how the future will look once women take over academia?
How the future will look once women take over academia?
Academia will just continue to spiral out into an even larger joke then it already is. Expect even more classes aimed at extracting money from teens like “The Simpsons and the shows feminist implications on 3rd world colonialism”. I expect the government to stop subsidizing this shit as the generations that are growing up under massive debt begin a public outcry/crisis when their children begin to come of age and the cost continues to skyrocket. Eventually proprietary businesses like JSTOR will have their papers extracted into private servers using blockchain tech. All of the combined things will have the effect of tumbling the entire house of cards, millions of adjunct professors will be out of work and thousands of units will be scrapped in favor of more traditional schooling. Marxists will be in their rightful places as carwashers or office employees. This will hilariously most likely happen under democratic control. This is the most hopeful and I think also the most likely outcome. We can only hope it’s less like slowly pulling off a bandaid and more like shooting someone in the head. Big, dirty, and all at once.
alain sokal said in his last book i think, when citing how the guys are abandoning universities that he was eager to know what kind of philosophy will be developed by women, what kind of law and science
he was really hopefull of the future
None of that apply to Jp tho.
Very interesting insights, thank you.
I don't like him or any celebrity, but yeah he got kicked out of academia for not conforming iirc.
Yes and no.
He speaks out against SJW's. But he also wants you to be the perfect self-sacrificing burden and responsibility adopting cow for capitalism. Be happy with what you have and work for others!
lol rdt
The extinction of left-leaning genetic lines. Already we can see this begin to happen as the lion's share of white liberals under the age of 20 can be found in the dumpster behind your local planned parenthood.
While they may rule academia and through prejudice include ever more brown people and women there, this merely pushes the conservative elements of society into the reproductive class. As we know, about 95% of people end up sharing their parents' broad political mesh by the time they're 30 years old. This means that the pitifully low birthrate (and crashing) of white liberals means that no matter how much effort they put into the indoctrination of the next generation, they are really only killing off more of their own children. The recent decline of nonwhite birthrates (no doubt due to effective indoctrination into the liberal suicide cult) only reinforces the seriousness of this demographic sink.
The future must, inevitably, lie with those who show up, and those will be white, Right Wing Christians, at least in America. Good riddance. Every leftist whose skull is crushed in the womb is one who can't vote to steal my property later. It will take time, but this sort of soft eugenics must inevitably triumph over the magical thinking of neoliberalism.
White women will hire a bunch of nig males as their pets
It'll probably smell better.
>tfw pro-gun, anti-abortion Stalinist
What next champ?
Smells of old tuna cans; good morning ladies
whatever m8 he's banging his daughter and making memes living the dream
A Red Nazi is still a Nazi. Welcome to the winning team.
>Education system is largely run by women
>Most teachers are women
>Most curriculum and textbooks are written, or edited by women or with women as part of the team of textbook writers
>Format of typical classroom setting favors women-as they tend to be more reserved and attentive in public and learn primarily through auditory and visual means while men learn, largely, primarily through tactile and critical means
>Many men go into practical or critical fields which require either very little post-HS education or an extravagant amount of post-graduate education (STEM, military, business, etc.)
>Women tend to go into more specialized fields which require post-HS education (Nursing, Sociology/Social Work, Education itself, etc.)
>Make lofty claim that men are dumb because the entire system is rigged for women
Wow...amazing analysis.
Virtually every single white is becoming republican now, highest numbers ever recorded are being observed. I’m wondering about this demographic shift in terms of civil war. I’m sure many will look to this as evidence that America is “racist” when it’s mostly progressives causing this social environment. I think the right will continue to adopt and further reach out to Americanized Hispanics which to me is a great idea. They’re largely religious and work hard as fuck; atleast the LEGAL ones do. I grew up in Texas and the future of the modern right is Hispanic. They hate all the PC latinx shit and hate illegals for making them look bad, I’ve heard some talking about making gangs to kill ms-13 members and beat the living fuck out of illegals. Thoughts on this?
The education system is one giant daycare and subsidization of women who literally can’t contribute to society in any other way. This is the biggest red pill of them all.
Violence, arson, rape.
Government work too. Half of the incompetence of beaurocracy is to justify the massive wealth redistribution going on between education and mid-level government jobs. Its basically welfare. You will never, ever see a meaningful reduction in government size. Even going on 6 weeks of no pay those fucking parasites wouldn't even consider getting another job. Its nonsense. Next time you see someone who works for the DMV kick them in the dick.
