Do you buy books I'm starting to think that piratefags are right so many books are so expensive

Do you buy books I'm starting to think that piratefags are right so many books are so expensive.

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I buy books.

From Goodwill

Yea I buy books. They're beautiful objects.

I buy books I want to own.

I steal physical books

I’m black btw

I pirate books and only buy those I can't find for free online or in my library.

just rent them lol

From amazon.

From Walmart

I buy used books from ebay.


If the author is dead I "pirate," if the author is alive I just send them an email and get whatever book I want for free. If they're alive but don't respond to my emails, I get their book from the library or just read the summary on wikipedia.

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>email and get whatever book I want for free

>if the author is alive I just send them an email and get whatever book I want for free

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Going to assume it's like with journals where the publisher keeps most of the money anyway so they'd rather just give you an E version directly and be happy you read their book than risk you not read it at all because you won't pay.

I buy pop nonfiction and fiction ebooks for $3 on sale.

Why the fuck would you ever EVEEEEEEEEEEEEEER buy anything. Im a fucking neet, i only have 80 dollars on me. And i have never had a job in my life. But we live in this age, this amazing age. And i can learn about kant, and neizche, and schopenhaur, and read the greatest fiction books of all time, the classics. Its alllllll fucking freee dude.

Why the fuck are zoomers such fucking idiots. You dont need to pay for anything. Im basically a hobo aristocrat. I have no money but i have so much knowledge.

I buy books because I like to write in them and I can't read as quickly on my e-reader

I'm a neet too but I still buy books. Physical is comfy. Plus I get $500 from the government and only pay $300 in rent. thats $200 for books every month (i hardly buy that much in books but the point stands) lmao. how do you only have $80?

If pirating didn't ensure I got the book in the worst imaginable format, I'd give it a shot.

I have and job and buy all the books I want. They are cheap and arrive directly at my home.

this desu

what a great time to be alive

im broke as shit in the physical realm yet ive never felt more wealthy. damn life is good

I do get the advantages of physical copies but if you're gonna be a buyfag please read the books first, from your local library or online. Otherwise you are a wasteful scumbag and probably don't actually read

>Doesn't set anything aside for food

people really shouldn't be buying paperback books unless they really badly want it. The glue from the paperbacks is doomed it to dry up and fall apart one day.


Based and Redpilled



Just be careful you don't get caught. I decided that they are right to pirate books too.

Do pirates get sued?

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I get food stamps/ebt for that. $180 a month. checkmate.

Plus you can only have thirty at once user.

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>have a library of thousands of books
>haven't spent a penny

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everything up until 1924 is public domain and you can download them for free on Project Gutenberg
standard trade paperbacks are $10

it's pretty much the cheapest hobby you could ever have considering price and the time you get for it, music albums are also $10 but are usually 40-60 minutes, video games cost $60 on release, comic book volumes cost more than books and you need multiple volumes to read a whole series

What kind of shithole do you live in that rent is $300?

Anyway I do both but I don’t consume books that quickly DESU.

I only rent a room. It's a nice apartment though.

I pirate everything.

I think the "book love" that people like to demonstrate is for their own identity and materialist fetishistic.

Reasons not to own ebooks
>Kindle or computer will eventually die with all of your shit on it
>Reading on a screen fucks up your eyes
>The inevitable solar flare or civilizational collapse will render all technology useless and you will be stuck without books

Reasons to own books
>Books can last for many decades
>You're books are intact after an EMP
>In the case of a post apocalypse scenario, you can offer your services as a scribe to copy the classics that you own in exchange for food, water, and protection

w2c ebooks except libgen?

Well you’ve convinced me. Pirating it is.

I just use libgen and #bookz to double check. There are private trackers but idk if they're quality

don't e readers have soft light or something?

Soft lighting?

sorry i meant easier on the eyes since it's not lit up like a tablet

The cheapest way to get a good collection going is to find the secondhand book sales. They're cheaper than the secondhand stores, which aren't always cheap at all. Sometimes they even give away the unsold books at the end so they don't want to haul them back to storage.

The best sales will even have people lining up at the door for an hour before they open, because the resellers (and obsessives) want to grab all the rare books and the best bargains before the normies arrive. But the sort of books that people here buy (older stuff, literary classics, hardcover sets) aren't the moneymakers so they don't disappear too quickly. is good too

>buy books
>reading e-books
Cringe and cringe. Just go to the library, idiots.

