>these genetic freaks destroyed western civilization
These genetic freaks destroyed western civilization
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Based and rhizomaticpilled
Is it easy to become a philosopher? If I publish a book with my own philosophy, can I quite easily become successful and receive income as a philosopher? If these guys are so terrible and became megacelebrities, why can't I?
Read John Locke
That train is long gone. Their times were different. Forget about it.
Deleuze and Foucault were crypto-conservatives
No, philosophy revolves around embedding yourself in western academia. If you want to do it, you need to study philosophy at a top flight university (Ivy League or NYU at the absolute minimum), then gradually make a name for yourself by kissing ass all the way to the top.
Once people start really talking about the nonsense invectives you're getting published in big time philosophical journals and your borderline unreadable doctoral dissertaition, you can unleash the memes on them and jettison yourself to stardom. But you need to be part of the pre-existing system first.
Why has Western education/academia deteriorated so heavily? Where did it go wrong?
To add, why is it currently this way? Why are literally substanceless clowns capable of earning income and fame today, instead of real thinkers with real insights? People are spending thousands on PhD's, studying worthless thinkers that won't be remembered tomorrow?
Because people are stupid.
They weren't so terrible. All of them were well read and had interesting ideas. Their shortcomings weren't so obvious at the time either.
Nowadays it's almost impossible to become a renowned philosopher.
Most philosophers are remembered after they die. Its likely that there is a new philosophical way of thinking out there right now. Whoever has come up with it isn't dead yet though.
>Why has Western education/academia deteriorated so heavily? Where did it go wrong?
Because education is seem as something that has as its end making people more employable.
>looking at elite philosophers
Wouldn't expect much from them, user.
Cringe way of thinking. And if that wasn't enough, you're wrong as well
I'm gonna sound a lot like one of the philosophers I'm talking shit about here, but academia has deteriorated to this extent because it's a for-profit institution. The only reason that the humanities and high arts still exist in the modern age is because schools have convinced twentysomethings to pay thousands of dollars on studying them. The entirety of what "happens" within the fine arts and philosophy happens in the university system.
In order to preserve this system and for all concerned to continue to make money off of the western university system, academia only supports and reinforces ideas that already play into its model. What's happened in philosophy - or really, any of the humanities - is an arms race of who can put out the biggest load of bullshit. The reason academics settled on spewing bullshit is probably predicated on shock value, but that's kind of another story. The point is that in order to support itself, the university system has to prioritise lines of thought that already fit within its existing framework. You never see philosophers outside of the postmodernist echo chamber rise to prominence because the postmodernist echo chamber is how these institutions stay economically viable.
This tbqh. While I dislike the difficult style, I get why people take an interest in weirdo philosophers, whether it's Hegel, Lacan, Deleuze, Baudrillard, Derrida or many others (mostly Frenchies). I'm tempted to say that many of their contemporary followers are shit, but not even that isn't really true. Sure you get some "I read Derrida now I can write about my period blood fetish in an obscure way" articles, but most secondary literature isn't like that, at least in philosophy, maybe gender studies and other such disciplines do suffer fron that a lot more. It also depends on the thinker, I found most Deleuzians to be perfectly reasonable. Lacanians as well, surprisingly, even though I disagree with them on a lot. Derrideans tend to be the weird ones, but even they make some great points from time to time.
Tbph I think many are just intimidated by the difficulty of reading post-structuralists due to the prerequisites (history of philosophy in gener, linguistics, anthropology, psychoanalysis, phenomenology, the overall context of France at the time etc.)
>not even that isn't really true.
Damn it brain, this is no time for Freudian slips...
>deleuzeans are perfectly reasonable
Sorry rhizo-schizo, most of you guys make sense.
These are men-in-time, they are merely embodying the prevailing historical forces of decay. They have not, by some scheme of cause-and-effect, engendered the decline of the West. It is the destiny of all things living to die; and the West is fated, from the moment of its birth, to meet the very same end.
Read Spengler.
>implying Locke wasn't heavily inspired by Deleuze's book on Nietzche
You can break out of the echo chamber, you just need to be an extreme contrarian like Nick Land.
Could you or another user elaborate on this? How exactly does it fit within the existing framework?
Funny how even though western civilization is supposed to be so great, it can’t stand up to a few pseudo. It’s almost like it’s not that great in the first place or somethinng
NRx Cathedral read Moldbug
The nose knows
Kimberle Crenshaw and bell hooks are way more influential than some dead french white guy. You are the one being eurocentric in here. Besides the subtle esoteric arguments of french poststructuralist hacks dont play well on social media which is driven by pavlovian identity politics
Will there ever be good philosophers again? When will modern aca-meme-ia meet its end?
Capitalism destroyed the Western civilization. These hacks have been integrated into capitalism’s intellectual hegemony.
>It is the destiny of living things to die
>The west, which is not a living thing, will die too
The absolute state of Spenglerfags.
Meme-marx is fucking based
Spengler+Deleuze= Land
The west was never a living thing but the embryonic form of unliving technocapital but nice try humanoid
Cultures are super-organisms.
gay and pessimistpilled
If this was all it took to destroy western civilization, than good riddance. It was weak anyways.
(Can you people stop with your Chicken Little routines about the French Postmodernists and actually read them?)
Bad and superficial take. Spengler is cyclical, Land is teleological
>Ive never bothered to read any of them but /pol/ told me that they are bad
Kimberle Crenshaw(black lesbian who invented intersectionality) is a better and more influential philosopher than Michel Foucault. Theorycels will never recover
By what criteria?
More like Oswald Spergler amirite fellas
The problem is like with many things, when things become popular they get ruined by the peasant followers. Nothing beats reading kowloski's,Deleuze's or Bataille's original texts. Then you go on Jstor and its full of followers of these thinkers regurgitating their ideas and combining tehm with whatever fashionable project they have going. There is a huge blame to be put on Anglo-Saxon academia on this point, that haven't be taught, or even shoudn't be taught on "literature 101" Derrida's theory of deconstruction. Philosophy, no matter who i practicing it requires rigorous thinking, it requires wrestling with ambiguity, the question of truth and ideas and concepts that require careful and delicate reading. It is by definition not for the poloi.
"Go to College to get a good middle class job;
Our schools need to produce the best workers:
Barack Obama
the mere fact that they can do it in word means it is impossible to do it in deed.
>Why has Western education/academia deteriorated so heavily?
>western academia goes down the toilet at the exact same time communism infiltrates the universities
>NYU at the minimum.
NYU is the top PhD program in the world. It's the most selective, has best faculty by a number of measures and has by far the best placement. This may seem pedantic, but it just shows your general ignorance about the sociology of American philosophy departments. A lot of Ivies aren't that great for philosophy PhDs. For example Rutgers, UNC Chapel Hill, and Arizona are all better than Cornell, Brown, and Penn. Dartmouth doesn't even havea PhD program. Plus, look at a lot of the 'stars' of todays scene, and a fair number don't have super prestigious degrees. Chalmers, Nancy Cartwright, Kripke doesn't even have a PhD, Gettier etc.
I know it's a bummer that this doesn't fit your theory about it being all about name brand and such, but at least be intellectually honest.
nobody that knows anything about contemporary phil thinks Jason Stanley is an 'elite philosopher'
Explain why Plantinga was the president of the APA, why WLC is a big deal, or why Kripke, the non-naturalist is a star. Your picture is just false.
Phil major detected. Enjoy doing nothing with your life after school.
Foucault was a Nietzschean.
Der Jude ist da