What is Cultural Marxism and where can I read about it ?
What is Cultural Marxism and where can I read about it ?
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>what is cultural marxism
Sabbatean Frankism AKA Kabbalah AKA Satanic Inversion
Is just art house just about watching shitty obscure movies like a pretentious faggot?
>inb4 trannypol comes screeching it doesn't exist
none of the movies on the left are shitty or obscure
Yea Forums has shit taste
Probably but most of the movies on the left are undoubtedly good/classics.
Film Auteur is not art house you absolute psueds
Judaism. The gypsy jew has an in-group identity that was created in opposition to that of the people in whose land they were squatting and being parasites. For thousands of years that's been us, whites, so jews are the anti-us. Cultural Marxism is the cultural manifestation and projection of that identity relative to 20th century increases in jewish power. Jews promote sickness as health, abnormality as normal, immorality as freedom, homosexuality, trannyism, low culture over high, etc., thus furnishing us with the clusterfuck we see today. It's why we have to send them to Israel by the boot now.
It doesn’t exist.
Like I said, sabbatean frankism. Walter Benjamin was a frankist.
Which frank are you referring to
What a weird chart. Lots of great films but stuff like Ashes of Time and Through a Glass Darkly aren't that removed from the left in terms of accessibility. An incredibly random set of choices.
You are a fucking idiot. Film Auteur is a label that can be applied to most art house directors. Art House is literally any film which prioritizes artistic aspects over mass market appeal. Go watch Solaris 3 times in a row to be forgiven.
How can i get redpilled like you?
Do amphetamines and read RT.
"Communism with the Mask Off" by Joseph Goebbels
"Bolshevism is explicitly determined on bringing about a revolution among all the nations. In its own essence it has an aggressive and international tendency. But National Socialism confines itself to Germany and is not a product for export, either in its abstract or practical characteristics. Bolshevism denies religion as a principle, fundamentally and entirely. It recognises religion only as an “opium for the people.” For the help and support of religious belief, however, National Socialism absolutely places in the foreground of its programme a belief in God and that transcendental idealism which has been destined by Nature to bring to expression the racial soul of a nation. National Socialism would give the lead in a new concept and shaping of European civilisation. But the Bolshevics carry on a campaign, directed by the Jews, with the international underworld, against culture as such. Bolshevism is not merely anti-bourgeois; it is against human civilisation itself.
In its final consequences it signifies the destruction of all the commercial, social, political and cultural achievements of Western Europe, in favour of a deracinated and nomadic international cabal which has found its representation in Judaism. This grandiose attempt to overthrow the civilised world is so much more dangerous in its effects because the Communist International, which is a past master in the art of misrepresentation, has been able to find its protectors and pioneers among a great part of these intellectual circles in Europe whose physical and spiritual destruction much be the first result of a Bolshevic world revolution."
its a boogeyman that was a fringe conspiracy theory propagated by american nutters that has become a relatively mainstream idea accepted as truth by large amounts of retards.
Marcuse etc had very little effect on academia and culture after the early 1970's.
Bizarely the increased interest in "cultural marxism" exploded after Anders Breivik mentioned it in his manifesto (which he largely copypasta'd from american conspiracy theorists)
No one believes this anymore. Pick up any book on 20th century culture or literary theory and you will find it not only littered with references to Frankfurt School jews, but largely based on their Marxist framework.
What does it say about me that I have seen every one of the entry level films but not oneof the mid level
Something stormfags blame all their shortcomings on along with Jews, just like how blacks blame whitey for all thier problems but somehow more annoying
The term 'cultural marxism' is great, not because of its historical accuracy, but because it pisses all the right people off.
Nothing special.
The movies on the right are obscureand could be easily replaced by other equally niche artsy productions.
