Where can I read the shit that Alex Jones talks about? God being self-contemplating and the conspiracies about the other dimensions.
Where can I read the shit that Alex Jones talks about...
Other urls found in this thread:
go to a mental health unit of any state prison and read the letters they write to the president of mars asking him to stop putting soup in their underpants.
I actually agree with so much of what they said especially whne it comes to DMT, interdimensional, human hybrid and AI, greater than human, New World Order efforts, organ harvesting, etc. but then again I am shizo.
Unironically Gravity’s Rainbow
/x/ and /pol/
Neon Genesis Evangelion
You know if they are right with the elite trying to surpass humanity by creating something greater than human, we here, the plebians, are really wasting our time.
What do I read to catch up and join or better rival and surpass?
I'd like to read about this stuff but I cannot shake the feeling that it's all bogus and a waste of time. I think I'd still vax my kids too
Starting around 2:50:00
how is this not the new philosophy especially around 3:10:00
the definition of our purpose on earth as a testing, a test of god, a testing of god him/themselves, the need to gain this contact.
Especially the idea of our existance on this realm has a serious purpose that is not some sanctimonious "Jesus, Peter let me go to heaven and see my childhood dog", but a weeding out a sorting and assessing of us, by the consiousness that has instilled some of its reflections into us.
all this can be disproved by the idea of unreality of time
>inb4 that jsut makes it even greater
As much as I've always thought Jones was a coot, I have to admit he raised an excellent question regarding psychedelics.
Anyone who's ever taken them in any significant amount with other people knows what I'm talking about when I say you gain another level of connection with the people you're tripping with. You seem to know things and communicate without speaking. It's hard to describe, but if you've experienced it you know what I'm talking about and what Jones was talking about.
He said that if it were just in your head like Rogan suggested it could be, then that effect wouldn't be there. And he's right. I'm 100% a skeptic. I'm an atheist and am not spiritual in any way whatsoever. I used to trip for fun. But this point- I can't explain it with neuroscience or any method of observation we have yet. I'm not saying it's interdimensional, or aliens, or god, or anything like that, but that effect is UNDENIABLY present and the presence of it proves that there are things going on that are not simply a result of the chemicals in your head, because they have real physical tangible perceivable effects between your brain and things outside of it, in this case other people. What the fuck could possibly be the explanation for this?
so how do we go from 17th-19th century philosophy "You can never trust your senses" to "our senses are telling us it is this way so therefore it must be true"
Because the philosophers from the 17th-19th centuries didn't have the same science we have now. We've explained a lot of the things they said they couldn't trust. This is why I said I'm skeptical. Just because I don't understand it doesn't mean there's not a rational explanation, but I'm clearly not qualified to determine one and that is honestly rare for me. How often do you come across things that you simply cannot explain? I bet they're significant things, too. This is significant to me. I don't understand how it could be possible according to what I've been told about how our bodies work. Either there's some crazy shit about our bodies we don't know and need to find out, or Alex Jones and the hippies were fucking right to some degree the entire time and psychedelics really are some crazy interdimensional unlocking of the third eye.
Hyperawareness of normally unnoticeable tics and changes in body language? Just guessing.
Believe me, I thought a lot about body language too. But it's not it. It's a feeling. You just sort of "get" things. You don't even have to be looking at them, just focus on them and if they're focusing on you it'll happen. I can't explain it and it sounds like retarded hippy magic shit. I don't know, dude.
Been a philosophy for a long time. Or rather, that's what theology is and philosophy destroyed it.
The similar thread was deleted so I will resspond to some of the comments from there:
To the user who said MKUltra was a bullshit waste of money, I recommend you watch Darren Brown’s The Assassin in which he recreates Robert Kennedy’s assassination using non-coercive techniques. Whether or not it’s legit can be called into question but if he is able to do so without assistance of drugs or extreme psychological stress then anything is possible. In his case he is not even attempting to break the ego and establish new personalities in the subject and he is still able to achieve his goal.
As for the ‘ancient handbag’ user who asked my personal opinion on the truth of these theories reflected in art. My own thoughts developed from watching the ‘enemy’ and not being so arrogant as to assume they’re merely superstitious (yet successful) idiots. They seem to hate the gospels and Jesus. Without the gospels one does not have solid ground. That DMT entity you spoke to? It may be a demonic consciousness meant to mislead you. That white light that invites you in after death? That may be a trick into forcing you to reincarnate in this dimension. This grays or reptilian deities that visited us and may come again? Yeah, demons. There is nothing firm. Our consciousness may just be a bottleneck, so where Anno’s or PKD’s ideas enter them from is anyone’s guess. To be a scientific materialist at this point is to be a moron though.
Lads you know most of the shit that is 'us' happens well beyond our awareness, the awareness just tags along and pretends it is in charge. Most likely you already have that connection you just don't notice, or communicate verbally to confirm things you unknowingly know.
Or because you're on it as a group you bounce of eachother, feeding a group delusion or feeling. Psydelics aren't really revealing, you can insert any old meme into a group and they'll say it's profound. That's why they all talk about the same dumb shit because they're just mindlessly repropagating memes they've heard onto themselves and the group. This all may be related to our social faculties though, we may be more interconnected than it usually seems.
>unreality of time
Are you saying that thing that is ‘us’ are the unconscious processes of the material body? If so...yikes
Listen, you're not telling me shit I haven't already thought of. You're not going to change my mind on this because it's clear you haven't experienced it yourself. There are people whose opinions I value very much that used to tell me this effect existed, and I told them they were just crazy hippies regurgitating some dumb hippy shit.
Then I did them myself, and I realized I was wrong.
Every kind of feeling the body can have is suspect. It's all internal neurochemistry, which is what the drugs do.
It's so much easier to create a feeling of connection than to actually do it, I'd want some kind of hard proof, a verifiable hypothesis that would prove these effects exist.
A slightly OTT example, but this is what you'd need to do in order to prove the existence of these creatures, as opposed to the feeling of contact.
What I found really interesting from the podcast was the fact that people see very similar things when they use DMT or Ahayusca. It's very odd that there seems to be a consistency to that "world".
I know? That's kind of my point. You're not listening to me you egotistical fuck.
The worst part is, IF it's legitimate, and if any military-minded individuals or groups noticed this phenomenon and decided to study it in the same way they do other technologies and develop active applications of it, the nightmare universe of Alex Jones' imagination doesn't seem (quite) as far-fetched.
That's a very, VERY big 'if' there at the beginning. But if that 'if' were true, then there absolutely would have been copious attempts to weaponize it, and likelier than not actual uses developed at some point.
All this stuff about psychic LSD or elves and so on aside, he IS legitimately 100% right about the organ harvesting scene. That's a really shady as fuck part of the criminal world that seems to get rich and powerful people tangled up it near constantly based on who gets arrested
Maybe this is why all those rockstars stopped drinking - they let the people harvest their livers in exchange for no jail time/more money/fame, etc
David Icke's books from the 90s. The guide to the global conspiracy is very overarching but others are more specific. Take a look.
>To the user who said MKUltra was a bullshit waste of money, I recommend you watch Darren Brown’s The Assassin in which he recreates Robert Kennedy’s assassination using non-coercive techniques. Whether or not it’s legit can be called into question but if he is able to do so without assistance of drugs or extreme psychological stress then anything is possible. In his case he is not even attempting to break the ego and establish new personalities in the subject and he is still able to achieve his goal.
"Anything is possible" but if you can't lay out clearly stated methods that can be continually carried out under repeatable scientific standards it's not. Doesn't matter what some pop-hypno-guru appears to be doing. MKUltra wasn't particularly a waste of money but government secrecy lead to funding a lot of pseudoscientific pet projects (says a lot more about the mental capacity of people in positions of power) "research" that couldn't be properly scrutinized so kept getting funded for years.
>the united states government is actually completely retarded and incompetent
>even though we have more nuclear submarines than there are countries with nuclear weapons
>and basically occupy europe and Japan
>The CIA isn't a cartoon super villain upon the earth
whatever you need to tell yourself man
How do we know what's real, bros? I used to follow all of this more closely, but I became disillusioned after realizing I couldn't distinguish between true information and disinformation. And that I might have been wasting my time on a lot of it. There are a few things I believe for sure though, like pedogate, satanic symbolism in plain sight, covert energy harvests (EDM festivals, concerts, etc), deals with demons, succubi, freemasonry as another branch of Satanism, MK Ultra, Antarctica as a HQ of some kind, and several other realities. But I don't know "who" or what runs our present world. Is Satan real? Is Christianity therefore true, if the Elites have so much Satanic symbolism? Or is only part of Christianity true, and much of it corrupted by Satanism itself? I'm basically a Pantheist-Monist but when I saw all the Satanic symbolism once I entered this realm, it made me wonder whether God, in the Christian sense, is real, and that we're in some kind of hidden spiritual war at the moment.
I don't follow it anymore, but I still want to pursue the truth. Our world is not normal, that's for sure, but I don't know who or what to trust.
What did you see, user? I'm always open to hearing of such experiences.
