Amazon keeps banning books

Amazon keeps banning books.

What are some alternative stores that don't have censorship?

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Der Wanderer über dem Nebelmeer is not yours, fuck off

Amazon prefers these types of literature

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>mfw it's real

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>b-b-b-ut that wasn't "real" capitalism!

Why do you assume that the far-right is inherently Capitalist?

I think he's talking about the US and the way it deals with dissidents.

You're thinking of libertardians. From what I've seen, people further right are often economic third-positionists or even socialists.

Lolspergs get the gas very early. Always kill a traitor before an enemy etc etc

Am I supposed to care?

Tell me more about economics user.
Tell me more about the gas revolution user.

Can you post an abstract or a quote of this so I can laugh

Well I mean, Ezra Pound wrote a famous poem called "Usura" which was basically a screed to hang the bankers. A lot of right-wingers in the pre-WWII era like GK Chesterton or José Antonio Primo de Rivera wrote about how "the economy" should be a subordinate tool of the wider social order, and that subordinating things like family structure or social customs to "the economy" was a satanic inversion of what ought to be done.

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Is there anything more śóy than an impotent “fuck off” by a tourist redditer?

I'm sorry buddy, I think you got the wrong door.
The /pol/ club is two blocks down

It's always sad when the left show themselves to be blaise hypocrites; unknowingly fanning the flames.

Fair enough but to me it seems like the people who post (((lolberg))) haven't even tried to expose themself to libertarian writers and are completely unaware of the different schools of thought that can be found there. You can be a minarchist and still endorse conservative social order.

Many on the "alt-right" are calling for government regulation of giant tech companies.
IMO that's just a band-aid on a sick society. A properly functioning society (which the US is not, but not all hope is lost) would come up with alternatives that would compete on the market.
But I know I'm being idealistic. Gov intervention could work, but it's a bad precedent in the long run.

Well it's increasingly hard to voice any view right of centre on the current platforms, and even domain hosts have taken addresses over political reasons (stormfront) including tor onions, it's pretty hard to argue that there isn't a monopoly when it comes to political information on the internet.

No "properly functioning society" has ever been run by semites. The west has a jewish problem first and foremost.

Anti-trust laws and breaking up monopolies are not new and the past has shown that it works just fine.

Wow, sweaty, you sure *clap* showed *clap* me *clap* didn’t *clap* you? What an epic takedown of me, an absolute sweaty. Oh no I didn’t. Y’all know what time it is for this absolute sweaty.

Edit: Thanks for the gold, kind sweaty!

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