>eight and a half
>seven samurai
>400 blows
>bicycle thieves
kind of boring
>tokyo story
made me cry
>chungking express
waifu simulator
>cranes are flying
>days of heaven
its good
its good
>seventh seal
>la haine
>wild at heart
bad but also good
>la jetee
its bad
>last year at marienbad
last year at marienGood
>spirit of the beehive
yea its good
>joan of arc
bad but good
>rome open city
not good
>le samourai
pretty good
>simon of the desert
its good
>woman of the dunes
its good
>un chien andalou
good but also bad
its good
>visitor of a museum
good but also bad
>on the silver globe
>eden and after
>funeral parade of roses
its good
>deux fois
Eric Rohmer's editor gets her tits out for an experimental film
>through a glass darkly
its good
>meshes of the afternoon
the best
>un lac
its good
>instructions on a light and sound machine
youtube poop
>bullet ballet
bad but also good
>valerie and her week of wonders
good but also bad
Broke: Cultural marxism caused the degeneration of culture
Woke: Cultural marxists predicted and described the degeneration of culture via capitalism
Marxist-Leninists in the West switched over to identity politics around the 1960's to focus instead on the purported subterranean fascist character permeating "white society". The shift is captured in the writings of second wave feminism which still had a heavily Marxist-influenced current, before giving way to the intersectional theory of today.
That's the brokest take of all.
Hold on guys if we give it a little bit they might play the card where marxist jew rhetoric actually supports far right movements and if anything literal nazis should adore them
I want trannies to fight me. I am certain i could defeat any Yea Forums tranny in unarmed physical combat.
>literal nazis should adore them
Afraid there haven't been any for over 70 years. The imaginations on these jews!
reminder that the frankfurts were right
Considering the talking points and methods you described as them degenerating culture is verbatim what they said of how capitalism degenerating culture I beg to differ
The frankfurt school and the postmodernists are derided as dead white males by precent day leftists, who dont read anything beyond their twitter feeds and rupi kaur. The far right is the actual legitimate heir to the work of the frankfurt school, foucault and marx. Far righters are the only ones out there seriously discussing intellectual concepts such as biopolitics
>No one believes this anymore
doesn't mean its wrong
> Pick up any book on 20th century culture or literary theory and you will find it not only littered with references to Frankfurt School jews
.....to little effect.
the position of post-marxism was superseded in academia by what can loosely be termed "post-structuralism" which distances itself from marxism.
The "SJW's" and broo-haha that we currently see stems from limited and selective understandings of post-structuralists like judith butler, foucault, derrida etc
They are termed "cultural marxists" as, particularly in america, the connotations of marxism are, justifiably, negative and an easy , short-hand way to smear something that they don't really understand or want to understand.
it a wonderful clusterfuck
>just like how blacks blame whitey for all their problems
You'd have a point if "Jewish privilege" had widespread political and academic support. Or if MTV had a show named, "Dear Jewish People". Or if anyone made the argument that you can't be racist against Jewish people. Or if congress passed a resolution with unanimous support that rejected that notion that it is not ok to "promote, honor, and defend the jewish people". Or if the senate passed a bill that made boycotting any European company a crime. Or...I can keep going if you want.
Patrician. However, La Haine suffers the curse of being constantly meme'd by plebs, which devalues it in my elitist perspective. 8 1/2 and 7th seal are my favorites.
It's almost like they are two sides of the same shekel
"Capitalism" doesn't degenerate culture, the people running cultural institutions do; and those people are overwhelmingly jews, hence the emergence of the evil sentient capitalism boogeyman proposed by coethnics within the Frankfurt School.
>"post-structuralism" which distances itself from marxism
I hope you don't actually believe this.
There is an undeniable thread of anti-capitalism running through the SJW culture, even if you insist they are unserious and wear it as a fashion accessory.
>I hope you don't actually believe this.
I hope you're american. There's no other excuse.
What is your understanding of "marxism"
anti-capitalism doesn't necessarily mean marxism.
In this day and age, only the far right can be said to be genuinely opposed to capitalism. Just look at all those rainbow ads and woke hollywood actors. Fascism, Antisemitism, Homo/transphobia are in themselves highly subversive and anticapitalist
Thesis: Frankfurt School predicted cultural decline as a result of capitalism
Antithesis: The Frankfurt school is responsible for cultural marxism which is responsible for the destruction of western culture
Synthesis: The Frankfurt school was correct in recognizing the culturally destructive ability of capitalism, but were so concerned with containing fascism at a micro level that they facilitated the very same cultural destruction, because they were unable to recognize materialism itself as the problem.
*correctly predicted
Yes but we're talking about their ideological provenance specifically.
are you adam curtis?
