Post war books, what is your favourite war fiction?
Maybe we could get a chart going
Post war books, what is your favourite war fiction?
Maybe we could get a chart going
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I started reading that last night, really enjoying it so far.
I just ordered it from amazon, looking forward to it
Does /antiwar/ lit count?
>ordering from Amazon
Does anyone know any books written from a German/Italian/Japanese perspective about WWII?
Pic related is really good, has anyone else read it?
Is there an author more estranged from modernity (in the civilizational sense) than Junger?
Decorations and awards:
1916 Iron Cross (1914) II and I. Class
1917 Prussian House Order of Hohenzollern Knight's Cross with Swords
1918 Wound Badge (1918) in Gold
1918 Pour le Mérite (military class)
1939 Clasp to the Iron Cross Second Class
1956 Literature Prize of the city of Bremen (for Am Sarazenentum); Culture Prize of the city of Goslar
1959 Grand Merit Cross
1960 Honorary Citizen of the Municipality Wilflingen; honorary gift of the Cultural Committee of the Federation of German Industry
1965 Honorary Citizen of Rehburg; Immermann Prize of the city of Düsseldorf
1970 Freiherr- vom-Stein- Gold Medal of the Alfred Toepfer Foundation
1973 Literature Prize of the Academy Amriswil (Organizer: Dino Larese; Laudations: Alfred Andersch, François Bondy, Friedrich Georg Jünger)
1974 Schiller Memorial Prize of Baden-Württemberg
1977 Aigle d'Or the city of Nice, Great Federal Cross of Merit with Star
1979 Médaille de la Paix (Peace Medal) of the city of Verdun
1980 Medal of Merit of the State of Baden-Württemberg
1981 Prix Europa Littérature the Fondation Internationale pour le Rayonnement des Arts et des Lettres; Prix Mondial Cino the Fondation Simone et del Duca (Paris), Gold Medal of the Humboldt Society
1982 Goethe Prize of Frankfurt
1983 Honorary Citizen of the city of Montpellier; Premio Circeo the Associazione Italo – Germanica Amicizia (Association of Italian–German friendship)
1985 Grand Merit Cross with Star and Sash
1986 Bavarian Maximilian Order for Science and Art
1987 Premio di Tevere (awarded by Francesco Cossiga in Rome)
1989 honorary doctorate from the University of the Basque Country in Bilbao
1990 Oberschwäbischer Art Prize
1993 Grand Prize of the Jury of the Venice Biennale
1993 Robert Schuman Prize (Alfred Toepfer Foundation)
1995 honorary doctorate from the Faculty of Arts of the Complutense University of Madrid
In 1985, to mark Jünger's 90th birthday, the German state of Baden-Württemberg established Ernst Jünger Prize in Entomology. It is given every three years for outstanding work in the field of entomology.
Ernst Jünger was the last recipient of honorary 'Pour le Mérite' holders from 1957.
sorry lads I gotta know
Did he fight in any other wars apart from WWI?
he performed vital artistic roles in Paris during WWII
He defected to France?
>blocks your old world ornation and fascistic misunderstanding of war's reality
>benji thought he knew war better than Ernst Fucking Junger
how did he reconcile this one?
In Paris administration and intelligence (censorship), and the Eastern Front where he met up with soldiers retreating from Stalingrad. Don't know a lot about this, but he was a fairly important officer and I think mostly engaged in coordinating movement of the troops. Field activity but I'm not sure the extent of fighting.
>Based Junger fought for Hitler
He didn't like Hitler though, and was part of the circle who plotted the coup.
Have not read it yet, but have heard it is good.
Probably not. A lot of people are glorifying Hitler again, especially on pol.
See Also this, and maybe Fear (Chevallier) and Company K, I've got to get through them first
He didn’t actually join his “friends” in the attempt.
Think he was talking about this in Eumeswil?
maybe he thought he should have followed the Condor into the forest, after all
Yeah, but that's irrelevant. He had philosophical and strategic reasons for not doing so.
Not quite from the perspective of an Axis Power, but The Unknown Soldier is pretty much the book about the experiences of Finnish soldiers in World War 2
let's say I only read for the plot, is there still a chance that I'll enjoy Storm of Steel?
I know it's fiction, but the story about the guy drowning in the gook shithole really fucked me up
Kaputt and The Skin by Curzio Malaparte
Yeah because of the way he describes the trench fighting is pretty cool.
Did benji ever read Juenger's short fiction during the Weimar period? He was heavily influenced by the decadents benji seemed to be so fond of. Huysmans, Baudelaire, Rimbaud, etc
This beauty just came in the mail. Has anybody read it yet? What am I in for?
