Guys the brawl was announced. Who will win?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Me for not watching or caring.

i want to die

dis gone be gewd

Viva la revolución

God DAMN that beard is perfection.

i genuinely have no idea. the JBP/Harris debates were interesting but Harris was never really budged for most of it, while i thought Peterson looked good. it looks good on both these guys to try this at all.

they might need a moderator. in the JBP/Harris debates Douglas Murray made a lot of good points himself, and Bret Weinstein helped to prevent things from going off the rails too. both Peterson and Zizek are good at winning over crowds, and my hope is that they don't just lecture to the audience.

i think it will probably be quite interesting, i'm looking forward to it.


slavoj the eater of ideology zizek will win

It’s gonna be cringe when Peterson fan reddit types discover zizek for the first time and go through the meming faze for Zizek, nothing wrong with being late on the boat but it’s gonna be annoying

Kermit will probably quote "the 90000 gadzilion deaths".

Post predictions of what will happen.

Peterson will probably red-bait Zizek and grandstand about communism while his followers will lap it up

this perhaps, so maybe it's just a question of gauging whether the room attracts more Z fans or more JBP fans


left Jung
right Freud

Right - fat nigger

They are two nice guys, will probably be super boring. Watching the debates of Chesterton and Bernard Shaw must have been very fun tho...


Both are controlled opposition agents

>Tfw they become friends and agree on everything

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>tfw we’ll never see a ppv, cagematch-debate between Stephen Pinker and Rene Guenon

"mein gott"

and so on and so on

"*sniff, pure ideology"

I really hope this revives Zizekposting, I want my old Yea Forums back

Why even live

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Ah yesh of course

i like zizek and his books actually make sense unlike his talks (which are basically just posturing and anecdotal jokes), but given that spat he had with chomsky in which he got destroyed ( ), he might actually get look pretty bad here. Zizek really Makes U Think Hmmm but he tends to just ramble and rarely directly addresses things people ask him which JBP will surely repeatedly call him out for over and over again

>really Makes U Think Hmmm but he tends to just ramble and rarely directly addresses things
Yea but JBP does that too so it is like pot calling the kettle black.

can't wait!

good read, tnx

Sniffles is an interesting guy, but there is absolutely no way he can defend the "happiness" of Marxism without resorting to transparent bullshit. This could've been entertaining. Now I have the feeling he's set himself up to get unceremoniously murdered on stage while rambling about nonsense.

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screencap this post because this dude just called it. Yea Forums is going to be in for a world of teenage just found zizek shitposting in the months after this farce of a debate is staged

i think happiness and marxism v capitalism are seperate themes

>Zizek got destroyed
Zizek totally came out on top of that. Chomsky basically said I don't understand what you are saying and I'm not going to attempt to. Zizek then roasted him so fucking hard on empericism Chomsky never said another word. Zizek is a boss though and still talks highly of Chomsky.

No one here understands Zizek.

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They're all just calling him a marxist postmodernist in the comments.
Their rooms have an iRobot banging against the walls.

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I think you have zero reading comprehension.

Jordan Peterson destroys postmodern neomarxist with facts and logic while revealing his IQ [FULL VIDEO]

Zizek got absolutely destroyed by Self though.

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which one?

This pseduintellectual debate shit is like internet pseud wrestling.

>communists don't know how to have fun

controlled by whom?

>not everyone is going to read Hegel
>of course not
>so what should I do?
>we need new theorys of action
>tell me what to do Slavoj!
>what do you mean, mein gott, I'm just a philosopher
>You're nothing but a cultural critic! A real philosopher would tell me what to do! I can't read Hegel! Tell me what to do!

also opposition to what? you sound like a retard that learned a new word and is eager to use it as often as possible.

Some variation of
>Well ya know, communism is chaos. It throws away the hierarchy for pure anarchy.
>Vee are gradshually moving towards a post-ideological vorld.
Then Peterson will bring up SJW stuff and Zizek will give his line about how the real problem is that it's not Marxist enough as it's not Marxist at all.

Peterson is gonna call it off when the moderator removes the sneeze guard from Zizek's podium.

By the jews. Opposition to the mainstream dogmas, but they both let you know just a bit of the truth and keep you away from the real truth so you could oppose the public but just a little without becoming too radical.

user, i'm right wing myself but this is silly. please re-evaluate your views.

How can you still watch Peterson when this video exists?

>anecdotal, decade-old article from a literal who
>look her up
>she's a fucking herbalist

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your hook nose is showing
kidding, fuck these schizoid retards

zizek is not post nor neo
he is freud-marxist, there is plenty of structure through psychoanalysis

lmao youtube really is the new TV

Chumpsky is such a fucking dilettante.

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me kek

Think about the most ideal worker in a capitalistic system. They would work as many jobs as possible for nothing in return except the means to barely survive until the next paycheck. Doesn't sound very happy to me.