>just like how blacks blame whitey for all thier problems
Blacks AND Jews are completely welcome to fuck off out of white society. Even it every jew on earth had an IQ of 160 that doesn't mean other people are beholden to putting up with their nepotistic parasitic shenanigans.
No agent Bond, but you saying that makes me think I should check him out
Get back to me when the far right has devised a practical new mode of production to replace it instead of just screeching about everything they don't like online.
Marxism is a jewish ethnic strategy based on creating or exacerbating class divisions under an egalitarian guise and extending French Revolution rhetoric, and rooted in a 19th century desire to unseat the European "bourgeoisie" / landed elite so jews could take power. In the second half of the 20th century Marxism took on a racial guise. And now jews no longer push the anticapitalism part because they are in firm control of the arms of capitalism. It was always about their group self interests, and whites who think they are Marxists are the most useful of useful idiots.
Nice dubs and nice analysis. Is that "Thesis, Antithesis, Synthesis" structure from Fichte?
>Assuming culture has no basis in the material world
Literally feels over reals.
Nationalization of critical industry, ethnic socialism with the prosperity of the nation at it's heart, and roman tyrant system where if we get sick of his shit he is decapitated. There could never be some kind of pseudo-lolberg scenario involving BASED shitskins. There has to be a unifying force beyond mere philosophy, as we can see with America.
There is nothing edgier or more transgressive than Hitler. Tell me why are the pedophiles/jews/media/establishment/bankers so afraid of Hitler? Cause they sure aint afraid of Marx.
Capitalism isn't the problem, and it doesn't exist in some monoform. How capitalism functions, and in whose interests it functions, is a result of who is in control of its institutional arms. People. Today, jews from Wall Street to the federal reserve to IBs etc., are in control of those institutions, so we have a global capitalist systems that works in their interests as an internationalist band of thieves.
Marxism is about economic materialism and economic determinism..
>Marxism is a jewish ethnic strategy
also, everyone knows it was the illuminati and freemasons who were behind the unseating of the "......European "bourgeoisie" / landed elite" from the french revolution onwards. EVERYONE knows this
Thank you and yes. It is usually attributed to or associated with Hegel though.
>Cause they sure aint afraid of Marx.
People to this day are still arguing against Marxism and berating Marx
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Cultural Marxism is, in fact, Cultural Deleuzianism-Guattarianism, or as I've recently taken to calling it, Deleuzianism AND Guattarianism. Idpol is not a political philosophy unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning philosophical non-system made useful by Guattari's schizoanalysis, rhizomes and vital deterritorializing components comprising a full philosophy as defined in "What Is Philosophy?"
Many left identitarians use a modified version of Deleuzianism every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of Deleuzianism which is widely used today is often called 'Cultural Marxism' and credit is given to the Frankfurt School, but many of its users are not aware that it is basically the Deleuzian non-system of difference, developed by the Liberal identitarians.
There really is a 'Cultural Marxism', developed by Adorno, Marcuse, and Walter Benjamin, but these people aren't using it; it isn't a part of the system they use. Deleuze's repetition is the philosophy of liberals: the difference in the plateaus that allocates the machinic desires against the oppressive totalities and identities that you know. Deleuze is an essential part of Guanttarianist identitarianism, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete liberal college campus. Deleuze is normally used against Frankfurters: Cultural Marxism is actually the whole system of Deleuze and Guattari with the name of Marx added. All the so-called Cultural Marxists are really Cultural Deleuzeans!
Marxist economics were always nonsense and as well reflective of jewish incompetence, which is why the class revolt never happened. Jews like Marx didn't understand the divides within European societies weren't that big of a deal. And yes, Marxism is a jewish ethnic strategy. That's how nature works: groups compete for power and resources. Get your head out of this abstract systemic nonsense and the picture will become a whole lot clearer.
Basic bitch social democracy is not a fresh mode of production, ethnic cleansing is evil and won't solve anything, and you won't be able get anywhere close enough to your tyrant to behead him, just look at the absolutely pathetic response to the tyranny we're in now. Burgers have half the guns in the world and they do nothing.
Transgression for its own sake is the definition of degeneracy.