I buy the books I like. I find out which ones I like by pirating them.

I just don't read

They have been. Personally I don't care if a book is pirated ...I mean look, the publishing companies keep the cost of books artificially high, the authors themselves don't get paid well. Usually they just sue those who started an illegal re-sharing file so don't reshare what u pirate. Most are listed offshore in 3rd world countries that are hard to sue anyway....I think that authors deserve to get paid and if they are not then it is the publishing company and not pirates to blame. I believe in the doctrine of free use which is why I can perhaps see someone who opens up an illegal file sharing service to get sued - they are publishers and not readers.. also make sure your anti-virus software is turned on...a lot of pirate sites are really honey traps for credit card scammers...

Mostly only people who distribute the copyrighted material. And then usually only when distributing in high quantity or something that was just recently released.

It's really a cost/benefit issue. There are just too many people pirating stuff from too many different websites and services. If you don't use torrenting or have an account on a pirating website that gets busted, then nobody could even know that you pirated something. So law enforcement only looks for the big fish and copy rights holders only sue someone they can actually prove to be guilty and to have created enough damage to be worth the effort.

This is my ideal endstate
Been working through Plato's complete works the last week and didn't spend a cent
Thanks guy who posted the link if you see this

>buying books
Unless it's some rare, forbidden tome with a limited release and nowhere to be found online there is no way to rationalize giving money for free. Unless e-readers are hard on your eyes.

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>physical book, 23$
>ebook, 19$
It annoys me that ebooks are so fucking expensive when you don't have to pay for the paper and manufacture, printing and shipping.

Just go to your library dude, most libraries will be happy to order a book in for you even if they don’t have it on their system. Also it means you’re still supporting a literary “industry” even if you’re not the one paying the publishers for the copy.


i used to work at a media store and saw people come in and just buy dvd's/bluerays just for the sake of it, most commonly on weekend nights, which i think is much worse than buying books.

pirate and if I like I buy it later

>neizche, schopenhaur
So when do you actually start reading them for the first time you lazy cunt?

Only consumeristic hobby i really have and I have the money anyway. Plus physical feels nice. I buy maybe like one a month.

Of course we are right!

>be me
>day b4 yesterday
>enter book shop
>pick up new book by our current president
inb4: no USA
>admittedly written by the guy and an "assistant"
>material quality is nice
>turn book
>20 euros (23 USD, me thinks)
Who on Earth is gonna pay that amount for that? Are they crazy? The book went out a week ago and I already got the pirate version!

I enjoy building my own personal library.

Not pirating books is a sin.
>imagine having access to most human knowledge and not making good use of it every day

Yeah they are expensie, but reading through a monitor gives me cancer.

Pirating is supposedly bad because creators and copy right holders lose out on fair re-compensation for their produced product.

So if you pirate something that you would not have otherwise bought, then there is no damage done and no profit lost.

Therefore there are many scenarios in which pirating must be morally right or at least morally neutral. One of these scenarios is you pirating a book that you could not have otherwise afforded. Actually you would be foolish not to pirate it.

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what do you do with them

Until publishers stop being faggots I won't give them my money.


Buy used.

Thriftbooks. Easy place to buy books cheap. Pretty good selection as well.

lmao try paying several editor, designers, marketing, translators etc and u will understand why books cost 20$ at release. There is a lot of risk taking involved. U might sign 15 authors and only one will actually make a profit.

Pirate everything if i'm able to. Only time i buy books physical is if i want a specific edition and can't get it in ebook format or just books that haven't been uploaded to the net in general. Some academic texts/obscure writers are hard to find which sucks because they're usually the most expensive too.

I spend $30 a month on books which is far more than enough to keep me supplied and isn't expensive at all

I'll pirate something if it is stupidly hard to find or overpriced for no good reason, but otherwise it's all purchased.

There are other issues though. In the UK for example books are exempt from VAT but this doesn't include ebooks so they are taxed at 20%

I do but im a gigantic poser. Aside from professional literature (physics, engineering) i mostly buy non-fictional books i want to include to in my library. I have several books of philosophy, psychology, economy and various historical books. I think lotr is the only fictional book on my shelf.

The joke is that ive maybe read half of them and these days mostly just listen to literal garbage audiobooks while exercising/doing chores


Oh and 2/3 are used and all audiobooks pirated


I mostly go to the library. It has a better selection than tpb