Also, I imagine by "transparent bullshit" you are referring to things like worker's rights, passions unrelated to merely accumulating capital, avoiding chronic stressors, human satisfaction, etc.

>i'm right wing myself

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to me, controlled opposition is something like the kkk or other overt "screw optics, i'm going all in" organizations where every other member is undercover alphabet soup. a self help dude and vice news' favorite commie philosopher, i'm not so sure.

what are you trying to say?

Omg cant wait
April cant come soon enough


Zizek is more lacanian, he even goes to metaphysics to atribute sex diferences, while Freud just left that to biology.

thanks user I'm pretty sure I just lost about 15 IQ points by watching that stupid ass video

>heh not a CEO of 15 different garage startups
>guess your youth wasn't a real experience after all

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He's saying that right wingers like onions and onions products.

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This is a year or two late for anybody to care. Peterson dug his own grave and buried himself in the meantime, and Zizek becomes less relevant with every passing minute.

>I've never encountered someone who is so often empirically wrong
Zizek might be lighthearted and friendly on stage but he really doesn't fuck about, Chomsky was probably bleeding from his ass for a week after that

These images are extremely persuasive to me.

>Chomsky never said another word.
Sometimes you just have to let retards talk because what they're saying is so free of logic that there's no way of commenting on it without looking like a fool yourself.

>The topic? Happines: Marxism vs Capitalism
holy cringe

Imagine being a capitalfag and thinking you belong on Yea Forums.

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Zizek should full-on go and defend the Stalinist position for the lulz.

How will OP ever recover?!

Zizek said before that happiness is a false category and that it basically does not exist. Its a goal for npc idiots, who don't realize what Lacan called the REAL. So Jbp should learn to GET REAL.

>t. jew

>what they're saying is so free of logic
Why bother posting when its obvious you don't know the point of contention? Zizek made himself abundantly clear when he criticised Chomsky for defending the Khmer Rouge because "muh lack of data", when all he had to do was listen to the public discourse. Zizek's point is totally logical and I feel as though you're defending Chomsky only because Zizek usually comes across as a charlatan, though not in this instance.

They're remaking El Chavo del Ocho?

fuckin gottem

Good luck Daddy!

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>don't post if you disagree with me
cry me a river poltard, the khmer rouge did absolutely nothing wrong.

imagine being that youtuber and actually believing you are intelligent and """"redpilled"""" by following Jordan Peterson and this whole ordeal

what the hell in my post inspired you to make that assessment of me?

>the khmer rouge did absolutely nothing wrong
oh I see, you're baiting me. 4/10, too obvious

>gets called out for posting reactionary bullshit
>rationalizes it away by convincing himself it's just "baiting hehe"
useless fucking bootlicker, go back to the_donald

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Damn, you sure know a lot about the ethics of genocide for a dumb monkey. Please explain to my why murdering nearly a quarter of your own population is "doing nothing wrong?"


It will be a shitshow. Does anybody believe Zizek will manage to get anything across? The audience won't even know that Frenchies worked in psychoanalysis. Or what the Other is.


The thing that you petite bourgeoisie armchair activists don't want to realize is that the revolution comes at a cost. As soon as your daily comfort seems at risk, you're only willing to pay lip service from the comfort of your home.

Holy shit you really are a dumb monkey. It's as though you think all monkies are justified to fling shit everywhere. Are you really so ideological that you can't tell the difference between a revolution like Haiti and the fucking shitshow that was the cambodian genocide? As someone who has seen the killing fields and visited ex-cambodian prisons, I can say with some authority that you don't have a clue what you're talking about.

>"gets called out for posting reactionary bullshit"
that's gonna be a yikes from me, dawg

>Holy shit you really are a dumb monkey. It's as though you think all monkies are justified to fling shit everywhere.
why are you so mad?
>As someone who has seen the killing fields and visited ex-cambodian prisons
sure you did, buddy.
imagine being this systemcucked

Liver contains vitamin C. It's possible to get all your dietary requirements from animal foods but you can't do it only eating ribeye steak.

Do you overcompensate because of your impotence?

>As soon as your daily comfort seems at risk
lol they don't even go that far. it's as soon as we reach the lower levels of libdem brainwashing (unlimited immigration isn't good, etc)

Peterson fans will think Peterson won and pseuds will think Zizek won.
The former won't know what Zizek is talking about and the latter will relish the fact that the opposition doesn't know what Zizek is talking about.
But they're both retards.

there is definitely something strange going on with petersons daughturu. might just be a mild case of narcissism though.

>debating happiness in marxism vs capitalism
lmao, who came up with that subject?

What is wrong with it?

let's try that again
the bloody marketers

Good job arguing yourself into a corner, its obvious you don't have anything left to say (though that's what happens when you try and defend genocide masquerading as a revolution)


Yeah I'm sure Peterson will change his retarded outlook and all his retard followers won't just remain ignorant retards

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neither did you except for autistically screeching about monkeys and authority desu

You're not welcome here.

yeah man I'm definitely the autistic one, the poltard, the reactionary, etc... all because I didn't defend genocide. I mean fuck, do you not see the irony in all of this or will your cognitive dissonance not let you?