Global capitalism isn't solely in the hands of Jews, this is a total meme. This expose of the globalists was written by a Jewish insider. Our European overlords have been proven to betray their coethnics for a shekel.
Historical materialism is fine, and very interesting, imo. It's just not a complete picture. Variation in material wealth is not as important to well-being than is health and social connections. Humans and to some extent other primates engage in various forms of cooperation and collective action ranging from parenting and pair-bonding to cooperative food production and sharing, territorial defense and warfare, with some of these behaviors going beyond the reaction norm of many mammals in terms of scale and coordination. Yet, the neurohormones underlying competitive and cooperative behaviors in vertebrates are largely conserved, raising the question of how endocrine mechanisms are shaped by selection to help modulate these extensive cooperative behaviors. Multiple components of endocrine physiology can evolve independently and be impacted by current socio-ecological conditions or individual status, thus potentially generating a wide range of variation within and between species. This variation can inform ultimate function as individual or species differences in baseline hormone levels, acute reactivity or receptor distributions may reflect exaptations, different adaptive strategies, trade-offs or constraints, all of which could lead to individual differences in cooperation and collective action.
>ethnic cleansing is evil and won't solve anything
There is no such thing as evil and wiping india, china and africa off the face of the earth would vastly improve every issue people bitch about
Cool, thanks.
Marx is a safe subject to argue aboutat the NYT/Goldman Sachs/reform judaism/ brooklyn dsa cocktail mixer. Gee, maybe they will let you publish an article in the new yorker someday user. Nowadays calling yourself a marxist just means you went to an expensive college. But just bring up cultural marxism or try saying even mildly positive about hitler and see what happens. They go bezerk. I've been exposed! They are on to me! You wont believe the look on their faces
Marxism was never intended to be a complete picture, just an analysis of the material aspect of human society.
>Global capitalism isn't solely in the hands of Jews
But it is. That many Europeans and European elites have been convinced that jewish interests are their own doesn't make it less jewish. Jewish power lies in projecting ideology onto the goyim.
It's just a right wing meme term for Intersectionality.
It's a description of Intersectionality from an outside perspective. They called it "Cultural Marxism" because in their eyes it extends the oppressor/oppressed class analyses of Marxist Theory to other identity categories (cultural/social classes instead of economic classes) and it is therefore flawed for the same reasons.
>Marxist economics were always nonsense
yes. but everything else you posted was skewed by your own ideological "systemic nonsense".
If I take exception to some kind of ideology I tend to learn what the actual ideology is about and how it operates in reality. Marxism is bunk, but not because of jewish boogeymen.
That’s why we added the “Cultural” in front of “Marxist”.
but it does have a prescriptive aspect....which is completely vague and half-assed.
The funniest thing about the whole "STOP SAYING THAT IT DOESNT EVEN EXIST!!!" thing is it looks absolutely ridiculous. Its two words that make sense and are generally backed up by context, and theorists and timeframes are named. Leftie leaning multi-hyphenated post-marxist whatevers accusing anyone else of "making up words" is the most adorable thing ever though. Really go and fuck yourselves lmao. The gall of these lads.
You know you can be a critic of Jewish power without turning yourself into a histrionic caricature and spreading bullshit like attributing to them this supernatural power of persuasion that they're able to hoodwink every other elite on the planet. That's just fucking insane and it damages reasonable critics when there's batshit neonazi psychopaths's running around poisoning the well.
>railing against nihilism while denying evil
There are no problems if there's no such thing as good and bad.
White social democracy was already tried, and just look at what Sweden became.
It's a bit like a self-fulfilling prophecy
There is no jewish boogeyman, there are just jews whose power and influence is well documented. You aren't familiar with this, so you rely on abstract thinking and blame inanimate entities like "capitalism" and "Marxism" without understanding the nuance of the *human* elements and nature behind those forces as they relate to your own nature, assuming you are white. Take it out of this abstract paradigm and study how evolutionary forces affect behavior and human difference, apply this knowledge to real world phenomena, and it will all begin to make sense.
no. The cultural aspect of "cultural marxism" stems from theorists (frankfurt school etc) hypothesising what Marx would written if he took into account the ideas of Freud and to a lesser extent Nietzsche ( the masters of suspicion). It was a doomed venture who's influence has been vastly overated by people who have probably watched more yootoobers than read authors of books.
cultural marxism is against marxism
>attributing to them this supernatural power
Nobody's doing that. The "international jew" is not a new concept. They have institutional power and they are using it to advance an international agenda. It's not that complicated.
