Thoughts on this book?
Thoughts on this book?
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This is far superior.
>written by a woman
Are they worth reading or is it on the same level as "infamous hacker Yea Forums"?
Nussbaum spent four years here and found a lot of what she saw quite funny, it's really a very sympathetic treatment of Yea Forums
I heard she was raked over the coals for writing this, another example of the left eating their own. Not sure if she still identifies as a leftist but we’re talking about a woman so probably.
can't find this
Where can you find this book?
no thanks
>writes treatise on why Yea Forums should be taken seriously and incels treated with compassion
>dismissed by Yea Forums because she's jewish.
good work idiots
Four years?
Here's my book review:
Lurk moar
Introduced me to this inescapable shithole. Not good.
Also its hella plagiarised which is really fucking lazy considering the length. And with this in mind its central idea that the right is exploiting transgression for rhetorical legitimacy in the same way the countercultural left did in the 60s is very similar to a Slatestarcodex essay posted years earlier (although this hot take can be arrived at by pretty much anyone so that bit might not be stolen)
One thing I did like is that she argued against transgression being considered a virtue in an of itself, because I think a lot of us have internalized the idea that it is noble and brave even though that isn't actually very logical
Lmao only a pseud would find Yea Forums a bastion of of anything but dogshit. Yes it's nice that we have absolute freedom of speech here, but that's about all we have and it's not like that's something special. It would be comparable to Viennese cafes if we had people like Ezra Pound or Rainer Rilke, but in reality all we have are 19 year olds who pretend to read them and liken themselves to piss-drinking comic frogs.
>being this fucking elitist based on geography alone
>writes treatise on why Yea Forums should be taken seriously and incels treated with compassion
This sounds cool does it go any deeper or will it just repeat things I already believe
We don't even have absolute freedom of speech
Why does this not come up in google search
I've never been banned for saying my opinion in the 10 years I've used this site. I've been banned for lots of shit, but never ever for sharing my opinion. You probably think spamming nigger is a right or something. If you're not just another one of those people, what makes you say that? I see people spamming the Tienenman Square massacre pasta all over the place. I mean, people are pretty god damn free to say whatever they want around here. Freedom of speech doesn't entail posting pictures of naked people where they don't belong or spamming nigger over and over with nothing else about it, because those things have consequences for other people besides yourself. freedom isn't freedom if it infringes on other people's freedom, because freedom is inalienable and inherent to everybody
It's good for a laugh or the occasional social commentary. But yeah too many retards and shitposters for any discussion of real substance.
It's your fault for not elevating the level of discussion.
literally doesn't exist
it isn't even in the university press of kansas own catalogue
She's a woman, which means that she:
1. is almost certainly a normie, so she doesn't 'get' a lot of the stuff
2. writes for a normie audience, so even if she does get it, she can't write it
Now, if you're a normie who doesn't know much about this site and just want an overview, you might read that book and feel that you've got your money's worth.
Otherwise, it might leave you frustrated and angry.
I will never not be amazed that this actually existed
Why comment on something you haven't read
I haven't read the book, but I've read an interview with her. She doesn't get it, sorry.
Lol nah I agree with you basically its just that the phrase 'absolute freedom of speech' does imply no moderation. Although hasn't Yea Forums had its relatively ban happy periods? And I can think of some examples of mods deleting things that were just sharing of opinion.
if Yea Forums was a person it would be loki. It would be some native american trickster god.
Yea Forums is the shadow. This is what Yea Forums is, a bunch of shadows arguing with each other.
Yea Forums is user, it has no idenity, it has no face, it has no race, it has no gender, it can be everything, it can be nothing.
We are legion, as the old cringy saying went.
You know, legion, the demon from the bible who was made up of thousands of other demons.
The ethos of Yea Forums, of the ancient troll, "do it for the lulz".
This collided with the stagnate liberal identity politics of the 2010s.
The ultimate offender meets the ultimate offended.
You didnt actually become a facist did you? If you did, you fell for the troll
the unwritten rules are that you have a right to post whatever you want and the mod has the right to ban whatever they want
>I haven't read it
>she doesn't get it
imagine being this braindead
At its core Yea Forums denies identity (user), and it has a nihilistic ethos of doing chaotic things on purpose for no other reason than because its funny (the lulz).