>There are a few things I believe for sure though, like pedogate, satanic symbolism in plain sight, covert energy harvests (EDM festivals, concerts, etc), deals with demons, succubi, freemasonry as another branch of Satanism, MK Ultra, Antarctica as a HQ of some kind, and several other realities. But I don't know "who" or what runs our present world. Is Satan real? Is Christianity therefore true
I'm right there with you bro. As a huge psychedelic junkie hippie, I am leaning towards yes. Satan is real. All roads lead back to a judeo masonic plot to at least the sabbatean frankists. Every band you have ever heard of has at least one song about the devil. The trick is realizing almost anything you have heard that is very huge actually is. I used to be a very "skeptical" person. But its undeniable to me now. The reason I believe in literally Jesus Christ is because it's become undeniable to me that very powerful people seem to follow the literal devil. Since accepting this I have also felt much better day to day, FWIW
Why do you doubt its reality? There's tons of pages on it out there. Why do you doubt that the CIA would not explore such realities, or that such realities have nothing real to them?
asking the real question
Start with David Icke.
Icke is awful though. I mean so is Jones in many ways, but Jones hits more truths and does it in magnetic and interesting ways that ring of hinting at yet deeper truths. It's more of his personality and mindset that makes it interesting, the ability to question and rethink memetic zeitgeist narratives, why those narratives came to be, who benefits from their artificially enforced percolation, etc.
Icke is just a hack prodding at random shit that sounds crazy.
I don't. It was very real and all declassified documents fully expose the program as a failure that just caused much harm. By pseudoscientific I was more referring to stuff like the Stargate Project.
What do we do? I'm not a literal Christian but I do entertain the notions of Christianity as having literal truth to it. The thing is, I can't decipher what. I believe Jesus was real, and I believe in the generality of events related to him - he taught, he was caught, beaten and killed, then rose again. But I don't believe in the OT God, and am a Gnostic in a basic sense. It's only after seeing the Satanic artifacts around me (like CERN, or Gottherd Tunnel Opening Ceremony) that I pondered the reality of Jesus and these events in the Bible, yet I simultaneously think the Bible is used as a control-tool for the masses, and that the Vatican is part of the Satanic deception and has been always. So yeah, I'm just pretty lost. How do I live my life? I am confident that populations of children are being kidnapped and abused even as we speak - I have seen too much on the Pedogate front to ever unbelieve that. Even on Youtube, dear Lord. All the sickening videos left up there to corrupt children's minds, like Elsagate ones. All the mainstream social media corporations are in on it, including 4channel. What I'm going to tell you next will get this thread deleted, you ready? Look up PizzaBrain, a pizza restaurant in Philly, and then look up Little Baby's Ice Cream on Youtube. Watch their infamous commercial, with the horrific imagery and song/sound effects. Now look up their addresses in real life. They're literally neighbours. Two companies, both with highly inappropriate and sexualized combinations of food and babies/children, and they happen to be neighbours in real life. And "pizza" is of course the codeword for Pizzagate, and we have reason to believe now that there's a chain of such shops all over USA (and more, maybe) that are part of this pedophilia cult. PizzaBrain's official tumblr is where the image attached came from by the way, they like taking pictures of this stuff just like James Alephantis did. Sickening.
Yup, this thread is getting deleted now. Since actual truth was dropped. Remove it mods, you pedophile cowards. You're being watched by a higher power, you can be certain of that. God or Karma, who knows. But you'll get what you deserve for concealing the truth.
>Icke is just a hack prodding at random shit that sounds crazy
Nowadays yes. In the 90s he was on some shit with some good information. The lizards were an allegory. He may actually he insane now though, or he may just have become jaded and accepted his role and just disillusioned and cashing checks. Another cog in the machine or as floyd would put it brick in the wall.
>Because the philosophers from the 17th-19th centuries didn't have the same science we have now.
Most ignorant/brainlet reply of the thread. Read pic related NOW.
Keep your sanity user. Don't ever go all the way down the rabbit hole or you become solipsistic. You gotta keep one foot on plain old prosaic solid ground.
I don't have one clear answer except to quite literally accept christ. Welcome god into your life. Accept that satan truly is in control of this realm, which all evidence clearly points to. I don't proclaim to be an expert, but I was a very vehement disbeliever in the past. My experience has lead to a very frank epiphany. Honestly if blaspheming is an unforgiveable sin, I could never be redeemed. I spent hours at length on this very site years ago arguing against the existence of christ even as a real person. But now, no more. I just can't deny how evil and satanic the overt messages are. Maybe I am damned anyway but I don't care, it sure seems to make a lot of sense to me now. I regret it but I can't take it back. Even occultists and lucid dreamers will tell of the power the name of christ has over devils and entities.
The guy who invented the interdimeinsonal hypotheses is called jaques valle
i don't think i've met one person who can actually make heads or tails of that book. i've given up like 20 times on it.
What do you want to know about it?
Can I accept Christ without becoming a formal Christian? Can I just have a private belief in him, and not proceed further into these waters? Christianity is far too convoluted for me to make sense of or trust - I don't know what was removed from the Bible, what the Vatican is hiding in their vault, what facts about Jesus have been hidden from us. And so on. I could never become a "Biblethumper", sorry, or close myself off to other religions and taking truths from them too. But you're right that clearly evil powers run our world, and that Biblical concepts like Satan may be actual realities.
>Can I accept Christ without becoming a formal Christian? Can I just have a private belief in him, and not proceed further into these waters?
Yes absolutely. However you should still actually read the bible and apocrypha.
Well, first thing's first - strive for physical, mental, and spiritual perfection. Not that you can actually attain perfection, but once you really 'click' with this idea, you will be chasing the pursuit itself.
Braindead retard that can't handle being sober
Pleb tier response—the real answer is to overwhelm yourself with philosophy and the occult
another guy you should look into is john keel
> I'm not a literal Christian but I do entertain the notions of Christianity as having literal truth to it.
Define truth.
>It's only after seeing the Satanic artifacts around me (like CERN, or Gottherd Tunnel Opening Ceremony) that I pondered the reality of Jesus and these events in the Bible
How the fuck is CERN a "Satanic artifact"?
>I am confident that populations of children are being kidnapped and abused even as we speak
Sadistic paedophiles are very few and far between, more adult women surly are kidnapped and abused since most Sadists are into them. Your issue here is Sadism which is just a natural (if problematic) rare sexual drive.
>All the sickening videos left up there to corrupt children's minds, like Elsagate ones
Literally just AI, children like gross out '''humour''' and that's what gets the most clicks.
A pizza is really just a pizza. '''Pizzagate''' was created by /pol/ to induce psychosis in gullible emotional boomers
the Nag Hammadi library, ya big heretic
It's sad when authentic spirituality and insight seems to only live and breathe in the minds of paranoid conspiracy fools who've settled for some arcane explanation of society.
Yes, its true that there are darker forces out there, but they're nothing that can't be overcome to the inward warrior. Don't rest on your laurels and assume you've "figured everything out" because you found some inconsistencies in official reporting.
1 - The Open Conspiracy, H. G. Wells
2 – Tragedy and Hope: A History of The World in Our Time, Carrol Quigley
3 - The Fearful Master: A Second Look At the United Nations, G. Edward Griffin
4 - Brotherhood of Darkness, de Stanley Monteith
5 - False Dawn: The United Religions Initiative, Globalism, and the Quest for a One-World Religion, Lee Penn
6 - Global Bondage: The U.N. Plan to Rule the World, Cliff Kincaid
7 - Global Taxes for World Government, Cliff Kincaid
8 – Lidido Dominandi: Sexual Liberation and Political Control, E. Michael Jones
9 - The Devil's Final Battle, Father Paul Kramer
10 - The True Story of the Bilderberg Group, Daniel Estulin
11 - The Ascendancy of the Scientific Dictatorship: An Examination of Epistemic Autocracy, Phillip Darrell Collins and Paul David Collins
12 – Hope of Wicked : The Master Plan to Rule the World, de Ted Flynn
don't say a word about globalism without reading these. good luck. in one year you finish this as a good place to start.
Oh, a NPC in the wild
The only non-lunatics on that list are Quigley and Wells and they're pro-globalization. Really makes you think.
Okay well with a response like that stop being a faggot and being intimidated by a book and actually read part 1 and 2. At that point, 3 should be fun. If you get to part 4 and don't like it then ask us
such pathetic bait, loser.
What's the bait? You're making claims of belief based on a notorious troll campaign. Satan isn't a necessary hypothesis, let alone Christ, for your mental ills.
Clockwork elves does worry me. I don't take DMT, but enough people have reported this that John Hopkins is looking for volunteers for "research".
i giggled
What do these DMT beings do? Are they kind? Which ones are the /kind/ DMT entities?
They are demons. Every culture that uses psychedelics eventually practices mass human sacrifice. They entice you with "universal oneness dude" and pretty colors but they want your soul. Read about Kevin Furnas killing himself because the entities told him he could join him if he hung himself.
Who, and can I sign up? Wtf?
>but a weeding out a sorting and assessing of us, by the consiousness that has instilled some of its reflections into us.
Both Advaita Vedanta and Sufism more or less teach that individual beings are in essence the reflection of the awareness/consciousness in the inert body and that when you remove or see through the transient and ultimately unreal body/universe there is just God alone
Assuming your Christian, why does God let them chill around us? I'm asking sincerely, not being rude to you. Because I have heard mixed opinions on these entities - some have had positive experiences, others have had negative ones. Some entities have shown them warmth and love, healed them in certain ways. Others have played pranks on them for their own enjoyment, or simply shown them indifference. Why are these beings there at all? Presumably they're always around us, right? Even now? And some of them desire to hurt us? Why does God allow them to hang out here? Not to mention, what do they do with their time? Trips last a few minutes, which is all people have ever seen of them. What do they spend the rest of their days doing?