>>railing against nihilism while denying evil
As far as I am concerned non-whites are an enemy and they feel the same way. Is the chimpanzee evil when he annihilates his rival tribe? Did you know there are a bunch of species of chimps? Yeah a new one was discovered a while ago, it lives a across like a whole river and a valley and they only fuck SOMETIMES! Yep. Racists sure are dumb.
This. Before i discovered Marx i consumed onions products, identified as 'queer' listened to indie music and laughed at snl jokes about the orange man being bad. Marx gave me the willpower to hit the gym and pledge myself to heterosexuality
You basically said they've manipulated all the gentile elites and that explains away why there's so many white globalists who would otherwise naturally be social ethnonationalist or something. You're exaggerating their institutional power and scapegoating them as the wellspring of everything bad makes you seem pathological about it, which is how they like to paint every critic.
its not so much that it doesn't exist. It's more that it has very little to do with the SJW stuff that is usually attributed to it and its influence has been blown out of proportion.
the symbionese liberation army and red army faction were influenced by marcuse etc. Fringe, radical leftists in western universites were influenced from the tail end of the 60's till the mid 70's.
Cultural marxism or even plain old marxism has nothing to do with uppity transsexuals dying their hair blue.
How do you expect to counter something when you make no effort to understand where it comes fro?. All it does is allow people to negate what you say.
Sure, tarring something with the label of marxism conscripts the usual suspects to your cause, but it does very little in the war of culture and ideas.
If I were a Marxists i'd call it great tactics but poor strategy.
Are you white? If so, every single one of your ancestors for centuries worshipped a jew and believed in a semitic religion, and many of your relatives probably still do. Jews are an outsider race that gains power in part by pushing universalist ideologies that undermine the interests and identity of host societies and allow them to wiggle in. Unfortunately, I don't have to exaggerate their ideological influence, it's been a burden on our people for a long time.
>It was a doomed venture who's influence has been vastly overated
Politics and pop-culture is infested with this shit. If anything, it's underrated. We can't call is what we all know it really is, Judaism, because then we'd be called "nazis". Nietzsche would probably see it as another jewish slave revolt in morality, and Freud was an asocial degenerate. I don't understand why you have such a boner for Marx that you don't want us using his name.
The thing is you don't even like the majority of whites as they're "degenerates". You're just a bloodthirsty misanthrope who's mind has been twisted by the media.
You are right, even Blue haired trannies are more powerful and influential than marxists, who will always take the backseat in the democratic party and the leftist coalition since they are 'privileged white males' who can only spew gibberish no one gives a fuck a bout
Sure whatever these people don't exist. All of the as you said, not me, dyed hair trannys, in antifa aren't real. You're a real dishonest piece of shit dude. I don't know how you guys can go on like this lying and pretending to be ignorant or outright dumb to advance a lie.
So are you jewish, a shitskin, or just a genuine self-sabotaging white retard?
So what does your counterfactual alt history where Europe is uncorrupted by Christianity even look like? This shit is a LARP.
>Cultural marxism or even plain old marxism has nothing to do with uppity transsexuals dying their hair blue.
Have you read about the Wiemar? SeeWhether you want to call it Frankfurt school or intersectionality or Cultural Deleuzianism-Guattarianism, or post-structuralism, makes no difference to me. The important thing to recognize it that it's mainly jews that push it. And they push it for one reason and one reason alone--revolution.
But the majority of whites are "self-sabotaging retards", who you hate, correct? It's not about you being genuinely threatened by anti-whiteness, you're just an opportunist that wants to remake humanity in your own hideous image through mass murder.
>t. kike
That's not an approach I support. Whites have to understand and accept that our identity, and that of jews especially, is intimately entwined with our enemy. It's not always easy to distinguish because the parasite is so dug in, but that's what we have to do going forward if we ever wish to determine our own future. It is what it is.
why didnt you like eden and after
Read SIEGE by James Mason. I was on the fence about this whole NS revolution day of the rope rigamaroo but Mason convinced me through sound logic and arguments
>cant find torrents for most of those
nice list phaggot
you didn't read what i posted. Its not that they don't exist its more that you've completely misunderstood their origin and, therefore, your ability to counter them is flawed. Christ, half of them don't understand where they're coming from.