This came to confront the so called social justice warrior of the 2010's. The people who are obsessed with identity and structural morality.
The 2010's were Dionysus (Yea Forums) vs Apollo (sjw's)
>freedom isn't freedom if it infringes on other people's freedom
slippery slope
>You know, legion, the demon from the bible
Never knew this. Should I actually read the bible?
Ive been here for 10+ years. Maybe i should write a book. Youll read it right?
What fucking tripe. Your post basically amount by to its freedom of speech as long as you don't say things I don't want you to say.
>those things have consequences for other people
You posting makes me offended, time to stop right?
I get banned daily
>it has no face, it has no race, it has no gender
Actually its face has a recessed chin and a neckbeard, its race is white and its gender is male
WTf is ligmaz????
Except that user (at least /pol/) became what they set out to fight: dogmatic, obsessed with their ethnic identity and believing in absolute moral rules.
Do you mean Diogenes?
its just a story about Jesus doing an exorcism on a guy who is infested with a demon who is made up of other demons and says "We are legion".
So Jesus rips the demons out and puts them into a pig
Yeah, this happens a lot, i think there is some quote by Voltaire about how acting like fools eventually will draw real fools.
I have seen that happen on Yea Forums a lot over the years.
Let me say this. Dont be suprised if 6-7 years from now Yea Forums is infested with communists and people acting like communists, and all the facists have been driven out from being trolled too hard.
Its going to confuse the fuck out of people
Dionysus is a greek god, and im using a niezchian analogy of Dionysus (chaos) and Apollo (structure)
Found the anti-white kike
>a pig
A lot of pigs
>Let me say this. Dont be suprised if 6-7 years from now Yea Forums is infested with communists and people acting like communists, and all the facists have been driven out from being trolled too hard.
It's hard to imagine desu. /leftypol/ is in despair right now over their lack of influence.
Stop calling me a wh*Toid, only a pathetic being like him could hate his own race.
if trump wins a second term, he is the new normal.
Trumpism, and the neoliberal sjws are the status quo.
To be a true troll in this situation would mean to cast off the reactionary troll identity and put on the communist costume.
Not because you believe in communism. But because it triggers trump tards and sjws.
I don't think you could be further from the truth
You have a very superficial understanding of things
>there's porn and expletives and wacky contrarian ideas here sooo chaotik XD
But even if he wins again all the zoomers are going to be hearing is 'boo blumfp' from dominant media institutions. No matter how many gains he makes politically things will still feel dominated by the left, especially irl.
The /pol/tards are in a position were they have dominance in chan discourse while still making a plausible claim to be overall oppressed. Essentially they get the appeal of contrarianism and the appeal of a dominant echo chamber at the same time. They are sticking around for a while yet.
I literally wasted 20 min looking for this book. You fucking got me congrats
>and put on the communist costume.
is that a clown costume by any chance
>I've never been banned for saying my opinion in the 10 years I've used this site.
I guess you are a basic bitch then
Oh please if I had a dollar every time /pol/fag randomly screamed go back to /leftypol/...
It depends on the board, i have had my comments deleted for arguing in a drawthread about drawings.
you have to go back
>nihilistic ethos of doing chaotic things on purpose for no other reason than because its funny
No, most posts here are earnest.
>Dont be suprised if 6-7 years from now Yea Forums is infested with communists and people acting like communists, and all the facists have been driven out from being trolled too hard.
The only way for that to happen is if legit fascists gain power in the US, so that communists become the counter-culture. And that's ridiculously unlikely to happen, at least without some civil war first.
>Trumpism, and the neoliberal sjws are the status quo.
That has been the status quo for 50 years (except for the extreme SJWs, who are a bit more recent).
>if trump wins a second term, he is the new normal
No, it would require far, far more than that.
why did they all own coffee houses what the fuck?
I can see the Fascist LARPing dying down in a few years at least, though.
The situation I foresee in future is the site being split between far-right and the hardline left (the latter being Leninist and Emma Goldman style leftism rather than the neoliberal brand).
>I've been banned for lots of shit, but never ever for sharing my opinion.
This. Fuck r*ddit and similar wrongthink sites. Yea Forums is the only place on the net you can express an honest opinion even if it's against the norm, and people will not only let you speak but will have an honest conversation with you. Even outright commies and shitlibs are free to browse /pol/ here.