Also, as a Pantheist-Monist (Advaitist Platonist), can you tell me if I'm still allowed to believe in a Heavenly Father?
Can you explain more, please? I've heard ideas like that before, and I find them intriguing and also believable. That we're being "watched" or "tested", but not in the "gotta pick the right religion" kind of way. Where can I find this concept elaborated? After death, where do we go? Do we reincarnate at once, or do we continue our present existence on a different plane/dimension? Why are we being tested, though? Meaning, did we sign up for this beforehand? Or is it something we are put into against our will? I'm a Pantheist, but are you telling me there's also a capital-G God who oversees the show?
Best post here thanks.
ESP is a natural function of humanity. Psychedelics can bring it out so it’s more noticeable.
To be honest, what it seemed like to me was that someone close to Alex had read Gravity's Rainbow and just relayed their conspiracy theories about what was hidden in the subtext.
I noticed a lot of very heavy allusions which would generally make sense due to the subject matter, but the weird paranoid angle and some of the details he presented were heavily featured in the book
Demons are entirely malevolent beings who have utterly rejected God. For humans, they desire nothing but to bring us down into hell with them. Even though they are playing nice, showing warmth and love, they always have an ulterior motive which is to subtlety ruin the conscience of a person. If the "insight" gained from dealing with seemingly good entities causes you to commit even lesser(not murder or something) of mortal sins like masturbating or premarital sex, if you die unrepentant you are going to hell and they win.
Also, heres a section from the catechism about god allowing evil/demons to exist.
412 But why did God not prevent the first man from sinning? St. Leo the Great responds, "Christ's inexpressible grace gave us blessings better than those the demon's envy had taken away."307 And St. Thomas Aquinas wrote, "There is nothing to prevent human nature's being raised up to something greater, even after sin; God permits evil in order to draw forth some greater good. Thus St. Paul says, 'Where sin increased, grace abounded all the more'; and the Exsultet sings, 'O happy fault,. . . which gained for us so great a Redeemer!'"308
My pet theory about psychedelic entities being nice is that its a trick to get everyone on board with taking them, and then once its everywhere in society the whole vibe will change and they will start demanding human sacrifice. I don't think its a coincidence aztecs and mayans used psychedelics all the time and that they used them during human sacrifice rituals.
Also here is a thread about a Catholics view of psychedelics/demons. Its long but I thought it was interesting.
the entities are just your ego contemplating and reconciling the absurdity of your existence.
Nothing to do with Christian God, do the drugs and you might see this.
In that respect, I think you could argue that they are ill-intentioned, but really I don't think it's one or the other similar to the concept of reality and its relevance to that experience.
Also, I think that the reason you cant see Angels on psychedelic trips is that since taking reason impairing drugs is already a sin, angels are not going to show themselves to you for doing it. Demons want to breed more sin and readily attempt to "help/guide" you.
no, it's because it's scary.
If you do a bunch of ecstasy on DMT, you may very well see angels.
"All angels are devils" (to quote DFW).
naked lunch
the experience is the same but ya
Can't some be good and others bad? Not all of them automatically "demons" just for being a different class of creature? Just like some humans are bad and others good?
But what do they spend their normal time doing? And maybe they have no relation to that human sacrifice stuff. Many ancient cultures practised that. What ARE they, exactly?
Philip K. Richard
How do I meet an Angel? I'm very depressed in life and would like to meet such a holy being and receive assistance.
they're remnants of your lizard brain designed to help distinguish the conception of self and other
They're all around you. But there are also demons.
They're currently playing tug-of-war with your soul, hence your depression.
You just gotta lean one way or another.
Can I speak with an Angel, though? Be hugged and helped by one? If people can summon demons, can I not do the same with an Angel?
Just strike up a conversation with a local schizophrenic coward
people don't really summon demons moron.
It's schizophrenia or metaphor.
The only time you will meet either angels or demons in real life will be under the influence of hallucinogenic drugs, but because both angels and demons live in your soul and the experience itself is antithetical to normal "god-is-the-mod" living, you might find yourself more inclined to meet the demons.
The cultures that went above and beyond with human sacrifice all used psychedelics extensively.
I think that angels/demons are so different from us that we cant really know exactly what they do day to day. We know that angels carry out gods will and demons do the opposite. I imagine lots of plotting and attempting to enjoy the time they have left before being thrown into hell for the rest of eternity.
>'''Pizzagate''' was created by /pol/ to induce psychosis in gullible emotional boomers
Pizzagate arose from many, many disturbing images posted by James Alefantis (sp?) and his crew -- images and language that certainly "teased" pedophilia, beyond any reasonable doubt. And who "teases" about that subject?
Conform your will to Christ, and pray for signs to help you along. You probably wont get an angel but when things line up in weird ways you will take notice.
God made the demons too.
>The cultures that went above and beyond with human sacrifice all used psychedelics extensively.
This is because religious ceremonies in general are almost all linked to some sort of hallucinatory experience.
God made angels, who made themselves demons by rejecting God.
okay but that's fan-fiction.
or because demons that can be seen because of the drugs are pretending to be gods and demanding sacrifice. Stop being an atheist materialist nihilist.
I'm a materialist agnostic I think.
The drugs made them do lots of stuff. Sometimes angels would appear, sometimes devils.
If Angels carry out God's will, will one help me if I ask for it politely? I've read stories of angels helping people on earth, and the Bible speaks about angels pretending to be humans and visiting people. If demons are tempting people to hell, are angels presumably uplifting people here as their full-time job? What are the specific daily duties of angels, is my question.
How do I do this? Can I just mentally say "Christ I believe in you, please send me some spiritual assistance to help me in my life, be it an angel or something else?"
There are gazillions of angels and they do many different things. Do they even perceive time? They are so different from us that contemplating their inner life seems impossible. Can we understand the mind of an octopus? Angels are always attempting to help you, but you probably wont get a cool vision sorry. It seems to me that Marian Apparations are most common but I dont know the numbers.
I don't want a vision, I just want a benevolent higher power to help me through this darkness I'm in...if angels exist and live to help people, I'd really hope I could be one of their clients...
don't we all bud..
>Also, as a Pantheist-Monist (Advaitist Platonist), can you tell me if I'm still allowed to believe in a Heavenly Father?
Certainly, it's even explicitly stated in John 10:30.
and what do they say this existence is for?
>Renounce all unknowing, that ye may be worthy of the mysteries of the Light and be saved from the servitors of Yaldabaōth and the fire-seas.
Dumb Christfags have confused Djinn for demons.
Nick Land, but he is in favor of interdimensional beings hijacking us for their purposes
>Nick Land
2% this
98% no
How is it odd that a particular substance would induce a particular experience? That's literally what every single substance already does.
ur dumb
"Beyond a reasonable doubt" is a legal term and it doesn't cover any image you can provide. For an image to be paedophilic "beyond a reasonable doubt" it would have to involve penetration or actual lewd nudity. It's true a lot of people have been arrested (this was more common in before digital) for taking purely innocent photos of their own children naked but that was a sad case of moral hysteria run mad and just a sad example of Americas descent into a police state. Every image or text of a child can be read to "tease" paedophilia when you have a sick mind.
I'm currently reading The Game of Saturn by Peter Mark David. It is an analysis of the Sola-Busca tarot deck that was created in renaissance in Ferrara for the d'Este family. About halfway in and it has taken pretty serious turn. The idea is that there was an elite pagan cult within the court of Ferrara based on a philosophy of "fateful gnosticism" -- the idea is that they believed in the gnostic cosmology and the demiurge and all that, but instead of trying to transcend, they figured out a system of ritual magic that would allow them to keep reinicarnating into privileged families, thereby amassing great wealth and consolidating their power over many generations. Ferrara's power eventually declined but the idea I think is that these fatal gnostics moved on to England and eventually the new world
It's all very far-fetched, and the leaps of logic that he makes connecting this to the imagery in a tarot deck is too much. But it's interesting and fun to read
You know people roll their eyes at you when you say shit like this?
There's nothing more I hate than faggots who pretend to have some sort of revelatory, transcendent experience on drugs and then feel the need to proselytize their so-called enlightenment while simultaneously acting like the retards they've always been. If there's something transformative about these experiences it's entirely within the domain of conceptual thought, because never once have I seen these faggots go through tangible change in their behaviors and actions.
>You know people roll their eyes at you when you say shit like this?
right back at yah!
Thanks for that. OP here,, only decent reply here.
Damn what's it like having a low IQ and a lack of fundamental philosophical knowledge?
Absolutely this. Psychedelics aren't some grand experience. They can teach you about perspective but that is about it. Never done DMT but from hearing stories of other's trips they always seem to be inconclusive and vague like a dream state would be. Interested to try it.
Go ask God directly for help then.
Or maybe we can connect pretty blatant dots placed in front of us, like what I mentioned regarding PizzaBrain and Little Baby's Ice Cream being next door to eachother, alongside all the previous connections involving Alephantis and Comet Pizza as well.
So DMT entities are Djinn, and are okay? What do Djinn do?
Meaning we and the Heavenly Father are made of the same substance?