It is just a question. I'm curious if you have an answer.

nah bro, all i see is a neolib crybaby.

It's a fringe subject. Marxism in practice, the kind you can be happy or unhappy under, hardly exist. They should have discussed ideology, theory vs practice or their own meme status. Also, I'm not , you should ignore bait.

make your mind up dude, you're running out of strawmen.

Nobody, because they are both continentals and hence they don't even have the rhetorical basis to have a a reciprocated conversation, never mind a former debate.

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user, what if I told you that you can be all of those things at once?


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>The Virgin Capitalist
>The Chad Marxist
>The GigaChad PostAccelerationist

You need to go back.

No wonder

Just curious but will Americans ever learn what words mean? No American is a leftist if they support capitalism. They do realise this, right? Their "two" parties are both far right parties who support capitalism and are, ironically, both neoliberal along with their cucked followers.

Why are Americans so stupid? I hate referencing 1984 but they are basically living it ideologically. It's kind of crazy.

The EU is closer to 1984 than the US though.

kek but Valenti is a beige cunt.

You just KNOW

It's really not and that's some nice whataboutism. We're not comparing the two. My post was specifically about Americans. I'm assuming you are one to deflect like that.

hey user, don't want to make you feel like a retard but the terms left and right came out of the French revolution, where the people who sat on the right of the gymnasium were Royalists and the people who sat on the left were Liberals. The term only came to be associated with communism after the Russian Revolution, and ever since the fall of the USSR, the term in America has basically come to describe social positions and not economic ones (everyone is economically liberal in the US, even the self-proclaimed socialists). Hillary Clinton was widely supported by the American left and she's way to the right of most international leftist parties, even socially. the truth is left and right are pretty meaningless positions which can really only be translated to "the group which thinks we should keep the status quo" and "the group which wants to change things".

I don't get it. Why can't a Canadian be continental. Don't tell me you actually think someone has to live in Europe to adopt continental philosophy.

This is actually an interesting supposition. On the whole Canadian philosophy tends to follow more in line with European Pessimism with a lot of clear influence from Spengler. It almost certainly has to do with the weather up there, but I can’t really see (what little Canadian philosophy exists) falling into the Anglo-American tradition, except for perhaps the much of the resume stuffing fodder that passes for ‘academic papers’ these days

JBP couldn't even beat David Brainletar's antinatalism. He's going to get crushed by Zizek.

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>neo-liberalism is a far right position

Canadian continentals = the Canadian idealists
Canadian brainlets = Peterson
I don't know why people think Peterson is a continental considering he's not even a philosopher...

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wait, when the fuck did this happen?

probably happens once a week

Everyone else

Are there bookmakers for this shit?

Who's the Jewfro guy?

kek fpbp


Eric Weinstein

No, I'm central European and the amount of censorship and regulation of public discourse is insane here. From my position, I can only envy the US for their first but also second ammendment.

I mean, ignoring the fact that our number one public intellectual (JP) obviously falls into a continental tradition of psychoanalytic Christian conservatism. Let’s examine our more minor intellectuals.
Thomas King’s book for example, which topped our bestseller list and can be found on the shelf of any fashionable liberal today, dismantles popular history and culture through a deeply personal and meditative narrative, and outright mentions Ezra Pound of all people as one of the main influences on his historiography. Is this even closely comparable to any Anglo work?
Politically we still live in the remains of a society created by Trudeau, a Francophone pop intellectual who’s still loved and hated for his smooth authoritarianism, friendliness with communist regimes, and blatantly subjectivist policies.
The current president of our national philosophy society has published his work nearly exclusively in French.
The university of Toronto is famous for having the best contenental department in North America.
Our greatest national historian, Peter C Newman, is a Viennese Jew.
It seems that Canada departs from the Anglo intellectual tradition after Kipling.

I find it absolutely hilarious that there's been horrific communist failures all across the globe for the past century now and you faggots are still clinging onto how humanitarian you think communism is in theory. You're intellectual bottom feeders.

Well, that's what they're talking about, and I can't imagine Zizek of all people agreeing to it if he didn't think it was REAL.

Should I go, Yea Forums?

Tickets are only $55 CAD ($41 USD)

I'd rather die than face everyday humiliation as a wage slave. Thank God I live somewhere where people can choose what they want to do with their lives without starving to death.

That was not relevant to what that user said at all

I guess they really are going to double down on their diet of his huh?

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>A real philosopher would tell me what to do!
I swear if i have a dollar every time some idiot think philosophy has utility in life..,

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Only if you stream it online for us



I agree.