Don't get so bent out of shape by constructive criticism
LOL. the joos are marxists and run teh wurld banking system
>list of obscure hipster shit
>thinks there would be torrents
The globalist's program is disgusting but making common cause with murderous psychopaths who advocate violent ethnic cleansing is even more repugnant and shortsighted. What's the fucking point if the people you're left with could do something like that? You'll just eat eachother alive immediately.
I personally think the saudis are more of a threat to the "white race" than the jews. They knocked down the twin towers and the resulting conflicts have undoubtedly reduced the role of western nations in international relations, for chrissakes. What should have been a golden age of western hegemony after the fall of the USSR was thrown away
The hell are you talking about? Who is advocating ethnic cleansing?
The Saudis are a puppet of Israel/international jewery, my man. And any influence they have in the west is a result of our borders being opened up by jews.
>It is what it is.
in your head
Untrue. Trannies have the strength of men and the hysteria of women. They are top contenders in single hand-to-hand combat.
Read the Madagascar plan and then read Bin Ladin’s letter to America.
Another poster in this very thread called me a kike because I was against it.
How pissed do you think Derrida would be to see that what constitutes "L'avenir" is a bunch of frogposting gaymers?
follow me on letterboxd
google "Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon"
Creepy kaabalist fuck. Mystical commie jews like Benjamin and Derrida legitimately creep me out.
I think your reaching a bit too far, man.
nice meme
not an argument
no one on Yea Forums has watched any of these movies
Well he's in the minority. Jews have their own country; they can go there.
but those 2 are even more popular amongst normies
No, that's pretty well known, actually. The Saudis pretend they don't to appease their populace, but they are butt buddies with the jews running the American empire and leave Israel alone. Don't think this setup will last much longer but the Saudis know who's in control and thus stay out of the way.
You're a small political minority as well and who you associate with makes it easy for the majority to discount if not outright despise and actively persecute you.
yeah. marx actively countered, gender, race, ethnic and national politics as secondary to class politics. They weakened the potential of the proletariat identifying common, economic grievances and hindered their potential of becoming aware of themselves as a social "class of itself". It degrades their ability to become a serious opposition to the bourgeoisie.
Marx said alot of dumb shit, but he was right here. SJW's are utterly alienating to the "proletariat"
Fuck off kike
>wah stop blackpilling me i'm already clinically depressed
If you're too mentally weak to take accurate stock of your situation you're not going to do well in an apocalyptic race war.
Political outcomes are determined by the will of small groups of men, which is how the jew gained so much power in the first place. But what I'm saying is inevitable anyway. Jews have been kicked out of everywhere they've ever been and contemporary times will offer no exception.
>making common cause with murderous psychopaths who advocate violent ethnic cleansing is even more repugnant and shortsighted
Sometimes you have to do dirty work to achieve something good and worthwhile, especially if the situation is growing more dire every day like in our case. I'm not a political extremist in any sense but as Shartre used to say, "By any means necessary".
I don't think you know what you're talking about.
The 1973 oil crisis was caused by the saudis who were pissed that America was providing support to the Israelis during the Yom Kippur war. They saw that with american support the israelis were going to dominate the middle east and humiliate the islamic world. In response they cut off oil supplies. This announced them as a world super power, in that they could bring the western world to its knees at a flick of a switch. This radically increased their wealth, and demonstrated their antipathy towards israel and the jews. Their ability to stem the influence of Israel and hinder its progress has been one of the saudis main aspirations since then.
This is based on fact, not hearsay or conspiracy.
Attitudes have changed since then. I just don't see it happening unless the situation deteriorates to catastrophic societal collapse. LARPing about forced removal delegitimizes criticism in the court of public opinion, and it's difficult enough to criticize them already without becoming a fucking pariah.
>wah wah stop calling me a kike for being an obvious kike
burger will always be knuckledragger.
>on the silver globe
major kys my friend :>)
And times change. Saying Saudi Arabia is a puppet of Israel is not controversial.