What dots? You just claimed there exists a paedophilia cult that uses Pizza as a front but can't provide anything as proof besides a post hoc theory based upon images. That's a very serious and extremely absurd charge. You can also connection the dots between your local Burger King and McDonalds and claim they're promoting Zoophilia using the same logic.
Edgy parents using their kids as props for their own ends isn't illegal and "sexualizing" children [spoiler real pedos don't need to see a thong or lewd dance to get off] is done by most parents, you have to pro-actively parent a child to make them asexual.
What do you make of this commercial?
Try hard edge trying to be avant garde. If you're interpreting it as a coded message to come in and commit Sadistic acts of rape on children you've been exposed to Pizzagate ad hoc. There's all kinds of real things you can find problematic, you don't need to indulge in make believe.
This is pretty much Nick Land + the plot to diablo
i drank two bottles of cough syrup and i met an angel
i really love alex jones after listening to this podcast
Owen is a good follow
this has nothing to do with what is being discussed
"The answer to 1984 is 1776."
That is such a kino quote. If I ever meet the guy, I want to ask how he came up with it.
i dont get it
Listening to this now, about 36 minutes in alex starts ripping into joe for knowing all the same things he does and articulating it better, but basically being a sell out lmao
At face value, it's a call to arms. The answer to the dystopia presented in Orwell's 1984 is revolution (1776).
But, there's so much more going on there. 1984 was a novel - it's complete fiction. It doesn't really exist. And his solution to this fantasy is a revolutionary war that was caused by excise taxes. So, the answer to a problem that is imagined is the abolition of taxes.
Both the surface level reading and the deeper analysis of the quote really distil Alex Jones' hours of ranting and raving into pure essence. It's so good.
>So, the answer to a problem that is imagined is the abolition of taxes.
I never thought of it that way, interesting.
>implying pure empiricism can produce meaningful metaphysical commentary on the level of Planck theorems
Most ignorant/brainlet reply of the thread. Read pic related NOW.
>meaningful metaphysical commentary
if unadulterated gibberish ever produces a factual statement it's a coincidence and doesn't justify the method
>the Judeo-Christian scriptures as absolute gospel
But they served as the model for the entirety of modern Western society, and as such, have proven to be easily corrupted and/or abused. For millennia, the individual was of minor worth thanks to the application of various edicts of scripture. They were compiled, edited, and subsequently interpreted by shuttered, secret institutions that have since been revealed to breed pedophilia and corruption. How could they possibly be the guiding marker for the current iteration of humanity?
You need to talk to a real person in a face-to-face interaction, dude. You are far too mired in intellectual constructs.
You sure that's all it is? Did you look at the address of its physical location? Which store is it beside? What do you make of that image of the little girl? Is that an appropriate shirt for an infant to wear?
Mind also telling me why /x/ mods delete any and all threads relating to global pedophilia rings, but keep all manners of make-believe threads ("I'm a vampire, AMA") up?
>space is fake
Holy, I used to think Joe and Alex were controlled opposition shills but if they mention the NASA conspiracy, not just the moon landing but the notion of space itself being a fabrication, they can't be. Absolutely based. I'm going to start following them from now on.
What are their most /gnostic/ episodes?
Holy shit Yea Forums I'm about two hours twenty minutes into this podcast and this is fucking kino.
Take a look at the elites. They clearly don't believe in good things, else they'd look the part.
>my childhood dog", but a weeding out a sorting and assessing of us, by the consiousness that has instilled some of its reflections into us.
So why would my childhood dog not make the cut?
>But they served as the model for the entirety of modern Western society
"This is my body" JC, also abortionists.
If it's "inappropriate" or not doesn't substantiate the thesis you're claiming. You can find all kinds of pictures of parents using their kids as props in much more questionably manners. Mods delete threads when you start trying doxxing real individuals which will bring on bad press and liability when schizoids eventually show up irl with guns.
So despite knowing with certainty that pedophilia is a favorite past-time of elite institutions (like the entire Christian church complex, to name an obvious one), despite all the hearsay of Hollywood producers being engaged in the same, despite Satanic ritual abuse (SRA) victims coming out and testifying of their experiences in a manner corresponding with the other facts we know of such as MKultra, despite the missing children statistics being beyond anything even believable for such a domain, despite everything else that one can discover through simple research - I should just shut my eyes to the perceived dots in front of me, instead of casually connecting them and forming my own theses? Do we have to catch these people in the act, or else be silent about it?
where the fuck did all these schizoids come from and why are they on Yea Forums. a lot of you need to get help
Around the 2hr20m mark this podcast is basically the plot of gravity's rainbow, completely unironically and not kidding
>So despite knowing with certainty that pedophilia is a favorite past-time of elite institutions
We don't "know" this, you want to believe this. Yes there are real cases of child abuse in all large institutions statistically speaking but the Catholic church or Hollywood are probably more clean really than most... more weird shit goes on where people aren't actually looking.
>despite Satanic ritual abuse (SRA) victims coming out and testifying of their experiences in a manner corresponding with the other facts we know of such as MKultra
There's no such thing as "Satanic Ritual Abuse", it's a pure urban myth. Do you take alien abduction victims seriously as well?
MKUltra was just a government brain control experiment (which all documents clearly demonstrate was a failure fyi) and it didn't involve sex or children just drugs.
And yes if you could actually produce a snuff film or something that would be nice but you can't. Sadists are surely real and every once and a while one and an other will team up and do some bad things but there's no real mass organized groups out there doing what you want to believe under comical "Satanist" cover. Sometimes people will "confess" but they never produce any real proof.
>There's no such thing as "Satanic Ritual Abuse", it's a pure urban myth
It's not "purely myth". It's a phenomena, for which we have no concrete evidence or perpetrators, yet still have countless individuals claiming to have been affected from. The case is not closed on the matter. Here is an image taken from Tomorrowland, an EDM festival. Why was that symbol being shown on screen?
What about this one?
I could show many more if I could attach more pictures. Like a marble statue of Dionysis hanging over an EDM stage. Why do modern, electronic music use such out-of-place and occultic imagery? I could ask this for Hollywood music videos, by all the famous American artists. Why does Ariana Grande's 2018 VMA performance have a Star of David behind her, same as on the flag of Israel or the dollar bill? m.youtube.com
Why does Beyonce have a 666 in the background of one of her videos?
Why do they flash that incredibly unnatural hand gesture involving a index-thumb circle around one eye, or simply covering one eye, which matches the dollar bill's symbolism perfectly? And why does the dollar have such symbolism on it?
So do we go into the white light at death or no? *thinkingemoji* A n*gga not tryna reincarnate on this hell of a plane, if you know what I mean.
>ctrl+f Dave McGowan
>0 Results
You're first link clearly states accused not that "Satanic Ritual Abuse" actually really occurred. The thing is Sadists do exist and you can find real cases involving Sadistic acts of abuse. You're second Washington Post link is paywalled but it seems to be about the "Finders" story that never panned out. There were literally thousands of such cases in the 1980s, Satanism was all over daytime TV and child abductions were just starting to get national attention and people really convinced themselves to believe in the narratives they were feed from the media. Everyone involved under closer scrutiny are seriously mentally ill or in it for the profit. Just look into the McMartin preschool trial where Chuck Norris was apparently in on the rape and the Franklin Scandal which Hunter S. Thompson was pinned in. Pure absurdity.
You're citing one of the fringe "scholars" who used a seriously flawed method to get his patients to admit to said "abuse". Alien abductions are also a "phenomena" but people being raped by ETs aren't taken as seriously as children being touched by witches for some reason.
People still defending these sorts of cases nowadays claim that sexual abuse really did occur but the Satanism part was just given undue emphasis e.g. The Witch Hunt Narrative by Ross Cheit which is also equally flawed: ncrj.org
I don't know if you're trolling but that symbolism is associated with edgy teenagers, they've been into pentagrams for a long time.
Over the past 6 years he’s adopted a lot of the ideas presented in the books by Drunvalo Melchizedek and David Icke and Zachariah Stichin. I’m not sure if AJ even realizes this. It could be that as he ages he’s come to similar conclusions about the occult that those authors wrote about. Honestly the recent JRE was so disorganized and far-reaching into the occult that it was bothering me. By then again AJ doesn’t usually give his perspective on the occult. I preferred it when he talked about FEMA camps and vaccine conspiracies like in 2008.
Good book recommendations
Yeah it just so happens that hunter thompson was pinned in those "outrageous" allegations that didn't exist according to you a few minutes ago, and he just so happened to write about satanists chopping people up for pineal glands and selling adrenochrome in fear and loathing, and to write about organized gangs of perverts snatching kids and trading them as sex toys in an essay captured in Hey Rube
Not him, but pineal glands? Are they after spiritual abilities, or something? I've heard about the CIA recruiting psychics and stuff, is that possibly related?
this fucking IDIOT!
Yes. Every celebrity and legendary rockstar is and was unironically a satanist. All of this is connected together between MKULTRA and hollywood/pedowood and the rock and roll movement. The satanism is very honest. Every band. Its just so like cringe to notice, who even cares about anything. Who was vito paulekas? Why did charlie manson's underage drug whores kill movie stars?
So if there is some deeper truth to DMT, why do all the testomonies of being high I read about are all so inconsistent?
Light tunnel, cities in space, submarine cities, clowns, elves, the list goes on.