If I get a ban on Yea Forums I've done something to deserve it. You can't get banned for disagreeing with the board culture's mainstream opinions, though.
There are plenty of women on Yea Forums. They just never post their gender, and you don't know the difference.
>he hasn't read Hamilton's Mythologies
Pls go and stay go. The Dionysus-Apollo analogy was surprisingly good.
No, this is a fiction. Theres lots of white males here yes, but there's also lots of asians, hispanics, indians, etc.
How well did this sell? Anyway to tell how much the author made on it?
>and you don't know the difference.
Funny. I'm female and post here every day, and none of you have ever had any clue about it unless I specifically revealed my gender.
Sorry to break your delusions.
And you can't tell by "writing style" either. Sometimes I type properly, sometimes I go for an academic style, sometimes I don't bother with capitalization and punctuation at all, sometimes I purposely write like an ESL. Eat shit.
Kill all normies is such a garbage centrist book. It's sad she lurked for 4 years and came up with this glorification shit.
Post feet
no, retard. read Nietzsche
leave normie
this but unironically
Do you have a patreon or paypal so I can send you money for being a girl?
hurt my alt-right snowflake sensibilities
>Yea Forums should be taken seriously
It was a joke
I've been banned on Yea Forums for saying anime sucks
I've been banned on /pol/ for making a thread discussing the politics of my country (not american)
I've been banned on Yea Forums for criticizing the anime industry business model
I got banned on /x/ once for making a thread where I encouraged anons to rationalize paranormal activities
I was banned on /his/ for giving my opinion on why and how the jews rule the world
I've been banned on /o/ for a post talking about honda drivers
I could keep going, my point is even here you'll get banned sometimes for sharing your honest opinion.
But u just had to tell it now..
>titz or gtfo
I don't think you can really understand Yea Forums if you've only been using/browsing/observing it since after it's become relevant to the real world. I would read a book on the "culture" of this place if it was written by an oldfag, but none of the oldfags care enough to write one.
I'm still shocked at how the Yea Forums > twitter > mainstream media > real world pipeline has developed. Hearing normal people use old /jp/ memes in real life will never not be weird.
funnily enough the chaos(Yea Forums) is feminine, and the structure, (sjw) is maculine.
I wan't to say no...
But yes...
you'll find that to be the reality of most online communities, regardless of how laissez-faire their commenting system can get. the difference with Yea Forums is it's rather transparent about it due to the virtue of anonymity which serves as a sort of deterritorialization of authority. no one is anyone here, thus every post carries the exact same amount of weight, as opposed to some identity-based forum where xxcumslurper69xx with 50,000 upboats and karma and an ernest cline quote in his signature is granted a modicum of credence to his posts despite him being a fucking nobody just like you and me but the entire account-based forum-community system engenders that typical unwarranted celebrity worship. when xxcumslurper69xx is a forum celebrity, it's a lot harder to tell that his posts are dogshit stupidity (or in some cases, a lot easier)
You'll soon to be banned from Yea Forums for being a lying faggot.
into the trash it goes
Everyone knows me around here desu ne wa ching chong
Large parts of it were outdated from the start, as she had a fascination with Milo (who I, at least, never found interesting).
Generally applaudable though, to write publish the book.
A disproportionate number of American flags on /pol/ are Mexicans or Chinese or Jewish.
You dum-dum. They didn't own them, they worked there as maids.
Not surprising at all desu. Yea Forums is feminine penises and SJWs are masculine dykes.
I would love for you to show me something more chaotic then a bunch of people who don't need to take responsibility for anything they do or say after needing to their whole life.
Genius response, even though you aren't a woman.
wait so YOU'RE anonymous?
>Fuck r*ddit and similar wrongthink sites.
Reddit is not even that bad in terms of sitewide censorship, at least in my limited experience. I'm honestly starting to think reddit and 8ch*n are better than this place cause they allow people to essentially 'vote with their feet' by allowing the unlimited creation of boards/ subreddits with their own moderation rules and topics. Whereas here everyone is just chucked in together to fling shit and no one can create a space that is safe from low effort trolling. Just look at what happened to Ron's TPK thread.
