ITT: Kino book titles that do not yet exist e.g. Ahab in Jerusalem

ITT: Kino book titles that do not yet exist e.g. Ahab in Jerusalem

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The Happiness of the Homosexual Squirrel

Why Does it Hurt When I Pee: A Biography

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When Rivers Run Dry

stop saying kino outside of Yea Forums you fucking redditors

The Bath of Bamboo

>Chutes and Laddies: an anal sex expose
>Totality of Practicality by Jordan Peterson
>When the Mountains Crumbled
>Cats, Cults and Cash: My Life as an ASMR Wiccan Guru
>The Game of Nettles
>Back On Sawknee Mesa
>This Book is Garbage, Don't Buy It
>Twin Snowflakes (literal translation: The Anomalous Pieces)
>The Big Book of Queef Yoddeling by Yuh Mother
>Kick Rocks and the Sand Pounders; and other stories
>The Infernal Engine

Then Fell Ten Thousand Maledictions

The World Does Not Weep

>The Anglo's Fear
>Rid The Land
>Genetic August

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>Dove's Tears (a mafia crime novel)
>Whirlpool's Edge (third book in The Chronicals of The Wind)
>All You Tradesmen! (a postmodern bildungsroman about a young member of the carpentry union with heavy christ allegory)
>Silent Music (a first novel by a talented author who wouldn't be recognized for 20 years after, it regards a struggling "musician")
>I Was A Teenage Mormon

>The Talking Brain Tumor (a man whose brain tumor become
>The Rising Sun over Bucharest,
>Steely Dans
>"My record of homeless men trying to stab me on the way home is five. What's yours?",

>All You Tradesmen! (a postmodern bildungsroman about a young member of the carpentry union with heavy christ allegory)


In mortem de aedibus flaminis Quirinalis

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The Surrender of Our Hearts


The pleasure of being cummed inside

The Hidden Shoelace

Having a GF

2019: The Year That Anime Became Real (nonfiction)


In London

>An Unforgettable Luncheon
>The Genesis Revolution

The Sickness Unto Death

The Day of the Rope

OP is a fag

First one kinda reminds me of the Adenoid from gravity's rainbow


Nobody Understands My Pain: Part 1
It's my autobiography

1905:the World stood at nothing
Man vs anal: the time I haded betted to have anal sex with myself
pornstar Times x
Beans and fruit cake or how the red ferns don't really grow all that well at my garden
A union of idiots: as the real life Ignatius J. Reilly
1939: the year aliens gave hitler an extra ball

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>implying Yea Forums understands this reference

In the Mouth of Two or Three

>Roger Me Jolly: A Pirate's Tale

>implying it doesn't

December In March