I understand the individuals have a "more real than reality" feeling, but surely given the variety of accounts, we can assume it's just the brain generating bullshit at random?
fucking idiot.
Manson's underage whores killed because he was "connected" and seemed like a religious figure.
Not all celebrities are "satanists", it's just a metaphor. If you can't understand this, youre a retard.
because it's an elaborate form of confusion that strips you to your most basic senses of self.
It's deep and reductive at the same time.
Nobody really knows, but The Spirit Molecule is a good book. Its the only clinical trial of DMT. I assume the documentary of the same name is terrible.
>Not all celebrities are "satanists", it's just a metaphor.
;^) merely a prank
I know celebrities personally.
Most of them are just dumb, lucky people.
>I know celebrities personally
This isn't Yea Forums or crazydaysandnights. Either tell me how infinity war ends so I can make shitpost about companies making slightly less gorillions of dollars for propaganda or fuck off
I know people whose hollywood reputation would shit on the whole MCU.
It's just about money, stupid.
The batshit ramblings in this thread =? Philosophically coherent metaphysical statements, my man, and if you think so (as you clearly seem to), you are having a violent autistic reaction to these schizoid allergens. Take some Benadryl, put your Hume back into the "Outdated but Historically Relevant" section of your bookshelf, and get 8-10 hours of sleep
>I know people whose hollywood reputation would shit on the whole MCU.
So either you're lying like most people will assume, or we have some hyper-connnected jew here on 4channel denying satanism and MKULTRA in hollywood in between posting BLACKED threads. Fascinating stuff.
what's entirely interesting to me is that not a single person I've ever met that has tried DMT tries to blame it on anything except something "different", even the most skeptical and cerebral people I know who would normally chalk everything up to neuroscientific functions of the brain. they don't all say it's interdimensional aliens or god, but everyone agrees unanimously that it's not something you experience under any other conditions. it's not just a high, and there's really no way to explain it unless you experience it yourself because there is no current literature or science that explains it, just what causes it.
Why do unconnected people report on the elves?
If it were random, why does that come up time and time again.
The logical argument of it being subconsciously influenced by others seems plausibly at first but then what about people who have taken it once, never heard of the elves and then experienced it?
I'm drunk, but yeah I'm hyper-connected in some respect, not a jew though.
Youre a retard if you believe MKultra is the elaborate conspiracy you think it was. It was an experiment that didn't pay off.
Satanism is your life in general.
It's just life through a new lense. It's absurd. wow, new stuff...
I've said it before and I will say it again:
Its probably because it's a neurotransmitter. I've smoked it a few dozen times and done ayahuasca. It just feels more "natural" than another drug. Freshly picked mushrooms in excess of 40 grams is close but they are debilitatingly heavy
>t. occultist
It's not just "life through a new lense" (it's lens by the way), you ignorant faggot. Ask me how I know you've never taken it.
I know exactly how DMT affects a person's brain. I've explained it already in this thread yesterday or the day before. I know more about neuroscience than you do, I promise you any amount of money. The effect is unexplained in science, and if you actually knew what it was you'd be rich and famous for your discovery. Go read an article about it. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Why elves, why mechanical elves?
Reptiles shouldn't have any understanding or thoughts on that.
sure, i believe in God.
In my opinion, that's about as occult as you can really get.
I've done it tons of times retard.
The brain is complex and misunderstood.
Ultimately, every state of existence is a state of confusion, this one is just new is all.
Lizard brain is a term designated for the pre-mammal functions.
All animals have this concept of self and other in some form or another.
What's jahbulon? Why do so many famous people have JB and MM initials?
who can say. im not the guy you quoted but ive never seen them after dozens and dozens of times. my idea is that some people read too many trip reports and go into the experience wanting/expecting to see them. i have seen other, well im not even sure to how to describe them, "entities" but they never looked like elves to me. one of them had a face that looked more like a dragon with a mixture of aku aku from the crash bandicoot vidya. sorry for the goofy example but its the only thing i could think of.
they're just little people, unknowable as anyone, who behave in pre-programmed forms (like anyone else).
It's your brain's confusion over basic functions.
No one has this, youre just a confirmation biased retard.
>I've done it tons of times retard.
Lying through your teeth and everyone who's done it knows you are too.
>Ultimately, every state of existence is a state of confusion, this one is just new is all.
That's the point you gigantic fucking moron. We don't know anything about "this state of existence", hence why people are speculating on it and what it entails. What the fuck is the point of your post? Did it make you feel smart for pointing this out? This is the last reply you're getting from me because you clearly have no interest in having a discussion but rather want to inflate your ego by chiming in with the adults. Go sit at your table like the child you are
I think youre mad that you're more afraid of your spiritual experience than i am.
I know that everything is an illusion already.
It's just absurd is all.
Get over it.
>no one has this
Robert Anton Wilson
Phillip K Dick
Gnostic texts
give me a list, retard.
I've met no one ever that has.
> my idea is that some people read too many trip reports and go into the experience wanting/expecting to see them.
I think I'd be fine with that idea and have argued it before, except of the fact that some have experienced it independently of hearing about them and tried to explain it after the event.
>face that looked more like a dragon with a mixture of aku aku from the crash bandicoot vidya.
What race/culture are you? I mean no offence by this but would culture play a part in what you perceive?
Fuck off.
"purely innocent photos"
Go fuck yourself, Shareblue cunt.
American Christianity is awful for the most part. One of the biggest aspects is that it's a personal relationship with God. You can go to church or a study group if you want but it's not needed.
This thread is really neat lads
I'm really confused at what's being discussed in this thread. It's weird having this thread talking about metaphysical demons next to another thread on Dawkins but that's just Yea Forums I guess.
Goddamn what needlessly toxic and uninformed people. Shocker
They're not necessarily wrong, but they might be over confident.
It's a mix of the two.
Anyone who believes it's entirely spiritual is right but still biased and maybe misunderstands the concept of spirituality.
I still don't understand it the second time.
It's really not your run-of-the-mill Yea Forums thread, I'll admit that.
How do I have a personal relationship with God? I've tried to in past and it always felt unnatural for me, like I was LARPing. I can't detect whether any God is listening to me or not, and responding. I just hear the echoes of my own thoughts. I believe in the God of Advaita or Plotinus, but Theism is difficult for me to follow through on. How do I do it? Just call out to the Heavenly Father, and sincerely ask for assistance?
basically your brain is a computer, drugs like this force you to recreate yourself out of desperation/confusion, it can be be profound but at the same time you must recognize that it's not "magical" per se, or at least any more magical than reality in general.
it's the same shit through a new lens.
it's like being a newborn briefly again.
Thanks user
I've talked with a Christian who thinks the pineal gland is the key to other dimensions (with angels and demons there), and that drugs like DMT send your gland into overdrive.
I find this ridiculous.
Thoughts on this?
we covered this pleb.
read the thread.
he's a fearful moron.
Oh. Mine was actually on another imageboard entirely. My mistake.
I want to believe Anno put the entire truth within evangelion. Its unfortunate so many people watch eva and don’t grasp any of it
How do you think he learnt of it? Do you think many big media creators are "in the know", somehow? Be it in TV, film, video games, and otherwise?
Haven't seen NGE yet, but saw this video yesterday and am obsessed with it. I love Shinji, from the outside. He seems so boyish, and innocent. I wish I could be like that. I wish that a dominant girl would kiss me like how that girl at 0:21 did to him.
loil this fuckign post is so cringey wtf
pls no bulli
And what do you consider that truth to be? Asking sincerely.
great addition to this thread
this is pathetic
confirmed redditors
You’re in for a rough time if you watch eva
That all humans suffer because we treat each other badly. God gave us greater power than evil spiritual forces through free will, hence why Gendo crucifies Lilith, claims that “science is mankind’s superpower”, and creates a dysfunctional being trying to be human with limited free will (Rei). Rei is a mere tool for both Gendo and Shinji because she’s sourced from Lilith, who contrasts with Adam, who in the Gnostic myth is the same as Christ. Humans are descended both from Lilith and Adam/Christ/God, meaning that we have both the capacity to attain divine free-will or to be controlled by the attempt to escape suffering. SEELE are mystics who representative of the elite in our world because they abuse evil spiritual forces in the attempt to overcome God by forcing an evolution of humanity into a collective being, ending suffering by dissolving the psychological egos that breed suffering between individuals. All of the characters practice this exact same evil by either refusing to embrace individualism or by escaping their suffering. Shinji expresses multiple times stuff like “if nobody needs me, everyone should just die” and exacts SEELE’s exact same plan for the collectivization of humanity. However, Rei loves Shinji because he doesn’t escape his suffering. He makes a misguided attempt to become happy by inspiring nurturing from others (why he’s hung up over the loss of his mother) by piloting the eva. When he finds that the people around him continue to treat him poorly in spite of him risking his life for them, he becomes misanthropic. Rei still sees him as being more divine than the other people who escape, like Misato, who is an alcoholic, Asuka who focuses on lofty accomplishments, and so forth. She connects suffering with the divine, which she acknowledges is superior to her (hence why she expresses that she wants to suffer in episode 25), and she helps Shinji to reach enlightenment by guiding him as he peer inwards to discover the Self. Shinji learns that his insecurity is a result of his unwillingness to endure the pain that humans inflict on each other, granting him only a vague identity to align himself with. This is because we realize our God-given purpose/identity from seeing how we contrast with other individuals. Episode 26 makes the analogy that being in a world without anything other than yourself is like being a formless shape, and the more divisions you experience, the more you realize your fixed shape.
p-pls no bulli...