I think the modern university is a fantastic vehicle for satire. Nothing comes close. I hope they invent robotic professors and staff who are even more ridiculous.
Read Gulliver's Travels. The third voyage specifically.
He still has his tenure at the UofT and he's paid absurd sums both through patreon and by hired as a consultant by groups such as the Conservative Party of Canada. He hasn't been kicked out of anywhere.
Nature finds its way huh?
Sieze the means of reproduction
>be based and redpilled 4channer
>browse /pol/ every day to get redpilleded and baseded even more
>know niggers are just whiners and/or too low IQ to get into college
>there is absolutely no white bias whatsoever in the education system that has been established by, ran by and made for white students
>heh im so based and redpilled
>also btw its totally not fair that women are better than men in academia the system is rigged and yeah there isnt oppression but if there were id be the most oppressed didnt you know white males are the most oppressed group in the west? yeah bet you didnt and yeah actually all minority groups dont experience oppression or bias against them but men and especially white men do uh so yeah fuck intersectionality and postmodernism except when i need to use it
hush hush now sweetie
Fair warning the cost of pumpkin spice is going up next year
Anyone who can stand to use nu-/pol/is a literal retard desu. I was the archivist for the original pedowood threads back in 2012/13 and the only reason I have been there in the last 5 years is to make fun of MIGApede retards when zognald bloumph banned bumpiebois
Goddess bless my own labia beef
And spirit our cunts from sexual grief
Though soggy and soiled our snatches and flaps
There is no part so holy as our va-jay-jay gaps
We seek only phalli that draw such applause
Without foreskin or blemish or circulatory flaws
Into our vaginal maws we stuff them to gorge
And deliver the Fempire by this our yonic forge
Nobody made claims on oppression. We merely stated facts. Men don't dwell on college admissions because if they don't get in chances are they will just go to Bumfuck Tech Community College and get a two-year degree in Programming or Mechanical Engineering and be making $80k+/year starting while Gertrude the 9th generation interdimensional gendersquallid veggiekin is racking up $500k in debt for a gender studies degree which will be absolutely worthless outside of academia where she will never find a stable career due to an increasingly shrinking job market and the oversaturation of said market with all of her other fellow STRONK WYMYNS.
None of that has any relation to the statement 'kicked out of academia'.
If true (I doubt this is the case in almost any area of STEM) this can be attributed to the changing needs of universities, markets and secondary education. Universities are not places of "higher learning" anymore as the majority of students are studying merely because it has become expected of job seekers to hold a degree. Many programs are far inferior to trade schools, daycares which young adults are to be sent to wait out four years to obtain their license. Thus, women are very suited to the role of education fodder because they are glad to remain inert and glut in numbers never matched by men. The universities are perfectly happy with this arrangement because it is very profitable - they have transformed into mere businesses. The brightest immediate future of academia lies in the potential for those few spirited academics to tap into the resources generated by the pony show and produce things of worth. As with everything in liberal, commercial societies, you must look past the 95% of all things that are complete dreck and focus on what little good remains, like the nugget of gold hidden in a mountain of corn-speckled shit
The Eternal Woman thanks god for busy work
Why would JP be the example of this? If anything, he's closer to "rebelling" than your average professor, status quo as he is.
2005 was a good year for math apparently
what kind of philosophy will women make?
gender studies?
you have to pretend to like this shit. everyone is in a contest to suck their own dicks the hardest and signal that they're the Most Liberal and Progressive Liberal - even people who object to the way things are going - if they want to keep their place in the in-crowd. Like that gay Quilette essay Claire Lehmann put up the other day in response to Scott Alexanders' blog about his nervous breakdown:
>"we at Quilette are so LIBERAL and these SJW types are getting a little too pushy about their progressive politics because they're just BAD LIBERALS! Did I mention that I'm a progressive liberal? Me, a LIBERAL, objecting to this stuff - that's how you know it's gone too far!"
that's a direct quote BTW
the future will look like the past
t. Pedro Lopez
>I’ve heard some talking about making gangs to kill ms-13 members and beat the living fuck out of illegals.
they did this in Mexico and then took over their drug trafficking routes.