really think this is how the world works?

It could be, if we really tried.

>It's not indoctrination if I agree with it!

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I mean, you could try to get the law changed back so gun ownership is allowed again. I think that would be my first call, rather than fighting to the death with the US government

That won't happen


Prohibition got repealed. You'd feel pretty stupid when you're on death row for killing a few policemen, and a few years after your spree the law you were protesting gets repealed by the next president.
But out of interest, how many people are you willing to kill in order to keep your guns?

Gun control is strict in my country and people are pathologically terrified of them now.

...I'm aware of that, obviously.

This picture reminded me of a story my friend told me. He grew up in Serbia during the war there and he said that there were after school classes to learn how to shoot and how to identify ammunition and guns. Made sense since where he was could have turned into an active warzone any day. Still the reason it was an optional after school thing was because there was an outrage and people didn't want weapons training to be mandatory. He said that everyone he knew did the weapons training anyway though lol.

No it couldn't.
Fundamentally your world view is not formed by "le facts and logic".
Don't teach your kids what is right then its fine, schools and media will do it for you.

>tow the line