>Your brain is a computer
Goddamn, it took me way too long to reject the bait
y are u guys being so mean to me
Shinji then becomes Christlike, literally holding onto Misato’s blood stained cross as he restores the material world and embraces suffering. Meanwhile, Kaji, who represents an unenlightened direction for Shinji, dies because he focused his efforts on discovering the conspiracy behind Gendo and SEELE as opposed to making the effort to understand himself. Gendo illustrates a similar point as SEELE, but more directly connected to Shinji.
Essentially, metaphysical evil is very weak in comparison to humans and becomes dangerous by the elites who abuse the spiritual. The elite are driven by the exact same experiences we all share of suffering at the hands of other people and show what we’re individually capable of if we don’t bear the cross. If we bear the cross, then we’re able to endure the suffering we inflict on each other to make the effort to understand each other. In understanding each other, we see our differences, allowing us to better understand ourselves and discover our God-given purpose. NGE seems to be centered around a Christian teaching for its viewers to find enlightenment by embracing suffering in a contemporary setting, which is why it’s called “The Gospel of a New Century”. It affirms to its viewers that its possible to overcome evil because its brought upon by unenlightenment
I'm not asking for it to be spoiled bro...sorry but I can't read this, I read the first part. I just wanted the summary of what real-world truths it displayed, not a plot summary of the show itself
Man, you dummy, you can't understand the themes of the show without an understanding of the plot
Have you seen The Holy Mountain, by any chance? Seems like the right kind of film for someone with your mind
To answer your question in spite of your degeneracy, I think Anno was just aware of conspiracies. Japan is pretty anti Semitic and SEELE, the antagonists, are Jewish. The series also involves stuff that Alex Jones talks about, like the elite intending to trap human souls, the elite wanting to make a hive mind consciousness out of humanity, secrets being in Antarctica, etc. Anno also expressed a frustration with the media industry even before NGE. Paraphrasing him, “our sole purpose as artists is to allow people to escape the problems they need to address” (I believe this is from a thing he wrote for Studio Ghibli/Miyazaki, it should be on the Gwern page for Eva). He’s either bullshitting about his lack of knowledge of Christianity or just happened to come to these exact same understandings through his own experience. He’s definitely versed in Gnostic myth, given the Gnostic allusions in Eva. Either way, it’s interesting to research the events that took place in Japan at the time of Eva, with the rise of hikkikomori, economic depression making youth unable to work, the rise of religious cults that wanted to kill all of their opponents, etc
Nope, but you’re not the first person to recommend it to me, so I’ll watch it soon. I’ve just been focusing on Eva thanks to a personal project involving it. I got into some of the kino arthouse classics 2 years ago and started studying cinematography. Then I rewatched Eva a year ago and felt that I actually understood it
Interesting. But why did you have to call me degenerate... :(
It was just funny that what you said was in direct opposition to Eva’s themes. No need to worry, if you screencap my posts and then reference them or find a particular video on YouTube that should be out in a month after finishing Eva, then you will be the only person to immediately grasp and apply Eva’s themes
Well, I have to say this has been one of the most enlightening threads I've seen on this board. What percentage of you have undiagnosed schizoid tendencies, and what percentage are on the autism spectrum—these questions seem to have really come to the forefront of the discussion. Good stuff
Thanks, I'll save them in my notes. And am I okay then? Not a degenerate? All I said was that I want to be as boyish and innocent as Shinji seems, and for a girl to love me like that purple-haired one did for him. Is that degenerate, or am I okay? A lot of you seemingly insulted me for that...
Did they? Most theorists who work on these topics would not agree. First of all, to say Judeo-Christian is strangely evangelical/atheistic. In the gospel of John the word Jew comes to mean he who rejects Jesus. How can there be a shared value? Jesus did not iterate any laws for THIS WORLD. Totally juxtaposes Christianity with Judaism and Islam. The law is within for the Christian, not external with specific punishments and stipulations. Outside of that, was the ‘black venetian’ nobility devout Christian? Is the Rome of today Christian? Most people did not even have the ability to read or to access these scriptures in the history of Christendom. You acknowledged this. So why conflate those who profess to be Christians with Jesus Christ? Some believe that the elite maintain a line from Nimrod at Babel which was passed through those mystery religions/schools into the current era, contact with beings outside of this dimension, etc. I suppose you point is that Christianity leads to a weakening and modernity? All of human history has lead to this point so you have chosen Christianity without good reason. I suppose this depends on what you expect Christianity to accomplish in this world.
I’m not sure. It may be a trick to get you to reincarnate into this lower level. Then again that entire idea may be a gnostic heresy also designed to trick you. Only way to know is to try.
Anno understands to a point, despite him saying all Christian imagery is aesthetic only. I think he did care more about the personal psychology due his own struggles than these themes. Early manga that inspired him, like devil man steered him in the right direction. Where does art come from? To a materialist, the neurons in the artist’s brain. At least the post-modernists sort of understood a ‘death of the author’ but they did not tie it to a world affirming authority that existed outside of the author.
If you read Deleuze on cinema, books are pretty impenetrable unless you know the scenes he’s referencing for each point, you can find a lot in EoE. Like, when deleuze discusses Artaud and ‘the mummy’, the brief visual of Asuka’s mother comes to mind. It’s like literal renditions of the theory. The entire Kumm Susser Tod sequence is like a Hollywood musical number (the kind Singin’ in the Rain calls back to mind). Keele as a trans humanist wandering Jew archetype is also very interesting.
read Frankfurt’s essay on his structure of the will and concept of persons and you will find that eantin beings such as animals could never be classified persons and would be not fit to be assessed after any trial.
this is projection.
How does that even happen ?
Yeah, because you druggies are fucking paragons of virtue. In this thread alone you have people calling each other retards and being extremely argumentative. It's always the same shit; don't you see the irony in claiming profundity while arguing with people on an imageboard?
You better get baptized tho.
My dad works at Nintendo and everyone there is a Satanist
Man I don’t want to sound overly patronizing since I thought you were just joking at first, and even then it’s nothing major. Yea Forums isn’t to be taken entirely seriously
But basically(not spoilers)
>shinji believes he’s innocent but actually isn’t, his actions actively harm other people
>Misato (purple haired woman) is a borderline pedophile who also actively harm Shinji
Yeah, I only discussed the stuff that I felt was relevant to the topic and left out the psychoanalytical stuff. I never understood the obsession with Anno saying that the Christian aspects were an aesthetic choice because all symbols are representations of archetypes. Anno could have chosen other symbols to represent his themes and would still have the same overall message, which is semi-Gnostic Christian backed by psychoanalytical ideas.
What do you think Anno is missing? Are you implying that he failed to grasp the significance of his own work?What do you recommend that I read from Deleuze?
Philosophy is meant to discover logical truth. If it’s successful, than it can be applied to anything
Until you can take 'the leap' then it'll feel quite strange. Don't pray to something blindly, but study and learn about what Jesus Christ's message was truly about. If you fall in love then you'll gain that connection; if you don't then it's not really your fault.
Is this /pol/ or Yea Forums?
fuck off reddit
oh okay sorry bro. i just thought he looked really sweet and innocent from that video, and that purple haired girl was kissing him because she found him so cute and shy and she was herself into innocent boys. i just wish i could have his outward boyish appearance at least
Podesta brother detected.
Think about it this way, if the unchanging One of Advaita/NeoPlatonism is capable of emanating/creating this vast illusionary universe, than by comparision also creating a deity as a lesser aspect or form of itself to "subcontract" out some of the functions like creation and sustaining is really nothing, or rather it's less far-fetched and spectacular than the act of giving rise to the universe itself. And if this One did create these deities, it was for a reason, that they can act as intermediaries between us (at our present stage of understanding) and the One, and as guardians and guides on the path to it.
On the right path brother. Humans live on different dimensions in their mind. The more ascended (most of them at least) are disgusted by what they see around us.
The destiny of the Aryan is to Ascend to God, and bring down heaven to this world.
We are at war. Survive. Thrive. Have children be armed be fed and decentralize. Knowledge and power. Then pray and overcome. Triomf des willens.
Good luck out there, and remember:
Obviously we are completing the system of German Idealism here. Do you mind?
Hey, it looks like you posted on the wrong board by accident
Philosophy, religion and metaphysics are inherintly related to literature. Try reading your gospels Bucko.
We are at war. On every front. (With you?)
If you dont see this im ironically going to advice you to read more.
>Philosophy, religion and metaphysics are inherintly related to literature. Try reading your gospels Bucko.
Right back atcha
Cinema 1, the movement image of you’ve seen a lot of movies.
I don’t know that Anno believes in his own work, except as a way to vent personal frustrations, failures, and triumphs. For him it’s more therapy than exegesis. It’s like the story of PKD realizing that an episode from his writing was nearly ‘identical’ to a biblical episode and again nearly identical to an episode he experienced first hand at a gas station later. It could simply be coincidence but in Anno’s case there is an overwhelming amount of symbols so it’s hard to believe he doesn’t know what he’s doing but at the same time I don’t think he is a Christian, a gnostic, a believer in Jesus at all. Wherever the creativity came from, it spoke the truth through him.
what is this abomination?
