Books that would make me realise how being alive is a blessing?
Books that would make me realise how being alive is a blessing?
Jordan Peterson: Maps of Meaning (1999)
That eagle makes this image go from perfectly nice and interesting to fucking cringeworthy.
Oblomov, the original neet, learn from his mistakes.
12 Rules for Life
I mean if you can find a way to fuck a greedy corporation out of millions of dollars and then take the money and go off grid, congratulations.
To me, having unbridled financial security, freedom from the worry of being able to provide the basic necessities for myself, would be so freeing psychologically.
If there was a way to do that, I'd consider life a blessing. But alas, life is just a curse for me at present.
Being and Time.
Literally, just fucking step outside, you moron.
My diary desu
Have you taken any steps towards that goal? I know for a fact there are people who live in solitude, providing only for themselves, outside society. They raise and hunt their own food, they take care of their own house. It can be done. What steps have you taken?
La société du spectacle
East of Eden
It's a practiced skill. Reading is not gonna help.
You could go read the guide on how to do an appendectomy, nobody would trust you to manage their appendicitis.
Alive by Piers Paul Read
The Andersonville Diary by John Ransom
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Coleridge
The Foundation for Exploration
How to bury your head in the sand 101
This, maybe.
Les Miserables
You are God's child.
Anna Karenina
It isn't. You deal with it bravely.
And books that tell you so are ignorant of the face of death that is waiting for each one of us. They profit off your miserable state of being.
100 years of solitude
If life lasted forever, we wouldn’t appreciate it, nor would it be worth living.
>perfectly nice and interesting
it's just a shitty Friedrich ripoff
Children who don't know shit about death appreciate life just fine.
You seem to already believe that life is a blessing. Only in life can you read such books.
Unironically every Dickens book
Tao Te Ching
Most cucked point of view. You people pretend as if this POV is somehow a way of conquering the fear of death, but if anything you just sound more scared than the rest of us. So scared that you've tried convincing yourself that death is good just to ease the pain. You're Stockholm Syndromed my dude.
try Epictetus instead
"Men are disturbed not by things, but by the views which they take of things. Thus death is nothing terrible, else it would have appeared so to Socrates. But the terror consists in our notion of death, that it is terrible."
the adding of clouds is also cringeworthy
I did but it was too cold.
This is very good, thank you.
No book can do it. In order to realise it's a blessing, you have to treat life as such and you'll start noticing the good things and opportunities in what is. It's all in the mindset and what you choose to look and aim for.
A friend and I were at dinner recently talking about this issue and what we had to figure is it's almost born in you. I don't think you can find that feeling. Some people just seem to have it. Obviously you don't come out of the womb all sunshines and blowjobs, but I think it takes a very specific series of life events and experiences to give someone that "glow."
We were mainly baffled by men who sit in layzboys all day watching TV in retirement. How do you not go insane/stircrazy. We all love to waste time but jesus. Have you ever met someone like that? Man in their late 50s early 60s, so still relatively able bodied, still of a sharp mind, but they just sit in a Lay-Z-Boy all day watching TV. For christs sake the thing LOOKS like a medical device, it probably was meant to be. It's like something for a hospice patient.
You just wanna grab them and be like "You know your time is limited right? So many people would kill to have the amount of free time you do, and this is what you're gonna do with it?" I know so many people who, if given the time a retired man has, would do so many amazing things.
I think it's an issue of aesthetics. If you can't already see just how god damn beautiful everything is, I just don't know what's gonna convince you. We came to the conclusion that it's just some fucked up lottery.