Attitudes are quickly shifting in the direction of my own, and will continue to, as jews, being rootless swindlers, how no understanding of how to run a society. Both left and right have increasingly large contingents that strongly dislike jews and jewish behavior. A majority is not needed, but it's getting close to one.
>And times change. Saying Saudi Arabia is a puppet of Israel
you've not demonstrated your point
> not controversial.
as I said; "hearsay and conspiracy"
The left is sick of Israel's shenanigans, but polling suggests the hard left in the US seeks more protections for Jewish people. Trump has declared antisemites a poison and the enemy of the state. Most nationalist politicians are pro-Israel, some feverishly so, look at Bolsonaro.
comfortable way to dismiss the uncomfortable
>Attitudes are quickly shifting in the direction of my own
google "echo chamber"
Two of the democrats newest rising star diversity hires are attacking israel lmao
“Arthouse” is a purely marketing term, as it's impolite and hard to say “the rest of them that are not amusement rides for clueless crowds”. These movies have no common ground, they are grouped by negation.
what they have in common is that they're mostly shit
conspiracy theories are based on profound narcissism. Firstly on a structural level in that the conspiracy theorist cannot accept that macro events are not determined by a singular cabal pulling the strings behind world affairs and that it is infact semi-chaotic. Secondly (and most importantly), it demonstrates the narcissism of the individual who believes that not only are affairs conducted by a cabal but that they are somehow privy to this information despite being a fairly insignificant participant in human history.
Imagine pretending not to know what the word conspiracy means and denying the fundamental nature of governments and history
>the global power elite doesn't exist
It does, it's only like 6000 people too. They claim to not be a cabal because they disagree about some things sometimes.
>observing everything through the narcissism paradigm
brother, this is kookier than any /pol/posting could every be.
I don't think you can seriously describe them as on your wavelength.
socialists are pro central government control. fascists are pro central government control. They're not on the same wavelength.
Excuse me but pynchon said every weirdo in the world in on his wavelength and AOC had infinite jest on her shelf so as you can see the jews are doomed
Your socialist/fascist dichotomy is meaningless. He was saying both left and right have strong anti jewish elements now, which is true not only in America, but in England and France as well. Jews have been hated since the dawn of time because of their hostile behavior. New propaganda tools like TV allowed them to quell this in the postwar west but it was never going to last because at the end of the day jews are complete psychopaths whose culture teaches them that nonjews are cattle they have a right to rule over. And even if you don't realize it yet, they sure do.
I wholeheartedly agree that calling something a conspiracy theory does not reduce its effectiveness. And props to you for referencing a peer reviewed academic journal article. I'm not joking or being sarcastic. I may not agree with you, but it raises the tone here.
You're view of the world is still fundamentally narcissistic in that you cannot accept the fact that you are totally "out of the loop" and insignificant. For you "the truth" is simply something that you happen to like the idea of people don't often choose to like the idea of the world being a pleasant , palatable, anesthetised existence of goodwill towards all men. People's worldview usually mirrors the trials and tribulations of their own lives and lived in experience
>You're view of the world is still fundamentally narcissistic in that you cannot accept the fact that you are totally "out of the loop" and insignificant.
Says the social theorist making sweeping diagnoses. You're actually just out of the loop and clueless, the global power elite and transnational capitalist class are well documented.
> the global power elite and transnational capitalist class are well documented.
stop saying you have evidence without providing it
Books on stuff like this?
top 10 bait
You can start by reading "Superclass" by David Rothkopf, I even posted it earlier.
Not a single one of the films on the left are even a little bit obscure so congratulations you just publicly outed yourself as an enormous fucking retard
Mein Kamph retard
>What is Cultural Marxism
Nothing, it does not exist.
>"Superclass" by David Rothkopf
I don't read polemics. its the literature equivalent of ranting yootoobers.
post something serious
Stop being lazy, it's not a polemic. It's left leaning but still quite charitable considering he's one of them.
el marxismo cultural
>The Young-Girl manages to live with a dozen unarticulated concepts, as her only philosophy, that immediately become moral categories, meaning that the whole of her vocabulary can be definitively reduced to the Good/Evil binary.