Do you mean "Triumph"? and "Willens" will be capitalized
It is "Gott", no "ö", that only comes when you are talking about multiple Gods as in "Götter".
This guy is clearly a retard but shouldn't there be some thought done as to how we will work torwards achieving higher dimensions, if we agree on their existence?
Isn't a simple idea of surviving for as long as we can and slowly increase the world living standard is a trivial act if it has no purpose to it as an end?
This slow progress, while not drastically volatile does have a higher possibility of simply not reaching this final Goal of ascending human kind, as one can only find what one searches for, before it collapses again, while a radical approach that puts all its efforts into this achievement might reach the goals we can't even yet dream of in a perhaps only generation or two?
I believe it is safe to say that the idea of one race being necessary to achieve this goal is banal but rather the incredible, as we have today, sharing of scientia by potent groups is equally effective, even possibly superior by helping compensatie in areas where one or other groups might lack because of language limitations, traditional way of thinking that prohibits certain logos theories, etc.
If it is only the elite in backdoors trying to achieve this, continously being corrupted by themselves and thier lack of method and the incompetence of workers not being truly devoted or involved in the idea of the goal, they will never achieve it, but a multitude of nations who base their cohesion and peace intra and inter as necessary for a "united" effort torwards greatness, in a beyond materialistic or hatful imperious sense, will be far more likely succesfull (even if it is done similarly to the Manhatten project).
Modern theories require modern solutions.
That's a neat way to look at it. Thank you fren. The notion of Deity as being a subordinate aspect contained by something which is beyond such things is very interesting, and believable.
pls just stop
David Icke, Alex Jones etc. are spiritually right about the ruling class, they might not be aliens or vampires etc. despite what Icke says but they are pedos who build class solidarity through harming children. Look up the Dutroux Affair.
nice bait faggot
pls stop bullying me
so they're not controlledop? what do we do to expel these devils from our societies?
They might be controlled op or be controlled op but unaware of it (our societies have perfected this, for example in the 50-60s the CIA was promoting modern art via Communist artists who didn't know who their patrons were). But they're spiritually right, so who cares. I have no idea what you can do about entrenched networks of evil though
what's the point of knowing about them if we can't stop them, bro?
Don't you see the irony in claiming a complete lack of profundity while basing your opinions on arguments on an imageboard?
The Chan =? RL
Alex Jones and Infowars is an FBI COINTELPRO operation and this is known. Alex Jones lost most of his original listeners when he started supporting Trump. It costs them too much money financing his fake support. Alex Jones became too ineffective and too expensive to keep on so they "banned" him. His videos had tens of thousands of views and hundreds of commenters and often more. Alex Jones started losing his followers so they had to finance paid commenters and pay for views to maintain the perception he was still relevant. Infowars has been using Stratfor global intelligence to track people who turned away from him and who don't support Trump. They have been targeting and even murdering people who don't support Trump. Their agenda is if you are against corruption, NWO, etc, you must also support Trump.
And Joe Rogan leads the CIA. Look for a bald head once Maduro falls. It's the international sign for Joe Rogan.
The first person to analytically nd scientifically prove aepects of the interdimensional mechanical elves will be the next greatest philosopher.
what level of woke is this
Oh user, how is the 20th century atm???
This is your brain on /pol/
i'm not even slightly /pol/, i have love for everyone
I agree with the thrust of what you’ve said, although eva isn’t thereupetic for him. Even working on the rebuilds drives him close to suicide. He hasn’t finished 3.0 + 1.0 because each of the movies drove him closer to suicide and he said “Thanks to my wife and friends, I was able to remain in this world”, when explaining why he decided to make shin Godzilla instead of the next eva film. There are more quotes on Gwern’s source anthology from 2012 to the present where he describes his eva-induced depression, one of them being that he wasn’t even able to approach his studio after 3.33 until he started working on 3.0+1.0. In regards to the original series, there’s that program of him teaching kids where he says that he dislikes all of the parts of eva “where I see myself” (AKA all of eva).
On second thought, there are references from his staff saying stuff like how he was proud of every single creative decision he made in the series up until the very end, when he finished episode 25 and 26 he apparently watched the final versions and then said that he had failed. Afterwards, he started defending the show’s ending as the “true ending” and EoE as being extraneous. How he feels about eva at any given moment probably is a reflection of how he thinks of himself at that moment, but I think he has an “us vs them” mentality now. His genuine artistic decisions are either misunderstood or hated by the mainstream, so he goes back and forth from fanservice to kino depending on how confident he is
Imagine being this fucking dumb on the highest iq Yea Forums board
Look into The Finders, Boystown, the number of children that go missing every year, Catholic Church scandal, Crazy days and Nights. There are too many examples of abuse in entertainment (see Bob Villard, Brian Peck, Corey Haim, that top of the pops guy). I can tell you know almost nothing and get off on being a skeptic because skepticism passes for intellect at current. One (yike) to you.
The Finders are back in business by the way, according to a set of decoded tweets and Spiderman youtube vids which /x/ anons found. Genuinely terrifying stuff, honestly, I can't even pursue it because I don't have the stomach for this stuff
Guys? Answers pls?
Can you source the Kevin Furnas statement pls? I can't find it, but if true, then that's a major point about these entities. Some of them, at least.
Correction, you KNOW things but you’re even dumber than I thought. I’m under the impression you just feel like playing devils advocate today. First of all, your “beyond a reasonable doubt” criteria is extraneous. The court of law and its standards do not apply here. Legality and morality are not the same. The court can easily fail to deliver justice to the accused (in cases of both wrongly and rightly accused). Why would we opt to use that? OJ walked.
>more weird shit goes one where people aren’t actually looking
For you to simultaneously believe this and spew all the rest of the shit you’re saying is absurd. Hollywood and the church are clearly fucked and if you believe there is far weirder stuff going on then you haven’t got ground to stand on, much less a leg.
What do you mean by “metaphor”? Do you know who Kenneth Anger is?
The point in knowing is this: God is real, he forewarned us about these people and their lies. It sounds like you haven’t accepted this.
I hope REI enters this thread to provide us with some of his hot takes about Demons being made of plasma and the DMT experience being equivalent with the Islamic Barzakh
found this rly fascinating. what do you guys think? are they really demons? spreading moral relativism? bc i've also seen vids online by psychonauts who espoused these claims, saying they "learnt" from the beings that "everything is subjective" and similar.
Diablo the videogame?
Even if God is real, what are WE supposed to do? God is clearly not acting, at least not yet. We humans are here. How do we stop these monsters, who live in our societies?
>What do you mean by “metaphor”? Do you know who Kenneth Anger is?
I've known about Kenneth Anger since i was 14 years old.
That shit is proto-hipster to me, he's a quirky queer, of course it's metaphor, and you're only proving my point.
Wow, you’re cool! Since you were 14? You just got major cred here at Yea Forums what’s your @???
>to me
Yikes. Even the way you type shows a certain aloof vanity.
What does a non-metaphorical Satanist look like? And what about this type is metaphorical?
You miss the point: if Kenneth Anger is your main satanist-artist idol, then you are literally on the mental level of a teenager, or college art-whore.
There are no non-metaphorical satanists. It's all metaphor in the first place.
>yeah they're all satanists but its like a metaphor and a joke nevermind that its literally cliche, cringe and just strange
give it a rest dude
I think I quoted the wrong person but whatever who's making the next interdimensional pedophile vampire literature thread when this bump limits
That is a very good question. I would like to save this world also but...
there is a god down here and it is not who we need it to be...
there are people who would prefer to be a part of this world, the way it is, than anything else...
The Count of Monte Cristo said all of human knowledge is contained in the words wait and hope
Do what you can to make the world better in the meantime
you meant to quote this i assume:
There is no such thing as a satanist.
It's just a shitty selfish person with weird intellectual fetishes.
This conspiracy garbage is such bullshit. Aim higher.
>Look into The Finders, Boystown, the number of children that go missing every year, Catholic Church scandal, Crazy days and Nights. There are too many examples of abuse in entertainment (see Bob Villard, Brian Peck, Corey Haim, that top of the pops guy). I can tell you know almost nothing and get off on being a skeptic because skepticism passes for intellect at current. One (yike) to you.
Most children that go missing are just runaways. Paedophiles are real and Sadists are real (but even a smaller lot). "Satanic Ritual Abuse" is something very different from just individuals acting on problematic abnormal sexual drives... it's a claim involving organized cultic abduction (and even "breeding") of children to abuse for religious purposes. Sorry but "The Finders" never even panned out. Most real abuse occurs within families but it's not as spooky so schizoids don't care.
>The Finders are back in business by the way, according to a set of decoded tweets and Spiderman youtube vids which /x/ anons found. Genuinely terrifying stuff, honestly, I can't even pursue it because I don't have the stomach for this stuff
kek, take you're pills
>Correction, you KNOW things but you’re even dumber than I thought. I’m under the impression you just feel like playing devils advocate today. First of all, your “beyond a reasonable doubt” criteria is extraneous. The court of law and its standards do not apply here. Legality and morality are not the same. The court can easily fail to deliver justice to the accused (in cases of both wrongly and rightly accused). Why would we opt to use that? OJ walked.
Anglo-Saxon legal standards are very much worth defending. Once and a while someone guilty might get off but it's better than harassing the innocent. Give even an inch and you'll slide into a dictatorship of lunatics making unflasifable claims and the public, who are morally driven, lynching everyone they don't like. You need a method of arriving at truth which you don't have.
