What does Yea Forums think of him? The kalegri plan?
What does Yea Forums think of him? The kalegri plan?
Little less ambitious than the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, but a good start to say the least.
Good example to point to for highlighting *how* jews subvert, not by coming up with ideas or plans themselves, but by picking and choosing and recognizing when something the goyim comes up with is likely to be good for them and bad for us.
Further discussion questions:
1) who are some recent recipients of the kalergi prize?
2) what was the ethnicity of the man who designed the EU logo and why does it have 12 stars?
Obviously it was a good plan because it's working very well.
it's good because brexit is bad and diversity is our strength
You propably haven't the slightest clue why these things exist so you make up nonsense to explain what you don't understand
delete his plz stupid go-... I mean, dear OP.
>2) what was the ethnicity of the man who designed the EU logo and why does it have 12 stars?
Wasn't he a devout catholic? I believe the star thing was a way to bypass France's veto against a cross proposal pushed by other member states.
He was a jew and the 12 stars represent the 12 tribes of Israel.
It's a mutt ruining Europe what else you wanna know?
>Japano-Austrian mutt advocates for race-mixing
How do we address the stormnigger question, lads?
Arsene Heitz was a Catholic, and the flag is supposed to be a reference to a traditionally Catholic way of depicting the Virgin Mary, so no.
Levy was a jew and that's what it represents. Take the jewery elsewhere, won't work here.
>won't work here
Like anything does. Fuck off cunt
what struck me as interesting is that the leadership of the german pan-europa society are mostly csu/cdu members, which is coincidentally also merkel's party.
>kalergi prize
1999 United Kingdom Tony Blair
2000 United States Bill Clinton
2001 Hungary György Konrád
2002 European Union The Euro
2003 France Valéry Giscard d'Estaing
2004 Republic of Ireland Pat Cox
2004 Vatican City / Poland Pope John Paul II (extraordinary prize)
2005 Italy Carlo Azeglio Ciampi
2006 Luxembourg Jean-Claude Juncker
2007 Spain Javier Solana
2008 Germany Angela Merkel
2009 Italy Andrea Riccardi
2010 Poland Donald Tusk
2011 France Jean-Claude Trichet
2012 Germany Wolfgang Schäuble
2013 Lithuania Dalia Grybauskaitė
2014 Belgium Herman Van Rompuy
2015 Germany Martin Schulz[2]
2016 Vatican City / Argentina Pope Francis
2017 United Kingdom Timothy Garton Ash
2018 France Emmanuel Macron
Talking about bad company...
>France's veto against a cross proposal pushed by other member states.
Source ?
>Martin Schulz
More like Schartin Mulz
Is he report of the week from the future?
The based man who's plan is BTFO'ing inferior Europigs. May God rest his soul. He was probably part BLACK now that i think about it
The thing about wanting unified Europa through a democratic system is hilarious. it won't last you have to have a conqueror mindset like Charlemagne, Napoleon or other European politicians lack will to power, they are simply puppets and nothing more.