Managed to get my hands on these bad boys for roughly $30
Recent purchases thread
Good choices but you could've gotten those cheaper.
The Collector-John Fowles
Rashomon and Seventeen Other Short Stories-Akutagawa
>Penguin Classic decorative leather bounds
Not gonna lie the covers are pretty nice, but the true value is inside, my friend.
If the true value was inside you could have bought them much cheaper
Which translations?
what is the point of buying hardcover books if they aren't even sewn.
Don't have pictures right now, but just bought a collection of H.P. Lovecraft's works, the Tao Te Ching, and Confessions
I just bought the Andrew MacAndrew translation of Brothers Karamazov
fuck, I didn't know Ada was that big, I thought it was Lolita kind of long. That's magnus opus tier.
Just bought the sixth book of The Optics by Alhazen
Those are disgusting, I envy you and your seeming lack of self awareness. I'd be embarrassed to post those if I'd bought them.
Arabian Nights in 17 volumes
Aren't both those penguin translations prose?
Lolita's not that long, it's about average length for a novel, but yeah Ada's quite a bit longer. I think this is the 1st printing hardback. They had the Vintage International edition paperback, which I wanted to get because the cover is cool and I have those same editions of Lolita, Pale Fire, and Bend, Sinister, but it was a whole dollar more. I've been meaning to buy it for years now but I never see it for real cheap
$10 each. Liking both.
How is that copy of Meditations so thick?
v. nice
Got way too many books over the last 2-3 days. But hely, most of them were free!
Got for free
>Six volumes from the Colected Works of Frigyes Karinthy
>Kosztolányi’s Édes Anna
>Selected works of Ferenc Kazinczy
>Literature of the Hungarian Middle Ages
>Dostoevsky - Demons
>Sergey Prokofiev - Autobiography [Childhood, student years]
>Attila Sáfrány - The spirit of Dostoevsky
I know I should be reading Hamlet in English, and I do have an English copy, but I just wanted to see what a modern and esteemed translator does with the work. It’s a pretty nice edition with plenty of note and quotes from the English original.
I still have Crime and Punishment waiting to be picked up, they just haven’t delivered it yet. I’ve read a library copy and it was really good.
Got these during a sale last week. Read some of them, but I wanted them in hardcover.
The only two books I've purchased so far this year. CAS has got me hook, line, and sinker. He's like if Lovecraft actually knew how to write.
The Ethics of Rhetoric, The Rhetoric of Fiction by Booth
Nice, I'm reading Songs right now and it's pretty damn good. I've heard that Grimscribe is even better. The first 5 stories of Songs blew me away, I hope you enjoy it as much too.
What other weird/horror have you read before, user?
Not as much as I'd like, I'm afraid. Mostly Lovecraft, whom I was convinced was the be-all end-all of the genre for the longest time. Only recently have I realized, much like one of his protagonists, I've been a fool, and am delving into depths of horror which even old HPL could scarcely fathom.
I haven't read as much either, but I can recommend The King in Yellow, but you can skip the last two stories as those are purely romantic. Machen's The Great God Pan, The White Powder and The White People are all pretty good as well (The White People being my favourite).
y tho?
fucking dope! saved ur image user
This is how it be
Saw it at the bookstore i go to and i had to get it
I've been buying a lot of books lately and I find these penguin classics printed in 1950 a lot in a local second hand bookstore
these three cost me less than 10 euro together
My dad would scream at me whenever I asked for money for even the basics. The thought of some guy just giving his son money for a game about out without complaint just boggles my mind. I ended up severing ties with my family but still.
Yeah, the E.V Reiu translations
Those were the ones I had as a kid
Why don't you guys just buy a e-reader and just torrent pdfs and epubs of books for free?
I used to read on my phone and once i started buying physical books i realized just how shit it felt to read on a small screen,also i like collecting the books and having them around
I do, especially for things that are prohibitively rare/expensive, but I prefer physical books. Sometimes I will have a copy both physically and digitally (sometimes twice digitally: one on my laptop, one on my smartphone). I have a ThinkPad that can bend back into a touch tablet for reading PDFs but it's nothing compared to a real book. Plus you have to keep charging your devices after a while. I download PDF's for all my textbooks though, and sometimes get a cheap used older edition if I can find one for cheap
$50 amazon gift card for my birthday. I've these in my cart:
"Being and Time" - Heidegger
"The Crises of the Modern World" - Guenon
"The Hermetic Tradition" - Evola
Are these good picks, or should I swap anything (I've not read any Heidegger or Guenon)?
I enjoyed Xenophon a lot.