Fuck no get this hippie shit out of here
Modern day storm of steel tb h
A fictional recounting of the battle of thermopylae (300 movies) in the perspective of what was essentially a squire of one of the chief spartans.
The Richard Sharpe series is great.
t. Bernard Cornwell fanboy
Pleb, this is a much better book by the same author. Tho both are above average in quality and prose
>Everyone here posting well-known shit
>Nobody has their own taste
Here, fags, this is the best war book you will ever read. And it actually happened
t. 140 IQ
I wish there was some sort of academic article by a historian on Junger's total knowledge and "participation" in the coup. I have a sneaking suspicion that his involvement is grossly overstating by those who feel the need to absolve him of his affiliation with the nazi superstructure.
Here's another great one, dumdums
this better not be /pol/ shit
>And it actually happened
this is a fiction thread, stupid idiotposter
Why is Storm of Steel included and talked about, moron?
>not well-known shit
Half of this thread looks to be airport novel-tier, but at least it's new to me.
t. Chapo discord tranny
To address your moronic question:No, it's not. But how much of an intellectual coward are you, to be consciously avoiding material that you know could potentially disprove your worldview? U wanna live in LaLaLand forever?
Surprised nobody has mentioned pic related yet
Nobody here ever talks about Anabasis, so...yeah
Something a bit different
Reminiscences of the Cuban Revolutionary War by Che Guevara
I really want to get this, but >$50
I'll wait desu
what the fuck
why are his books so expensive?
No idea. I just checked amazon and it's $3 now.
Also Peloponnesian War, obviously
Rise and kill First
The Best and the Brightest
War and Peace
The Coldest Winter
Fuck me
The Killer Angels is a stellar book.
Starship Troopers.
Inspired me to service
Once An Eagle
Anybody read this yet?
full of examples of muzzies being muzzies
Birdsong - Sebastian Faulks
I get the feeling that National Socialism/Fascism was something that actually lived up to Junger’s ideal worldview, but that much like Evola, his individualism, narcissism, and a few petty disagreement lead him to act like he was some great antifa. When push came to shove Junger sat around like a good little soldier, fought for National Socialism and Germany, and refused to try and change the system.
War is gay.
Anyone that does it should be shot.
Empire Of The Sun - J.G. Ballard
I read Motorcycle Diaries and liked it. I should bother to read this too.
God what a piece of shit book
If you read the Worker or any of his early political work you'll find Nazi society only satisfied a small aspect of his ideal, in that sense he also felt the same way about Communism and revolutionary Anarchism
whats wrong with it user?
I have a sneaking suspicion that you and others have a vested interest in inserting this 'fascism' into everything. Fascism, that is the diverse political ideologies of that time grouped under the label, completely failed to satisfy Evola and Junger, don't pretend otherwise.
Quartered Safe Out Here by George MacDonald Fraser. It's mostly a summary recounting of British service in Southeast Asia during WWII, small in scope, but an interesting experience from an underwritten front if you aren't British, and maybe even if you are.
Its shit
War Is A Racket.
War as a noble or good thing is literally propaganda. If you like war or fighting you are legitimately a psychopath.
Why aren't you national socialists changing the system today? Narcissism?
user, it's on libgen if you don't mind reading it in epub format.
War is inevitable. And soldiers can't mope around pretending that some day a pacifist utopia will come about. The first goal is to survive and keep morale up with your battalion.
Perhaps the majority of humans premodernity were psychopaths, but you are delusional because the whole of modernity is a militarised economy.
But go ahead tell these people they are the psychopaths (4:31):
what about honour?
Check out 'Compulsion' by Stefan zweig ('Der Zwang'), it's about a guy who's supposed to go to war but he doesn't want to because war is never legit, but still he feels like he has to obey, but, yeah, so, it's hard to decide (50page short story, not extraordinary but good enough on the subject, and it contains a twist)
>War is inevitable.
Nice propaganda.
Too little war,too much dull psychobabble nonsense with no meaning
Written from the memories of a soldier in WWI. It does a good job on telling how in such a violent war soldiers, slowly but inevitably, accept the possibility of a violent death taking their life, as real as just another person with them on the battlefield.
I would even go so far as to say that war is the closest humanity comes to the essence of beauty. The figure emerging out of the rubble approaches perfect inhumanity, divine peace, a memory of the moment of creation - of Aphrodite, or Mary who offered her half-devoured child back to the rebels. To think that a man should be free of emotion and spirit in such circumstances is inhuman in an altogether different way. There is a deep humility amongst men who survived within ruins, and for others to live they had to lift the veil of death from the earth and sleep along the banks of the underworld. War is simply the form of devastation entering the world, and men having to survive within the rift. To accept this is not inhuman, it is humility before Fate - and so perfectly human. Those on the homefront who live in a mobilised form of peace while lamenting their own ruin drape veils over life wherever it appears; they are the citizens who offer to eat the half-devoured child, just as the rebels flee. Against Fate they offer their own homes to an unknown and unseen enemy, devouring even the memory of creation - something far worse than war.