Zizek will wipe the floor with Peterson because Zizek is an actual philosopher. But Zizek is borderline incomprehensible to the average joe, while Peterson's strength is feeding bullshit to the average joe and passing it off as expertise.

So all we will get is more entrenched ideological camps. The Peterson haters will confirm their hatred of Peterson; the Peterson lovers will confirm their incestuous love affair with a grifter.


>tickets are starting at 88$

fuck that, see ya on youtube

who fucking cares

B-b-b-b-but doc...

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I'm gonna get so drunk and watch this live.
I hope I'm not the only one laughing at everything because I only care or understand memes.

>Zizek is an actual philosopher

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What do you call someone who writes a 2000-page analysis of Hegel? Oh that’s right, a philosopher you smug midwit.

zizek is only an oscar-the-grouch-marxist to internet dwellers who know him exclusively from youtube. in an academic context he is more than definitely a philosopher

Holy shit that will be hilarious

Where's this from?

Zizek is a Balkanbull and will duck person live on stage

Gonna be based

>hurr durr sniifu and east european joke
honestly, how many his books have you read?

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>Think about the most ideal worker in a capitalistic system. They would work as many jobs as possible for nothing in return except the means to barely survive until the next paycheck. Doesn't sound very happy to me.
What the fuck are you talking about?

This means the audience will belong to Peterson because commies are broke.

>because Zizek is an actual philosopher


The defining goal of capitalism is profiteering. I described the most ideal worker in the eyes of a capitalist; a worker which would make them the most profit for the most minimal pay.

it's pronounced jijek? what?

>jordan peterson consulting a young white man to clean his room
>zizek bursts through the wall like the kool aid man scattering and eating garbage everywhere

And why do you think that has not materialized in reality? That actually the opposite happens, for example in China.

under capitalism the worker can not self acutallize. The human being is reshaped under capitalism not towards thier own motivation, but towards the motivation of capital. To make a profit.
This is like all things under capitalism.
Under capitalism a river makes a profit. But that is not the rivers actual purpose

Is that Joe Rogain?

Literally where? There is a right wind sweeping through the western world right now which combined with mass 3rd world migration will cause the welfare states to collapse in a few years.

That user just said how petersonfags would think of it


What do you mean? I live in the US and many people here have to work more than 1 job to just survive and feed/educate their families. This happens because we value the bottom line more than our workers, which is unfortunate and definitely not good for happiness. I don't know what is happening in China.

>By the jews.
how utterly predictible

How does the worker self-actualize under communism?
A boring job is still a boring job.

Don't forget to emphasise the phlegm

>people saying they dont care
>not realizing how zizekian that is
>"jordan peterson? zizek?, i would prefer not to"

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by not being alienated from the means of production.

China has an ever growing middle class after its workers slaved away in facturies for decades, and instead of staying like that they are now richer.

>Yank complaining about having to work too much to sustain his first world luxurious lifestyle
Fuck off, come live in the third world for a bit maybe.

>Surviving by your own means
>Surviving according to the whims of those who own said means
Which one is better? It is not a hard choice.

I'm flattered you consider the US a first world country.

I mean its very obvious peterson would have preferred to have a son. He probably ignores the fuck out of her while he is sublimating his lost desire for a son by counseling pol tards

His daughter probaly has an electra complex and walks around the house in a bikni accidentally dropping things while peterson reads the paper and ignores her

Stop treating shitposting between Amerilards and Yuropoors that fling "third worlder" to one another like it is reality.

Absolutely and utterly BASED

>muh wage slaves
>honest work is humiliation
>starving to death under capitalism
I was born to a pair of 16 year-old rednecks, grew up in a poor area with absolutely nothing to my name, and now I'm a self-employed business owner with my first child on the way. I have marketable talents, which I've cultivated over the years and can now make a great deal of money with. So what about the others, your "wage slaves"? Do you think they're all just misunderstood, disadvantaged geniuses suffering under capitalism? That it's everyone's right to be taken care of like children and if some magical force doesn't show up to do it, then somebody else should foot the bill? Your insincere, moralistic commie talk comes purely from a place of resentment against meritocracy. You want a big, magic system that's all flashing pieces with no turning cogs. I've worked in a factory, and a prison, and in offices. I don't look down on people who make the world turn. Seems to me like you do, and are infuriated at the thought of potentially having to degrade yourself at their level. It's funny, because aside from ignorant celebrities, it seems like the only people that'd agree with you are neutered Europeans and disingenuous faggots speaking from a dark pit of failure.

I didnt read all that shit so im just going to link you to the wiki article on false consciousness

>I didn't read all that shit, but I'm gonna smugly suggest you read all this shit
Cool. Just did. Says you're gay.

You aren't going far enough in your analysis, I'm afraid. The motivation of capital is not to "make a profit" but to literally motivate it through circulation. Under capitalism a river doesn't make profit, its the flows of capital that surround it which generates wealth. A true capitalist does not wish to hoard for himself like a dragon but rather allow the dissipative mechanisms of capital to generate wealth and productivity everywhere. Getting greedy is human nature, capitalism simply dissolves all the reasons not to indulge.


thats you, thats my impression of you

Yes it was? He brought on the 1984 comparison.