What’s your mental level?
Kenneth Anger was strongly affiliated with the 60s art scene. In his case, it all relates to Crowley. I don’t think you understand what the word metaphor means. What is this a metaphor for?
>there is no such thing as *well understood word*
you have to stop
I do but little kids are being tortured and undergoing all kinds of unthinkable horrors...we can't just not do anything...
It's a metaphor the same way Crowley used it.
They're just shitty people.
They aren't and weren't talking to or communing with anyone or thing.
What's your mental level where you can't conceive this exactly?
It's well understood as a fucking scare-tactic buzzword to sell shit to teenage retards and 80s soccer moms you fuckign retard.
>we can't just not do anything...
Agreed, we should start by not using double negatives.
Here's the Spider-Man channel. Watch and see for yourself. Other anons, check this out. Be warned, it's tremendously creepy. I personally can't watch them. But if you have the capacity to, do so. It's MKUltra to the core.
lmao leave the thread retard. You're not introducing some revolutionary concept to a 300 post thread about the king of tinfoil on a website with /x/ by parroting
>oh these people who fuck each other up the ass with all this strange symbolism assure everyone that the devil is a promethean metaphor!
You think you're so clever but you're just a retard
They believed they were communicating with non-human entities. Or do you know the inner workings of Crowley’s mind well enough to conclude it was all for the sake of tricking people into listening to him?
the topic at hand makes your corrections of my grammar seem extremely tasteless and repulsive
no, you're literally just a moron.
stop larping faggot.
Because they were stupid, naive and it was the 60s, faggot.
Hmmm...someone who has never posted on Yea Forums before?
Crowley was not doing it in the 60s. How do you know you’re not the stupid and naive one?
it's a new reddit thing that zoomers do to deny (you)s (zoomers are extremely vain and need likes and that sort of shit, they dont realize that replies serve a purpose)
You’re not wrong but please remember it is a spiritual war.
I'm not a crowley fan but he's definitely a dumb faggot.
I'm not going to argue with someone who probably has never even done DMT, and yet has the gall and desire to fall for/believe in shit like this due to his own retardation
the same place he reads about them
"a good source" ;)
Nope, been here for years
What are you even fucking talking about?
Not using double negatives makes the message you are trying to send non-vague and confusing. The use of double negatives is extremely annoying and only serves to obfuscate the issue at hand.
and my point about the DMT is that, I don't believe in the DMT demons/angels/whatever. It's all just your brain desperately clinging on to conceptions of self/other.
That is the only time I would ever say I could possibly believe in the mystical shit, and even then I can reach a comfortable level of cognitive disonance where it's really just as absurd as anything else, thorugh a new lens
Then why are you?
>youtube videos
>satan apologist claiming to know hollywood celebrities tells user to stop larping for telling him that repeating basic laveyan luciferianism le reddit and memey IF THERES A GOD ITS YOU DUDE LMAO isn't insightful in any way
I'm not.
Yes. Unfortunately i was not lying.
I didn't say it was particularly insightful, I'm just emphasizing that I'm not as dumb as you.
>look at these WeIRd random youtube videos, this totally proves the FBI/CIA (filled with the most right-wing moral zealots anywhere in government) is protecting a transnational child abduction scheme under the tutelage of Satan
MKUltra was related to DRUGS not images/texts/sounds (well yes there was some experiments with white noise and stuff but that's not relevant here)... unless you're implying somehow psychical substances are magically being transmitting over the internet there's no reason to even mention that... you don't have to worry about your creepypasta
Hoss, you might not have realized this yet but we dgaf what you believe. You’re the moron who was looking for concrete evidence of evil with legal standards and now you expounding some personal belief you have about the human brain and dmt entities. Well, I suppose you can get away with that in your life as all you’re saying is the standard view which very few people would call you out on.
kek yeah dude all these rich people involved with the media just all decided they need to start having this weird imagery and making eye-roll inducing "jokes" about the devil and get into crowlet and kabbalah because its such an empowering metaphor! Shut the fuck up dude. You look like an idiot.
No, obviously you have a retarded brain of some sort, I realize you won't believe me.
I just want to keep kicking you for being born as pathetic as you are.
Enjoy always being unwanted and strange [a nice way of saying stupid].
they don't really even do that.
Only certain ones, who usually burn out fast who do it for aesthetic reasons.
looool you call me the idiot? and you believe in celebrity magic clubs??/ hhahaha
I watched the first episode and almost a minute of the second. Now my head feels weird.
>hahahaha, if I pretend cults don't exist that means that the actress from the super man show and a rothschild weren't arrested involved in a sex cult outside the capital city of New York literally last year hahahahaha
You look like an idiot dude
looool the actress from the superman show???
she was a dumb, desperate whore who burned out and turned to a retarded outsider narcissist.
>Sex cult = Magic club
no. Rich people just have a lot of access to a variety of whores. you wouldnt know.
god shows some evil people visions and gives them power to bait them towards being more evil, to make their inevitable redemption more painful. all imperfect people are kept in cells and are only capable of harming themselves and by harming themselves harming those who care about them.
they're basically stupid impotent children raging at their complete inability to affect anything other than the creation of their own solitary hell
wow your right hollywood wasn't arrested and burned to the ground in a spectacular event sanctioned by jesus himself I guess everything is normal now rothschild heiresses being mixed up in branding cults and sex trafficking is just one of those things you know
God bless.
>wow your right hollywood wasn't arrested and burned to the ground in a spectacular event sanctioned by jesus himself
you really are retarded...
> guess everything is normal now rothschild heiresses being mixed up in branding cults and sex trafficking is just one of those things you know
yes this is very normal.
Rich people and their children are often degenerates. We covered this.
all of these cults and rituals and texts that they participate in are pathetic delusions
MKUltra might have been the wrong term, but it's Mind Control for sure. That's what I meant.
Care to tell people here what it contained? It saves everyone time.
To all you f*king loosers itt:
everything rich and powerful ppl do is a metaphor unless it confirms with what I say is real. Fuckin wackos.
>yes this is very normal.
>Rich people and their children are often degenerates
ah yes and only METAPHORICAL satanists ;^) you stay lookin' mad stoopid my dude
>everything rich and powerful ppl do is MAGIC unless it confirms with what I say is real. Fuckin wackos.
who sounds more retarded?
this is what solipsism is, they prove themselves to be evil, incapable of interacting with others, and god leaves them to their solitary hell where they get to control things until they inevitably realize where they are and that they're being stupid, that god is their only companion in this place and he's just ignoring them while they play pretend
These retard threads always desperately want you to think theres more to machinations than monetary interest lol
who cares you fucking sperg, its power lies in its value as monetary unit
I still don't understand how you can follow this argument though logically unless you truly were retarded.
Everything we said is a metaphor for their metaphor. Now who looks dumb? Dumb dumb.
do you know what metaphor means?
The meta here is the root of all religious questions.
only a retard would blindly believe any words on a page imo. I believe what i've seen.
i've known powerful rich celebrities, one's you would assume for sure would be satanists if there ever were any.
They're not magic and are often sort of sad and pathetic in many respects.
In the first episode, Spiderman lures a woman to into an underground laboratory where she becomes a "human experiment," by telling her about some cool place. He repeatedly says that you can trust me, I'm a hero as the woman becomes nervous. Entering a subway station a homeless man comments to her that redheads are good at sex. The woman asks why Spiderman, the hero, lets the man talk to her that way. The "human experiment" consists of the woman taking her clothes off, entering some device, and becoming illuminated. The voices are heavily modified by some technique, so that Spiderman sounds like he's growling. In the next episode someone is on top of a building with some kind of scientific experiment explaining how different frequencies and signals were used to encode data into sound/radiation and affected someone's mind.
and it is inevitable that they will turn to the light, god will show them the horror of what and where they are eventually and they will see their stupid game for what it is and wake up
all that they're doing is acting like children, meanwhile, god and all of the good people who don't want to abandon them, just have to stand by and wait for these fools to look at themselves
they act like this because they're literally children who haven't yet figured out what beauty is and, in their envy towards their siblings who figured things out quicker and reaped the rewards of doing so, fetishize the grotesque and ugly and create false selves to hide from their wretched inadequacy and lack of love
Thanks. Don't watch anymore, bro. It's not worth the head-ache. I got that after just seconds of watching it, and didn't even finish a single episode. It sucks being someone into all this /x/ stuff but without the skin to actually pursue it properly. If you go to that channel, you'll see a location of a church mentioned. In Pelzer, USA. Wherever that is. It's the place where The Finders were originally active. On Google Maps, one finds an abandoned warehouse looking thing in that location. I think that that spot might be used or have been used as a place where they bring children and do the unspeakable acts to them.
and if they fail to see in a given lifetime, they are given oblivion and then another life appropriate to the state of their soul
the battle of good and evil is not a battle of the evil doing harm to the good or vice versa, it is a battle of the good trying to save the evil
is this an AI
Stop mixing up schizoids with schizophrenics
Where Is Alex getting his info from?
Some real heavy shit my boys
>Kelly Rebecca Nichols was born in Travis County of Texas in the United States on 2nd July 1968. She was born to Edmund Lowe Nichols and his wife Sandra Kay Nichols. Her parents are both Jewish