ITT: books every man should read atleast once in his life
ITT: books every man should read atleast once in his life
Other urls found in this thread:
his mother's diary
Icarus fallen
Earth abides
The King James version of The Bibleb
Epic of Gilgamesh, The Bible, Iliad, Odyssey, Oedipus Rex, Eneid, Metamorphosis, Confessions, Decameron, The Divine Comedy, Canterbury Tales, Song of Roland, One Thousand and One Nights, Essays, Don Quixote, Paradise Lost, Hamlet, Macbeth, Faust, The Red and the Black, Les Miserables, Madame Bovary, Moby Dick, Crime and Punishment, Brothers Karamazov, War and Peace, Ulysses, In Search of Lost Time, Metamorphosis, Magic Mountain, Sound and Fury, Fictions.
Siege by James Mason
NEK:400 2018
Camoes and Shakespere
The Quran, obviously
Good... good choices....
hideous cover. looks like some fantasy shit like hunger games
The Golden Bough
Godel, Escher, Bach
this one
The Genealogy of Morality
Enchiridion and Meditations
everything by Dostoevsky
I don't think a man should even necessarily learn to read to live a good live desu.
>the golden bough
The Republic, Crime and Punishment and The Divine Comedy
St Anselm's Proselogion
Why do people jerk-off this fucking diary so much? Nothing in there is particularly ‘profound’, and if your interested in stoic philosophy, you should read actual stoic philosophy, not the disconnected stream of consciousness diary of a Roman emperor.
ah yes i too am a BLACKED enthusiast
Pic related OP. Religio Medici. And now you made me cry by seeing Browne's skull again. Fuck you.
No thanks. I am good.
>being this uneducated
No thanks. I am good.
Has anyone ever actually read this book? I think Siege is to internet trolls what the Bible is to Christians; They talk about it all the time, but they've never actually read the damn thing.
Brave New World
Seconding this.
You don't need to read the Qu'ran to be an educated person. I know the structure and the contents. It's like a Law Code with a side of history.
I enjoy my translated Bibles with no mistranslations nor archaic language.
It's dreadfully boring.
From my experience as a Yea Forums lurker, I can tell many people have read "Siege" here. Counting on the fact that most of the people that claim doing so aren't lying. After all, who would lie about reading that crap? It got myself interested but was disencouraged by another Yea Forumsbro.
The Cat and the Hat by Dr Seuss.
I have also heard people claim he was a fed, which would be a possible explanation as to why it is being pushed so heavily. I may be getting him confused with the turner diaries author though. What does strike me as suspicious is the fact that he became radicalized at the age of 14, as well as his connection with Manson and LaVey. He also probably had sex with an underage girl. One of the Atomwaffen just got busted for the same thing. Now im just rambling. The American neo-Nazi rabbithole is a weird one. I might have to give siege a read for clarity, but a lot of my friends and family are already suspicious about my beliefs.
The only literature you 100% need to read is the ingredients of what you're eating,
>keeps failing to post when I include the image thinkingemoji.jpeg
The bible*(KJV)
The tao te ching
moby dick
arabian nights
Oh and
>my diary desu
>Epic of Gilgamesh
>The Divine Comedy
>Paradise Lost
fucking read them and find out
That's the golden bough?
It's like you're saying "I don't need to read whole books, the wikipedia page should do the trick."
this is some mega-pseudery or a bait. in what world is shit like confessions and metamorphosis even essential read?
i have read them you shag & i'm at a loss why any right-thinking person would push them on their fellow man
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand epic poetry.
They represent an oral tradition which is crucial to the development of literature as a whole and provide insights into the cultures and values of a time and place which standard historical analysis cannot. They represent a combination of literary arts which has been shattered and scattered into what we see as largely separate forms today:
>philosophy/ politics
I cannot deny that a great deal of overlap exists between these three. However no one has been able to effectively combine them since Milton, which is why people say Paradise Lost is the last great epic.
t. a guy who wants to write the next one
There is no higher literary form than epic poetry IMO. But what do I know, I am nothing more than a pseudo brainlet.
>which is why people say Paradise Lost is the last great epic.
holy Bloom-sucker
Found the apostate brainlet
People saying it doesn't mean I think they are correct, but it is a fact that many do say that. What would you say deserves that title? A lot of people have tried, but have any been worthy of the throne?
Do you want a specifically Heroic Epic or just an Epic poem? kinda a square/rectangle question
refer to the last sentence
Helen In Egypt is great despite its being relatively over looked. At least as representative of its time as Paradise Lost.
I will add it to muh list, thank you. Turns out she was born in the same town as my grandmother.
>magic: it was something that Harry Potter thought was very good
hope you enjoy it! H.D. suffered being thrown directly into the spot of the imagist sacrificial lamb by Pound, and it fucked up the ability of the public to see her otherwise.
Conscious Capitalism by JOHN FUCKIN MACKEY
The gospels, the divine comedy, maybe shakespeare.
This is actually my favorite answer.
somebody wrote a blog that destroyed this guy's diary. shit was jokes
Absolutely based and incredibly redpilled
>thinking that the KJV is the best Bible translation
Are you aware of anything having to do with Bibles at all?
Obviously there are some mistakes and all that but stylistically it's great fun to read- it is never so archaic as to even verge on being hard to comprehend, either
sauce on this