Greed is only human nature if you are a narcissist.

True compassion occurs when you do something because its right, not because of a reward

He does have a son.

Yikes man, acting like a neurotic teenager isn't making your non-argument any better.

There is an argument, you are blinded by false consciousness that every petit bourgeoisie has, and your reply is to ignore it and continue the illusion

i'm not that guy that you're attacking, i'm just butting in to tell you that you're embarrassing yourself by playing down and pathologizing another person's success. it's very obvious that you've fallen victim to envy and projecting your insecurity onto someone else in the most cliche way possible.

Greed is a evolutionary survival mechanism that stops us from starving. Capitalism simply removes the barriers between you and your food. It doesn't "do" anything to the human condition except offer unbridled fantasy, through channels that we (its subjects) willingly opened up by ourselves, whether that's in shopping malls or on adventure holidays. Capitalism has never been anything more than what we made of it.To blame capital is to deny the elephant in the room holding the money.

It's the way of the left though, most of them are failures from the upper and middle classes who especially hate people from the lower classes/races who work their way up.


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Reddit tourists BTFO

this thread reminds me this pic

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>millions of farmers lost their land and now rent cages in polluted cities
>but at least some statistician made up a number saying we're rich now

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now that's fucking based

The ideal worker in a capitalist system is the average worker in a distributist system

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Screw Peterson, when will Zizek debate Hoppe?

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Peterson frequently acknowledges the contradiction that is the marriage between postmodernists and Marxism. He sees that. Everyone sees that. That contradiction doesn't matter, however, because postmodernists don't put that much weight on their own contradictions. Saying that postmodernists and Marxism don't mix because that'd be a contradiction is like saying that a Christian would never murder anyone because murder is a sin, while living in a world where virtually all Christians are serial killers.

This 100%. Wilhelm

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He should have closed that out with a big *sniff*

She looks Jewish

Hoppe would actually win

i was gonna go but
>$350-$500 per ticket

I fucking live in Toronto too but it's too dammed expensive


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>that gif
>no argument

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Also forgot
>iPhone posting

Excellent. I get the trash can ref now

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I'm an American, and a fervent capitalist, and I agree 100%. I love when Democrats pretend to be "radicals" and "rebels", by endlessly consuming bourgeois corporations and media outlets just because they show off token "diversity". That being said, I would say Republicans are better in this regard, because at least they're honest in not spewing anti-capitalist buzzwords.

>Think about the most ideal worker in a capitalistic system
OK, I have a vague image in my mind
>They would work as many jobs as possible for nothing in return except the means to barely survive until the next paycheck
nope that wasn't even close to it.

Marxists are malevolent, evil creatures who need to be put to death.

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Now I have to debate an even more obscure neoclassical liberal?
Waste of time


That could actually be pretty great imho. Both tend to be the more "radical/sensational" side of their economic factions, with lots of memes, instantly memorable quotes, and fervent supporters. Both, unlike Peterson, have lots of solid and respected works, as well as a broad scope of history to argue from. Plus, both hate Western democracy and neoliberalism, so they'd actually probably agree on a bunch of points.

Do you even know who Hoppe is?

>virtually all Christians are serial killers.

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Don't engage with her, she's a lonely hag that wants to make every thread about her.

Zizek's English speaking voice is terrible. I'd rather read a philosophical dialogue Plato style between them.

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>and so on and so on

and so on and so on
and so on and so on

Ayncaps I've known bring him up on occasion. I've noticed no one on Yea Forums bringing him up.

The thread is about Slavoj Žižek's eventual mopping the floor with your Peter Davidson guy from Canada (that yt keeps pushing on me even though I've never watched anything of his)
I'M not the one bringing up Hoppe

Okay but what does this have to do with Zizek? He is not one of those not real communism types.

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I predict they'll agree on more than they disagree on.

>Think about the most ideal worker in a capitalistic system.
A free person free to pursue whatever they want
>They would work as many jobs as possible for nothing in return except the means to barely survive until the next paycheck.
What the fuck? Are you a fucking braindead nigger with sub50 IQ? You work multiple jobs if your 1st job is only paying minimum wage because you're a fucking brainlet that can't get a decent job with their skillset and they think the employers should pay more. Capitalism has provided you the opportunity to get better and not end up with minimum wage you fucking dumb monkey.
>Also, I imagine by "transparent bullshit" you are referring to things like worker's rights, passions unrelated to merely accumulating capital, avoiding chronic stressors, human satisfaction, etc.
>here let me just mumbo jumbo these words to make it seem like I know what I'm talking about

Fucking wagecuck brainlets is2g.

this man is from the year 3000

>A free person free to pursue whatever they want
The defining goal of capitalism is not freedom, it is profit.
>What the fuck? Are you a fucking braindead nigger with sub50 IQ? You work multiple jobs if your 1st job is only paying minimum wage because you're a fucking brainlet that can't get a decent job with their skillset and they think the employers should pay more. Capitalism has provided you the opportunity to get better and not end up with minimum wage you fucking dumb monkey.
Bootstraps yada yada yada and so on.
>>here let me just mumbo jumbo these words to make it seem like I know what I'm talking about
What didn't you understand? Do you not want any of the things I listed?