"Stalingrad is no longer a town. By day it is an enormous cloud of burning, blinding smoke; it is a vast furnace lit by the reflection of the flames. And when night arrives, one of those scorching, howling, bleeding nights, the dogs plunge into the Volga and swim desperately to gain the other bank. The nights of Stalingrad are a terror for them. Animals flee this hell; the hardest stones can not bear it for long; only men endure."
Let me know when you find a society that can both rise and sustain itself without war.
War is beautiful.
>“It makes no difference what men think of war, said the judge. War endures. As well ask men what they think of stone. War was always here. Before man was, war waited for him. The ultimate trade awaiting its ultimate practitioner. That is the way it was and will be. That way and not some other way.
Gross. Pacifist shit. Take the /litfit/ pill and join the army, lads. It's what we were meant for.
The only people who glorify war are those who have never experienced it
War is cringe.
Just read Gärten und Straßen and Strahlungen. Pretty sure he personally claimed no significant involvement or knowledge of concrete plans
>16. Juli 1944
>Gespräche – auch darüber, wie lange Zeit der Deutsche, sich diese Schießbudenfigur vom Halse zu schaffen, noch brauchen wird. Nun schlägt ihm das Schicksal den Takt dazu. Ich gedachte dabei des Ausspruchs meines Vaters: »Es muß erst ein großes Unglück kommen, ehe es anders wird.« Der General dagegen schien guten Mutes, denn er tat den Ausspruch, daß »die Friedensschrift nun bald erscheinen wird«.
>21. Juli 1944
>Gestern wurde der Anschlag bekannt. Ich erfuhr die Einzelheiten durch den Präsidenten, als ich gegen Abend aus Saint-Cloud zurückkehrte. [...] Dabei bin ich seit langem der Überzeugung, daß durch Attentate wenig geändert und vor allem nichts gebessert wird.
Not really into fiction much nowadays, but I read the Big V awhile ago. Written by a grunt that served in Vietnam.
And those who profit from it.
Difference is that he had the opportunity to change the system by helping to blow up Hitler, or at the least starting his own movement.
Ancient cultures glorifyied war, u mong. Tho war *was* far different then
The Devil's Guard
Ashes of Honour
anything by Sven Hassel
>"War is inevitable" is propaganda
How naive are you?
That's a first.
My War Gone By, I Miss it So
Generation Kill
Ancient cultures also glorified fucking young boys,so...
Leon Degrelle: Campaign in Russia- Waffen SS on the Eastern Front
Marvelous read regarding his philosophy on what he called a religious crusade to defend Europe from the Bolsheviks. Degrelle is great at describing the geography and climates from the muddy Eastern European fields, to Russian Steppe, to mountains in the Caucasus.
PDF easily obtainable online. Degrelle was of high rank in the Waffen SS, and as a Belgian foreigner, former politician, and devout Catholic, he has incredibly interesting perceptives on the Third Reich
I've been considering reading it but I may now if you say it's good
It was one of the books which truly introduced me to reading, it's not just about WWII or Changi Prison but also about how people respond to a radical change in social status
Blood Red Snow
Japanese Destroyer Captain
The Battle for Okinawa
why has nobody said Catch-22?
It's fantastic
Because its more of a satirical novel than the others posted here but its great regardless.
Just read it, what do you mean muzzies being muzzies? Sure they were bad but the Russians were almost just as bad
Not fiction though
Red Badge of Courage
Good thread.
>In article 9, war is defined as a necessity for the health of human spirit, a purification that allows and benefits idealism. Their explicit glorification of war and its "hygienic" properties influenced the ideology of fascism. Marinetti was very active in fascist politics until he withdrew in protest of the "Roman Grandeur" which had come to dominate fascist aesthetics.
nobody has claimed such back to discord with you tranny
This stupid meme needs to end. There are no "discord trannies" here, inceloid
Not fiction but best autobiography ive ever read:
Im augen des jagers
(In the eyes of the hunter)
Following wehrmacht sniper account from 1939 to 1945
for those who read French:
read it and weep
Lol, that shit costs 1000 EUR
Be a bro and scan it, seems really gud
It's 57 bucks on Amazon?
Speaking of charts, anybody got that ancient near eastern literature chart?