Jordan Petersons daughter looks like she fucks black guys

Jordan Petersons daughter looks like she fucks black guys

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Word in the canadian publishing scene is that she has already written a book denouncing his philoshophy and calling for democratic socialism and is shopping it around.

>The negroid sperm has some animalistic magical potency inherent in it which cannot be baulked; thus we see the subconscious longing of white virginal european women lusting after the african male. In a same fashion, the Greeks talked of the Minotaur which is a mythological creature which is half bull and half man. The aim of the priests of that cult seems principally to have been the production of a temporary incarnation of this beast by sending selected women of the community every year into the jungle/forest to mingle with all the imaginable bestial creatures thus to produce a miraculous birth upon returning to community.
-Baron Evola

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good thing that I and the rest of the normal world a perfectly fine with that.

You know, because it's literally her choice and it makes no difference if she likes white guys or black guys

Lol your delusional. Most dudes wont say it out loud for fear of public backlash but if shes fucked a nigger shes not getting a ring from 90% of the male popultion irrelevant of race and we might even have to double check her pussy for monkey diseases even for a one nighter. Sorry hun

I really hope you understand that actual real life doesn't work like this and you are mentally disturbed.

try getting out some more. maybe you won't hate women because they happen to love dudes who happen to have more melanin than you :)


This is what happens when you watch too much porn.

Nah, he's right. Fucking a black guy would make a woman lose value, it's just how it is.

The state of Yea Forums

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I really dont think you’ve ever heard boys talk before lmao.

This is true. First thought is "gross", second is "why/what's wrong with her?". And I'm from the nice parts of America.

All you sluts on Yea Forums should never admit to taking black dick to any guy unless you're trying to find a husband who you can cuck

book experts be like * gets baited by a copy paste race bait thread *

One black guy is the equivlant of like +10 on the body count. Huge red flag

That's just your gay fetish.
Her baby is white

what did she mean by this?

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she looks like she fucks her dad

Is the "___ looks like she fucks black guys" joke supposed to be that you're pretending to be someone so obsessed with black people and that you picture every woman that looks like a blacked model to be a blacked model? Or are you actually a literal cuckold? Because i'm beginning to think it's not a joke at this point, because it stopped being funny a while ago

>science literally proves you can't live off just meat
>jordan says, without proving the only thing he eats is meat, "lol they say im wrong yet here i am lol look" as if him saying he does is proof in itself
He has a massive ego to think we're all just going to take his word for it. It's dishonest as fuck considering he's actually endangering people's lives by encouraging them to go on a meat diet. Also, I was under the impression Peterson's diet was just meat-based, not meat-ONLY or ALL-meat as this article and Jordan's failure to correct it would imply. In that case, he's definitely lying through his teeth and takes a lot of credence away from his other arguments.

Pretty based

fucking hot
god damn

She's had some disease since she was a kid. Memerson talks about it in his book.

What does the fucking of black guys mean figuratively, as an idiom?

t. ESL

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really she does

>white woman
>must fuck niggers
nice try kike

>>science literally proves you can't live off just meat
[citation needed]

hmmmm. Even my left leaning friends spout that shit. Its all a matter of trust. People will only lose the mask if they trust you. Maybe you just don't have real friends lol

White people have more melanin. The preexisting pigmentation of blacks is a related compound produced independently of UV A melanogenesis.

Wrong. Melanocytes (melanin producing cells) are about equal across different races. But black people produce more melanin in their melanocytes than whites.

It's not about skin colour, it's about race, stupid.

Would make him even more likeable desu

Did you read my post?

got something on your mind there op?

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we are truly living in the most kino universe

Big if true


>white family values


how is this Yea Forums-related?

Nutrition is nonsense, the food industry's clergy.

>"I’ve said that if Mikhalia weren't my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her.”
>-Jordan Peterson, Toronto Sun, August 2018.

why do you think hes lying

No hes not

JP threads should be banned from Yea Forums

Low value, betrayal of one's family, promiscuity, disease

The fuck is a Braap Barn?