Capitalism is just a system for exchanging goods and services. The possibility of attaining wealth and property in a form that is universally acknowledged, and using it to achieve personal goals is one of the prerequisites of freedom. You can't let that kind of thing be decided by committees or algorithms without turning 'who gets the resources to pursue their projects' into a primarily political problem, which is just as dangerous as trying to completely bracket statehood and go full Rand.


zizek is a nigger
jp is a cuck

>Capitalism is great !
>Unless you couldn't afford an education, can't keep up with the job market competitiveness, have skills that got obsolete, work a minimum wage job, have the industry you work in move oversea, lose you job to migrants etc ...
But I have a good job you dumb NIGGER you are a LOOSER and you SUCK and FUCK YOU I'M THE BEST and i love this system because it makes me feel ACCOMPLISHED and SUPERIOR TO YOU.


you don't understand capitalism. capitalism isn't about the "capitalist", it's about the ability for anyone to become a capitalist, to accumulate capital/wealth and to invest that wealth into the economy
if you work without pay you're unable to invest money into the economy. that's why capitalism has become a consumer economy, it relies on people buying things to keep it going

>Capitalism is just a system for exchanging goods and services.
An oversimplification. Capitalism is the private ownership of the means of production as a means of generating profit. What you said about freedom is true... only for these private owners of the means of production. Everyone else it simply out of luck, lest they rather die on the streets to exercise the minuscule amount of freedom they have. The majority of people without this sort of resolve though are forced to settle for a job they are minimally interested in as a means of merely surviving. This doesn't sound like freedom to me. What if I don't desire a job?

Also, if by committees you mean things like worker's unions, then I believe they should have full authority over their own labor. Capitalist oligarchs deserve none of the responsibility they are currently given, as they are nothing without exploiting the working class (who has no choice but to work) through profiteering.

>Capitalism is just a system for exchanging goods and services.
No it's the private ownership of the means of production, aswell as the profit motive.
>The possibility of attaining wealth and property in a form that is universally acknowledged, and using it to achieve personal goals is one of the prerequisites of freedom. You can't let that kind of thing be decided by committees or algorithms without turning 'who gets the resources to pursue their projects' into a primarily political problem, which is just as dangerous as trying to completely bracket statehood and go full Rand.
You are implying that the way wealth and property is distributed right now is better than it would be with committees or algorithms. In what way is it the case though ? Today it is mostly based on luck and inheritance. Social mobility is not that high.
Is individual judgement based on profit a better way to allocate capital than through calculation or political decision ? Is the fact that today in 1st world countries our industries are all leaving to third world countries because labor is cheaper, leaving millions of unemployed ? Is it better to have private owners that just tax evade as much as possible and redistribute their collected surplus value to shareholders without reinvesting in capital ?


that only applies to modernist philosophy
classical philosophy was fucking based

Is this the most ‘Fresco’ post outside of biz? I only understand the world through memes, by the way.

What is this, 2016?

The shark represents B movies becoming classics thanks to shitty special effects.

It’s going to be hell isn’t it?

Attached: 46767464-5CFE-479B-B93E-8B04829F3B60.png (646x595, 280K)

>The defining goal of capitalism is not freedom, it is profit.
And the defining goal of communism/Marxism is to involuntarily prostitute yourself to the 'greater good' of the community thus making you less free than a fucking animal in a zoo because the allocation of resources is decided by some central authority that pretends to adhere to some high ground moral authority. It's almost like you don't understand that people need a motivation to make goods and not just be forcibly ascribed to some decree/tenet that overtime will become corrupted even though the intended goals are to make a utopian vision.

>Bootstraps yada yada yada and so on.
Another proof that you're a fucking ape subhuman nigger wagecuck when you fail to debunk that argument.

Does the average Marxist/Communist really think like this? Even a fucking grade school kid can tell you what's wrong with your whole ideology. Wherever people are involved, corruption is bound to ensue. Every system reaches an entropy point.

Sure with capitalism there would be poor people but how the fuck is communism better? You basically give the greater power to one central authority that gets to decide everything. What if they decide your mother is to be a prostitute for the a group of people because the 'greater good' requires it? Capitalism gives you freedom, Communism enslaves your ass. You can blame all of your shortcomings on the system of capitalism as a whole but objectively you're a fucking subhuman nigger if you don't realize that capitalism is the most optimal form of economic system to preserve human freedom.

when do you think zizek will chicken out? or will he just go right to the day and noshow it

>just go right to the day and noshow it
Fuck that sounds so based, here’s hoping for that.

