we need a new board, Yea Forums is too full of horny incels and nazis and has become boring
We need a new board, Yea Forums is too full of horny incels and nazis and has become boring
you are welcome to leave
I completely understand how you feel because what you're saying is true. but there will never be a place quite like it so I guess we must adapt to change and hope that these kiddies improve themselves. after all, it's a literature board, where people are more likely to think critically and reach non-brainlet status faster than anywhere else.
or maybe I'm just too optimistic haha
>posts Father fucking Mbegwegwe
Oh fuck off OP, I'm fine with full on commies but being about the same kind of milquetoast Catholic that my fucking mother is gives you absolutely no right to feel like you have the intellectual high ground over anyone. Yes we have too many incels and nazis, but they're likely to improve as they read more (especially if they start with the goddamn Greeks like we tell them to).
You on the other hand, are not.
Try /lgbt/
>implying /lgbt/ isnt full of horny incels and nazis
Trannies do it for free
>Points out someone is Jewish
>YoU aRE A NAzI aNTisEMItE!!!!!!!
>Recommends others need to read more in order to correct wrong think, acts mature and above it all, while also blaming others for Yea Forums being boring
I meant to say that I understand the need for a new board, because something about Yea Forums's quality taking a nose dive probably means lots of newfags, not because LITERALLY hitler is now browsing this place.
it's very sensitive of you to take the words "nazi" and "incel" at face value on Yea Forums, where the terms are simply used to describe /pol/ brainlets. lurk moar
>the christLARPer thinks he and his kind aren't just as cancerous and responsible for the decline in quality on Yea Forums
I've been here almost 9 years. The quality hasn't dropped because of /pol/. You are the newfag.
The only real problema is the absence of /phi/
There needs to be a board dedicated to philosophy. Some philosophical debate on Yea Forums is ok but most of the time it devolves into pol-tier shitposting.
This was supposed to be a board about books.
Spot on, Yea Forums is basically /pol/. It's hard to have a fruitful conversation nowadays.
you keep saying I said that, but I didn't. I said that OP was referring to /pol/ incels, and not literal nazis. I also said that I empathize with OP's need for a new board. because this board is declining in quality.
i've been here for longer than you, stop trying to measure dicks with me senpai. and go drink some tea or something, you're hotheaded and jump to conclusions.
>i've been here for longer than you
>2010 January 25 - Six new image boards were added: /adv/ - Advice, Yea Forums - Literature, /new/ - News, /int/ - International, /sci/ - Science & Math, and /3/ - 3DCG is brought back.
>I've been here longer than 9 years
>I've been here on Yea Forums even before it existed
What is the point of lying on an anonymous site?
here on Yea Forums. let's just agree to stop talking
why would you want a new board like some kind of coward? you need to fight back like the rest of us to push these niggers back to their containment boards
>The Jew is immunized against all dangers one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs of him like water off a raincoat. But call him a jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: 'I've been found out.'"
I just wanted to know if this was true and sadly it is and I am disappointed that it applies to non-Jews as well.
1. sage, report, and hide jezebel/art hoe posts
2. sage, report, and hide horny incel posts
3. sage, report, and hide posts that are unashamedly off topic but get around it with “books for this feel?” etc.
4. sage, report, and hide political flamebait posts
anything else I'm missing?
ignoring as opposed to saging will make them feel neglected, much more efficient.
>4. sage, report, and hide political flamebait posts
>I can't discuss literature if there is any possible implication that the other person doesn't reside within my narrow scope of what is politically acceptable because it makes me feel bad.
This is why so people can no longer have proper discussions anymore.
This board is basically a shitposting playground for various leftist subreddits with a few lost christians and poltards.
you’re right, I probably should've put that instead
This. The endless bitching has also been going on for like 7 years at this point and /q/ was fucking deleted because itbwas nothing but bitching about muh /pol/ and Yea Forums asking to split 4 more times. That is probably like two or three times longer ago in years than most of the people bitching about /pol/ have been here at this point.
>t. astroturfing discord tranny
the board has its own lore that's interesting enough
like who is that butterfly person? who is rapture? what is the glowworm library? i've tried to follow all that shit