Mom found the manifesto

>mom found the manifesto

Attached: jak.png (204x247, 4K)

>not giving yourself a pseudonym for protection

>the experiment escaped

Attached: 1550621109805.jpg (551x550, 20K)

>Father Theodore found the underground Protestant youth group

Attached: goldblum.png (854x658, 557K)

>hound found the mound

Attached: IMG_3081.jpg (1065x921, 67K)

only truly crazy people write manifestos.

>Mom found my copy of the will to power

Attached: 01035261-C934-490B-B01C-85EB3B234F61.jpg (484x578, 40K)

>second cousin found the sphere of choice

Attached: 1546900116327.jpg (640x640, 71K)

Just read the archive if you want to see these jokes again. Its getting old

Sperg-tastic post

>Dad found the pictures of mom

Attached: 3CE2F3A1-E67B-4F4A-B3AA-9EF84D097FEA.jpg (342x358, 29K)


The best

>mom found the manuscript
>says she's worried about me

>occasionally bring my book up by mistake in conversation with my parents
>parents don't care as they're busy

Attached: sminem.png (455x556, 246K)

Dorner unironically wasn’t crazy.

>sister found the manuscript

Attached: 1548844316694.jpg (852x480, 24K)

>mom found the pictures of dad

Attached: 1431399672904.jpg (192x279, 8K)

>mom found the philosophical notebook but she doesn't understand English

Attached: keikaku.jpg (636x369, 56K)


>Mom found my copy of The Gay Science
>now constantly asks me why I don't have a girlfriend yet

Attached: 1542662714527[1].jpg (593x593, 125K)

still blows my mind how an actual fucking person lived and looked like that

they're not any better today actually

Attached: habsburgs today.jpg (866x1390, 124K)

>girlfriend found the diary
>she doesn't speak Russian

Attached: putin.jpg (1000x541, 97K)

>boyfriend screwed the pooch

Attached: 1475448733000.png (811x865, 489K)

the seriousness of this depends largely on the contents of said manifesto

>dad found the weed i used to write like pynchon


You must've not seen that many people.

Niggers look worse.

Wow, you truly cracked the code.

>mom hasn't found the form

Attached: images(4).jpg (201x251, 11K)


ho hum. i bet the weirdest fucks in the world accrue there
ta for that pal

>Goyim found the Talmud

Attached: 2pzd1c.jpg (600x655, 38K)

>Jew found the New Testament

Attached: 5E0AA68D-6720-42F3-B79E-1A6EFB608C31.jpg (250x200, 7K)

True. Happily, these ones won, in their case. The republic is presently in decline but it's still preferable to live here than in most of the rest of the world.

Attached: god bless my crazy white forebears (an old family legend holds that I directly descend from one).jpg (900x594, 87K)

This man is saner than most of the people alive today

Attached: ted-kaczynski-578450-1-420.jpg (1200x1200, 214K)

>you made a singular typo that is tied back to your livejournal account

Attached: 1550650190471.png (1059x595, 230K)

>paypig cheated on me with a rival twitch streamer

Attached: UhbDtDWQ_400x400.jpg (400x400, 27K)

>found my sisters' manuscripts

Attached: Branwell.gif (173x200, 7K)

>brown person deciphered the secret signs us white people use to communicate

Attached: Spencerian_example.jpg (836x1388, 904K)