Any books on Buddhist stream entry? It's really hard to separate self-help bullshit from genuinely good works.
Any books on Buddhist stream entry? It's really hard to separate self-help bullshit from genuinely good works
Other urls found in this thread:
The mind illuminated
Mastering the core teachings of the buddha
right concentration (not as a first book)
seeing that frees (not as a first book)
Why are the latter 2 not suited as first books?
>mind illuminated
>50 bucks
I feel legit budhist way is too religious with all the daily rituals and self help meditation books are the way to go.
Speaking of meditation anyone know if u have these rituals at vipassana meetings or is it just meditation basically?
who is this bitch
No one, it's a face generated by an artificial neural network.
You can also just listen to his retreat recordings on youtube for free. It's pretty much the same thing and in some ways superior to the book.
>Those eyes
just read the Dhammapada
By vipassana meetings I'm guessing you mean courses of the Goenka pedagogy? There is about 90 minutes each evening of theological discourse. Besides that, not really. You're scheduled to do about 10 hours of meditation a daily.
could they generate porn like this
The Suzukis:
Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind by Shunryu Suzuki
An Introduction to Zen Buddhism by D.T. Suzuki
The Buddhist Bible by Goddard
(this is the book that got Jack Kerouac into Buddhism)
maybe the Way of Zen by Alan Watts
not really Buddhist but if you want to get into meditation, the TM book by Maharishi
some others:
The Three Pillars of Zen
Zen for Americans
>that's a pretty life-denying spook you got there user
>would be a shame if someone
>busted it
not yet, but soon
Shunryu Suzuki was a bit vague about whether he felt he personally was enlightened. D.T. reported some sort of Kensho but so what.
It is not necessarily a big deal at least in Soto Zen. I believe Thích Nhất Hạnh emphasises steam entry, maybe try him.
shes got the black goo
Can a layman even enter the stream? I thought you had to be initiated for that.
>making life sacred
She's a computer-generated picture, she does not exist.
id still hit it
Of course, it's in the Suttas.
Right Concentration is mainly about pleasure jhanas and it's a book written mainly with retreats in mind. It works as a supplement to The Mind Illuminated which borrows idea of these jhanas.
Seeing That Frees deals with insight and insight practices and you need moderately developed concentration to do them.
The Mind Illuminated and Right Concentration are samatha oriented, the other two are more dry insight oriented.
it's 14.30
Any questions you have about Buddhism will be answered in this sutra w/ commentary: Gathering the Meanings: The Arthavinishchaya Sutra & Its Commentary.
by N. H. Samtani