Please explain Heidegger and his terminology to me
Please explain Heidegger and his terminology to me
Read Being and Time, he explains it in the first chapter
>no ass
>no tits
Why bother?
narcissistic complement.
She's transformed herself into a character, which makes her especially useful to people who see everyone else as a character (read: all teenagers (physiological) and most millennials (pathological)).
I'm sure she is very popular, gets lots of attention and compliments. Maybe even money.
To get laid and make tons of friends quickly, do the same. Caution- if they sense any stray from the character you may be labeled a poser.
Hello Jamal!
posers predate millennials
obviously, but social media has radicalized the subculture system
The thing about Heidegger is pretty easy to understand once you grasp the fundamental concept of das-fuck-spoonfeeding-read-a-book-sein.
She was made for the black man
she's clearly rich and has no taste so she'll put up with a lot and you don't have to be too impressive to keep her around.
also she probably has a nice pussy and likes to be choked, so thats another plus.
One of the pygmys?
even the most desperate negro wouldn’t touch a no titty havin thot like her
kys niggerlover
>psychoanalyzes people based on a shitty picture
reddit is over there
Post some books for those of us who want to know more about your theories.
Or maybe she likes that look and is exercising her will to power (authenticity since we’re in a Heidegger thread) over reality by not sitting in her beanbag chair eating Cheetos.
All Dasein is fallen into the world. More Authentic Dasein falls carefully into exactly where it wants to be. There is a type of idle talk and Being-with she prefers and she knows precisely how to get it (this may have even come from an authenticizing anxiety) She may even have the possibility of clearing enough existential space to circumspect the phenomenon of trends later on in life.
You on the other have a largely degenerate and inauthentic Dasein which prefers shit talking and memes (Idle Talk) and never finishing anything you start (Curiosity) to actual resolute action. Whatever existential anxiety you feel is nihilated and wasted on Mongolian throat boards.
TLDR: pic is übermensch.
All valid responses. Unfortunately, I just throw shit out there to see how many (you)s I can get.
Found the lil dic whiteboi
You mean normalized the subculture, which is essentially the same, but most will think 'radicalized' means they are further from the norm, not central to it.
What books will make an art hoe's pussy wet?
The ones she likes.
It’s the same with guys, isn’t it?
I see you guys drool over that Zettel’s Traum
Never even heard of it. Just give me some suggestions to get artsy daddy problem low self esteem poon-tang
Kinda my point
I’m telling you, it depends on the girl.
Is she learning Greek so she can read Athenian plays? Something along those lines. Others will like Sontag, philosophy types might go for Camus, de Beauvoir or Arendt.
No. women are a monolithic entity, and there are certain moves and lines I can say so that I can win with them, just like my precious video games
Women love black men
This but unironically. Just treat them like shit and grab them by the pussy if you aren't ugly as fuck
Treating all women the same gets you some amount of rejection, success only with those types you’re looking for. In this case you pick the books you want to use as lures. Nabokov or Rowling etc.
Please fuck back off to /r/cuckolding you subhuman.
You mean
Women don’t read except for fashion magazines and vag rags like Cosmo.
You should start a blog
Really? would you read it or is this some kind of sick burn I'm not picking up on?
unironically this
>A German friend of Heidegger told me that one day when he visited Heidegger he found him reading one of Suzuki’s books; ‘If I understand this man correctly,’ Heidegger remarked, ‘this is what I have been trying to say in all my writings.'
An unfinished book from my pre-Yea Forums period
>tight pussy
>probably likes to be choked
Nothing wrong with being gay, user.
u r dasein
being is time
what it means to be human in this world we are thrown into and the worlds we inhabit.
Something about the authentic self
Dasein (there being) – Heidegger’s name for the being that is concerned about its Being.
Ontic – The state of individual beings, otherwise particular instances of Being.
Ontological – Pertaining to Being itself not individual beings.
Existentiell – refers to the factical way of Existence that the particular life a given Dasein lives out. This gives Dasein’s ontic state.
Existential – The structure of Being itself, the structures which make any existentiell understandings possible.
Existence (Existenz) – the Being to which Dasein always already relates as a fundamentally.
Facticity – Dasein as something objectively present
Objective presence (Present-at-hand) – one of the two ways of Being of beings unlike Dasein.
Handiness (Ready-to-hand) – the other way of Being of beings unlike Dasein.
Existentials – characteristics of the Being of Dasein.
Categories – characteristics of the Being of beings unlike Dasein
Phenomenon – “what shows itself in itself”.
Logos – “lets something be seen”.
Phenomenology – to “let what shows itself be seen from itself, just as it shows itself from itself”.
Hermeneutic Phenomenology – Phenomenology as an interpretative exercise, since we are always already in-the-world we are therefore interpreting Being rather than observing it from an imagined ideal perspective-less point.
Authenticity – A mode of Being of Dasein in which Dasein “belongs to itself.” This means that Dasein chooses for itself its own possibilities of Being.
Inauthenticity – A mode of Being of Dasein in which Dasein has lost itself. This means that Dasein allows the 'they' to influence its possibilities.
Average everydayness – A mode of Being in which Dasein relates to it’s Being ontically. Heidegger uses this as the starting point for his investigation because it is only through such a mode of Being that we can gain insights into Being as it actually is.
Worldly – Refers to the ontic, factical kind of Being of Dasein primarily Dasein’s environment.
Innerworldly – The kind of Being of a being unlike Dasein.
Worldliness – The ontological, existential Being of world.
Temporal – The meaning of Being as devolved from time.
Historicity – A temporal mode of the Being of Dasein (historicity is therefore prior to history as history is a science made possible by existence).