It’s mostly plagiarized straight from Wikipedia and Know Your Meme
Is this dichotomy made by jbp or did he steal it from someone? Either way its fucking retarded. I would intuitively say its the other way around but really you could say anything you want depending on what characterisitics/stereotypes of each gender you choose to emphasise.
Yes unironically otherwise all this grand history will be lost
reddit is more amenable to removing obvious troll content, but since the format is one where a subreddit moderator has unlimited power, it opens you to having actual quality content deleted if for some reason the moderator takes issue with it. i guess it comes down to a tradeoff, but i prefer to wade through shitty content with the chance that i'll find something novel or compellingly controversial.
plus, reddit has a problem with generality. /r/books is full of airport novel plebs, so someone creates /r/literature but the mod of that doesn't like critical theory, so someone creates /r/criticaltheory but it becomes overrun by SJWs, so someone creates /r/criticaltheoryforchilldudes and it has 4 subscribers. it makes for a situation where you never discover something completely unexpected. you might find new recommendations in an area you're already somewhat familiar with, but you're not going to have those out of the blue suggestions that are one of the best things about Yea Forums
the longer i'm on the internet, the more i feel that trolls have their purpose. maybe it's just to ward off users who don't want to put any effort into looking for quality content. maybe it's to force ourselves to learn what actually quality looks like so we'll be critical about whatever we see. whatever, i've made my peace with the trolls
This poster here
I should add that anonymity is a very good thing and prevents attention whoring and somewhat prevents virtue signaling. I think the ideal site would have anonymity, very few sitewide rules or censorship, ability to create your own spaces that can be as censorious as you like, and upvotes and downvotes (its more elegant than the bump system and many of its negatives would be cancelled by anonymity)
might be jung
marry me
Yin and yang, dude. The sun is male (Yang and Apollo), the moon is feminine (Yin and Diana/Artemis), the night is "magical" and "chaotic". Artemis is the goddess of savage nature. The masculine is stable in hinduism too, while the feminine is creative (ie. chaos) and "lifeforce" or something like that.
You seem a bit like a complainypants, and obviously don't know much mythology.
>You seem a bit like a complainypants, and obviously don't know much mythology.
Yeah I don't know much mythology because it doesn't interest me. It seems to me like it's obviously enjoyed in the same way fiction is but people treat this stuff like its actually getting at some deep metaphorical truth, which I find ridiculous. What do you think the value and purpose of mythology and its interpretation is?
have you even been on the internet for the last year? are you 14?
What I personally want to know is how the fuck have you managed to avoid reading Nietzche?
Absolutely no on the voting bullshit. Being anonymous to us doesn't mean they're anonymous to their own biases. The principle feature here and on other chans is that you get an unfiltered experience. You can't brigade or curtail wrongthink when every post is of equal importance regardless of its content.
What is so fun about coffee houses?
This but actually unironically for literally real.
Historically they were like Yea Forums. You could converse freely. Historically people couldn't do that, especially not in Hapsburg Vienna. The American Revolution was plotted in taverns and coffeehouses.
The coffee house (cafe) is historically bound-up with images of European enlightenment people (Voltaire etc) sitting in their own coffee-houses, debating things. Coffee entails caffeine, a mild stimulant (as opposed to the depressant alcohol), so that its imbibers are a bit more mentally active/stimulated than the English on their historic gin. The "snooty" image that we have of coffee houses even today in America, even in the lowest Starbucks, where people will come to be seen working on projects on their basic bitch laptops, owes to this cultural tradition.
>every post is of equal importance regardless of its content.
Not true at all. The way bumping works means that stupid controversial bullshit and stuff with low barriers to entry gets pushed to the top at the expense of actual quality discussion
Shit tier. Also i watched recently her interview with Richard Spencer and its very cringy. Keeps repeating the usual arguments like "ethnonationalism leads to genocide"
>he thinks controversial topics are uninteresting
Wow gay
it was copy/pasted from neoreactionary online publications written by guys, so it's decent but still pretty terrible
>saved free expression
>and came to control the zeitgeist
yes, kek, i'm sure the intersectional mafia is super-butthurt while they basically control all institutions and remove any right wing talking points from polite society
never read it but I want the big ride Angela to ride my potato silly.