>Communism is when the governement does stuff
Why can't capitalism apologists ever come up with arguments against communism instead of attack one of their countless strawmen of it.

As long as the workers own the means of production and can enjoy the fruits of their own labor, I will be satisfied. I don't see how anyone could disagree with this. From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs is a good and necessary idea, especially in a country like the US which likes to boast its immense wealth while at the same time many of its citizens starve. I would always, in every conceivable case, prefer the workers to have authority over their own labor than have a class of capitalist oligarchs running the whole show as they do now.


Attached: GET A LOAD OF.jpg (448x357, 23K)

Just because you waste time and effort on something doesn't mean you contributed shit

thread DESTROYED before it even began

The Canadian dude gone win

>you're a fucking subhuman nigger if you don't realize that capitalism is the most optimal form of economic system to preserve human freedom.


I think he has a point though, if someone only has critique, it's only natural to ask what their solutions are, or at least how to approach the problem from a practical perspective. I think Self wanted to know what zizek actually meant with "We need to think, not act" If he says that so much, he should be able to quantify, about what, and from what angle we should think. I think Self correctly asked Slavoj to make his critique concrete, and I suppose accesible.

Are you a poltard?

Depends on who will win

This, but unironically.

>I dreamed I saw my maternal grandmother sitting by the bank of a swimming pool, which was also a river. Her genital region was exposed dimly. It had the appearance of a thick mane of hair. She was stroking herself absentmindedly. She walked over to me with a handful of pubic hair compacted into something resembling a large artist's paintbrush. She pushed this at my face. I raised my arm several times to deflect her hand. Finally, unwilling to hurt her or interfere with her any further, I let her have her way. She stroked my face with the brush gently and said, like a child, isn't it soft?

Attached: 1551449275598.jpg (1200x1482, 809K)

Unironically why isn't there betting system on debates like these? They do it for boxing what's the big difference?

No objective way to know who wins and who loses.

Also, supporters of both will keep supporting them, no matter the outcome of the debate.

Reason is dead.

his critique is that the answers we have are not equipped to deal with the problems we are facing, so writing a self-help guide book like 12 Rules won't help to change anything. It's only a good point if you think a) philosophers are supposed to tell you what to do; or b) Zizek is wrong and there is an easy answer to todays problems. Personally I think a and b are both retarded.

he is sharp guy


Not really sure how a psychology boffin who likes to play philosopher and argue with students young enough to be his kids is still being touted as a legitimate intellectual, or someone to be taken remotely seriously in a debate with actual philosophers.
Peterson can barely comprehend basic human nutrition and climate change, let alone keep up with Zizek.

>Capitalism is the private ownership of the means of production as a means of generating profit.
That's what happens when private ownership exists: Some people figure out how to maintain and increase their capital, while others don't. If you use your resources well you are able to create wealth where before non existed, and you get to keep and use some of that wealth to finance more projects, whereas someone who fails miserably at turning a profit doesn't get to keep wasting other peoples time and resources indefinitely. It's a form of natural selection for who should get to make decisions about the resources we have.
And yes, you, the average wagecuck, are a beneficiary of this amazing system. Eventhough you're a worthless, directionless drone without any ideas or direction of your own, thanks to the people who put your labor to use you can lead a relatively productive life and reap a disproportionate chunk of the profits considering how objectively basic what you are doing is.

Attached: anyone remember this?.png (1200x800, 3.67M)

imagine actually having a daughter in current year without homeschooling her and banning all access to technology until she's 25

>People shouldn't be allowed to have things unless they personally convince me of the value of them having those things
>Resources can be directed towards art but only if it arbitrarily fits my sense of taste, everyone else doesn't count
>Somehow an entire community will be able to agree on what resources are most urgently needed where without problem
>Capitalism, being entirely based around the simple principles of supply and demand, will somehow fail to deter an artist from unnecessarily using resources that are dangerously scarce
Oh my god this is the dumbest fucking image I have ever seen what the fuck. Is this bait?

>Some people figure out how to maintain and increase their capital, while others don't
While the vast majority does not*
The rest of this paragraph is just the bootstraps argument which I will never find persuasive unfortunately. Luckily though this argument is becoming less and less common in public discourse.
>And yes, you, the average wagecuck, are a beneficiary of this amazing system. Eventhough you're a worthless, directionless drone without any ideas or direction of your own
I don't know why you refer to me as a wagecuck. I have not, and will not ever have a job, because I don't want one. A person should be free to say they don't want a job; allowing them to explore their other passions (reading, writing, other artistic pursuits, basically anything that does not coincidentally coincide with the current trends of the market, etc.).

Does Yea Forums really have this many pinkos or do they just like to troll JP threads?