And I don’t read pseudo intellectual psychoanalysts. Opinion discarded, maybe people would take you more seriously if you didn’t classify everyone you disagree with as having some mental or moral problem. Perhaps you should stop refusing to look at information contrary to your narrow, system approved, beliefs? In any case you’re clearly a moron.
If you think the movies on the right are obscure then you seriously are a pleb. Watch more movies.
Nazi propaganda and probably /pol/.
Frankly, these two speeches by Goebbels are the only account regarding this topic where no apologies or equivocations are made. Whether or not you agree with his ideas, these are a must read. They stand well apart from anything else that I have ever read.
>Marxism is about economic materialism and economic determinism..
True, this is what is overtly stated - and, at least academically, this needs to be included. That does not mean that this premise is the primary crux of Marxism. Marx identified major cultural divisions such as race and declared them unimportant, continuing to find more minor cultural divisions such as class and declare them to be the most important. While everyone is busy worrying about the class struggle Marxists import foreigners (that do not wish to assimilate into their newfound culture) under the guise that race is not important. Once enough foreigners are in place you just need to stir the pot a bit to start a race war. If you disagree then show me a major Marxist group in the US that does not support multiculturalism and the importing of foreigners. If D&C were not part of the plan then there would be more deviation from D&C.
>ethnic cleansing is evil
Are you prepared to label the Jews that openly work to displace whites in the USA and Europe as evil?
what are some works of fiction or culture that dont at the very least acknowledge the degenerative ennui of capitalism on culture or even glorify capitalism as a positive and generative source?
>we come in peace
It's like the end of Mars Attacks. We fell for the lies for so long that they don't know when to stop.
>"I" before "e", except after "c"
Nigger, please - that sound auf Deutsch is spelled "ei". Pic somewhat related - have some alt codes while I'm at it.
>mass murder
Blacks kill way more whites in the US every year than do whites to blacks - even without accounting for the delta in the demographic. With rape, there is even more of a disparity.
>They knocked down the twin towers
Bush promised us incontrovertible proof of this - that was a sensitive state secret - and never delivered. Then, Obama had eight years and also did not deliver this incontrovertible proof; proof beyond the fact that Saudis were on the planes.
>wah stop blackpilling me i'm already clinically depressed
Rub-a-dub-dubs, just like clockwork with the deprecation.
>Attitudes have changed since then.
Specifically which attitudes have changed since specifically when? You allow permutations, so many counters to your statement may well fly astray.
If all conspiracies are false then why are there stacks of laws against committing them? Did Operation Northwoods never exist? What about MK Ultra or the Watergate Burglary? Denying the possibility that conspiracies exist is just delusional.
>AOC had infinite jest on her shelf
Chad just needed a place to keep his books while he was banging her.
Unironically, Mein Kampf - as the other user suggested. Particularly the story of the streetsweeper and the king. Hitler illustrates how Marx identified minor rifts and exploited them as if they were insuperable.
Don't forget the NSA spying on everyone in the world.
It's a way for him to deflect responsibility. If the ruling elite are depersonalized into nebulous chaos or deterministic historical forces it's pointless lifting a finger against them.
To be fair though the retarded type of conspiracy theorist like flat earthers do seem to tend towards narcissism, it takes a lot of gumption to espouse that shit.
>the retarded type of conspiracy theorist like flat earthers do seem to tend towards narcissism
The factuality - or lack thereof - of one conspiracy theory does not inherently affect the factuality of an unrelated theory. BTW, I am an oldfag and Prism was already leaked decades before Snowden. I was called a nutbag for decades for believing, what was named Carnivore at the time - and later Echelon, existed.
>El espíritu de la colmena
Holy shit kys man
What they don't realize is that they're the real eye opener, the levels of gaslighting to protect their cognitive dissonance and their apparently comfy place in the system, even if they're miserable deep down. They themselves are proof it's rotten at the core.
>You're just a bloodthirsty misanthrope who's mind has been twisted by the media.
Exactly :^)
Mein Kampf and 12 Rule for Life, I'm sure there's not alarming connection there.
>top 5 on that chart
Visitor of a Museum
Eros + Massacre
La Jetee
Woman in the Dunes
Bicycle Thieves
a lot of good though
One KEK deposited. I fucking missed that.
big wut