Debates are shit for reason. They always end up with people screaching arguments for 3 minutes and the rest is hot takes and trying to "beat" your opponent.

it's a legit communist graph

>A person should be free to say they don't want a job; allowing them to explore their other passions (reading, writing, other artistic pursuits, basically anything that does not coincidentally coincide with the current trends of the market, etc.)
That's pure baseless entitlement. If we created a social structure that allowed people to """explore their passions""" without ever having to work a day of their life, the infrastructure that supports their lifestyle would be blown to bits in no time. If you want to pursue your passions you should have to at least contribute enough to society to pull your own weight while you do it (which, thanks to the magic of scientific progress and state-regulated market economies isn't much at all compared to 100 years ago), unless you're provably sick or disabled and can't do your part, in which case we'll take care of you. Seems like a humanitarian system to me, friend.

Yea Forums is /leftypol central before /his/ was made

>That's pure baseless entitlement.
No, it isn't. The US always boasts its wealth, yet 40% of Americans still can't cover a $400 emergency expense, and billionaires like Jeff Bezos make 200x the average US yearly income in only one hour. Something isn't right here, and it is obvious for everyone except corporate bootlickers. Citizens deserve a livable portion of that wealth, in virtue of the fact that they are citizens and we should care about the well-being of all of them. Profit is exploitative and it is as simple as that. You can rationalize it however you want because you are successful, but it won't change that fact.

Note that I haven't argued against the existence of social inequality. If we could raise the living standards of people who work regular jobs and provide better healthcare for them that would be great. It's the idea that you could usher in that new age simply by changing the economic structure that's contradictory.

>It's the idea that you could usher in that new age simply by changing the economic structure that's contradictory.
It doesn't have to happen all at once. Something like UBI would be a good bandaid until peoples' hearts and minds change from cold capitalists to whatever is beyond such a gross mindset. I think we are headed in a good direction though so I'm optimistic.

Peterson looks middle-eastern here, while zizek looks mongol

goddamn you euromutts are ugly

Nigga as I've been trying to tell you, the moment that kind of system is in place medial jobs would have to be paid more to be attractive for workers, thus raising the bar for what kinds of projects, say, construction companies can take on, causing the economy to slow to a crawl and the infrastructure to degrade, to the detriment of everyone. But I mean, if you want to devalue your currency, be my guest.

I love that meme so much

Peterson is Canadian.

canadian is not a phenotype, fuckwit

it's gonna be great

You said he was an euromutt. Last I checked Canada is not in Europe.

Will this debate be ground zero of the incoherent rambling singularity?

Canadians are from Europe; Europeans are a mix between middleeastern farmers (tanned), steppe mongols and Turks (pale-skinned but browneyed), and European hunter-gatherers (darkskinned but blueeyed)

If the value of a currency is predicated on exploiting workers, then I say let it be devalued. I care more about the well being of people than watching numbers go up and enabling the rich to get richer.

if we don't have an economic basis to build infrastructure effectively we don't have the means by which peoples lives can be improved. what exactly is so hard to understand about this?

There will still be an economic basis. The working class will just own the means of production instead of capitalist oligarchs.

Zizek is an actual chad in comparison to peterson. published in numerous languages, wrote and starred in multiple movies, genuine originality, humorous, unchained from social norms. Peterson is such a sad fuck.

>The curtains are red
>projecting wanted symbolism

UBI is just a way to keep the working class satiated during the brief between full automation and fully automated murder robots.

why? would that change how you feel about that comment

I didn't call it a bandaid for no reason.

Zizek is the worst person for this debate. Someone like Chomsky would show why all of his beliefs are wrong but Zizek is just gonna agree and go off on tangents.

Namefagging automatically makes every one of your posts about yourself.

baste and apathy-pilled

Lol are you fellow comrade?

I just want to watch zizek agree with everything Peterson says and then completely talk last him, like that article Slavic wrote where headline or “subject” was “Jordan Peterson” but the object petit a was a critique of how surface-level liberal diagnosis of societal disfunction tells truths in service of a lie (by providing attention to “intersectional” crime as a means of ignoring or putting off actual class struggle)

Called it

Doesnt everyone just call Jp a pseud. Surprised to see him go up against Zizek

This fucking place I swear. Will call everyone a pseud without any agreeable definition of what makes a pseud

>"Whaaaa! Don't make fun of my daddy!"

Based and, dare I say it, redpilled

You can realize that Marxist and capitalist have effectively merged into one. The ruling party memebers will now be Netflix and Google executives. Think about how so many of them donate to the left wing parties. If they were actually capitalists would they do such a thing? They are using materialism and virtue signaling as a means of control over would be prole revolts. The Marxist will tell you to revolt against the capitalist and the ceos will applaud you and help you. False choice of freedom so "controlled opposition". Both would reduce man to an individual instead of the family unit.

>That contradiction doesn't matter, however, because postmodernists don't put that much weight on their own contradictions
Holy shit.